Book Section
Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C.
Record Number:
Malabarba, L.R., Reis, R.E., Vari, R.P., Lucena, Z.M. and Lucena, C.A.S.
Place Published:
Porto Alegre
Book Title:
Phylogeny and classification of Neotropical fishes
Times Cited:
Relevent Species:
Horaglanis krishnai Menon 1950Phreatobius dracunculus Shibatta, Muriel-Cunha and De Pinna 2007Phreatobius undescribed species Anapixi [Muriel-Cunha 2008]Phreatobius sanguijuela Fernandez, Saucedo, Carvajal and Schaefer 2007Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi 1905Horaglanis abdulkalami Subhash Babu 2012Horaglanis alikunhii Subhash Babu and Nayar 2004Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936
Related Records:
Goeldi, E. (1905)
Nova zoologica aus der Amazonas-Region. Neue Wirbeltiere
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisternarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisternarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisterarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisterarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisternarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisterarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisternarum
Fuhrmann, O. (1905)Scleropages formosum und uber Phreatobius cisterarum
Goeldi, E. (1905)Nova zoologica aus der Amazonas-Region. Neue Wirbeltiere
Eigenmann, C. H. (1918)The Pygidiidae, a family of South American catfishes
Eigenmann, C. H. (1918)The Pygidiidae, a family of South American catfishes
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)Trogloglanis pattersoni, a new blind fish from San Antonio, Texas
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)Trogloglanis pattersoni, a new blind fish from San Antonio, Texas
Jaeger, F. and Waibel, L. (1921)Beitrage zur Landschaften des nordlichen Sudwestafrika - Band 2. Landschaften des nordlichen Sudwestafrika
Reichel, M. (1927)Etude anatomique du Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi, Silure aveugle du Bresil
Reichel, M. (1927)Etude anatomique du Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi, Silure aveugle du Bresil
Reichel, M. (1927)Etude anatomique du Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi, Silure aveugle du Bresil
Reichel, M. (1927)Etude anatomique du Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi, Silure aveugle du Bresil
Jordan, K. (1933)Letter from Karl Jordan to Walter Rothschild, November 27, 1933. DF306 Folder 3. Natural History Museum (London)
Trewavas, E. (1936)Dr Karl Jordans expedition to South West Africa and Angola: the freshwater fishes
Jordan, K. (1936)Dr Karl Jordans expedition to South West Africa and Angola. Narrative
Myers, G. S. (1944)Two extraordinary new blind nematognath fishes from the Rio Negro, representing a new subfamily of Pygidiidae, with a rearrangement of the genera of the family
Myers, G. S. (1944)Two extraordinary new blind nematognath fishes from the Rio Negro, representing a new subfamily of Pygidiidae, with a rearrangement of the genera of the family
Gosline, W. A. (1945)Catalogo dos nematognathos de agua-doce da America do Sol e Central
Gosline, W. A. (1945)Catalogo dos nematognathos de agua-doce da America do Sol e Central
Menon, A. G. K. (1950)On a remarkable blind siluroid fish of the family Clariidae from Kerala, (India)
Menon, A. G. K. (1951)Distribution of clariid fishes, and its significance in zoogeographical studies
Menon, A. G. K. (1951)On certain features in the anatomy of Horaganis Menon
Fowler, H.W. (1954)Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil. Vol. 2
Fowler, H.W. (1954)Os peixes de agua doce do Brasil. Vol. 2
Rothschild, M. (1955)Karl Jordan - A biography
Jubb, R. A. (1958)A cave-dwelling cat-fish Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936, in South-West Africa
Riley, N.D. (1959)Dr Karl Jordan FRA [obituary]
Graham, R. (1959)[Note on] Jubb, R.A. A cave-dwelling catfish Clarais cavernlcola Trewavas 1936, in South West Africa.
