Journal Article
A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran
Greenwood, P. H.
Record Number:
Journal of Zoology, London
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Relevent Species:
Related Records:
Bruun, A. F. and Kaiser, E. W. (1944)
Iranocypris typhlops n.g., n. sp., the first true cave fish from Asia
Smith, A. (1953)Blind white fish in Persia
Thines, G. (1969)L'Evolution regressive des poissons cavernicoles et abyssaux
Movaghar, S. (1973)Iranocypris typhlops Kaiser the blind cave fish from Iran
Movaghar, S. (1973)Iranocypris typhlops Kaiser the blind cave fish from Iran
Greenwood, P. H. (1976)A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran
Greenwood, P. H. (1976)A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran
Anonymous (1976)The blind white fishes of Persia
Greenwood, P. H. (1976)A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran
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Smith, A. (1977)Blind white fish discovery
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Abbasi, M. and Gharezi A. (2008)Morphology and histology of the digestive tract of Iranian blind cave fish (Iranocypris typhlops)
Agrawal, A. (2008)Phototactic behaviour in cave populations of Nemacheilus evezardi with special reference to light intensity and feeding schedules
Sargeran, P., Bakhttiyari, M., Abdoli, A., Coad, B.W., Sarvi, K., Lishi, M.R. and Hajimoradloo, A. (2008)The endemic Iranian cave-fish, Iranocypris typhlops: Two taxa or two forms based on the mental disk?
Biswas, J. and Ramteke, A.K. (2008)Timed-feeding synchronizes circadian rhythm in vertical swimming activity in cave loach, Nemacheilus evezardi
Coad, B.W., Mehrani, R. and Najafpour, N. (2009)Threatened fishes of the world: Paracobitis smithi (Greenwood, 1976) (Balitoridae)
Mahjoorazad, A. and Coad, B.W. (2009)A new cave fish locality for Iran
Coad, B.W. (2009)Criteria for assessing the conservation status of taxa (as applied to Iranian freshwater fishes)
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Coad, B.W., Mehrani, R. and Najafpour, N. (2009)Threatened fishes of the world: Paracobitis smithi (Greenwood, 1976) (Balitoridae)
Esmaeili, H.R., Coad, B.W., Gholamifard, A., Nazari, N. and Teimory, A. (2010)Annotated сhecklist of the freshwater fishes of Iran
Gharzi, A. Ebrahimi Bagheban, A. and Abbasi, M. (2011)Histomorphometry of urogenital system in Iranian cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops)
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Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I, Bernatchez, L, Golzarianpour, K., Abdoli, A, Primmer, C. R. and Bakhtiary, M. (2012)Genetic differentiation between two sympatric morphs of the blind Iranian cave barb Iranocypris typhlops
Esmaeilzadegan, E. (2013)Comparison of
morphological characteristics of the sang-lis (Garra ruffa) and Iranian cave fish (Iranocypris typhlops).
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Jalili, P and Eagderi, S (2014)Osteological description of Iran cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops Bruun and Kaiser, 1944)
Farashi, A., Kaboli, M., Rezaei, H.R., Naghavi, M.R. and Rahimian, H. (2014)Plankton composition and environmental parameters in the habitat of the Iranian cave barb (Iranocypris typhlops) in Iran
Freyhof, J., Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G. and Geiger, M.F. (2014)Review of the crested loaches of the genus Paracobitis from Iran and Iraq with the description of four new species (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Farashi, A., Kaboli, M., Rahimian, H., Rezaei, H. R. and Naghavi, M. R. (2015)Selecting suitable habitat for Iranian blind fish (Iranocypris typhlops)
Sayyadzadeh, G., Esmaeili, H.R. and Freyhof, J. (2015)Garra mondica, a new species from the Mond River drainage with remarks on the genus Garra from the Persian Gulf basin in Iran
Ebrahimi, A. (2015)Study of the digestive tract of a rare species of Iranian blind cave fish (Iranocypris typhlops)
Jouladeh-Roudbar, A., Vatandoust, S., Eagderi, S., Jafari-Kenari, S. and Mousavi-Sabet, H. (2015)Freshwater fishes of Iran: An updated checklist
Jouladeh-Roudbar, A., Vatandoust, S., Eagderi, S., Jafari-Kenari, S. and Mousavi-Sabet, H. (2015)Freshwater fishes of Iran: An updated checklist
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Ghaedrahmati, N. and Freyhof, J. (2016)Eidinemacheilus, a new generic name for Noemacheilus smithi Greenwood (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Teimori, A., Mostafavi, H. and Esmaeli, H.R. (2016)An update note on diversity and conservation of the endemic fishes in Iranian inland waters
Teimori, A., Mostafavi, H. and Esmaeli, H.R. (2016)An update note on diversity and conservation of the endemic fishes in Iranian inland waters
Bagheri, M., Goudarzi, F., Zalaghi, A.H. and Savabieasfahani, M. (2016)Habitat characteristics and population size of Iranocypris typhlops, the Iran cave barb
Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Coad, B.W. and Eagderi, S. (2016)Review of the genus Garra Hamilton, 1822 in Iran with description of a new species: a morpho-molecular approach (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Mousavi-Sabet, H., Vatandoust, S., Fatemi, Y. and Eagderi, S. (2016)Tashan Cave a new cavefish locality for Iran; and Garra tashanensis, a new blind species from the Tigris River drainage (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Ghaedrahmati, N. and Freyhof, J. (2016)Eidinemacheilus, a new generic name for Noemacheilus smithi Greenwood (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Mousavi-Sabet, H. and Eagderi, S. (2016)Garra lorestanensis, a new cave fish from the Tigris River drainage with remarks on the subterranean fishes in Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Mousavi-Sabet, H., Vatandoust, S., Fatemi, Y. and Eagderi, S. (2016)Tashan Cave a new cavefish locality for Iran; and Garra tashanensis, a new blind species from the Tigris River drainage (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Freyhof, J., Abdullah, Y.S., Ararat, K., Ibrahim, H. and Geiger, M.F. (2016)Eidinemacheilus proudlovei, a new subterranean loach from Iraqi Kursdistan (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Vardanjani, H.K., Bahadorinia, S. and Ford, D.C. (2017)An introduction to hypogene karst regions and caves of Iran.
Nebeshwar, K and Vishwanath, W (2017)On the snout and oromandibular morphology of genus Garra, description of two new species from the Koladyne River basin in Mizoram, India, and redescription of G. manipurensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Esmaeili, H.R., Mehraban, H., Abbasi, K., Keivany, Y. and Coad, B. (2017)Review and updated checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran: Taxonomy, distribution and conservation status
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Abdoli, A., Eagderi, S., Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Bernatchez, L., Hallerman, E., Geiger, M.F., Ozulug, M., Laroche, J. and Freyhof, J. (2017)Dressing down: convergent reduction of the mental disc in Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Middle East
Coad, B.W. (2017)Freshwater fishes of Iran
Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Zamani, A. (2017)A checklist of subterranean arthropods of Iran
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Abdoli, A., Eagderi, S., Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Bernatchez, L., Hallerman, E., Geiger, M.F., Ozulug, M., Laroche, J. and Freyhof, J. (2017)Dressing down: convergent reduction of the mental disc in Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Middle East
Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Zamani, A. (2017)A checklist of subterranean arthropods of Iran
Vardanjani, H.K., Bahadorinia, S. and Ford, D.C. (2017)An introduction to hypogene karst regions and caves of Iran.
