Journal Article
Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Chardon, M.
Record Number:
Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Annales Serie 8, Sciences Zoologiques
Short Title:
Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Alternate Journal:
Mus. R. Afr. Cent. Ann. (Ser 8, zool)
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Humboldt, F. H. A. (1805)
IVe Memoire, sur une nouvelle espece de Pimelode, jetee par les volcans du Royaume de Quito
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Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisterarum
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Chardon, M. (1968)Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Chardon, M. (1968)Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
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de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
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Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
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Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
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Trajano, E. (2003)Ecology and ethology of subterranean catfishes
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
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Babu, K.K.S. and Nayar, C.K.G. (2004)A new species of the blind fish Horaglanis Menon (Siluroidea: Clariidae) from Parappukara (Trichur District) and a new report of Horaglanis krishnai Menon from Ettumanur (Kottayam District), Kerala
Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbura, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D.J., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.K., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. (2004)Local endemism within the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Roelants, K., Jiang, J. and Bossuyt, F. (2004)Endemic ranid (Amphibia: Anura) genera in southern mountain ranges of the Indian subcontinent represent ancient frog lineages: evidence from molecular data
Dahanukar, N., Raut, R. and Bhat, A. (2004)Distribution, endemism and threat status of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats of India
Diogo, R. (2005)Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Brown, A. and Thieme, M. (2005)Ecoregion 83. Horn
Agnese, J.F. and Teugels, G. (2005)Insight into the phylogeny of African Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes); Implications for their body shape evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy
Jayaram, K.C. (2006)Catfishes of India
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Paglianti, A, Messana, G, Cianfanelli, A and Berti, R (2006)Is the perception of their own odour effective in orienting the exploratory activity of cave fishes?
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Gunawardene, N.R. et al. (2007)A brief overview of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Subhash Babu, K.K. and Sivasankaran, B.N. (2010)The hypogean fauna of selected ecosystems of Kerala, India, with two new records
Berti, R. and Messana, G. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Africa
Soares, D. (2010)Cavefishes as models for sensory adaptation
Trajano, E., Bichuette, M.E. and Kapoor, B.G. (2010)Biology of subterranean fishes
Schaefer, S.A. and Arroyave, J. (2010)Rivers as islands: determinants of the distribution of Andean astroblepid catfishes
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Dahanukar, N., Raghavan, R., Ali, A., Abraham, R. and Shaji, C.P. (2011)Chapter 3. The status and distribution of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats
Schaefer, S.A., Chakrabarty, P., Geneva, A.J. and Sabaj Pérez, M.H. (2011)Nucleotide sequence data confirm diagnosis and local endemism of variable morphospecies of Andean astroblepid catfishes (Siluriformes: Astroblepidae)
Haspel, G., Schwartz, A., Streets, A., Camacho, D.E. and Soares, D. (2012)By the teeth of their skin, cavefish find their way
Haspel, G., Schwartz, A. and Soares, D. (2012)Unique mechanosensory adaptation to extreme environments in cavefish
Spadella, M.A., Oliveira, C., Ortega, H., Quagio-Grassiotto, I. and Burns, J.R. (2012)Male and female reproductive morphology in the inseminating genus Astroblepus (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Astroblepidae)
Babu, K.K.S. (2012)Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India
Conway, K.W., Lujan, N.K., Lundberg, J.G., Mayden, R.L. et al (2012)Microanatomy of the paired-fin pads of ostariophysan fishes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi)
Sullivan, J.P., Muriel-Cunha, J. and Lundberg, J.G. (2013)Phylogenetic relationships and molecular dating of the major groups of catfishes of the Neotropical superfamily Pimelodoidea (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
Crop, W.D., Pauwels, E., Hoorebeke, L.V. and Geerinckx, T. (2013)Functional morphology of the Andean climbing catfishes (Astroblepidae, Siluriformes): alternative ways of respiration, adhesion, and locomotion using the mouth
Sarmiento, J., Bigorne, R., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M., Maldonado, M., Leciak, E. and Oberdorff, T. (2014)Peces de Bolivia
Bolivian fishes
Hoese, G., Addison, A., Toulkeridis, T. and Toomey, R. (2015)Observation of the catfish Chaetostoma microps climbing in a cave in Tena, Ecuador
Bauz, R., Andrea, C., Mena, A. and Estefania, A. (2015)Revista sobre la biodiversidad y el ecoturismo de las Cavernas de Jumandy, en el cantón Archidona en la Provincia de Napo-Tena
Lujan, N.K. and Conway, K.W. (2015)Life in the fast lane: A review of rheophily in freshwater fishes
Soares, D., Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D.M. (2016)Hearing in Cavefishes
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Raghavan, R.., Das, K.., Nameer, P.O., Bijukumar, A. and Dahanukar, N. (2016)Protected area and imperriled endemic freshwater biodiversity in the Westren Ghats hotspot
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Robinson, J., Kopp, J., Finocchiaro, A. and Espinasa, L. (2017)Astroblepus pholeter: Convergent regressive evolution of the mc1r gene in cavefish species
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Varma, A. (2017)Groundwater resource and governance in Kerala: status issues and prospects
Pavan-Kumar, A. (2017)Molecular phylogeny of genus Horaglanis (Indian blind catfishes) within Family Clariidae
Sánchez, J., Zurita, M., Schwarz, A., Cárdenas, V.,Bonilla, J., Quilumba, D., ... and Monar, M. (2017)Guía espeleológica de la Provincia de Napo.
Laumanns, M. (2017)Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Espinasa, L., Christoforides, S. and Morfessis, S.E. (2017)Sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA of epigean and hypogean diplurans in the Jumandi Cave area, Ecuador
Espinasa, L., Hoese, G., Toulkeridis, T. and Toomey, R. (2018)Corroboration that the Mc1rGly/Ser mutation correlates with the phenotypic expression of pigmentation in Astroblepus
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Espinasa, L., Robinson, J. and Espinasa, M. (2018)Mc1r gene in Astroblepus pholeter and Astyanax mexicanus: Convergent regressive
evolution of pigmentation across cavefish species
Espinasa, L., Robinson, J., Soares, D., Hoese, G., Toulkeridis, T. and Toomey, R. (2018)Troglomorphic features of Astroblepus pholeter, a cavefish from Ecuador, and possible introgressive hybridization
Constantin, S., Toulkeridis, T., Moldovan, O.T., Villacís, M. and Addison, A. (2018)Caves and karst of Ecuador – state of the art and research perspectives
De Grave, S., Arjun, C.P. and Raghavan, R. (2018)The discovery of Euryrhynchidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in India, with the description of a new genus and species
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Conde-Saldan, C.C., Souza Cunha, M., Albornoz-Garzo, J.G., Valiati Barreto, C.A., Ibagon, N., Villa-Navarro, F.A. and Abdala Dergam, J. (2019)Karyotypic divergence of two co-occurring species of Andean climbing catfishes
(Siluriformes: Loricarioidei: Astroblepidae)
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Britz, R., Anoop, V.K., Dahanukar, H. and Raghavan, R. (2019)The subterranean Aenigmachanna gollum, a new genus and species of snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from Kerala, India
Anoop, V.K., Britz, R., Arjun, C.P., Dahanukar, N. and Raghavan, R. (2019)Pangio bhujia, a new, peculiar species of miniature subterranean eel loach lacking dorsal and pelvic fins from India (Teleostei: Cobitidae)
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Mohan, M., Bijoy Nandan, S. and Harikrishnan, M. (2020)Taxonomic notes on subterranean fish collected from Kerala, India
Ochoa, L.E., Melo, B.F., García-Melo, J.E., Maldonado-Ocampo, J.A., Souza, C.S., Albornoz-Garzón, J.G., Conde-Saldaña, C.C., Villa-Navarro, F., Ortega-Lara, A. and Oliveira, C. (2020)Species delimitation reveals an underestimated diversity of Andean catfishes of the family Astroblepidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
Sidharthan, A., Raghavan, R., Anoop, V.K., Philip. S. and Dahanukar, N. (2020)Riddle on the riffle: Miocene diversification and biogeography of endemic mountain loaches
in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot
Britz, R., Dahanukar, N., Anoop, V.K., Philip, S., Clark, B., Raghavan, R. and Rüber, L. (2020)Aenigmachannidae, a new family of snakehead fishes (Teleostei: Channoidei) from subterranean waters of South India
Crawford, C.H., Randall, Z.S., Hart, P.B., Page, L.M., Chakrabarty, P., Suvarnaraksha, A. and Flammang, B.E. (2020)Skeletal and muscular pelvic morphology of hillstream loaches (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae)
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Raghavan, R., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2021)Poor groundwater governance threatens ancient subterranean fishes
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Jiménez, A., Ampuero, A., Valencia, B.G., Mayta, V.C., Cruz, F.W., Vuille, M., Novello, V.F., Misailidis Stríkis, N., Aranda, N., Conicelli, B., (2022)Stable isotope variability of precipitation and cave drip-water at Jumandy cave, western Amazon River basin (Ecuador)
Soares, D. (2022)Evolutionary insights and constraints from the nervous systems and behavior of cavefish
Raghavan, R., Sundar, R.L., Arjun, C.P., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2023)Evolution in the dark: Unexpected genetic diversity and morphological stasis in the blind, aquifer-dwelling catfish Horaglanis
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes
Nirchio, M., Oliveira, C., de Bello Cioffi, M., Sassi, F.M.C., Rizzi, F.P., Benavides, S W.N., Berrones, A.J.C., Romero, J.F.R., Deon, G.A., Kuranaka, M., Valdiviezo-Rivera, J.S., Carrión Olmedo, J.C., and Rossi, A.R. (2024)Integrative morphological, cytogenetic and molecular characterization of the Andean climbing catfish Astroblepus mindoensis (Regan, 1916) (Siluriformes:Astroblepidae)
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes