Journal Article

Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references

Laumanns, M.

Record Number:
Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte
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Related Records:
Jaeger, F. and Waibel, L. (1921)
Beitrage zur Landschaften des nordlichen Sudwestafrika - Band 2. Landschaften des nordlichen Sudwestafrika
Gianferrari, L. (1923)
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Gianferrari, L. (1925)
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Gianferrari, L. (1930)
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Pellegrin, J. (1931)
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Pellegrin, J. (1931)
Les Cyprinides cavernicoles d'Afrique
Gianferrari, L. (1932)
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Jordan, K. (1933)
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Gianferrari, L. (1933)
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Trewavas, E. (1936)
Dr Karl Jordans expedition to South West Africa and Angola: the freshwater fishes
Jordan, K. (1936)
Dr Karl Jordans expedition to South West Africa and Angola. Narrative
David, L. (1936)
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Gianferrari, L. (1937)
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Gianferrari, L. (1937)
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Parenzan, P. (1939)
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Parenzan, P. (1939)
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Parenzan, P. (1939)
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Tortonese, E. (1952)
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Rothschild, M. (1955)
Karl Jordan - A biography
Jubb, R. A. (1958)
A cave-dwelling cat-fish Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936, in South-West Africa
Thines, G. (1958)
Observations sur les habitats de Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, 1923, clariidae aveugle de la Somalie Italienne
Graham, R. (1959)
[Note on] Jubb, R.A. A cave-dwelling catfish Clarais cavernlcola Trewavas 1936, in South West Africa.
Riley, N.D. (1959)
Dr Karl Jordan FRA [obituary]
Riley, N.D. (1960)
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Olivereau, M. (1960)
Etude anatomique et histologique de la glande thyroide d'Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, poisson aveugle et cavernicole, comparaison avec un Clariidae voisin, Clarias buthupogon A. Dum
Poll, M. (1961)
Contribution a l'etude des poissons d'eau douce de Somalie appartenant aux genres Gobius et Barbopsis
Matthes, H. (1963)
A comparative study of the feeding mechanisms of some African Cyprinidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes)
Della Croce, N. (1963)
Ill spedizione del Prof. G. Scortecci in Somalia. Osservazioni su Barbopsis devecchii Di Caporiacco (Cyprinidae)
Jubb, R. A. (1967)
Freshwater fishes of Southern Africa
Gow, C. (1968)
Aigamas Cave
Bok, A. (1968)
[The eyes, brain and sense organs of Clarias cavernicola]
Chardon, M. (1968)
Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Jubb, R. A. (1969)
Fishes of the dolomitic limestone caves and sinkholes of southern Africa
Hennig, H. (1971)
Note on the blind catfish Clarias cavernicola
Bianchi, S. (1975)
Preliminary observations on the epidermis of Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes)
Ercolini, A. and Berti, R. (1975)
Light sensitivity experiments and morphology studies of the blind phreatic fish Phreatichthys andruzzii from Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1975)
Preliminary observations on the epidermis of Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes)
Skelton, P. H. (1977)
South African Red Data Book. Fishes
Hennig, H. (1977)
Note on the blind catfish Clarias cavernicola
Miller, R. R. (1977)
Red Data Book, Volume 4, Freshwater fishes
Scheide, P. (1977)
Cave-dwelling catfish
Von Wrede, P. (1977)
Zusammenfassung der Bericht nber den blinde hoehlenfisch Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936
Von Wrede, P. (1977)
Zur kenntnis der Nahrungsquelle des hoehlenfisches Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936
Ercolini, A. and Berti, R. (1977)
Morphology and response to light of Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, anophthalmic phreatic fish from Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1978)
Indagine preliminare sulla topografia delle cellule neurosecerenti a secreto fuscinoparaldeide positivo nel S.N.C. di Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, pesce freatico anoftalmo della Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1978)
La cellule mucose e l'istochimica dei mucopolisaccaridi nell' epitelio olfatttivo di Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes), pesce freatico anogtalmo delle Somalia
Bianchi, S., Delfino, G. and Ercolini, A. (1978)
Morphology and fine structure of the olfactory organ in Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes),anophthalmic phreatic fish from Somalia
Ercolini, A. and Berti, R. (1978)
Morphology and response to light of Barbopsis devecchii Di Caporiacco (Cyprinidae) microphthalmic phreatic fish from Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1978)
Osservazioni preliminari sulle cellule mucose di Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra, pesce freatico anoftalmo della Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1978)
Indagine preliminare sulla topografia delle cellule neurosecerenti a secreto fuscinoparaldeide positivo nel S.N.C. di Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, pesce freatico anoftalmo della Somalia
Bianchi, S. (1978)
La cellule mucose e l'istochimica dei mucopolisaccaridi nell' epitelio olfatttivo di Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes), pesce freatico anogtalmo delle Somalia
Bianchi, S., Delfino, G. and Ercolini, A. (1978)
Morphology and fine structure of the olfactory organ in Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes),anophthalmic phreatic fish from Somalia
Messana, G. (1979)
Groundwater research by the "Centro di studio par la faunistica ed ecologia tropicali" in Somalia
Berti, R. and Ercolini, A. (1979)
Aggressive bahviour in the anophthalmic phreatic fish Uegitglanis zammaranoi (Clariidae, Siluriformes)
Messana, G. (1979)
Groundwater research by the "Centro di studio par la faunistica ed ecologia tropicali" in Somalia
Messana, G. (1979)
Groundwater research by the "Centro di studio par la faunistica ed ecologia tropicali" in Somalia
Ercolini, A., Berti, R. and Cianfanelli, A. (1981)
Aggressive behaviour in Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari (Clariidae, Siluriformes), anophthalmic phreatic fish from Somalia
Delfino, G., Bianchi, S. and Ercolini, A. (1981)
On the olfactory epithelium in cyprinids: A comparison between hypogean and epigean species
Delfino, G., Bianchi, S. and Ercolini, A. (1981)
On the olfactory epithelium in cyprinids: A comparison between hypogean and epigean species
Andreoli, C. (1981)
La flora algale presente in due particolari pozzi della Somalia meridionale
Andreoli, C. (1981)
La flora algale presente in due particolari pozzi della Somalia meridionale
Andreoli, C. (1981)
La flora algale presente in due particolari pozzi della Somalia meridionale
Jankowska, M. and Thines, G. (1982)
Etude comparative de la densite de groupes de poissons cavernicoles et epigee (Characidae, Cyprinidae, Clariidae)
Jankowska, M. and Thines, G. (1982)
Etude comparative de la densite de groupes de poissons cavernicoles et epigee (Characidae, Cyprinidae, Clariidae)
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1982)
Researches on the phreatobitic fishes of Somalia: Acheivements and prospects
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1982)
Researches on the phreatobitic fishes of Somalia: Acheivements and prospects
Teugels, G. G. (1982)
Preliminary data of a systematic outline of the African species of the the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae)
Teugels, G.G. (1982)
A systematic outline of the African species of the the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae) with an annotated bibliography
Berti, R., Thines, G. and Lefevre, B. (1982)
Effets des informations chimiques provenant d'un milieu habite par des congeneres sur l'orientation topographique du poisson cavernicole Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra (Pisces, Cyprinidae)
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1982)
Researches on the phreatobitic fishes of Somalia: Acheivements and prospects
Berti, R., Ercolini, A. and Cianfanelli, A. (1983)
The aggressive behaviour repertoir of an anophthalmic phreatic fish, Uegitglanis zammaranoi
Leveque, C. and Daget, J. (1984)
Barbopsis devecchii Di Caporiacco, 1926
Leveque, C. and Daget, J. (1984)
Phreatichthys anduzzii Vinciguerra, 1924
Messana, G., Chelazzi, L. and Baccetti, N. (1985)
Biospeleology of Somalia: Mugdile and Showli Berdi caves
Messana, G., Chelazzi, L. and Baccetti, N. (1985)
Biospeleology of Somalia: Mugdile and Showli Berdi caves
Penrith, M (1985)
Blind barbel
Messana, G., Chelazzi, L. and Baccetti, N. (1985)
Biospeleology of Somalia: Mugdile and Showli Berdi caves
Messana, G. and Chelazzi, L. (1986)
The fauna of the subterranean waters of East Africa, and particularly of Somalia
Teugels, G. G. (1986)
Uegitglanis zammaranoi Gianferrari, 1923
Sefton, M. (1986)
Messana, G. and Chelazzi, L. (1986)
The fauna of the subterranean waters of East Africa, and particularly of Somalia
Sefton, M., Martini, J. and Ellis, R. (1986)
Cave descriptions
Teugels, G.G. (1986)
A systematic revision of the African species of the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae)
Messana, G. and Chelazzi, L. (1986)
The fauna of the subterranean waters of East Africa, and particularly of Somalia
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1987)