Riley, N.D. (1960)Heinrich Ernst Karl Jordan 1861-1959
Eapen, K. C. (1963)A new species of Monopterus from South India
DeCarvalho, A.L. (1967)Novas dados para o conhecimento de Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi (Pisces, Pygidiidae, Phreatobiinae)
DeCarvalho, A.L. (1967)Novas dados para o conhecimento de Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi (Pisces, Pygidiidae, Phreatobiinae)
DeCarvalho, A.L. (1967)Novas dados para o conhecimento de Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi (Pisces, Pygidiidae, Phreatobiinae)
DeCarvalho, A.L. (1967)Novas dados para o conhecimento de Phreatobius cisternarum Goeldi (Pisces, Pygidiidae, Phreatobiinae)
Jubb, R. A. (1967)Freshwater fishes of Southern Africa
Chardon, M. (1968)Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Chardon, M. (1968)Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Gow, C. (1968)Aigamas Cave
Chardon, M. (1968)Anatomie comparee de l'appareil de Weber et des structures connexes chez les Siluriformes
Bok, A. (1968)[The eyes, brain and sense organs of Clarias cavernicola]
Jubb, R. A. (1969)Fishes of the dolomitic limestone caves and sinkholes of southern Africa
Hennig, H. (1971)Note on the blind catfish Clarias cavernicola
Misra, K.S. (1976)Horaglanis krishnai
Misra, K.S. (1976)Horaglanis krishnai
Misra, K.S. (1976)Horaglanis krishnai
Skelton, P. H. (1977)South African Red Data Book. Fishes
Hennig, H. (1977)Note on the blind catfish Clarias cavernicola
Miller, R. R. (1977)Red Data Book, Volume 4, Freshwater fishes
Scheide, P. (1977)Cave-dwelling catfish
Von Wrede, P. (1977)Zusammenfassung der Bericht nber den blinde hoehlenfisch Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936
Von Wrede, P. (1977)Zur kenntnis der Nahrungsquelle des hoehlenfisches Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)On the unique disposition of the valvula cerebelli in Horaglanis krishnai (Teleostei)
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Biology of the blind catfish of Kerala, Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Biology of the blind catfish of Kerala, Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Biology of the blind catfish of Kerala, Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)On the unique disposition of the valvula cerebelli in Horaglanis krishnai (Teleostei)
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)On the unique disposition of the valvula cerebelli in Horaglanis krishnai (Teleostei)
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Monographic study of the fish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Monographic study of the fish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1981)Monographic study of the fish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1982)On the presence of a forked barbel in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A., Padmanabhan, K.G. and Pillai, N.K. (1982)Morphological studies on the oocytes of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1982)On the presence of a forked barbel in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A., Padmanabhan, K.G. and Pillai, N.K. (1982)Morphological studies on the oocytes of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1982)On the presence of a forked barbel in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A., Padmanabhan, K.G. and Pillai, N.K. (1982)Morphological studies on the oocytes of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Teugels, G. G. (1982)Preliminary data of a systematic outline of the African species of the the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae)
Teugels, G.G. (1982)A systematic outline of the African species of the the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae) with an annotated bibliography
Mercy, T.V.A. (1983)Studies on the air bladder of blind clariid Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1983)Studies on the air bladder of blind clariid Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (1983)Studies on the air bladder of blind clariid Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (1984)Studies on the oxygen consumption of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai
Mercy, T.V A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (1984)Studies on the oxygen consumption of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai
Mercy, T.V A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (1984)Studies on the oxygen consumption of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (1984/5)The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the blind cat-fish Horaglanis krishnai
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (1984/5)The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the blind cat-fish Horaglanis krishnai
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (1984/5)The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the blind cat-fish Horaglanis krishnai
Penrith, M (1985)Blind barbel
Teugels, G.G. (1986)A systematic revision of the African species of the genus Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae)
Sefton, M., Martini, J. and Ellis, R. (1986)Cave descriptions
Thines, G. and Proudlove, G.S. (1986)Pisces
Sefton, M. (1986)Aigamas
Skelton, P. H. (1987)Cave Catfish / Spelonk-barber
Skelton, P. (1987)An expedition to the caves and sink holes of South West Africa, Namibia
Buckup, P. A. (1988)The genus Heptapterus (Teleostei, Pimelodidae) in southern Brazil and Uruguay, with the description of a new species
Maxwell, C. (1988)Underwater in Dragons Breath Cave
Penney, A.J. (1988)The aquatic fauna of Dragon's Breath lake
Penney, A.J. (1988)Notes on the collection of blind cave catfish from Aigamas Cave during Swex '87
Buckup, P. A. (1988)The genus Heptapterus (Teleostei, Pimelodidae) in southern Brazil and Uruguay, with the description of a new species
Penney, A.J. and Maxwell, C.D. (1988)Johan's Cave: a new cave on Aigamas Farm
Skelton, P. H. (1989)Gems of a different kind
Skelton, P. H. (1990)The conservation and status of threatened fishes in southern Africa
Skelton, P. H. (1990)The status of fishes from the sinkholes and caves in Namibia
Skelton, P. H. (1990)The status of fishes from sinkholes and caves in Namibia
Henderson, P. A. (1990)Fish of the Amazonian Igapo: stability and conservation in a high diversity-low biomass system
Henderson, P. A. (1990)Fish of the Amazonian Igapo: stability and conservation in a high diversity-low biomass system
Irish, J (1991)Cave investigations in Namibia. 1. biospeleology, ecology, and conservation of Dragon's Breath Cave
Lundberg, J.G., Bornbusch, A.H. and Mago-Leccia, F. (1991)Gladioglanis conquistador n.sp. from Ecuador with diagnoses of the subfamilies Rhamdiinae Bleeker and Pseudopimelodinae n. subf. (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae)
Irish, J (1991)Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia
Skelton, P. H. and Teugels, G. G. (1991)A review of the Clariid catfishes (Siluroidei, Clariidae) occuring in southern Africa
Lundberg, J.G., Bornbusch, A.H. and Mago-Leccia, F. (1991)Gladioglanis conquistador n.sp. from Ecuador with diagnoses of the subfamilies Rhamdiinae Bleeker and Pseudopimelodinae n. subf. (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae)
Talwar, P. K. and Jhingran, A. G. (1992)Genus Horaglanis and species Horaglanis krishnai
Talwar, P. K. and Jhingran, A. G. (1992)Genus Horaglanis and species Horaglanis krishnai
Talwar, P. K. and Jhingran, A. G. (1992)Genus Horaglanis and species Horaglanis krishnai
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1993)Higher-levelphylogeny of Siluriformes,with a new classication of the order (Teleostei, Ostariophysi).
Kensley, B. (1995)A new genus of aquatic cave-dwelling isopod from Namibia (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota)
Bruton, M. (1995)Threatened fishes of the world: Clarias cavernicola Trewavas,1936 (Clariidae)
Marais, E. and Irish, J. (1997)Cave investigations in Namibia, IV. Aikab hemicenote, and other karst phenomina in the Etosha national Park
Churchill, S., Draper, R. and Marais, E. (1997)Cave utilisation by Namibian bats: population, microclimate and roost selection
Trajano, E. (1997)Food and reproduction of Trichomycterus itacarambiensis, a cave catfish from south-eastern Brazil
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
Barnard, P. (1998)Biological diversity in Namibia
Curtis, B., Roberts, K.S., Griffin, M., Bethune, S., Hay, C.J. and Kolberg, H. (1998)Species richness and conservation of Namibian freshwater macro-invertebrates, fish and amphibians
Adriaens, D. and Verraes, W. (1998)Ontogeny of the osteocranium in the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell (1822) (Siluriformes: Clariidae): Ossification sequence as a response to functional demands
