Journal Article

Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment

Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E.

Record Number:
The subterranean environment harbors species that are not capable of establishing populations in the epigean environment, i.e., the obligatory subterranean species. These organisms live in a unique selective regime in permanent darkness and usually low food availability, high air humidity in terrestrial habitats, and low temperature range allied to other unique conditions related to lithologies and past climatic influences. The pressure to increase Brazil’s economic growth relies on agricultural/pastoral industries and exporting of raw materials such as iron, limestone, ethanol, soybean, cotton, and meat, as well as huge reservoir constructions to generate electricity. Mining (even on a small scale), agricultural expansion, and hydroelectric projects are extremely harmful to subterranean biodiversity, via the modification and even destruction of hypogean habitats. The Brazilian subterranean species were analyzed with respect to their distributions, presence on the IUCN Red List, and current and potential threats to hypogean habitats. A map and three lists are presented, one with the described obligatory subterranean species, one with undescribed taxa, and one with the current and potential threats to the hypogean environment. To date, 150 obligatory subterranean species have been recorded in Brazil, plus at least 156 undescribed troglomorphic taxa, totaling 306 Brazilian troglobites/obligatory cave fauna. We also analyzed the current and potential cave threats and the conservation actions that are underway to attempt to compensate for loss of these habitats. In according to the Brazilian legislation (Decree 6640) only caves of maximum relevance are fully protected. One strategy to protect the subterranean fauna of Brazil is the inclusion of these species in the IUCN Red List (one of attributes that determines maximum relevance for caves); however, one of the IUCN assumptions is that the taxa must be formally described. It is clear that the description and proposed protection of Brazilian subterranean biodiversity depends on more systematics studies.
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Trajano, E. and Britski, H. A. (1993)
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Trajano, E. (1994)
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Trajano, E. and Menna-Barreto, L. (1995)
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Hoenen, S. (1996)
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Buckup, P.A. (1998)
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Reis, R.E. (1998)
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de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)
Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
Gerhard, P. (1999)
Ecologia de populacoes e compartmento de quatro especies de bagres Heptapterinae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) em riachos do Alto Vale do rio Ribeira (Iporanga, Sao Paulo)
Romero, A. and McLeran, A. (2000)
Threatened fishes of the world: Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Bohlke, 1965 (Characidae)
Trajano, E. and Bockmann, F.A. (2000)
Ecology and behaviour of a new cave catfish of the genus Taunayia from north-eastern Brazil (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae)
Bessa, E. and Trajano, E. (2001)
Light reaction and cryptobiotic habits in two cave-dwelling Brazilian armoured catfishes, genus Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Bessa, E. and Trajano, E. (2001)
Light recation and cryptobiotic habitats in armoured catfishes, genus Ancistrus, from caves in central and north-eastern Brazil
Albert, J.S. (2001)
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Bessa, E. and Trajano, E. (2001)
Light reaction and cryptobiotic habits in two cave-dwelling Brazilian armoured catfishes, genus Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Moller, D. and Parzefall, J. (2001)
Single or multiple origin of the subterranean catfish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus. What we can learn from molecular data
Trajano, E. (2001)
Habitat and population data of troglobitic armored cave catfish, Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, 1987, from central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Bichuette, M.E. (2001)
Populational study and compared behaviour of Eigenmannia species from Goias, Central Brazil (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae)
Bessa, E. and Trajano, E. (2001)
Light recation and cryptobiotic habitats in armoured catfishes, genus Ancistrus, from caves in central and north-eastern Brazil
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
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Trajano, E and Reis, RE (2002)
Geometric morphometric study of epigean and cave populations of armoured catfish genus Ancistrus from the Sao Domingos karst area, upper Tocantins basin, central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Fernandez, L. and Bichuette, M.E. (2002)
A new cave dwelling species of Ituglanis from the Sao Domingos karst, central Brazil (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae)
Britto, M. (2003)
Phylogeny of the subfamily Corydoradinae Hoedeman, 1952 (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae), with a definition of its genera
Trajano, E. (2003)
Ecology and ethology of subterranean catfishes
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E (2003)
Epigean and subterranean ichthyofauna from the Sao Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River basin, central Brazil
Reis, R.E., Kullander, S.O. and Ferraris, C.J. (2003)
Checklist of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America
Bichuette, M.E. (2003)
