
Ophisternon berlini

Arroyave, Angulo, Mar-Silva and Stiassny 2024





Costa Rica


Holotype: AMNH 281169, 163 mm TL, Costa Rica, Limo´ n, Siquirres, Reventazo´n-Parismina drainage basin, Destierro River sub-basin, swampy area within the premises of Las Brisas Nature Reserve, semidry muddy soil near artificial permanent
ponds, 1087034.1600N, 83836018.9700W, 247 masl

Paratypes: AMNH 281170 (1 tissue voucher [UCR-CTP 5731], 1 alc, 167þ mm TL [terminal elements of tail missing]), female, Costa Rica, Limo´n, Siquirres, Reventazo´n-Parismina drainage basin, Destierro River sub-basin, swampy area within the premises of Las Brisas Nature Reserve, 1087053.2200N, 83836011.9500W, 235 masl, Freddy Perez, Juan Chavez, and Erick Berlin, 18 June 2021; AMNH 281171 (2 tissue vouchers [JA2005, JA2006], 2 alc, 144–162 mm TL), Costa Rica, Limon,
Siquirres, Reventazon-Parismina drainage basin, Destierro River sub-basin, swampy area within the premises of Las Brisas Nature Reserve, 1087038.5300N, 83836014.7600W, Freddy Perez, Juan Chavez, and Erick Berlin, 6 February 2023; UCR 3321-001 (2 alc, 134–159 mm TL), Costa Rica, Limon, Siquirres, Reventazon-Parismina drainage basin, Destierro River subbasin, swampy area within the premises of Las Brisas Nature Reserve, 1087053.2200N, 83836011.9500W, 235 masl, Freddy
Perez, Juan Chavez, and Erick Berlin, 18 June 2021; UCR 3322-001 (1 alc, 142mmTL), same data as holotype.

Conservation Status


Key References

Arroyave, J., Angulo, A., Mar-Silva, A.F. and Stiassny, M.L.J. Journal Article 2024 A new endogean, dwarf, and troglomorphic species of Swamp Eel of the genus Ophisternon (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from Costa Rica: Evidence from comparative mitogenomic and anatomical data