Journal Article

The complete mitochondrial genome of a cavedwelling loach Triplophysa baotianensis (Teleostei:Nemacheilidae)

Wang, Y., Xiao, N., Wang, S., Luo, T., Yang, X., Liu, T. and Zhou, J.

Record Number:
Mitochondrial DNA Part B
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Triplophysa baotianensis belong to the genus Triplophysa (Teleostei, Nemacheilidae), endemic to Guizhou Province, Southwestern China. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of T. baotianensis was sequenced and reported for the first time. The circular mitogenome was 16,576 bp in length and consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and 1 non-coding control region. The overall base composition was 30.79% A, 27.62% T, 25.46% C, and 16.13% G with 41.59% GC content. Phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial genomes of 40 species showed that all Triplophysa species clustered as one monophyletic clade, and T. baotianensis was the closest to (T. nasobarbatula þ (T. rosaþT. xiangxiensis)).
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