Distribuicao, biologia, ecologia populacional e comportamento de peixes subterraneos, generos Ituglanis (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) e Eigenmannia (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) da area carstica de Sao Domingos, nordeste de Goias
Trajano, E. (2003)
Ecology and ethology of subterranean catfishes
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E (2003)
Epigean and subterranean ichthyofauna from the Sao Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River basin, central Brazil
Trajano, E, Reis, RE and Bichuette, ME (2004)
Pimelodella spelaea: A new cave catfish from central Brazil, with data on ecology and evolutionary considerations
Shimabukuro-Dias, C.K, Oliveira, C., Reis, R.E. and Foresti, F. (2004)
Molecular phylogeny of the armored catfish family Callichthyidae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes)
Armbruster, J.W. (2004)
Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae
Armbruster, J.W. (2004)
Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae
Armbruster, J.W. (2004)
Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae
Moreira, C.R., Bichuette, M.E., Oyakawa, O.T., de Pinna, M.C.C. and Trajano, E. (2004)
Rediscovery of Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke, 1965, an enigmatic subterranean characiform fish from Jaiba karst area, eastern Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)
New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Moyses, C.B., Mockford, S., Almeida-Toledo, F. and Wright, J.M. (2005)
Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Neotropical electric eel Eigenmannia (Teeleostei: Gymnotiformes)
Britto, M.R., Lima, F.C.T. and Santos, A.C.A. (2005)
A new Aspidoras (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) from rio Paraguaçu basin, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2005)
A new subterranean catfish, genus Rhamdia, from Brazil (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) with notes on ecology
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2005)
A new cave species of Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from Serra do Ramalho, northeatern Brazil, with notes on ecology and behaviour
Ribeiro, AC (2006)
Tectonic history and the biogeography of freshwater fishes from the coastal drainages of eastern Brazil: an example of faunal evolution associated with a divergent continental margin
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2006)
Morphology and distribution of the cave knifefish Eigenmannia vicentespelaea Triques, 1996 (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from central Brazil, with expanded diagnosis and comments on subterranean evolution
Reis, R.E., Trajano, E. and Hingst-Zaher, E. (2006)
Shape variation in surface and cave populations of the armoured catfish Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the São Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River, Brazil.
Reis, R.E., Trajano, E. and Hingst-Zaher, E. (2006)
Shape variation in surface and cave populations of the armoured catfish Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the São Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River, Brazil.
Reis, R.E., Trajano, E. and Hingst-Zaher, E. (2006)
Shape variation in surface and cave populations of the armoured catfish Ancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the São Domingos karst area, Upper Tocantins River, Brazil.
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2007)
Population ecology of cave armoured catfish, Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis 1987, from central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Moreira, C.R. (2007)
Relações filogenéticas na ordem Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi)
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)
A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Serra, J.P., Carvalho, F.R. and Langeani, F. (2007)
Ichthyofauna of the rio Itatinga in the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga, São Paulo State: composition and biogeography
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)
A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Cordeiro, L.M (2008)
Fauna cavernıcola da Serra da Bodoquena: revisao bibliografica e um estudo de ecologia de comunidades.
Borghezan, R. (2008)
Caracterizacao da ictiocenose em poc¸oes da Gruta das Fadas e aspectos biologicos de Rhamdia sp. (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) e Ancistrus sp. (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul.
Trajano, E. (2008)
Pimelodella kronei (Ribeiro, 1907)
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)
Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Felice, V., Visconti, M.A. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Mechanisms of pigmentation loss in subterranean fishes
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)
The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Felice, V., Visconti, M.A. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Mechanisms of pigmentation loss in subterranean fishes
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)
Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Mattox, T., Mendes, G., Bichuette, M.E., Secutti, S. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Surface and subterranean ichthyofauna in the Serra do Ramalho karst area, northeastern Brazil, with updated lists of Brazilian troglobitic and troglophilic fishes
Moreira, C.R. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke, 1965
Bichuette, M.E. (2008)
Eigenmannia vicentespelaea Triques 1996
Borghezan, R. (2008)
Caracterizacao da ictiocenose em poc¸oes da Gruta das Fadas e aspectos biologicos de Rhamdia sp. (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) e Ancistrus sp. (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul.
