Journal Article

Considerations about systematics and the evolution of behavior in Siluriform cave fishes

Trajano, E.

Record Number:
Memoirs de Biospeologie
Short Title:
Considerations about systematics and the evolution of behavior in Siluriform cave fishes
Alternate Journal:
Memoirs de Biospeologie
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Related Records:
Miranda Ribeiro, A. de (1907)
Typhlobagrus kronei
Eigenmann, C. H. (1917)
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Leonardos, O. H. (1937)
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Pavan, C. (1945)
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Pavan, C. (1946)
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Trajano, E. (1993)
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Trajano, E. (1993)
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Hoenen, S. (1996)
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Ribeiro, AC (2006)
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