
Sinocyclocheilus microphthalmus

Li 1989

Sinocyclocheilus microphthalmus
Redrawn by Rhian Kendall from Li (1989)


Anchicyclocheilus halfibindus  Li and Lan 1992

Sinocyclocheilus halfibindus  (Li and Lan 1992) Wang and Chen 1998




Holotype: TMNH 8650212, 108.1mm SL. Paratypes (12): TMNH 8650211, 8650213-8650223, 55.5mm - 123.36mm SL. All paratypes except 8650221 and 8650222 are kept with the holotype. The latter two are kept at the Guangxi Museum.


Known only from the type locality: Shadong Cave, Lingyun County, Guangxi, China (24o20’N, 106o32’E). This species coexists at the type locality with Sinocyclocheilus lingyunensis and Triplophysa lingyunensis This in one of only two known instances where three troglobitic fishes are found together, the other being Garra typhlops, Garra lorestanensis and Eidinemacheilius smithi in Iran.


No details known.


A member of the subfamily Barbinae. Most closely related to Sinocyclocheilus jii which may be a troglophilic species (Chen and Yang, 1993b). Wang and Chen (1998) revised the diagnosis of the genus Sinocyclocheilus.

Biological Notes

Shadong Cave also contains a very troglomorphic crustacean Macrobrachium lingyunense Li, Cai and Clarke, 2006 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) (Pan, Hou and Li 2010).

Conservation Status

TLO [VU D2:2.3:1996]

(Kottelat, M. 1996. Sinocyclocheilus microphthalmus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1996: Downloaded on 04 July 2017).

Museum Holdings

As above only.

Internet Resources

Lunghi et al. (2019) Open Access paper

Key References

Li, G.L. Journal Article 1989 On a new fish of the genus Sinocyclocheilus from Guangxi, China
Chen, Y.R. and Yang, J.X. Journal Article 1993 Species and origin of cave dwelling Sinocyclocheilus fishes
Chen, Y.R. and Yang, J.X. Journal Article 1993 A synopsis of cavefishes from China
Wang, D. and Chen, Y.Y. Journal Article 1998 On the diagnosis of Sinocyclocheilus and the taxonomic position of its closely related genus Anchicyclocheilus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Barbinae)
Xiao, H, Zhang, R, Feng, J, Ou, Y., M, Li, W, Chen, S and Zan, R Journal Article 2002 Nuclear DNA content and ploidy of seventeen species of fishes in Sinocyclocheilus
Li, J., Cai, Y. and Clarke, A. Journal Article 2006 A new species of troglobitic freshwater prawn of the genus Macrobrachium from southern China (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Pan, Y., Hou, Z. and Li, S. Journal Article 2010 Description of a new Macrobrachium species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) from a cave in Guangxi, with a synopsis of the stygobiotic Decapoda in China.
Jiang, Y., Fu, J., Zhang, D. and Zhao, Y. Journal Article 2016 Investigation on the lateral line systems of two cavefish : Sinocyclocheilus macrophthalmus and S. microphthalmus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
Li, P. and Yang, J. Journal Article 2019 Complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of Sinocyclocheilus microphthalmus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
Xu, G. Li, J., Huang, T., Gu, W., Cui, L., Zhang, Y. and Wang, B. Journal Article 2019 The complete mitochondrial genome of Sinocyclocheilus qujingensis (Cyprinoidea: Cyprinidae)
Xu, G., Li, J., Huang, T., Gu, W., Cui, L., Zhang, Y. and Wang, B. Journal Article 2019 The complete mitochondrial genome of Sinocyclocheilus huizeensis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
Chen, H., Li, C., Liu, T., Chen, S. and Xiao, H. Journal Article 2019 A metagenomic study of intestinal microbial diversity in relation to feeding habits of surface and cave-dwelling Sinocyclocheilus species
Lunghi, E., Zhao, Y., Sun, X. and Zhao, Y. Journal Article 2019 Morphometrics of eight Chinese cavefish species
Mao, T.-R., Liu, Y.-W., Meegaskumbura, M., Yang, J., Ellepola, G., Senevirathne, G., Fu, C.-H., Gross, J.B. and Pie, M.R. Journal Article 2020 Evolution in Sinocyclocheilus cavefish is marked by rate shifts, reversals and origin of novel traits
Lunghi, E. and Zhao, Y. Journal Article 2020 Do Chinese cavefish show intraspecific variability in morphological traits?
Zhao, Y., Zhang, C. and Proudlove, G.S. Book 2021 Fishes of the Genus Sinocyclocheilus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in China. Systematics, biology, biogeography and cave adaptation