
Garra dunsirei

Banister 1987

Garra dunsirei
Redrawn by Rhian Kendall from Banister (1987)






Holotype: BMNH 1984.3.6:571 68mm SL. Paratypes: BMNH 1984.3.6:572-576 34mm-49mm SL.


Known only from the type-locality: a "sink-hole" (= vertical limestone shaft) at Tawi Atair in the Jabal Qara (or Jabal Samhan) Mountains, Dhofar, Oman (17o06'N, 54o34'E). This is 600 km from the nearest population of primary freshwater fishes.


Nothing known. The 23 individuals so far known (6 types, 17 others) were all caught: "in a pool in a side passage 200m down the sink-hole..." (Banister 1987:59). No other information was given.


When first discoveved the only known population of G. dunsirei was so isolated from its congeners and any other freshwater fishes that its relationships could not be ascertained (Banister 1987). This situation is exacerbated by the fact that the paleohydrology of the area in which it is found is not known. As a member of the genus Garra it is included in the laebein lineage of the subfamily Cyprininae (Howes 1991). Lyon, Geiger and Freyhof (2016) described Garra sindhae from the same province as G. dunsirei and suggested that dunsirei, smartae and sindhae are closely related. This suggests a possibility that dunsirei may be evolved from one of the other two species, or, more likely, that all three share a common ancestor. This has now been confirmed with an integrated morphological and molecular (mitochondrial COI) study (Sayyadzadeh et al. 2023) which found that G. sindae and G. smartae are synonyms of G. dunsirei. What this means about the evolution of these three taxa from their common ancestor is not yet known.

Conservation Status

TLO [EN D:3.1:2015]

Harrison, I.J. 2015. Garra dunsirei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: Downloaded on 09 August 2017. R (IUCN 1990), R (IUCN 1993), VU D2 (IUCN 1996, 2000).

Museum Holdings

As above plus: BMNH 1984.3.6:577-579, BMNH 1986.8.21:33-35.

Key References

Banister, K.E. Journal Article 1987 Two new species of Garra (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) from the Arabian peninsula
Hanna, S.S. and Al-Belushi, M. Book 1996 Introduction to the caves of Oman
Feulner, GR Journal Article 1998 Wadi fish of the UAE
Krupp, F and Budd, K Journal Article 2009 A new species of the genus Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Oman
Sayyadzadeh, G., Esmaeili, H.R. and Freyhof, J. Journal Article 2015 Garra mondica, a new species from the Mond River drainage with remarks on the genus Garra from the Persian Gulf basin in Iran
Freyhof, J., Hamidan, N.A., Feulner, G.R. and Harrison, I. Book Section 2015 Chapter 3. The status and distribution of freshwater fishes of the Arabian Peninsula
García, N., Harrison, I., Cox, N. and Tognelli, M.F. Book 2015 The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the Arabian Peninsula.
Lyon, R.G., Geiger, M.F. and Freyhof, J. Journal Article 2016 Garra sindhi, a new species from the Jebel Samhan Nature Reserve in Oman (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
Bagheri, M., Goudarzi, F., Zalaghi, A.H. and Savabieasfahani, M. Journal Article 2016 Habitat characteristics and population size of Iranocypris typhlops, the Iran cave barb
Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Coad, B.W. and Eagderi, S. Journal Article 2016 Review of the genus Garra Hamilton, 1822 in Iran with description of a new species: a morpho-molecular approach (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Zamani, A. Journal Article 2017 A checklist of subterranean arthropods of Iran
Nebeshwar, K and Vishwanath, W Journal Article 2017 On the snout and oromandibular morphology of genus Garra, description of two new species from the Koladyne River basin in Mizoram, India, and redescription of G. manipurensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Esmaeili, H.R., Mehraban, H., Abbasi, K., Keivany, Y. and Coad, B. Journal Article 2017 Review and updated checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran: Taxonomy, distribution and conservation status
Englmaier, G.K., Viñuela Rodríguez, N., Waidbacher, H., Palandacic, A., Tesfaye, G., Gessl, W. and Meulenbroek, P. Journal Article 2020 New data on Garra makiensis (Cyprinidae, Labeoinae) from the Awash River (Ethiopia) with remarks on its relationships to congeners on the Arabian Peninsula
Freyhof, J., Els, J., Feulner, G.R., Hamidan, N.A. and Krupp, F. Book 2020 Freshwater fishes of the Arabian peninsula
Saemi-Komsari, M., Mousavi-Sabet, H., Sattari, M., Eagderi, S., Vatandoust, S. and Doadrio, I. Journal Article 2020 Descriptive osteology of Garra rossica (Nikolskii 1900)
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Keivany, Y., Dorafshan, S. and Zhang, E. Journal Article 2021 Two new species of Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from western Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe M. and Keivany Y. Journal Article 2021 Biodiversity and distribution of Garra species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe, M. and Keivany, Y. Journal Article 2021 Comparative osteology of two Garra species (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Hormuz and Sistan basins of Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Zhang, E. and Keivany, Y. Journal Article 2021 Garra hormuzensis, a new species from the upper Kol River drainage in the Persian Gulf basin (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Sayyadzadeh, G., Al Jufaili, S.M. and Esmaeili, H.R. Journal Article 2023 Species diversity deflation: Insight into taxonomic validity of Garra species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Dhofar Region in the Arabian Peninsula using an integrated morpho-molecular approach
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Abdolahi‑Mousavi, S.E., Birgani, A.A., Normandeau, E., Hallerman, E., Bernatchez, L. and Freyhof, J. Journal Article 2024 Distribution and conservation of subterranean fishes of Iran: insights from a new locality
Garra dunsirei. Photograph by Jorg Freyhof.