
Typhlachirus lipophthalmus

(Károli 1882) Chabanaud 1948

Typhlachirus lipophthalmus
Fresh coloration of Typhlachirus lipophthalmus (right, upper, side), ZRC 59653. 61.2 mm SL, shortly after capture. From Tan and Grinang (2021) with permission of H. H. Tan


Synaptura lipophthalma  Károli 1882


Malaysia: marine


Only a Holotype has been assigned: MNSB 1115 (whereabouts unknown).


Typhlachirus lipophthalmus is presently known only from Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo, having been recorded from the lower reaches of Sungai Sadong of the Sadong River basin (Tan and Grinang 2018 and present study) and from Sungai Kuap of the Sarawak River basin (Atack 2006). The range of Typhlachirus lipophthalmus is expected to be wider, pending further surveys of estuarine habitats in Borneo. See Map below for the distribution of all three species of Typhlachirus. Details and map from Tan and Grinang 2021).


An in-depth study of the fishes in the genus Typhlachirus is being carried out by Evseenko,S., Bolshakov,D., Bolshakova,Y., Kopylov-Guskov,Y. and Gordeeva,N. of the Laboratory of Population Genetics, Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow. Its title is: Taxonomic status of three nominal species of blind soles of the genus Typhlachirus Hardenberg (Family Soleidae) and it has been running since February 2021. See the Genbank entry for details of the work already carried out and Evseenko and Bolshakov (2018) for morphology and taxonomy of the genus.

Conservation Status


Munroe, T.A. 2021. Typhlachirus lipophthalmus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T170754344A170779875. Downloaded on 31 October 2021

Key References

Karoli, J. Book 1882 Prodromus piscium Asiae orientalis a domine Joanne Xantus annis 1868–70 collectorum
Hardenberg, J.D.F. Journal Article 1931 Some new or rare fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago
Hardenberg, J.D.F. Journal Article 1931 The fish fauna of the Rokan mouth
Hardenberg, J.D.F. Journal Article 1935 Some new or rare fishes of the Indo-Australian archipelago IV
Chabanaud, P. Journal Article 1939 Catalogue systématique et chorologique des Téléostéens dyssymétriques du Globe
Pellegrin J. and Chevey P. Journal Article 1940 Poissons nouveaux ou rares de Cochinchine. Description de deux espèces et de deux variétés
Chabanaud, P. Journal Article 1948 Morphologie et systematique des Soliedes affectes d’une atrophie plus ou moins complète de l’oeil migrateur
Desoutter, M., Munroe, T.A. and Chapleau, F. Journal Article 2001 Nomenclatural status of Brachirus Swainson, Synaptura Cantor and Euryglossa Kaup (Soleidae, Pleuronectiformes)
Lapierre, K.-L. Thesis 2007 Taxonomic Revision of the Genera Achiroides, Brachirus, Dexillus, and Paradicula (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae)
Chanet B. and Desoutter-Meniger, M. Journal Article 2008 French-English glossary of terms found in Chabanaud’s published works on Pleuronectiformes
Abidin, M. and Bintoro, A. Journal Article 2014 Hubungan panjang berat ikan lidah (Typhlachirus caecus) di perairan estuari Sungai Indragiri, Riau
Evseenko, S.A. and Bolshakov, D.V. Journal Article 2018 On the morphology of Mekong blind sole Typhlachirus elongatus (Soleidae) with notes on the taxonomy of the genus Typhlachirus
Atta, C.J. Thesis 2020 An exploration of speciation and genome-wide uncertainty in flatfishes based on exon-capture data
Tan, H.H. and Grinang, J. Journal Article 2021 Typhlachirus lipophthalmus, a rare eye-less sole from Borneo (Teleostei: Soleidae)
Herlan, H. Conference Paper 20?? Distribusi ukuran, hubungan panjang-berat dan faktor kondisi ikan lidah (Typhlochirus caecus) di perairan estuari sungai indragiri, Riau
Right (upper) side view of Typhlachirus lipophthalmus, ZRC 59653, 61.2 mm SL (note side of body bears abrasions from capture). From Tan and Grinang (2021) with permission of H. H. Tan
Left (lower) side view of Typhlachirus lipophthalmus, ZRC 59653, 61.2 mm SL. From Tan and Grinang (2021) with permission of H. H. Tan
Map of Southeast Asia showing distribution of Typhlachirus caecus (squares), T. elongatus (pentagons) and T. lipophthalmus (circle). White symbols are type localities; each symbol may present more than one location. Non-type locality of T. caecus from Abidin and Bontoro (2014). From Tan and Grinang (2021) with permission of H. H. Tan