Journal Article
The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C
Record Number:
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
We provide a general compilation of the diversity and geographical distribution of Amazonian
fishes, updated to the end of 2018. Our database includes documented distributions of
4214 species (both Amazonian and from surrounding basins), compiled from published information
plus original data from ichthyological collections. Our results show that the Amazon
basin comprises the most diverse regional assemblage of freshwater fishes in the world, with
2716 valid species (1696 of which are endemic) representing 529 genera, 60 families, and 18
orders. These data permit a view of the diversity and distribution of Amazonian fishes on a
basinwide scale, which in turn allows the identification of congruent biogeographical patterns,
here defined as the overlapping distributions of two or more lineages (species or monophyletic
groups). We recognize 20 distinct distributional patterns of Amazonian fishes, which are herein
individually delimited, named, and diagnosed. Not all these patterns are associated with identifiable
geographical barriers, and some may result from ecological constraints. All the major
Amazonian subdrainages fit into more than one biogeographical pattern. This fact reveals the
complex history of hydrographical basins and shows that modern basin-defined units contribute
relatively little as explanatory factors for the present distributions of Amazonian fishes. An
understanding of geomorphological processes and associated paleographic landscape changes
provides a far better background for interpreting observed patterns. Our results are expected
to provide a framework for future studies on the diversification and historical biogeography of
the Amazonian aquatic biota.
Times Cited:
Relevent Species:
Sternarchorhamphus muelleri (Steindachner 1881) Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ward 1905Orthosternarchus tamandua (Boulenger 1898) Ellis 1913Panaque bathyphilus Lujan and Chamon 2008Peckoltia pankimpuju (Lujan and Chamon 2008) Armbuster, Werneke and Tan 2015Pareiodon microps Kner 1855Micromyzon akamai Friel and Lundberg 1996Micromyzon orinoco Carvalho, Lundberg, Baskin, Friel and Reis 2016Xyliphius sofiae Sabaj, Carvalho, and Reis in Carvalho, Reis and Sabaj 2017
Related Records:
Kner, R. (1855)
Ichthyologische Beiträge
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Eigenmann, C.H. and Ward, D.P. (1905)The Gymnotidae
Eigenmann, C.H. and Ward, D.P. (1905)The Gymnotidae
Ellis, M.M. (1913)The gymnotid eels of tropical America
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Carvalho, T.P., Arce H., M., Reis, R.E. and Sabaj, M.H. (2018)Molecular phylogeny of Banjo catfishes (Ostaryophisi: Siluriformes: Aspredinidae): A continental radiation in South American freshwaters
Armbruster, J., van der Sleen, P. and Lujan, N. (2018)Subfamily Hypostominae - Plecos and relatives
Carvalho, T.P., Arce H., M., Reis, R.E. and Sabaj, M.H. (2018)Molecular phylogeny of Banjo catfishes (Ostaryophisi: Siluriformes: Aspredinidae): A continental radiation in South American freshwaters
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Friel, J.P. and Carvalho, T. (2018)Family Aspredinidae - Banjo catfishes
Friel, J.P. and Carvalho, T. (2018)Family Aspredinidae - Banjo catfishes
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Crampton, W.G.R. (2019)Electroreception, electrogenesis and electric signal evolution
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Crampton, W.G.R. (2019)Electroreception, electrogenesis and electric signal evolution
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Bernt, M.J., Tagliacollo, V.A. and Albert, J.S. (2019)Molecular phylogeny of the ghost knifefishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae)
Bernt, M.J., Tagliacollo, V.A. and Albert, J.S. (2019)Molecular phylogeny of the ghost knifefishes (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae)
Dagosta, F.C.P. and de Pinna, M.C.C (2019)The fishes of the Amazon: Distribution and biogeographical patterns, with a comprehensive list of species
Chuctaya, J., Encalada, A.C., Barragán, K.S., Torres, M.L., Rojas, K.E., Ochoa-Herrera, V. and Carvalho, T.P. (2021)New Ecuadorian records of the eyeless banjo catfish Micromyzon akamai (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) expand the species range and reveal intraspecific
morphological variation
Chuctaya, J., Encalada, A.C., Barragán, K.S., Torres, M.L., Rojas, K.E., Ochoa-Herrera, V. and Carvalho, T.P. (2021)New Ecuadorian records of the eyeless banjo catfish Micromyzon akamai (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) expand the species range and reveal intraspecific
morphological variation