Monteiro, A.G.D.P., Guerreiro, M.C., Ferreira, R.L. and Pinto, L.M.A. (2009)
Avaliação do perfil lipídico de peixes cavernícolas
Oyakawa, O.T., Menezes, N.A., Shibatta, O.A., Lima, F.C.T., Langeani, F., Pavanelli, C.S., Nielsen, D.T.B. and Hilsdorf, A.W.S. (2009)
Peixes de agua doce
Secutti, S. and Trajano, E. (2009)
Reproductive behavior, development and eye regression in the cave armored catfish, Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, 1987 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), breed in laboratory
Trajano, E., Secutti, S. and Bichuette, M.E. (2009)
Populatioin decline in a Brazilian cave catfish, Trichomycterus itacarambiensis Trajano and Pinna, 1996 (Siluriformes): reduced flash flood as a probable cause
Sampaio, F. A. C. (2009)
Capacidade natatória de peixes epígeos e hipógeos: aspectos ecológicos e evolutivos
Nogueira, C., Buckup, P.A., Menezes, N.A., Oyakawa, O.T., Kasecker, T.P., Ramon Neto, M.B. and da Silva, J.M.C. (2010)
Restricted-range fishes and the conservation of Brazilian freshwaters
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Langeani, F. and Serra, J.P. (2010)
Coptobrycon bilineatus (Ellis, 1911) (Characiformes: Characidae): redescription and comments on its phylogenetic relationships
Nogueira, C., Buckup, P.A., Menezes, N.A., Oyakawa, O.T., Kasecker, T.P., Ramon Neto, M.B. and da Silva, J.M.C. (2010)
Restricted-range fishes and the conservation of Brazilian freshwaters
Mirande, J.M. (2010)
Phylogeny of the family Characidae (Teleostei: Characiformes): from characters to taxonomy
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Pompeu, P.S., Sampaio, F.A.C. and Ferreira, R.L. (2010)
Focus on: Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Boehlke, 1965
Moreira, C.R., Bichuette, M.E., Oyakawa, O.T., de Pinna, M.C.C. and Trajano, E. (2010)
Rediscovery and redescription of the unusual subterranean characiform Stygichthys typhlops, with notes on its life history
Bockmann, F.A. and Castro, R.M.C. (2010)
The blind catfishes from the caves of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae): description, anatomy, phylogenetic relationships, natural history and biogeography
Secutti, S, Reis, R.E. and Trajano, E. (2011)
Differentiating cave Aspidoras catfish from a karst area of Central Brazil, upper rio Tocantins basin (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae)
Oliveira, C., Avelino, G.S., Abe, K.T., Mariguela, T.C., Benine, R.C., Orti, G., Vari, R.P. and Correa e Castro, R.M. (2011)
Phylogenetic relationships within the speciose family Characidae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Characiformes) based on multilocus analysis and extensive ingroup sampling
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2012)
A lista de fauna ameaçada de extinção e os entraves para a Inclusão de espécies – o exemplo dos peixes troglóbios Brasileiros
Dazzani, B., Garcia, C., Peixoto, M., Trajano, E. and de Almeida-Toledo, L.F. (2012)
Cytogenetic and molecular analyses in troglobitic and epigean species of Pimelodella (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from Brazil
Dazzani, B., Garcia, C., Peixoto, M., Trajano, E. and de Almeida-Toledo, L.F. (2012)
Cytogenetic and molecular analyses in troglobitic and epigean species of Pimelodella (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from Brazil
Trajano, E., Ueno, J.C.H. and Menna-Barreto, L. (2012)
Evolution of time-control mechanisms in subterranean organisms: cave fishes under light-dark cycles (Teleostei: Siluriformes, Characiformes)
Lujan, N.K. and Armbruster, J.W. (2012)
Morphological and functional diversity of the mandible in suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Trajano, E., Ueno, J.C.H. and Menna-Barreto, L. (2012)
Evolution of time-control mechanisms in subterranean organisms: cave fishes under light-dark cycles (Teleostei: Siluriformes, Characiformes)
Lujan, N.K. and Armbruster, J.W. (2012)
Morphological and functional diversity of the mandible in suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Sampaio, F.A.C., Pompeu, P.S. and Ferreira, R.L. (2012)
Notes on Stygichthys typhlops (Characiformes; Characidae): characterization of their teeth and discussion about their diet