Davis, B. and Day, J. (1998)Vanishing waters
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
de Pinna, M.C.C. (1998)Phylogenetic relationships of Neotropical Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): Historical overview and synthesis of hypotheses
Adriaens, D. (1998)On how a larva becomes an adult catfish a functional morphological approach to the cranial ontogeny of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Siluriformes, Clariidae)
Cabuy, E., Adriaens, D., Verraes, W. and Teugels, G.G. (1999)Comparative study on the cranial morphology of Gymnallabes typus (Siluriformes: Clariidae) and their less anguilliform relatives, Clariallabes melas and Clarias gariepinus
Mercy, T.V.A. (2000)Biology of an endemic blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Ponniah, A.G. and Gopalakrishnan, A. (2000)Endemic fish diversity of Western Ghats
Ponniah, A.G. and Gopalakrishnan, A. (2000)Endemic fish diversity of Western Ghats
Ponniah, A.G. and Gopalakrishnan, A. (2000)Endemic fish diversity of Western Ghats
Mercy, T.V.A. (2000)Biology of an endemic blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A. (2000)Biology of an endemic blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai Menon
Mercy, T.V.A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (2001)Studies on certain aspects of behaviour in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnia Menon
Ranjit Daniels, R.J. (2001)Endemic fishes of the Western Ghats and the Satpura hypothesis
Ranjit Daniels, R.J. (2001)Endemic fishes of the Western Ghats and the Satpura hypothesis
Ranjit Daniels, R.J. (2001)Endemic fishes of the Western Ghats and the Satpura hypothesis
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (2001)Studies on the cranial osteology of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai menon (Pisces, Clariidae)
Mercy, T.V.A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (2001)Studies on certain aspects of behaviour in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnia Menon
Irish, J., Marais, E., Juberthie, C. and Decu, V. (2001)Namibia
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (2001)Studies on the cranial osteology of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai menon (Pisces, Clariidae)
Mercy, T.V.A., Pillai, N.K. and Balasubramonian, N.K. (2001)Studies on certain aspects of behaviour in the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnia Menon
Devaere, S., Adriaens, D., Verraes, W. and Teugels, G.G. (2001)Cranial morphology of the anguilliform clariid Channallabes (Gunther 1873) (Teleostei: Siluriformes) are adaptations related to powerful biting?
Mercy, T.V.A. and Pillai, N.K. (2001)Studies on the cranial osteology of the blind catfish Horaglanis krishnai menon (Pisces, Clariidae)
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. (2003)New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
Arratia, G., Kapoor, B.G., Chardon, M. and Diogo, R. (2003)Catfishes
Trajano, E. (2003)Ecology and ethology of subterranean catfishes
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
Arratia, G., Kapoor, B.G., Chardon, M. and Diogo, R. (2003)Catfishes
Arratia, G., Kapoor, B.G., Chardon, M. and Diogo, R. (2003)Catfishes
Diogo, R., Chardon, M. and Vandewalle, P. (2003)On the osteology and myology of the cephalic region and pectoral girdle of Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae), with comments on the phylogenetic relationships between Heteropneustes and clariid fishes
Bockmann, F.A. and Guazzelli, G.M. (2003)Family Heptapteridae (Heptapterids)
Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. (2003)New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles
Trajano, E. (2003)Ecology and ethology of subterranean catfishes
Biju, S.D. and Bossuyt, F. (2003)New frog family from India reveals an ancient biogeographical link with the Seychelles
Teugels, G.G. and Adriaens, D. (2003)Taxonomy and phylogeny of Clariidae - an overview
Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbura, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D.J., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.K., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. (2004)Local endemism within the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Babu, K.K.S. and Nayar, C.K.G. (2004)A new species of the blind fish Horaglanis Menon (Siluroidea: Clariidae) from Parappukara (Trichur District) and a new report of Horaglanis krishnai Menon from Ettumanur (Kottayam District), Kerala
