
Lucifuga gibarensis

Hernandez, Moller, Casane and Garcia-Machado 2020



Lucifuga dentatus var. holguinensis  Diaz-Perez, Nieto and Abio 1987

Lucifuga holguinensis  Diaz-Perez, Nieto and Abio 1987 in this web site only

This species was originally described as a "variety" of Lucifuga dentatus as Lucifuga dentatus var. holguinensis (Perez, Nieto and Abio 1987). Molecular studies by Garcia- Machado et al. (2011) clearly showed that holguinensis is not a member of the clade dentatus, and is in fact as far from dentatus as it is possible to get within the tree generated from the data. In previous versions of this web site it was raised from varietal to specific status as Lucifuga holguinensis. However,this was contrary to Article 15.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature which forbids the use of varietal names after 1960. This issue has now been resolved by Hernandez et al. (2020) who describe this taxon as a new species, Lucifuga gibarensis




Holotype: MFP 18.000420 89.3mm SL, female.

Paratypes: MFP 18.000399, 69.3 mm SL, male, MFP 18.000278, 89.2 mm SL, male, ZMUC P771732, 45.0 mm SL, male.


Type locailty: Aguada de Macigo, Gibara, Holguin Province, Cuba (21°09'42"N, 76°14'55"W).

Known also from Laguna Grande, Tanque Azul (21°12'6"N, 76°13'59"W) and Cueva El Baga (21°11'51"N, 76°14'3"W), Zapata Pininsula, Holguin Province, Cuba.


No details. The paratype male was collected from a depth of 12m.

Conservation Status

MuG [NE]

Museum Holdings

As above only.

Key References

Lane, H. H. Journal Article 1903 The ovarian structure of the viviparous blind fishes Lucifuga and Stygicola
Lane, H. H. Journal Article 1908 On the ovary and ova of the Cuban cavefishes
Lane, H.H. Book Section 1909 On the overy and ova in Lucifuga and Stygicola
Wourms, J.P. Journal Article 1981 Viviparity: The maternal-fetal relationship in fishes
Diaz-Perez, P.A., Nieto, E. and Abio, G. Journal Article 1987 Peces ciegos del genero Lucifuga (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae) en dos casimbas cubanas
Hernández, D.A. Thesis 2005 Relaciones evolutivas de las especies del genéro Lucifuga (Ophidiiformes: Bythitidae) en Cuba
Garcia-Machado, E., Hernandez, D., Garcia-Debras, A., Chevalier-Monteagudo, P., Metcalfe, C., Bernatchez, L. and Casane, D. Journal Article 2011 Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the Cuban cave-fishes of the genus Lucifuga: Evidence for cryptic allopatric diversity
Moller, P.R., Knudsen, S.W., Schwarzhans, W. and Nielsen, J.G. Journal Article 2016 A new classification of viviparous brotulas (Bythitidae) – with family status for Dinematichthyidae – based on molecular, morphological and fossil data
Knudsen, S.W., Møller, P.R., Schwarzhans, W. and Nielsen, J.G. Journal Article 2016 Molecular, morphological and fossil input data for inferring relationship among viviparous brotulas (Bythitidae) – Resulting in a family status change for Dinematichthyidae
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Legendre, L., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Møller, P.R., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. Conference Paper 2019 Molecular decay of light-processing genes in cavefishes: assessing the effects of time, genome architecture and gene flow
Ditter, R.E., Erdman, R.B., Goebel, A.M. and Bracken-Grissom, H.D. Journal Article 2019 Widespread phenotypic hypervariation in the enigmatic anchialine shrimp Barbouria cubensis (Decapoda: Barbouriidae)
Ditter, R.E., Snyder, A.P., Schulman, S.E. and Bracken-Grissom, H.D. Journal Article 2019 Notes on the behavior and first records of three enigmatic anchialine shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Barbouriidae, Palaemonidae) in the Bahamas
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Naville, M., Dechaud, C., Volff, J.-M., Cabau, C., Klopp, C., Rask Møller, P., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. Journal Article 2020 Contrasted gene decay in subterranean vertebrates: insights from cavefishes and fossorial mammals
Hernández, D., Moller, P.R., Casane, D. and García-Machado, E. Journal Article 2020 A new species of the cave-fish genus Lucifuga (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae), from eastern Cuba
Ditter, R.E., Mejía-Ortíz, L.M. and Bracken-Grissom, H.D. Journal Article 2020 Anchialine adjustments: an updated phylogeny and classification for the family Barbouriidae Christoffersen 1987 (Decapoda: Caridea)
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Naville, M., Dechaud, C., Volff, J.-M., Cabau, C., Klopp, C., Rask Møller, P., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. Journal Article 2020 Contrasted gene decay in subterranean vertebrates: insights from cavefishes and fossorial mammals