Journal Article

Two new troglobitic species of Iansaoniscus from Brazilian caves (Crustacea, Isopoda, Pudeoniscidae)

Cardoso, G.M., Bastos-Pereira, R. and Ferreira, R.L.

Record Number:
Subterranean Biology
Iansaoniscus species are troglobitic terrestrial isopods of the Pudeoniscidae family. In this work two new species are described from caves in the Bahia state, northeastern Brazil; I. leilae sp. nov. from Toca do Gonçalo cave, in the municipality of Campo Formoso; and I. paulae sp. nov. from Lapa do Bode cave in the municipality of Itaeté. Additionally, ecological notes and conservation status are provided for both new species.
Times Cited:
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