Journal Article
The Hoosier cavefish, a new and endangered species (Amblyopsidae, Amblyopsis) from the caves of southern Indiana
Chakrabarty, P., Prejean, J.A. and Niemiller, M.L.
Record Number:
We describe a new species of amblyopsid cavefish (Percopsiformes: Amblyopsidae) in the genus Amblyopsis from subterranean habitats of southern Indiana, USA. The Hoosier Cavefish, Amblyopsis hoosieri sp. n., is distinguished from A. spelaea, its only congener, based on genetic, geographic, and morphological evidence. Several morphological features distinguish the new species, including a much plumper, Bibendum-like wrinkled body with rounded fins, and the absence of a premature stop codon in the gene rhodopsin. This is the first new cavefish species described from the United States in 40 years and exemplifies how molecular data can alert us to the presence of otherwise cryptic biodiversity.
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Related Records:
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Niemiller, M.L., McCandless, J.R., Reynolds, R.G., Caddle, J., Near, T.J., Tillquist, C.R., Pearson, W.D. and Fitzpatrick, B.M. (2013)Effects of climatic and geological processes during the pleistocene on the evolutionary history of the Northern cavefish, Amblyopsis spelaea (Teleostei: Amblyopsidae)
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Soares, D., Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D.M. (2016)Hearing in Cavefishes
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