Lujan, N.K. and Armbruster, J.W. (2012)
Morphological and functional diversity of the mandible in suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Sampaio, F.A.C., Pompeu, P.S., de Andrade e Santos, H. and Ferreira, R.L. (2012)
Swimming performance of epigeal and hypogeal species of Characidae, with an emphasis on the troglobiotic Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke 1965
Hattori, N. (2012)
Fauna Subterranea da Gruna do Enfurnado
Guil, A.L.F. and Trajano, E. (2013)
Dinâmica populacional do bagre cego de Iporanga, Pimelodella kronei: 70 anos de estudo
Cordeiro, L.M., Borghezan, R. and Trajano, E. (2013)
Distribuição, riqueza e conservação dos peixes troglóbios da Serra da Bodoquena, MS (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Distribution, richness and conservation of troglobitic fishes from Serra da Bodoquena, MS (Teleostei)
Borghezan. R. (2013)
Ecologia populacional e cornportamento de peixes subterraneos, Rhamdia sp. n. e Ancistrus sp. n. da area carstica da Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae, Loricariidae)
von Schimonsky, D.M. and Bichuette, M.E. (2013)
A expressão do comportamento agonístico em Ituglanis ramiroi Bichuette and Trajano 2004 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) e sua aplicação para conservação
Cordeiro, L.M., Borghezan, R. and Trajano, E. (2013)
Distribuição, riqueza e conservação dos peixes troglóbios da Serra da Bodoquena, MS (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Distribution, richness and conservation of troglobitic fishes from Serra da Bodoquena, MS (Teleostei)
Borghezan. R. (2013)
Ecologia populacional e cornportamento de peixes subterraneos, Rhamdia sp. n. e Ancistrus sp. n. da area carstica da Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae, Loricariidae)
von Schimonsky, D.M. and Bichuette, M.E. (2013)
A expressão do comportamento agonístico em Ituglanis ramiroi Bichuette and Trajano 2004 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) e sua aplicação para conservação
Friedrich, M. (2013)
Biological clocks and visual systems in cave-adapted animals at the dawn of speleogenomics
Bastos, V.A.A., Ferreira, R.L., de Carvalho, D.C., Pugedo, M.L. and Pinto, L.D.A. (2013)
The cave environment influencing the lipid profile and hepatic lipogenesis of the fish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, 1987 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Simoes, L.B., Rantin, B. and Bichuette, M.E. (2013)
Notes on feeding and reproduction of the threatened phreatic fish Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Bohlke, 1965 (Characiformes: Characidae) from eastern Brazil
Trajano, E. and Moreira, C.R. (2014)
Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke, 1965 (Teleostei: Characiformes), a phreatobic fish from eastern Brazil: Comments on Sampaio et al. (2012)
Pompeu, P.S., Sampaio, F.A.C. and Ferreira, R.L. (2014)
Stygichthys typhlops (Teleostei: Characiformes), a phreatobic fish from eastern Brazil: Comments on Sampaio et al. (2012): A response
Sarmiento, J., Bigorne, R., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M., Maldonado, M., Leciak, E. and Oberdorff, T. (2014)
Peces de Bolivia Bolivian fishes
Cordeiro, L.M., Borghezan, R. and Trajano, E. (2014)
Subterranean biodiversity in the Serra da Bodoquena karst area, Paraguay river basin, Mato Grosso do Sul, Southwestern Brazil
Cordeiro, L.M., Borghezan, R. and Trajano, E. (2014)
Subterranean biodiversity in the Serra da Bodoquena karst area, Paraguay river basin, Mato Grosso do Sul, Southwestern Brazil
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2015)
Population density and habitat of an endangered cave fish Eigenmannia vicentespelaea Triques, 1996 (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes) from a karst area in central Brazil
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2015)
Taxonomic distinctness and conservation of a new high biodiversity subterranean area in Brazil
Peixoto, L.A.W., Dutra, G.M. and Wosiacki, W.B. (2015)
The Electric Glass Knifefishes of the Eigenmannia trilineata species-group (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae): monophyly and description of seven new species
Bichuette, M.E., Rantin, B., Hingst-Zaher, E. and Trajano, E. (2015)
Geometric morphometrics throws light on evolution of the subterranean catfish Rhamdiopsis krugi (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) in eastern Brazil
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)
Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Souza-Silva, M. and Ferreira, R.L. (2016)
The first two hotspots of subterranean biodiversity in South America
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Tencatt, L.F.C. and Bichuette, M.E. (2017)
Aspidoras mephisto, new species: The first troglobitic Callichthyidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from South America
Tencatt, L.F.C., dos Santos, B.F. and Bichuette, M.E. (2017)
First report of armoured catfishes Callichthyinae Bonapart, 1838 (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) in the subterranean domain of northern and northeastern Brazil
Ferraris, C.J., de Santana, C.D. and Vari, R.P. (2017)
Checklist of Gymnotiformes (Osteichthyes: Ostariophysi) and catalogue of primary types
Slobodian, V. (2017)
Taxonomic revision of Pimelodella Eigenmann and Eigenmann 1888 (Silutiformes, Heptapteridae): An integrative proposal to delimit species using a multidisciplinary strategy
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)
Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Slobodian, V. (2017)
Taxonomic revision of Pimelodella Eigenmann and Eigenmann 1888 (Silutiformes, Heptapteridae): An integrative proposal to delimit species using a multidisciplinary strategy
Fortune, E., Andanar, N., Madhav, M., Jayakumar, R., Cowan, N., Bichuette, M.L. and Soares, D. (2017)
Differences in electromotor behaviors in blind electric cavefish and their surface relatives
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2017)
Biology and behavior of Eigenmannia vicentespelaea, a troglobitic electric fish from Brazil (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae): a comparison to the epigean species, E. trilineata, and the consequences of cave life
Lin, R., Ge, J., Tran, P., Alberto Perea, L., Toole, R. and Fok, M.P. (2018)
Biomimetic photonics: jamming avoidance system in Eigenmannia
Waltz, B.T. and Albert, J.S. (2018)
Family Sternopygidae - Glass knifefishes, Rattail knifefishes
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Mirande, J.M. (2018)
Morphology, molecules and the phylogeny of Characidae (Teleostei, Characiformes)
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Bichuette, M.E., Gimenez, E.A., Arnone, I.S. and Trajano, E. (2018)
An important site for conservation of bats in Brazil: Passa Três cave, São Domingos karst area, with an updated checklist for Distrito Federal (DF) and Goiás state
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Slobodian, V. and Pastana, M.N.L. (2018)
Description of a new Pimelodella (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) species with a discussion on the upper pectoral girdle homology of Siluriformes
Slobodian, V. and Pastana, M.N.L. (2018)
Description of a new Pimelodella (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) species with a discussion on the upper pectoral girdle homology of Siluriformes
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Pupo, F.M. and Britto, M.R. (2018)
Comparative gross encephalon morphology in Callichthyidae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Waltz, B.T. (2019)
Systematics and evolution of the Glass Knifefishes Eigenmannia (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae): Cryptic diversity in a morphologically-conserved group
Roxo, F.F., Ochoa, L.E., Sabaj, M.H., Lujan, N.K., Covain, R., Silva, G.S.C., Melo, B.F., Albert, J.S., Chang, J., Foresti, F., Alfaro, M.E. and Oliveira, C. (2019)
Phylogenomic reappraisal of the Neotropical catfish family Loricariidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using ultraconserved elements
Soares, D., Andanar, N., Madhav, M., Jayakumar, R., Cowan, N., Bichuette, B. and Fortune, E.S. (2019)
Differences in electrosocial behavior in troglobitic and epigean Eigenmannia