Esmaeili, H.R., Mehraban, H., Abbasi, K., Keivany, Y. and Coad, B. (2017)Review and updated checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran: Taxonomy, distribution and conservation status
Band, S., Yadava, M.G., Lone, M.A., Shen, C.C., Sree, K. and Ramesh, R. (2018)High-resolution mid-Holocene Indian summer monsoon recorded in a stalagmite from the Kotumsar Cave, central India
Khalaji-Pirbalouty, V., Fatemi, Y., Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Kuntner, M. (2018)A new species of Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897 from Iran, with a key to the western Asian species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Stenasellidae)
Baskar, S., Swati, C. and Baskar, R. (2018)Calcite precipitation by Rhodococcus sp. isolated from Kotumsar cave, Chhattisgarh, India
Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Eagderi, S. and Abbasi, K. (2018)Checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran
Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Eagderi, S. and Abbasi, K. (2018)Checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran
Keskar, A., Raghavan, R., Paingankar, M.S., Kumkar, P., Katwate, U., Jadhav, S., Padhye, A. and Dahanukar, N. (2018)Molecular phylogeny unveils hidden diversity of hillstream loaches (Cypriniformes: Cobitoidea) in the northern Western Ghats of India
Khalaji-Pirbalouty, V., Fatemi, Y., Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Kuntner, M. (2018)A new species of Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897 from Iran, with a key to the western Asian species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Stenasellidae)
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Normandeau, E., Benestan, L., Rougeux, C., Cote, G. Moore, J.-S., Ghaerahmati, N.A., Abdoli, A. and Bernatchez, L. (2018)Genetic and morphological support for possible sympatric origin of fish from subterranean habitats
Fatemi, Y., Malek Hosseini, M.-J., Falniowski, A., Hofman, S., Kuntner, M. and Grego, J. (2019)Description of a new genus and species as the first gastropod species from caves in Iran
Vatandoust, S., Mousavi‐Sabet, H., Geiger, M.F. and Freyhof, J. (2019)A new record of Iranian subterranean fishes reveals the potential presence of a large freshwater aquifer in the Zagros Mountains
Vatandoust, S., Mousavi‐Sabet, H., Geiger, M.F. and Freyhof, J. (2019)A new record of Iranian subterranean fishes reveals the potential presence of a large freshwater aquifer in the Zagros Mountains
Barmaki, M.D., Rezaei, M., Raeisi, C.E. and Ashjari, J. (2019)Comparison of surface and interior karst development in Zagros karst Aaquifers, southwest Iran.
Fatemi, Y., Malek Hosseini, M.-J., Falniowski, A., Hofman, S., Kuntner, M. and Grego, J. (2019)Description of a new genus and species as the first gastropod species from caves in Iran
Barmaki, M.D., Rezaei, M., Raeisi, C.E. and Ashjari, J. (2019)Comparison of surface and interior karst development in Zagros karst Aaquifers, southwest Iran.
Saemi-Komsari, M., Mousavi-Sabet, H., Sattari, M., Eagderi, S., Vatandoust, S. and Doadrio, I. (2020)Descriptive osteology of Garra rossica (Nikolskii 1900)
Jouladeh-Roudbar, A., Ghanavi, H.R. and Doadrio, I. (2020)Ichthyofauna from Iranian freshwater: Annotated checklist, diagnosis, taxonomy,
distribution and conservation assessment
Jouladeh-Roudbar, A., Ghanavi, H.R. and Doadrio, I. (2020)Ichthyofauna from Iranian freshwater: Annotated checklist, diagnosis, taxonomy,
distribution and conservation assessment
Sungur, S., Eagderi, S., Jalili, P. and Cicek, E. (2020)Caudal osteology and its application to reconstruct phylogenetic relationship in the genus Garra
Hashemzadeh, I., Tabatabaei, S.N., Ghaed Rahmati, N., Amiri, M. and Bernatchez, L. (2020)The analysis of the relationship between Lorestan cave barbs (Garra typhlops and Garra lorestanensis) and Garra gymnothorax populations in Dez and Karkheh River drainages.
Abdullah, Y.S. (2021)Gyrodactylus angorae (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae): First occurrence on the body of two Nemachilid fishes from Iraq
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Keivany, Y., Dorafshan, S. and Zhang, E. (2021)Two new species of Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from western Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe M. and Keivany Y. (2021)Biodiversity and distribution of Garra species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Iran
Zamanpoore, M. (2021)Biodiversity of the freshwater Amphipods in Iran
Zamanpoore, M. (2021)Biodiversity of the freshwater Amphipods in Iran
Freyhof, J., Kaya, C. and Ali, A. (2021)A critical checklist of the inland fishes native to the Euphrates and Tigris drainages
Freyhof, J., Kaya, C. and Ali, A. (2021)A critical checklist of the inland fishes native to the Euphrates and Tigris drainages
Laskar, B.A., Kundu, S., Sulthana, R., Adimalla, H., Jaiswal, D., Tyagi, K., Kumar, V. and Chandra, K. (2021)Molecular investigation of cavernicoles from Kotumsar Cave in Northern Eastern Ghats, India
Zamani-Faradonbe, M. and Keivany, Y. (2021)Comparative osteology of two Garra species (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Hormuz and Sistan basins of Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Zhang, E. and Keivany, Y. (2021)Garra hormuzensis, a new species from the upper Kol River drainage in the Persian Gulf basin (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Ashraf, S., Nazemi, A. and AghaKouchak, A. (2021)Anthropogenic drought dominates groundwater depletion in Iran
Ashraf, S., Nazemi, A. and AghaKouchak, A. (2021)Anthropogenic drought dominates groundwater depletion in Iran
Malek-Hosseini, M.J., Fatemi, Y., Esmaeili, H.R., Lokovšek, T. and Kuntner, M. (2022)A new locality for the blind loach, Eidinemacheilus smithi (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) in
Iranian Zagros: A morpho-molecular approach
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Najafi Chaloshtory, S., Naser, M.D., Yasser, A.G., Tabatabaei, S.N., Piette‑Lauziere, G., Mashtizadeh, A., Elmi, A., Sedighi, O., Changizi, A., Hallerman, E. and Bernatchez (2022)Sympatric morphotypes of the restricted‑range Tashan Cave Garra: distinct species or a case of phenotypic plasticity?
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Najafi Chaloshtory, S., Naser, M.D., Yasser, A.G., Tabatabaei, S.N., Piette‑Lauziere, G., Mashtizadeh, A., Elmi, A., Sedighi, O., Changizi, A., Hallerman, E. and Bernatchez, L. (2022)Two different mental disc forms in the Tashan cave Garra: different species or ecotypes?
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Tabatabaei, S.N., Abdolahi-Mousavi, E., Hernandez, C., Normandeau, E., Laporte, M., Boyle, B., Amiri, M., GhaedRahmati, N., Hallerman, E. and Bernatchez, L. (2022)eDNA metabarcoding as a means to assess distribution of subterranean fish communities: Iranian blind cave fishes as a case study
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Tabatabaei, S.N., Abdolahi-Mousavi, E., Hernandez, C., Normandeau, E., Laporte, M., Boyle, B., Amiri, M., GhaedRahmati, N., Hallerman, E. and Bernatchez, L. (2022)eDNA metabarcoding as a means to assess distribution of subterranean fish communities: Iranian blind cave fishes as a case study
Malek-Hosseini, M.J., Jugovic, J., Fatemi, Y., Kuntner, M., Kostanjšek, R., Douady, C.J. and Malard, F. (2022)A new obligate groundwater species of Asellus (Isopoda, Asellidae) from Iran
Malek-Hosseini, M.J., Jugovic, J., Fatemi, Y., Kuntner, M., Kostanjšek, R., Douady, C.J. and Malard, F. (2022)A new obligate groundwater species of Asellus (Isopoda, Asellidae) from Iran
Yousefi, M., Jouladeh-Roudbar, S. and Kafash, A. (2023)Mapping endemic freshwater fish richness to identify high priority areas for conservation: an ecoregion approach
Yousefi, M., Jouladeh-Roudbar, S. and Kafash, A. (2023)Mapping endemic freshwater fish richness to identify high priority areas for conservation: an ecoregion approach
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Najafi Chaloshtory, S., Yasser, A.G., Naser, M.D., Normandeau, E., Mashtizadeh, A., Elmi, A., Sedighi, O., Changizi, A., Hallerman, E. and Bernatchez, L. (2023)Flexibility of life to survive limitations: oral disc forms in the Tashan Cave barb Garra tashanensis
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Abdolahi‑Mousavi, S.E., Birgani, A.A., Normandeau, E., Hallerman, E., Bernatchez, L. and Freyhof, J. (2024)Distribution and conservation of subterranean fishes of Iran: insights from a new locality
Hashemzadeh Segherloo, I., Abdolahi‑Mousavi, S.E., Birgani, A.A., Normandeau, E., Hallerman, E., Bernatchez, L. and Freyhof, J. (2024)Distribution and conservation of subterranean fishes of Iran: insights from a new locality