Roelants, K., Jiang, J. and Bossuyt, F. (2004)Endemic ranid (Amphibia: Anura) genera in southern mountain ranges of the Indian subcontinent represent ancient frog lineages: evidence from molecular data
Dahanukar, N., Raut, R. and Bhat, A. (2004)Distribution, endemism and threat status of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats of India
Babu, K.K.S. and Nayar, C.K.G. (2004)A new species of the blind fish Horaglanis Menon (Siluroidea: Clariidae) from Parappukara (Trichur District) and a new report of Horaglanis krishnai Menon from Ettumanur (Kottayam District), Kerala
Kurup B.M. Radhakrishnan K.V. and Manojkumar T.G. (2004)Biodiversity status of fishes inhabiting rivers of Kerala (S. India) with special reference to endemism, threats and conservation measures
Kurup B.M. Radhakrishnan K.V. and Manojkumar T.G. (2004)Biodiversity status of fishes inhabiting rivers of Kerala (S. India) with special reference to endemism, threats and conservation measures
Kurup B.M. Radhakrishnan K.V. and Manojkumar T.G. (2004)Biodiversity status of fishes inhabiting rivers of Kerala (S. India) with special reference to endemism, threats and conservation measures
Johnson, K. (2004)Karl Jordan: A life in systematics
Babu, K.K.S. and Nayar, C.K.G. (2004)A new species of the blind fish Horaglanis Menon (Siluroidea: Clariidae) from Parappukara (Trichur District) and a new report of Horaglanis krishnai Menon from Ettumanur (Kottayam District), Kerala
Babu, K.K.S. and Nayar, C.K.G. (2004)Occurence of subterranean blind fish in the laterite area of Kerala State, India
Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbura, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D.J., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.K., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. (2004)Local endemism within the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Roelants, K., Jiang, J. and Bossuyt, F. (2004)Endemic ranid (Amphibia: Anura) genera in southern mountain ranges of the Indian subcontinent represent ancient frog lineages: evidence from molecular data
Bossuyt, F., Meegaskumbura, M., Beenaerts, N., Gower, D.J., Pethiyagoda, R., Roelants, K., Mannaert, A., Wilkinson, M., Bahir, M.M., Manamendra-Arachchi, K., Ng, P.K.L., Schneider, C.K., Oommen, O.V. and Milinkovitch, M.C. (2004)Local endemism within the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Dahanukar, N., Raut, R. and Bhat, A. (2004)Distribution, endemism and threat status of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats of India
Roelants, K., Jiang, J. and Bossuyt, F. (2004)Endemic ranid (Amphibia: Anura) genera in southern mountain ranges of the Indian subcontinent represent ancient frog lineages: evidence from molecular data
De Schepper, N; Adriaens, D; Teugels, GG; et al. (2004)Intraspecific variation in the postcranial skeleton morphology in African clariids: a case study of extreme phenotypic plasticity
Thieme, M.L., Abell, R., Stiassny, M.L.J.,Skelton, P., Lehner, B., Teugels, G., Dinerstein, E., Kamdem-Toham, A., Burgess, B., and Olson, D. (2005)Freshwater ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar. A conservation assessment
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Agnese, J.F. and Teugels, G. (2005)Insight into the phylogeny of African Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes); Implications for their body shape evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy
Diogo, R. (2005)Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Diogo, R. (2005)Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Diogo, R. (2005)Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Diogo, R. (2005)Morphological evolution, aptations, homoplasies, constraints and evolutionary trends. Catfishes as a case study on general phylogeny and macroevolution
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2005)New data on cistern catfish, Phreatobius cisternarum, from subterranean waters at the mouth of the Amazon River (Siluriformes, Incertae Sedis)
Scott, L. (2005)Ecoregion 79. Karstveld sinkholes
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Jayaram, K.C. (2006)Catfishes of India