Oxygen consumption in hypogean and epigean cyprinids (Pisces)
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1987)
Oxygen consumption in hypogean and epigean cyprinids (Pisces)
Skelton, P. (1987)
An expedition to the caves and sink holes of South West Africa, Namibia
Skelton, P. H. (1987)
Cave Catfish / Spelonk-barber
Ercolini, A., Berti, R., Chelazzi, L. and Messana, G. (1987)
Oxygen consumption in hypogean and epigean cyprinids (Pisces)
Benvenuti, G., Hussein Salad, M., Omar Shire, Y. and Valllario, A. (1987)
Problematiche idrogeologiche e sistema delle risorse idriche delle formatzione di Baidoa nella regione di Bay (Somalia sud-occidentale)
Maxwell, C. (1988)
Underwater in Dragons Breath Cave
Penney, A.J. (1988)
The aquatic fauna of Dragon's Breath lake
Penney, A.J. (1988)
Notes on the collection of blind cave catfish from Aigamas Cave during Swex '87
Penney, A.J. and Maxwell, C.D. (1988)
Johan's Cave: a new cave on Aigamas Farm
Skelton, P. H. (1989)
Gems of a different kind
Skelton, P. H. (1990)
The conservation and status of threatened fishes in southern Africa
Berti, R. (1990)
Specific chemical recognition in Phreatichthys andruzzii (Pisces, Cyprinidae)
Skelton, P. H. (1990)
The status of fishes from the sinkholes and caves in Namibia
Skelton, P. H. (1990)
The status of fishes from sinkholes and caves in Namibia
Irish, J (1991)
Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia
Skelton, P. H. and Teugels, G. G. (1991)
A review of the Clariid catfishes (Siluroidei, Clariidae) occuring in southern Africa
Irish, J (1991)
Cave investigations in Namibia. 1. biospeleology, ecology, and conservation of Dragon's Breath Cave
Berti, R. and Masciarelli, L. (1993)
Comparative performances of non-visual food search in the hypogean cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii and the epigean relative Barbus filamentosus
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)
Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)
Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
Bruton, M. (1995)
Threatened fishes of the world: Clarias cavernicola Trewavas,1936 (Clariidae)
Kensley, B. (1995)
A new genus of aquatic cave-dwelling isopod from Namibia (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota)
Sbordoni, M. C., Dematthaeis, E., Mattoccia, M., Berti, R. and Sbordoni, V. (1996)
Genetic variability and differentiation of hypogean cyprinid fishes from Somalia
Sbordoni, M. C., Dematthaeis, E., Mattoccia, M., Berti, R. and Sbordoni, V. (1996)
Genetic variability and differentiation of hypogean cyprinid fishes from Somalia
Marais, E. and Irish, J. (1997)
Cave investigations in Namibia, IV. Aikab hemicenote, and other karst phenomina in the Etosha national Park
Churchill, S., Draper, R. and Marais, E. (1997)
Cave utilisation by Namibian bats: population, microclimate and roost selection
Frangioni, G., Berti, R. and Borgioli, G. (1997)
Hepatic respiratory compensation and haematological changes in the cave cyprinid, Phreatichthys andruzzii
Adriaens, D. (1998)
On how a larva becomes an adult catfish a functional morphological approach to the cranial ontogeny of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Siluriformes, Clariidae)
Adriaens, D. and Verraes, W. (1998)
Ontogeny of the osteocranium in the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell (1822) (Siluriformes: Clariidae): Ossification sequence as a response to functional demands
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)
Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
Barnard, P. (1998)
Biological diversity in Namibia
Curtis, B., Roberts, K.S., Griffin, M., Bethune, S., Hay, C.J. and Kolberg, H. (1998)
Species richness and conservation of Namibian freshwater macro-invertebrates, fish and amphibians
Davis, B. and Day, J. (1998)
Vanishing waters
Cabuy, E., Adriaens, D., Verraes, W. and Teugels, G.G. (1999)
Comparative study on the cranial morphology of Gymnallabes typus (Siluriformes: Clariidae) and their less anguilliform relatives, Clariallabes melas and Clarias gariepinus
Berti, R and Zorn, L. (2001)
Locomotory responses of the cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii to chemical signals from conspecifics abd related species: new findings
Berti, R., Durand, J., Becchi, S., Brizzi, R., Keller, N. and Ruffat, G. (2001)
Eye degeneration in the blind cave-dwelling fish Phreatichthys andruzzii
Messana, G. (2001)
Messana, G. (2001)
Janiaud, D and Berti, R (2001)
Phototactic response of juveniles of the cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii
Trabalzini, G, Janiaud, D and Berti, R (2001)
Alarm substance and fright reaction in the cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii
Irish, J., Marais, E., Juberthie, C. and Decu, V. (2001)
Devaere, S., Adriaens, D., Verraes, W. and Teugels, G.G. (2001)
Cranial morphology of the anguilliform clariid Channallabes (Gunther 1873) (Teleostei: Siluriformes) are adaptations related to powerful biting?