Splendore de Borba, R., Mariotto, S., Centofante, L., Zawadzki C.H. and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. (2019)
Molecular discrimination of Ancistrus lineages (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) using barcode DNA tool
Splendore de Borba, R., Mariotto, S., Centofante, L., Zawadzki C.H. and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. (2019)
Molecular discrimination of Ancistrus lineages (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) using barcode DNA tool
Splendore de Borba, R., Mariotto, S., Centofante, L., Zawadzki C.H. and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. (2019)
Molecular discrimination of Ancistrus lineages (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) using barcode DNA tool
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)
Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Mendes, I.S., Prosdocimi, F., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Furtado, C., Ferreira, R.L., .Pompeu, P.S. and Carvalho, D.C. (2019)
On the evolutionary origin of Neotropical cavefish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) based on the mitogenome and genetic structure of cave and surface populations
Mendes, I.S., Prosdocimi, F., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Furtado, C., Ferreira, R.L., .Pompeu, P.S. and Carvalho, D.C. (2019)
On the evolutionary origin of Neotropical cavefish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) based on the mitogenome and genetic structure of cave and surface populations
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)
A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Mendes, I.S., Prosdocimi, F., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Furtado, C., Ferreira, R.L., .Pompeu, P.S. and Carvalho, D.C. (2019)
On the evolutionary origin of Neotropical cavefish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) based on the mitogenome and genetic structure of cave and surface populations
Peixoto, L.A.W. and Ohara, W.M. (2019)
A new species of Eigenmannia Jordan & Evermann (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from rio Tapajo´s, Brazil, with discussion on its species group and the myology within Eigenmanniinae
Fernandes, C.S., Batalha, M.A., Bichuette, M.E. (2019)
Dark diversity in the dark: a new approach to subterranean conservation
Pereira, E.H.L., de A. Santos, A.C., de Pinna, M.C.C. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
An enigmatic new Loricariid (Actinopterygii:Siluriformes) from relictual upper reaches of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil
Pastana, M.N.L., Bockmann, F.A. and Datovo, A. (2019)
The cephalic lateral-line system of Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): anatomy and phylogenetic implications
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Crampton, W.G.R. (2019)
Electroreception, electrogenesis and electric signal evolution
Bichuette, M.E., Simões, L.B., Zepon, T., von Schimonsky, D.M. and Gallão, J.E. (2019)
Richness and taxonomic distinctness of cave invertebrates from the northeastern state of Goiás, central Brazil: a vulnerable and singular area
Bichuette, M.E., Simões, L.B., Zepon, T., von Schimonsky, D.M. and Gallão, J.E. (2019)
Richness and taxonomic distinctness of cave invertebrates from the northeastern state of Goiás, central Brazil: a vulnerable and singular area
Fortune, E.S., Andanar, N., Madhav, M., Jayakumar, R., Cowan, N.J., Bichuette, M.E. and Soares, D. (2019)
Spooky interaction at a distance in cave and surface dwelling electric fishes
Bichuette, M.E., Simões, L.B., Zepon, T., von Schimonsky, D.M. and Gallão, J.E. (2019)
Richness and taxonomic distinctness of cave invertebrates from the northeastern state of Goiás, central Brazil: a vulnerable and singular area
Bichuette, M.E., Simões, L.B., Zepon, T., von Schimonsky, D.M. and Gallão, J.E. (2019)
Richness and taxonomic distinctness of cave invertebrates from the northeastern state of Goiás, central Brazil: a vulnerable and singular area
Betancur-R.R., Arcila, D., Vari, R.P. et al. (2019)
Phylogenomic incongruence, hypothesis testing, and taxonomic sampling: the monophyly of characiform fishes