Jayaram, K.C. (2006)Catfishes of India
Jayaram, K.C. (2006)Catfishes of India
Jansen, G., Devaere, S., Weekers, P.H.H. and Adriaens, D. (2006)Phylogenetic relationships and divergence time estimate of African anguilliform catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) inferred from ribosomal gene and spacer sequences
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Gunawardene, N.R. et al. (2007)A brief overview of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Gunawardene, N.R. et al. (2007)A brief overview of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Gunawardene, N.R. et al. (2007)A brief overview of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot
Devaere, S., Jansen, G., Adriaens, D. and Weekers, P. (2007)Phylogeny of the African representatives of the catfish family Clariidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes) based on a combined analysis: independent evolution towards anguilliformity
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Shibatta, O.A., Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2007)A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae sedis) from the southwestern Amazon basin
Fernandez, L., Saucedo, L.J., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M. and Schaefer, S.A. (2007)A new catfish of the genus Phreatobius Goeldi 1905 from groundwaters of the Itenez River, Bolivia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae)
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Muriel-Cunha, J., Pinna, M. de and Zuanon, J. (2008)The first vertebrate from the hyporheic: a new species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, incertae Sedis) from northern Amazon, Brazil
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Muriel-Cunha, J. and de Pinna, M.C.C. (2008)Using DNA to resolve the phylogenetic placement of a morphologically aberrant taxon, the stygal catfish Phreatobius (Goeldi, 1905) (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Ollier, CD and Sheth, HC (2008)The High Deccan duricrusts of India and their significance for the ‘laterite’ issue
Muriel-Cunha, J. (2008)Biodiversidade e sistematica molecular de Phreatobiidae (stariophysi: Siluriformes) - com una proposta sobre sua posicao filogenetica em Siluriformes e uma discussao sobre a evolucao do habito subterraneo
Darwall, W.R.T., Smith, K.G., Tweddle, D. and Skelton, P. (2009)The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in southern Africa
Subhash Babu, K.K. and Sivasankaran, B.N. (2010)The hypogean fauna of selected ecosystems of Kerala, India, with two new records
Subhash Babu, K.K. and Sivasankaran, B.N. (2010)The hypogean fauna of selected ecosystems of Kerala, India, with two new records
Subhash Babu, K.K. and Sivasankaran, B.N. (2010)The hypogean fauna of selected ecosystems of Kerala, India, with two new records
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Pati, A.K. and Parganiha, A. (2010)Subterranean fishes of India
Trajano, E., Bichuette, M.E. and Kapoor, B.G. (2010)Biology of subterranean fishes
Trajano, E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2010)Subterranean fishes of Brazil
Darwall, W.R.T., Smith, K.G., Allen, D.J., Holland, R.A, Harrison, I.J., and Brooks, E.G.E. (2011)The diversity of life in African freshwaters: Under water, under threat. An analysis of the status and distribution of freshwater species throughout mainland Africa
Brooks, E.G.E., Allen, D.J. and Darwall, W.R.T. (2011)The status and distribution of freshwater diversity in central Africa
Dahanukar, N., Raghavan, R., Ali, A., Abraham, R. and Shaji, C.P. (2011)Chapter 3. The status and distribution of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats
Dahanukar, N., Raghavan, R., Ali, A., Abraham, R. and Shaji, C.P. (2011)Chapter 3. The status and distribution of freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats
Babu, K.K.S. (2012)Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India
Babu, K.K.S. (2012)Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India
Babu, K.K.S. (2012)Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India
Fileccia, A. (2012)Namgrows 2011, spedizione speleologica euro Africain in Namibia
Fileccia, A (2012)NAMGROWS. Namibian groundwater systems. Euro African joint cave expedition (A research project on karst aquifers in nothern Namibia)
Johnson, K. (2012)Ordering life. Karl Jordan and the naturalist tradition
Sullivan, J.P., Muriel-Cunha, J. and Lundberg, J.G. (2013)Phylogenetic relationships and molecular dating of the major groups of catfishes of the Neotropical superfamily Pimelodoidea (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
Sullivan, J.P., Muriel-Cunha, J. and Lundberg, J.G. (2013)Phylogenetic relationships and molecular dating of the major groups of catfishes of the Neotropical superfamily Pimelodoidea (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
Sarmiento, J., Bigorne, R., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M., Maldonado, M., Leciak, E. and Oberdorff, T. (2014)Peces de Bolivia
Bolivian fishes
Constant, P. (2014)Namibian sinkholes. Exploring the magic triangle
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Ohara, W.M., Da Costa, I.D. and Fonseca, M.L. (2016)Behavioiur, feeding habits and ecology of the blind catfish Phreatobius sanguijuela (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
Raghavan, R.., Das, K.., Nameer, P.O., Bijukumar, A. and Dahanukar, N. (2016)Protected area and imperriled endemic freshwater biodiversity in the Westren Ghats hotspot
Raghavan, R.., Das, K.., Nameer, P.O., Bijukumar, A. and Dahanukar, N. (2016)Protected area and imperriled endemic freshwater biodiversity in the Westren Ghats hotspot
Pavan-Kumar, A. (2017)Molecular phylogeny of genus Horaglanis (Indian blind catfishes) within Family Clariidae
Pavan-Kumar, A. (2017)Molecular phylogeny of genus Horaglanis (Indian blind catfishes) within Family Clariidae
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Fernandez, L., Bize, J.A. and Lopez, H.L. (2017)Peces subterráneos de Sudamérica
Varma, A. (2017)Groundwater resource and governance in Kerala: status issues and prospects
Laumanns, M. (2017)Atlas of the Great caves and the karst of Africa. Volume 2. Malawi to Zimbabwe and general references
Varma, A. (2017)Groundwater resource and governance in Kerala: status issues and prospects
Varma, A. (2017)Groundwater resource and governance in Kerala: status issues and prospects
Pavan-Kumar, A. (2017)Molecular phylogeny of genus Horaglanis (Indian blind catfishes) within Family Clariidae
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
De Grave, S., Arjun, C.P. and Raghavan, R. (2018)The discovery of Euryrhynchidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in India, with the description of a new genus and species
De Grave, S., Arjun, C.P. and Raghavan, R. (2018)The discovery of Euryrhynchidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in India, with the description of a new genus and species
De Grave, S., Arjun, C.P. and Raghavan, R. (2018)The discovery of Euryrhynchidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in India, with the description of a new genus and species
Britz, R., Anoop, V.K., Dahanukar, H. and Raghavan, R. (2019)The subterranean Aenigmachanna gollum, a new genus and species of snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from Kerala, India
Anoop, V.K., Britz, R., Arjun, C.P., Dahanukar, N. and Raghavan, R. (2019)Pangio bhujia, a new, peculiar species of miniature subterranean eel loach lacking dorsal and pelvic fins from India (Teleostei: Cobitidae)
Jacobs, F.J., Hay, C.H., Jacobs, P.G. and Næsje, T.F. (2019)A baseline study of the critically endangered cave-dwelling catfish (Clarias cavernicola)
Britz, R., Anoop, V.K., Dahanukar, H. and Raghavan, R. (2019)The subterranean Aenigmachanna gollum, a new genus and species of snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from Kerala, India
Anoop, V.K., Britz, R., Arjun, C.P., Dahanukar, N. and Raghavan, R. (2019)Pangio bhujia, a new, peculiar species of miniature subterranean eel loach lacking dorsal and pelvic fins from India (Teleostei: Cobitidae)
Britz, R., Anoop, V.K., Dahanukar, H. and Raghavan, R. (2019)The subterranean Aenigmachanna gollum, a new genus and species of snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from Kerala, India
Anoop, V.K., Britz, R., Arjun, C.P., Dahanukar, N. and Raghavan, R. (2019)Pangio bhujia, a new, peculiar species of miniature subterranean eel loach lacking dorsal and pelvic fins from India (Teleostei: Cobitidae)
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Jacobs, F.J. and Hay, C.J. (2019)Who needs eyes?
Mariluz, B.R. (2019)A base molecular das adaptações visuais nos genes das opsinas de anableps Anableps e Phreatobius cisternarum através da análise de transcriptoma
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Liu, A. Schneider, P. and Taylor,J. (2019)Opsins in the dark. Characterising light sensitive genes in the Brazilian eyeless cavefish Phreatobius cisternarum
Jacobs, F.J., Hay, C.H, Jacobs, P.G. and Næsje, T.F. (2019)Preliminary technical report: A baseline study of the critically endangered cave-dwelling catfish Clarias cavernicola. Report no. MFMR-PRFR1-2019-04-30
Sidharthan, A., Raghavan, R., Anoop, V.K., Philip. S. and Dahanukar, N. (2020)Riddle on the riffle: Miocene diversification and biogeography of endemic mountain loaches
in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot
Britz, R., Dahanukar, N., Anoop, V.K., Philip, S., Clark, B., Raghavan, R. and Rüber, L. (2020)Aenigmachannidae, a new family of snakehead fishes (Teleostei: Channoidei) from subterranean waters of South India
Sidharthan, A., Raghavan, R., Anoop, V.K., Philip. S. and Dahanukar, N. (2020)Riddle on the riffle: Miocene diversification and biogeography of endemic mountain loaches
in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot
Britz, R., Dahanukar, N., Anoop, V.K., Philip, S., Clark, B., Raghavan, R. and Rüber, L. (2020)Aenigmachannidae, a new family of snakehead fishes (Teleostei: Channoidei) from subterranean waters of South India
Sidharthan, A., Raghavan, R., Anoop, V.K., Philip. S. and Dahanukar, N. (2020)Riddle on the riffle: Miocene diversification and biogeography of endemic mountain loaches
in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot
Britz, R., Dahanukar, N., Anoop, V.K., Philip, S., Clark, B., Raghavan, R. and Rüber, L. (2020)Aenigmachannidae, a new family of snakehead fishes (Teleostei: Channoidei) from subterranean waters of South India
Mohan, M., Bijoy Nandan, S. and Harikrishnan, M. (2020)Taxonomic notes on subterranean fish collected from Kerala, India
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Perez, L.N., Mariluz, B.R., Lorena, J., Liu, A., Sousa, M.P., Martins, R.A.P., Taylor, J.S. and Schneider, P.N. (2021)The subterranean catfish Phreatobius cisternarum provides insights into visual adaptations to the phreatic environment
Raghavan, R., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2021)Poor groundwater governance threatens ancient subterranean fishes
Raghavan, R., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2021)Poor groundwater governance threatens ancient subterranean fishes
Jacobs, F.J., Jacobs, P.G., Hay, C.J. and Naesje, T.F. (2021)Status update of the endemic and critically endangered cave catfish Clarias cavernicola Trewavas 1936, from the Aigamas Cave system, Namibia
Raghavan, R., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2021)Poor groundwater governance threatens ancient subterranean fishes
Raghavan, R., Sundar, R.L., Arjun, C.P., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2023)Evolution in the dark: Unexpected genetic diversity and morphological stasis in the blind, aquifer-dwelling catfish Horaglanis
Raghavan, R., Sundar, R.L., Arjun, C.P., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2023)Evolution in the dark: Unexpected genetic diversity and morphological stasis in the blind, aquifer-dwelling catfish Horaglanis
Raghavan, R., Sundar, R.L., Arjun, C.P., Britz, R. and Dahanukar, N. (2023)Evolution in the dark: Unexpected genetic diversity and morphological stasis in the blind, aquifer-dwelling catfish Horaglanis
Skelton, P.H. (2023)Fishes of the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia
de Matos, D., Zastrow, J., Val, A. and Mendelsohn, J.M. (2023)Caves and their fauna in the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Lavoué, S., Jamaluddin, J.A.F., Muhammad-Rasul, A.H., Ilham-Norhakim, M.L. and Zain, K.M. (2024)Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of the Southeast Asian catfish genus Encheloclarias Myers, 1937 (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Clariidae): Evolutionary and conservation implications
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes
Tagliacollo, V.A., Tan, M., Reis. R.E., Gaia, R., Carrijo, V., Ranuzi, M., Craig, J.M. and Albert, J.S. (2024)Time-calibrated phylogeny of neotropical freshwater fishes