Ancistrus galani
Perez and Viloria 1994

Siluriformes | Loricarioidei | Loricariidae |
Holotype: MBLUZ-04351, 37.3mm SL. Paratype: MCP-15634 55.8mm SL. (Details from Table 1 in Perez and Viloria (1994), the SL of the paratype is given elsewhere as 52.82mm).
Known only from the type locality: Cueva de Los Laureles (=Zu 31), Rio Socuy, Sierra de Perija, Zulia State, Venezuela (10o24’04”N, 72o27’42”W). The stygobitic trichomycterid Trichomycterus spelaeus inhabits a nearby system (DoNascimiento, Villarreal and Provenzano 2001)
The cave contains a population of Oilbirds which may provide a source of food. It is also inhabited by species of freshwater crabs in the genus Chaceus (Pseudothelphusidae) including Chaceus caecus which is stygomorphic and stygobitic. See Rodriguez and Bosque (1990) for further habitat details.
The most closely related species is Ancistrus bevifilis bodenhameri which lives in both epigean and hypogean habitats. There is a stygophilic population of this species on Cueva de Los Laureles. It is thought that A. galani evolved during the Pleistocene and that the current sympatry is due to the much more recent colonisation of the hypogean domain by Ancistrus bevifilis bodenhameri.
Conservation Status
Museum Holdings
As above only.
Internet Resources
Web page for the Family Loricariidae
Key References
- Rodriguez, G. and Bosque, C. (1990)
- Bleckmann, H., Niemann, U. and Fritzsch, B. (1991)
- Viloria, A., Herrera, F. and Galan, C. (1992)
- Perez, A. and Viloria, A. (1994)
- DoNascimiento, C., Villarreal, O. and Provenzano, F. (2001)
- Armbruster, J.W. (2004)
- Reis, R.E., Trajano, E. and Hingst-Zaher, E. (2006)
- Galán, C., Herrera, F. and Rincón, A. (2009)
- Lujan, N.K. and Armbruster, J.W. (2012)
- Mendes, I.S., Prosdocimi, F., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Furtado, C., Ferreira, R.L., .Pompeu, P.S. and Carvalho, D.C. (2019)
- Splendore de Borba, R., Mariotto, S., Centofante, L., Zawadzki C.H. and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. (2019)
- Glugoski, L., Deon, G., Schott, S., Vicari, M.R., Nogaroto, V. and Moreira-Filho, O. (2020)
- Meng, F., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Zhao, C., Xue, X., Xia, X., Zhu, X., Duan, Z., Liu, B. and Liu, Y. (2021)
- Santos da Silva, K., Glugoski, L., Vicari, M.R., de Souza, A.C.P., Noronha, R.C.R., Pieczarka, J.C. and Nagamachi, C.Y. (2022)
Rodriguez, G. and Bosque, C. | Journal Article | 1990 | A stygobiont crab Chaceus caecus n. sp. and its related stygophile species Chaceus motiloni Rodriguez, 1980 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pseudothelphusidae) from a cave in the Cordillera de Perija, Venezuela |
Bleckmann, H., Niemann, U. and Fritzsch, B. | Journal Article | 1991 | Peripheral and central aspects of the acoustic and lateral line system of a bottom dwelling catfish, Ancistrus sp. |
Viloria, A., Herrera, F. and Galan, C. | Journal Article | 1992 | Resultados preliminares del estudio del material biologico colectado en Mesa Turik y Cuenca del Rio Socuy |
Perez, A. and Viloria, A. | Journal Article | 1994 | Ancistrus galani n. sp. (Siluriforme: Loricariidae), with comments on biospeological explorations in western Venezuela |
DoNascimiento, C., Villarreal, O. and Provenzano, F. | Journal Article | 2001 | Descripcion de una nueve especie de bagre anoftalmo del genero Trichomycterus (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae), de una vueva de la Sierra de Perija, Venezuela |
Armbruster, J.W. | Journal Article | 2004 | Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae |
Reis, R.E., Trajano, E. and Hingst-Zaher, E. | Journal Article | 2006 | Shape variation in surface and cave populations of the armoured catfish Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the São Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River, Brazil. |
Galán, C., Herrera, F. and Rincón, A. | Journal Article | 2009 | Biodiversidad y biomasa global de la Cueva de Los Laureles (Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela) |
Lujan, N.K. and Armbruster, J.W. | Journal Article | 2012 | Morphological and functional diversity of the mandible in suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) |
Mendes, I.S., Prosdocimi, F., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Furtado, C., Ferreira, R.L., .Pompeu, P.S. and Carvalho, D.C. | Journal Article | 2019 | On the evolutionary origin of Neotropical cavefish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) based on the mitogenome and genetic structure of cave and surface populations |
Splendore de Borba, R., Mariotto, S., Centofante, L., Zawadzki C.H. and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. | Journal Article | 2019 | Molecular discrimination of Ancistrus lineages (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) using barcode DNA tool |
Glugoski, L., Deon, G., Schott, S., Vicari, M.R., Nogaroto, V. and Moreira-Filho, O. | Journal Article | 2020 | Comparative cytogenetic analyses in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) |
Meng, F., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Zhao, C., Xue, X., Xia, X., Zhu, X., Duan, Z., Liu, B. and Liu, Y. | Journal Article | 2021 | The first determination and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki (Siluriformes:Loricariidae) |
Santos da Silva, K., Glugoski, L., Vicari, M.R., de Souza, A.C.P., Noronha, R.C.R., Pieczarka, J.C. and Nagamachi, C.Y. | Journal Article | 2022 | Chromosomal diversification in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Inferred from repetitive sequence analysis |