Journal Article
Specialized terminology reduces the number of citations of scientific papers
Martinez, A. and Mammola, S.
Record Number:
Procedings of the Royal Society B
288: 20202581
Words are the building blocks of communicating science. As our understanding
of the world progresses, scientific disciplines naturally enrich
their specialized vocabulary ( jargon). However, in the era of interdisciplinarity,
the use of jargon may hinder effective communication among scientists
that do not share a common scientific background. The question of how
jargon limits the transmission of scientific knowledge has long been debated
but rarely addressed quantitatively. We explored the relationship between
the use of jargon and citations, using 21 486 articles focusing on cave
research, a multidisciplinary field particularly prone to terminological
specialization, and where linguistic disagreement among peers is frequent.
We demonstrate a significant negative relationship between the proportion
of jargon words in the title and abstract and the number of citations a
paper receives. Given that these elements are the hook to readers, we urge
scientists to restrict jargon to sections of the paper where its use is
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