Glugoski, L., Deon, G., Schott, S., Vicari, M.R., Nogaroto, V. and Moreira-Filho, O. (2020)
Comparative cytogenetic analyses in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Glugoski, L., Deon, G., Schott, S., Vicari, M.R., Nogaroto, V. and Moreira-Filho, O. (2020)
Comparative cytogenetic analyses in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Glugoski, L., Deon, G., Schott, S., Vicari, M.R., Nogaroto, V. and Moreira-Filho, O. (2020)
Comparative cytogenetic analyses in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
Terán, G.E., Benitez, M.F. and Mirande, J.M. (2020)
Opening the Trojan horse: phylogeny of Astyanax, two new genera and resurrection of Psalidodon (Teleostei: Characidae)
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Tencatt, L.F.C., Muriel-Cunha, J., Zuanon, J., Ferreira, M.F.C. and Britto, M.R. (2020)
A journey through the Amazon Middle Earth reveals Aspidoras azaghal (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae), a new species of armoured catfish from the rio Xingu basin, Brazil
Sampaio, F.A.C., Rufino, M.S., Pompeu, P.S., Santos, H.A. and Ferreira, R.L. (2020)
Hydraulic flow resistance of epigean and hypogean fish of the family Trichomycteridae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes)
Grempel, R.G., Trajano, E. and Visconti, M.A. (2020)
Regression of dark color in subterranean fishes involves multiple mechanisms: response to hormones and neurotransmitters
Grempel, R.G., Trajano, E. and Visconti, M.A. (2020)
Regression of dark color in subterranean fishes involves multiple mechanisms: response to hormones and neurotransmitters
Meng, F., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Zhao, C., Xue, X., Xia, X., Zhu, X., Duan, Z., Liu, B. and Liu, Y. (2021)
The first determination and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki (Siluriformes:Loricariidae)
Meng, F., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Zhao, C., Xue, X., Xia, X., Zhu, X., Duan, Z., Liu, B. and Liu, Y. (2021)
The first determination and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki (Siluriformes:Loricariidae)
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)
The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Dutra, G.M., Peixoto, L.A.W., Abrahão, V.P., Wosiacki, W.B., Menezes, N.A. and de Santana, C.D. (2021)
Morphology-based phylogeny of Eigenmanniinae Mago-Leccia 1978 (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae), with a new classification.
Bichuette, M.E. and Gallão, J.E. (2021)
Under the surface: what we know about the threats to subterranean fishes in Brazil
Peixoto, L.A.W., Pastana, M.N.L. and Ballen, G.A. (2021)
New species of glass knifefish genus Eigenmannia (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) with comments on the morphology and function of the enlarged cephalic lateral-line canals of Sternopygidae
Bichuette, M.E. and Gallão, J.E. (2021)
Under the surface: what we know about the threats to subterranean fishes in Brazil
Meng, F., Yin, X., Zhang, T., Zhao, C., Xue, X., Xia, X., Zhu, X., Duan, Z., Liu, B. and Liu, Y. (2021)
The first determination and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki (Siluriformes:Loricariidae)
Ford, K.L. and Albert, J.S. (2022)
Is the medium the message? Functional diversity across abiotic gradients in freshwater electric fishes. Electric fish functional diversity
Santos da Silva, K., Glugoski, L., Vicari, M.R., de Souza, A.C.P., Noronha, R.C.R., Pieczarka, J.C. and Nagamachi, C.Y. (2022)
Chromosomal diversification in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Inferred from repetitive sequence analysis
Santos da Silva, K., Glugoski, L., Vicari, M.R., de Souza, A.C.P., Noronha, R.C.R., Pieczarka, J.C. and Nagamachi, C.Y. (2022)
Chromosomal diversification in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Inferred from repetitive sequence analysis
Santos da Silva, K., Glugoski, L., Vicari, M.R., de Souza, A.C.P., Noronha, R.C.R., Pieczarka, J.C. and Nagamachi, C.Y. (2022)
Chromosomal diversification in Ancistrus species (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) Inferred from repetitive sequence analysis
Araya-Jaime, C.A., Mazzoni Zerbinato de Andrade Silva, D., Ribeiro da Silva, L.R., Neves do Nascimento, C., Oliveira, C., Foresti, F. (2022)
Karyotype description and comparative chromosomal mapping of rDNA and U2 snDNA sequences in Eigenmannia limbata and E. microstoma (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes, Sternopygidae)
Peixoto, L.A.W. and de Pinna, M. (2022)
Patterns of diversification and phylogenetic structure in the dorsolateral head musculature of Neotropical electric eels (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes), with a myological synonymy
Cardoso, G.M., Bastos-Pereira, R. and Ferreira, R.L. (2022)
Two new troglobitic species of Iansaoniscus from Brazilian caves (Crustacea, Isopoda, Pudeoniscidae)
Soares, D. (2022)
Evolutionary insights and constraints from the nervous systems and behavior of cavefish
Tencatt, L.F.C., Britto, M.R., Isbrücker, I.J.H. and Pavanelli, C.S. (2022)
Taxonomy of the armored catfish genus Aspidoras (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) revisited, with the description of a new species
Campos-Filho, I.S., Gallo, J.S., Gallão, J.E., Torres, D.F., Horta, L., Carpio-Díaz, Y.M., López-Orozco, C.M., Borja-Arrieta, R., Aguiar, J.O. and Bichuette, M.E. (2022)
Unique and fragile diversity emerges from Brazilian caves – two new amphibious species of Xangoniscus Campos-Filho, Araujo and Taiti, 2014 (Oniscidea, Styloniscidae) from Serra do Ramalho karst area, state of Bahia, Brazil
Campos-Filho, I.S., Gallo, J.S., Gallão, J.E., Torres, D.F., Horta, L., Carpio-Díaz, Y.M., López-Orozco, C.M., Borja-Arrieta, R., Aguiar, J.O. and Bichuette, M.E. (2022)
Unique and fragile diversity emerges from Brazilian caves – two new amphibious species of Xangoniscus Campos-Filho, Araujo and Taiti, 2014 (Oniscidea, Styloniscidae) from Serra do Ramalho karst area, state of Bahia, Brazil
Arcila, D., Rincon-Sandoval, M., Hanson, W., Hart, P.B., González, V.L., Betancur-R, R. and Bichuette, M.E. (2023)
Transcriptomic analysis of the Brazilian blind characid, Stygichthys typhlops, reveals convergent selection with Astyanax mexicanus and other cavefishes
Aparecida de Oliveira, L., Hoyos-Benjumea, D., Zepon, T. , Bichuette, M.E. and Vieira, L. (2023)
New records of ground beetles genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritinae: Clivinini) from Brazilian caves
Soares, D., Gallman, K., Bichuette, M.E. and Fortune, E.S. (2023)
Adaptive shift of active electroreception in weakly electric fish for troglobitic life
Quintela, F.M., Teixeira, T.F. and Dos Santos Pompeu, P. (2023)
The ichthyofauna of streams and lakes of Lagoa Santa Karst, Minas Gerais state, Brazil
Bonato, L. and Ferreira. R.L. (2023)
Assessing troglomorphic and phylogenetically informative traits in troglobionts: a new cave‑dwelling centipede illuminates the evolution of a soil‑dwelling lineage (Chilopoda: Geophilidae)
Arroyave, J., Angulo, A., Hernández-Ávila, S.G., Buenavad-González, M.A., Rojas-Rodríguez.. P., Deleva, S., Ulloa, A., Picq, S., and McMahan, C.D. (2024)
New vouchered and taxonomically verified records of cave-dwelling populations of catfishes of the genus Rhamdia (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) from Costa Rica
Bichuette, M.E. (2024)
It’s time for dinner, a particular and seasonal feeding habit of a threatened troglobitic Catfish from Brazil, Rhamdiopsis krugi Bockmann and Castro 2010 (Ostaryophysi, Siluriformes)
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)
Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes
Melo, B.F., Ota, R.P., Benine, R.C., Carvalho, F.R., Lima, F.C.T., Mattox, G.M.T., Souza, C.S., Faria, T.C., Reia, L., Roxo, F.F., Valdez-Moreno, M., Near, T.J., et al. (2024)
Phylogenomics of Characidae, a hyper-diverse Neotropical freshwater fish lineage, with a phylogenetic classification including four families (Teleostei: Characiformes)
Dutra, G.M., Peixoto, L.A.W., Donin, L.M., de Santana, C.D. amd Menezes, N.A. (2024)
Integrative taxonomy reveals a new species of the glass knifefish genus Eigenmannia Jordan & Evermann, 1896 (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from the Rio Branco basin, Brazil