
Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi

Kottelat, M., Whitten, A.J., Kartikasari, S.N. and Wirjoatmodjo, S.

Record Number:
221 pages
Periplus Editions
Place Published:
Hong Kong
Times Cited:
Related Records:
Gunther, A. (1868)
Catalogue of fishes in the British Museum, Vol 7
Jacobson, E. (1912)
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Weber, M. and de Beaufort, M.L. (1916)
Indo-Australian fishes. Volume 3
Waltham, A.C., Smart, P., Friederich, H., Eavis, A.J. and Atkinson, T.C. (1983)
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Willis, R. G., Boothroyd, C. and Briggs, N. (1984)
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Kottelat, M., Whitten, A.J., Kartikasari, S.N. and Wirjoatmodjo, S. (1993)
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Doi, A. (1997)
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Kottelat, M. (1999)
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