Messana, G. (2001)
Aden, E. (2002)
Eye regression in the cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)
On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)
On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
De Schepper, N; Adriaens, D; Teugels, GG; et al. (2004)
Intraspecific variation in the postcranial skeleton morphology in African clariids: a case study of extreme phenotypic plasticity
Johnson, K. (2004)
Karl Jordan: A life in systematics
Diogo, R. (2005)
Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Agnese, J.F. and Teugels, G. (2005)
Insight into the phylogeny of African Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes); Implications for their body shape evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)
Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)
Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)
Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)
Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Scott, L. (2005)
Ecoregion 79. Karstveld sinkholes
Brown, A. and Thieme, M. (2005)
Ecoregion 83. Horn
Brown, A. and Thieme, M. (2005)
Ecoregion 83. Horn
Brown, A. and Thieme, M. (2005)
Ecoregion 83. Horn
Agnese, J.F. and Teugels, G. (2005)
Insight into the phylogeny of African Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes); Implications for their body shape evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy
Paglianti, A, Messana, G, Cianfanelli, A and Berti, R (2006)
Is the perception of their own odour effective in orienting the exploratory activity of cave fishes?
Paglianti, A, Messana, G, Cianfanelli, A and Berti, R (2006)
Is the perception of their own odour effective in orienting the exploratory activity of cave fishes?
Colli, L., Berti, R., Marzano, F.N., Gandolfi, G. and Tagliavini, J. (2006)
Collocazione sistematica del ciprinide ipogeo Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra, 1924: considerazioni filogenetiche e biogeographiche
Jansen, G., Devaere, S., Weekers, P.H.H. and Adriaens, D. (2006)
Phylogenetic relationships and divergence time estimate of African anguilliform catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) inferred from ribosomal gene and spacer sequences
Paglianti, A, Messana, G, Cianfanelli, A and Berti, R (2006)
Is the perception of their own odour effective in orienting the exploratory activity of cave fishes?
Devaere, S., Jansen, G., Adriaens, D. and Weekers, P. (2007)
Phylogeny of the African representatives of the catfish family Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes) based on a combined analysis: independent evolution towards anguilliformity
Aden, E. (2008)
Ontogenetic and phylogenetic aspects of regression processes in cave fish: immunohistochemical studies on the blind fish Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra, 1924
Colli, L., Paglianti, A., Berti, R., Gandolfi, G. and Tagliavini, J. (2009)
Molecular phylogeny of the blind cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii and Garra barreimiae within the family Cyprinidae
Dezfuli, B.S., Capuano, S., Magosso, S., Giari, L. and Berti, R. (2009)
The lateral line system in larvae of the blind Cyprinid cavefish, Phreatichthys andruzzii
Dezfuli, B.S., Magosso, S., Simoni, E., Hills, K. and Berti, R. (2009)
Ultrastructure and Distribution of Superficial Neuromasts of Blind Cavefish, Phreatichthys andruzzii, Juveniles
Darwall, W.R.T., Smith, K.G., Tweddle, D. and Skelton, P. (2009)
The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in southern Africa
Berti, R. and Messana, G. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Africa
Berti, R. and Messana, G. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Africa
Berti, R. and Messana, G. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Africa
Sguanci, S., Ceccolini, F. and Berti, R. (2010)
Non visual discrimination of shapes in the blind cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra 1924
Ceccolini, F., Paglianti, A, Streitenberger, C. and Berti, R. (2010)
Can chemical cues act as landmarks in the orientation of the cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii?
Cavallari, N., Frigato, E., Vallone, D., Froehlich, N., Lopez-Olmeda, J.F., Foa, A., Berti, R., Sanchez-Vazquez, F.J., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2011)
A blind circadian clock in cavefish reveals that opsins mediate peripheral clock photoreception
Darwall, W.R.T., Smith, K.G., Allen, D.J., Holland, R.A, Harrison, I.J., and Brooks, E.G.E. (2011)
The diversity of life in African freshwaters: Under water, under threat. An analysis of the status and distribution of freshwater species throughout mainland Africa
Brooks, E.G.E., Allen, D.J. and Darwall, W.R.T. (2011)
The status and distribution of freshwater diversity in central Africa
Tarttelin, E.E., Frigato, E., Bellingham, J., Di Rosa, V., Berti, R., Foulkes, N.S., Lucas, R.J. and Bertolucci, C. (2012)
Encephalic photoreception and phototactic response in the troglobiont Somalian blind cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii
Fileccia, A. (2012)
Namgrows 2011, spedizione speleologica euro Africain in Namibia
Fileccia, A (2012)
NAMGROWS. Namibian groundwater systems. Euro African joint cave expedition (A research project on karst aquifers in nothern Namibia)
Johnson, K. (2012)
Ordering life. Karl Jordan and the naturalist tradition
Idda, M.L., Bertolucci, C., Vallone, D., Gothilf, Y., Sánchez-Vázquez, F.J. and Foulkes N.S. (2012)
Circadian clocks: lessons from fish
Stemmer, M., Schuhmacher, L.-N., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. and Wittbrodt, J. (2013)
Unravelling continuous eye growth in teleosts by studying blind cavefish
Villamizar, N., Blanco-Vives, B., Oliveira, C., Dinis, M.T., Di Rosa, V., Negrini, P., Bertolucci, C. and Sanchez-Vazquez, F.J. (2013)
Circadian Rhythms of Embryonic Development and Hatching in Fish: A Comparative Study of Zebrafish (Diurnal), Senegalese Sole (Nocturnal), and Somalian Cavefish (Blind)
Bisazza, A., Tagliapietra, C., Bertolucci, C., Foa, A. and Agrillo, C. (2014)
Non-visual numerical discrimination in a blind cavefish (Phreatichthys andruzzii)
Constant, P. (2014)
Namibian sinkholes. Exploring the magic triangle
Negrini, P. (2015)
Molecular and bioinformatic analysis of the circadian clock in Phreatichthys andruzzii
Stemmer, M., Schuhmacher, L.-N., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. and Wittbrodt, J. (2015)
Cavefish eye loss in response to an early block in retinal differentiation progression
Sayyadzadeh, G., Esmaeili, H.R. and Freyhof, J. (2015)
Garra mondica, a new species from the Mond River drainage with remarks on the genus Garra from the Persian Gulf basin in Iran
Esmaeili, H.R., Sayyadzadeh, G., Coad, B.W. and Eagderi, S. (2016)
Review of the genus Garra Hamilton, 1822 in Iran with description of a new species: a morpho-molecular approach (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Calderoni, L., Rota-Stabelli, O., Frigato, E., Panziera, A., Lirchner, S., Foulkes, N.S., Kruckenhauser, L., Bertolucci, C. and Fuselli, S. (2016)
Relaxed selective constraints drove functional modifications in peripheral photoreception of the cavefish P. andruzzii and provide insight into the time of cave colonisation
Bagheri, M., Goudarzi, F., Zalaghi, A.H. and Savabieasfahani, M. (2016)
Habitat characteristics and population size of Iranocypris typhlops, the Iran cave barb
Foulkes, N.S., Whitmore, D., Vallone, D and Bertolucci, C. (2016)
Studying the evolution of the vertebrate circadian clock: The power of fish as compataive models
Esmaeili, H.R., Mehraban, H., Abbasi, K., Keivany, Y. and Coad, B. (2017)
Review and updated checklist of freshwater fishes of Iran: Taxonomy, distribution and conservation status
Nebeshwar, K and Vishwanath, W (2017)
On the snout and oromandibular morphology of genus Garra, description of two new species from the Koladyne River basin in Mizoram, India, and redescription of G. manipurensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Laumanns, M. (2017)
Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Laumanns, M. (2017)
Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Laumanns, M. (2017)
Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Laumanns, M. (2017)
Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Grandi, G, Pezzi, M, Marchetti, MG and Chicca, M (2017)
Immunocytochemical identification and ontogeny of adenohypophyseal cells in a cave fish, Phreatichthys andruzzii (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
Malek-Hosseini, M.J. and Zamani, A. (2017)
A checklist of subterranean arthropods of Iran
Zhao, H., Di Mauro, G., Lungu-Mitea, S., Negrini, P., Guarino, A.M., Frigato, E., Braunbeck, T., Ma, H., Lamparter, T., Vallone, D., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2018)
Modulation of DNA repair systems in blind cavefish during evolution in constant darkness
Rohner, N. (2018)
Evolution: A dark past
Sovrano, V.A., Potrich, D., Foà, A. and Bertolucci, C. (2018)
Extra-visual systems in the spatial reorientation of cavefish
Ceinos, R., Frigato, E., Pagano, C., Fröhlich, N., Negrini, P., Cavallari, N., Vallone, D., Fuselli, S., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N. (2018)
Mutations in blind cavefish target the light-regulated circadian clock gene, period 2
Pagano, C., Siauciunaite, R., Idda, M.L., Ruggiero, G., Ceinos, R.M., Pagano, M., Frigato, E., Bertolucci, C., Foulkes, N.S. and Vallone, D. (2018)
Evolution shapes the responsiveness of the D-box enhancer element to light and reactive oxygen species in vertebrates
Pucci, A., Berti, R. and Simonetta, A. (2019)
The skull osteology of the blind cave cyprinid Phreatichthys andruzzii Vinciguerra, 1924
Jacobs, F.J. and Hay, C.J. (2019)
Who needs eyes?
Jacobs, F.J., Hay, C.H, Jacobs, P.G. and Næsje, T.F. (2019)
Preliminary technical report: A baseline study of the critically endangered cave-dwelling catfish Clarias cavernicola. Report no. MFMR-PRFR1-2019-04-30
Jacobs, F.J., Hay, C.H., Jacobs, P.G. and Næsje, T.F. (2019)
A baseline study of the critically endangered cave-dwelling catfish (Clarias cavernicola)
Saemi-Komsari, M., Mousavi-Sabet, H., Sattari, M., Eagderi, S., Vatandoust, S. and Doadrio, I. (2020)
Descriptive osteology of Garra rossica (Nikolskii 1900)
Zamani-Faradonbe M. and Keivany Y. (2021)
Biodiversity and distribution of Garra species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe, M. and Keivany, Y. (2021)
Comparative osteology of two Garra species (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Hormuz and Sistan basins of Iran
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Zhang, E. and Keivany, Y. (2021)
Garra hormuzensis, a new species from the upper Kol River drainage in the Persian Gulf basin (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
Jacobs, F.J., Jacobs, P.G., Hay, C.J. and Naesje, T.F. (2021)
Status update of the endemic and critically endangered cave catfish Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936, from the Aigamas Cave system, Namibia
Zhao, H., Li, H., Du, J., Di Mauro, G., Lungu-Mitea, S., Geyer, N., Vallone, D., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2021)
Regulation of ddb2 expression in blind cavefish and zebrafish reveals plasticity in the control of sunlight-induced DNA damage repair
Zamani-Faradonbe, M., Keivany, Y., Dorafshan, S. and Zhang, E. (2021)
Two new species of Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from western Iran
Baratti, G., Potrich, D., Lee, S.A., Morandi-Raikova, A. and Sovrano, V.A. (2022)
The geometric world of fishes: A synthesis on spatial reorientation in Teleosts
Pavlova, V.V. and Krylov, V.V. (2023)
Cavefishes in chronobiological research: A narrative review.
Skelton, P.H. (2023)
Fishes of the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia
de Matos, D., Zastrow, J., Val, A. and Mendelsohn, J.M. (2023)
Caves and their fauna in the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia
Di Rosa, V., Frigato, E., Negrini, P., Cristiano, W., López-Olmeda, J.F., Rétaux, S., Sánchez-Vázquez, F.J., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. (2024)
Sporadic feeding regulates robust food entrainable circadian clocks in blind cavefish
Keene, A.C., Duboue, E.R., Foulkes, N.S. and Bertolucci, C. (2024)
Evolved loss of sleep and circadian rhythms in cavefish
Rétaux, S. and Yamamoto, K. (2024)
Evolution of fish brains and behaviors: how many ways to generate the same outcomes?
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)
Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)
Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications