Journal Article

Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats

Engel, A.S.

Record Number:
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
Times Cited:
Related Records:
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Beitrage zur Kentniss der Sciaenoiden Brasiliens und der Cyprinodonten Mejicos
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)
Trogloglanis pattersoni, a new blind fish from San Antonio, Texas
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)
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Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
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Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
Blind catfishes from artesian waters of Texas
Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
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Alvarez del Villar, J. (1948)
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Carranza, J. (1954)
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Taylor, W. R. (1955)
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Taylor, W. R. (1955)
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Taylor, W. R. (1955)
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Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
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Gordon, M.S. and Rosen, D.E. (1962)
A cavernicolous form of the Poeciliid fish Poecilia sphenops from Tabasco, Mexico
Reddell, J. R. (1967)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. III Vertebrates
Peters, N. and Peters, G. (1968)
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Taylor, W. R. (1969)
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Reddell, J.R. and Mitchell, R.W. (1969)
A checklist and annotated bibliography of the subterranean aquatic fauna of Texas
Taylor, W. R. (1969)
A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae
Taylor, W. R. (1969)
A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae
Reddell, J.R. and Mitchell, R.W. (1969)
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Lundberg, J.G. (1970)
The evolutionary history of north American catfishes, family Ictaluridae
Lundberg, J.G. (1970)
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The evolutionary history of north American catfishes, family Ictaluridae
Hubbs, C. (1971)
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Lundelius, E. L. and Slaughter, B. H. (1971)
Natural history of Texas caves
Reddell, J. R. (1971)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. 6 Additional records of vertebrates
Hubbs, C. (1971)
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Hubbs, C. (1971)
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Schultz, R.J. and Miller, R.R. (1971)
Species of the Poecilia sphenops complex (Pisces, Poeciliidae) in Mexico
Zeiske, E. (1971)
Ethologische Mechanismen als Voraussetzung fur einen Ubergang zum Hohlenleben. Untersuchungen an Kaspar-Huaser-Mannchen von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Lundelius, E. L. and Slaughter, B. H. (1971)
Natural history of Texas caves
Hubbs, C. (1971)
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Parzefall, J. (1973)
Modifications du comportement de Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae) consecutives a son passage a la vie cavernicole
Peters, G. (1973)
Carateres degeneratifs et constructifs chez une forme cavernicole phylogenetiquement recente de Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Peters, N., Peters, G., Parzefall, J. and Wilkens, H. (1973)
Uber degenerative und konstructive Merkmale bei einer phylogenetisch jungen Hohlenform von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Parzefall, J. (1974)
Ruckbildung aggressiver verhaltensweisen bei einer Hohlenform von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1975)
T.O.E.S. watchlist of endangered, threatened and peripheral vertebrates of Texas
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1975)
T.O.E.S. watchlist of endangered, threatened and peripheral vertebrates of Texas
Winograd, I.J. and Pearson, F.J. (1976)
Major Carbon-14 anomaly in a regional carbonate aquifer: Possible evidence for megascale channeling, south-central Great Basin
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Parzefall, J. (1979)
Zur Genetik und biologischen Bedeutung des Aggressionsverhaltens von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae). Untersuchungen an Bastarden ober- und unterirdisch lebender Populationen
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Brett, B. L. H., Turner, B. J. and Miller, R. R. (1980)
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Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Reddell, J. R. (1981)
A review of the cavernicole fauna of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
LeGrande, W. H. (1981)
Chromosomal evolution in North American catfishes (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) with particular emphasis on the Madtoms, Noturus
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Winograd, I. J. and Roberston, F. N. (1982)
Deep oxygenated groundwater: anomaly or common occurence ?
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Winograd, I. J. and Roberston, F. N. (1982)
Deep oxygenated groundwater: anomaly or common occurence ?
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Beauchamp, R.O., Bus, J.S., Popp, C.S., Boreiko, C.J. and Andjelkovich, D.A. (1984)
A critical review of the literature on hydrogen sulfide
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Woodruff, C. M. and Abbott, P. L. (1986)
Stream piracy and the evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones escarpment, central Texas
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Amemiya, C.T., Kelsch, S.W., Hendricks, F.S. and Gold, J.R. (1986)
The karyoptype of the Mexican blindcat, Prietalla phreatophila Carranza (Ictaluridae)
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Amemiya, C.T., Kelsch, S.W., Hendricks, F.S. and Gold, J.R. (1986)
The karyoptype of the Mexican blindcat, Prietalla phreatophila Carranza (Ictaluridae)
Woodruff, C. M. and Abbott, P. L. (1986)
Stream piracy and the evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones escarpment, central Texas
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1988)
Endangeredthreatened and watchlist of vertebrates of Texas
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Williams, J.E., Johnson, J.E., Hendrickson, D.A., Conteras-Balderas, S., Williams, J.D., Navarro-Mondoza, M., McAllister, D.E. and Deacon, J.E. (1989)
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened or of special concern 1989
Parzefall, J. (1989)
Aggressive and sexual behaviour in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Parzefall, J. (1989)
Sexual and Aggressive Behaviour in Species Hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Kroschewsky, J. R. (1990)
The Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Centre: Objectives and accomplishments
Kroschewsky, J. R. (1990)
The Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Centre: Objectives and accomplishments
Kuehn, K.A. and Koehn, R.D. (1991)
Fungal populations isolated from Ezells Cave in south Texas
Kuehn, K.A. and Koehn, R.D. (1991)
Fungal populations isolated from Ezells Cave in south Texas
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Kuehn, K.A., O'Neil, R.M. and Koehn, R.D. (1992)
Viable photosynthetic microalgal isolates from aphotic environments of the Edwards Aquifer (central Texas)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Lundberg, J.G. (1992)
The phylogeny of ictalurid catfishes: a synthesis of recent work
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Parzefall, J. (1992)
Schooloing behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae and Poeciliidae)
Kuehn, K.A., O'Neil, R.M. and Koehn, R.D. (1992)
Viable photosynthetic microalgal isolates from aphotic environments of the Edwards Aquifer (central Texas)
Kraus, C (1992)
Zur Biologie sowie zum Verhalten der phylogenetisch jungen Hohlenpopulation von Poecilia mexicana (Pisces: Poeciliidae) unter besonderer Berucksichtigung phototaktischen Verhaltens
Lundberg, J.G. (1992)
The phylogeny of ictalurid catfishes: a synthesis of recent work
Parzefall, J. (1993)
Schooling behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Bowles, D.E. and Arsuffi, T.L. (1993)
Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Bowles, D.E. and Arsuffi, T.L. (1993)
Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (1994)
Elliott, W.R. (1994)
Sotano de Amezcua
Hendrickson, D.A. (1995)
Miscellaneous notes on biogeography and biology of Mexican blind catfish of the genus Prietella
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Maclay, R.W. (1995)
Geology and hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area, Texas
Maclay, R.W. (1995)
Geology and hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area, Texas
Campbell, L. (1995)
Endangered and threatened animals of Texas: Their life history and management.
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Campbell, L. (1995)
Endangered and threatened animals of Texas: Their life history and management.
Hendrickson, D.A. (1995)
Miscellaneous notes on biogeography and biology of Mexican blind catfish of the genus Prietella
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. (1996)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexican blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaulridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. (1996)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexican blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaulridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (1997)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexcan blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (1997)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexcan blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaluridae)
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Parzefall, J., Gagelmann, U. and Schartl, M. (1997)
Aggressive behaviour and optomotor response in different populations of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces:Poeciliidae)
Koerner, K.E. (1998)
Maintenance of visual pigments in a cave living population of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krecja, J. (1998)
Blindcats of the genus Prietella (Ictualuridae) of northeastern Mexico: an overview of recent explorations and studies
Ptacek, NM and Breden, F (1998)
Phylogenetic relationships among the mollies (Poeciliidae: Poecilia: Mollienesia group) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences
Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (1998)
Molecular phylogeny of Ictaluridae with emphasis on the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Palmer, A.N. and Palmer, M.V. (1998)
Geochemistry of Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, an active H2S cave
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Palmer, A.N and Palmer, M.V. (1998)
Geochemistry of Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, an active H2S cave
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krecja, J. (1998)
Blindcats of the genus Prietella (Ictualuridae) of northeastern Mexico: an overview of recent explorations and studies
Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (1998)
Molecular phylogeny of Ictaluridae with emphasis on the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Lavoie, K.H., Northup, D. and Boston, P. (1998)
Preliminary report on the biology of Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico
Parzefall, J. (1998)
Female choice in cave living and epigean populations of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Hose, L.D. (1999)
Cave of the sulphur eaters
Korner, KE (1999)
Zur sexuellen Selektion hohlenbender Atlantikkarpflinge (Poecilia mexicana Sreindachner, 1863)
Hose, L.D. and Pisarowicz, J.A. (1999)
Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico: Reconnaissance study of an active sulfur spring cave and ecosystem
Villalobos, J.L., Alvarez, F. and Iliffe, T.M. (1999)
New species of troglobitic shrimps from Mexico, with the description of Troglomexicanus, new genus (Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Parzefall, J. (19xx)
Zur struktur und Funktion der Schuppenfortsatze bei [males] von Poecilia sphenops
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Ghedotti, M.J. (2000)
Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of the poecilioid fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes)
Hose, L.D., Palmer, A.N., Palmer, M.V., Northup, D.E., Boston, P.J. and Duchene, H.R. (2000)
Microbiology and geochemistry in a hydrogen-sulphide-rich karst environment
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Hose, L.D. (2001)
"La Ceremonia de la Pesca" in Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico
Hose, L.D. (2001)
Hydrochemical characteristics of a unique sulfur-rich karst system in southern Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Northup, D.E. and Lavoie, K.H. (2001)
Geomicrobiology of caves: A review
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Mejia-Ortiz, L.M. and Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2001)
Estigofauna de la Cueva de las Sardinas, Tabasci, Mexico
Northup, D.E. and Lavoie, K.H. (2001)
Geomicrobiology of caves: A review
Parzefall, J. (2001)
A review of morphological and behavoural changes in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana, from Tabasco, Mexcio
Plath, M., Korner, K.E. and Parzefall, J. (2001)
Sex recognition and female preferences of cave mollies Poecilia mexicana during the sexual cycle
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Schlupp, I. and Parzefall, J. (2001)
Sex recognition and female preferences of cave mollies poecilia mexicana in light and darkness
Eliot, J. (2001)
Deadly haven: Mexico’s poisonous cave
Estrada, D. and Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2002)
Biodiversity of terrestrial microarthropods from Las Sardinas Cave, Tabasco, Mexico
Plath, M., Schlupp, I. and Parzefall, J. (2002)
Sexual selection in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Dieterich, M and Lavoie, K (2002)
Troglomorphy in the cave fish Poecilia mexicana from Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Krejca, J. (2003)
The Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila): Research and exploration in the groundwater
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Sneegas, G.W. and Hendrickson, D.A. (2003)
Extreme catfishes
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
Persistence of a visually mediated mating preference in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
The role of sexual harassment in cave and surface dwelling populations of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Lucinda, P.H.F. (2003)
Family Poeciliidae (Livebearers)
Plath, M., Wiedemann, K., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
Sex recognition in in surface and cave dwelling male Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Krejca, J. (2003)
The Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila): Research and exploration in the groundwater
Plath, M, Tobler, M and Schlupp, I (2004)
Cave fish looking for mates: A visual mating preference in surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, oeciliidae)
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Hardman, M. (2004)
The phylogenetic relationships among Noturus catfishes (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae) as inferred from mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and nuclear recombination activating gene 2.
Spilde, M.N., Fischer, P.R., Northup, D.E., Turin, H.J. and Boston, P.J. (2004)
Water, gases, and phylogenetic analyses from sulfur springs in Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, México
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Timmermann, M., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2004)
Shoaling behaviour in a surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling population of a barb Garra barreimiae (Cyprinidae: Teleostei)
Arndt, M., Parzefall, J. and Plath, M. (2004)
Does sexual experience influence mate choice descisions in cave molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)?
Plath, M., Arndt, M., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Size-dependent male mating behaviour in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Plath, M., Brummer, A. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Sexual harassment in a live-bearing fish (Poecilia mexicana): influence of population-specific male mating behaviour
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Plath, M., Parzefall, J., Korner, K.E. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Sexual selection in darkness: female mating preferences in surface and cave dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M., Wiedemann, K. and Parzefall, J. (2004)
Cave molly males (Poecilia mexicana) do not recognise receptive females without body contact
Krejca, J. (2005)
Stygobite phylogenetics as a tool for determining aquifer evolution
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Moller, A. and Schlupp, I. (2005)
Imperfect signal transmission and female mate choice in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M, Heubel, FJ, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Schlupp, I (2005)
Cave molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) like well-fed males
Plath, M, Heubel, KU and Schlupp, I (2005)
Field observations on male mating behaviour in surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Krejca, J. (2005)
Stygobite phylogenetics as a tool for determining aquifer evolution
Hose, L.D. (2005)
A scientist looks at Cueva Luna Azufre
Riesch, R., Arndt, M. and Plath, M. (2005)
Non-visual localisation of a conspecific male by surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Northup, D.E., Turner, A.L., Spilde, M.N., Boston, P.J., Alvarado, A. and Hose, L.D. (2005)
Sulfur-based microbial communities from Cueva de Villa Luz, an extreme sulfide-rich cave
Tobler, M, Wiedemann, K and Plath, M (2005)
Homosexual behaviour in a cavernicolous fish, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Estrada-Bárcenas, D. (2005)
Biodiversidad de microartrópodeos en una cueva multienergetica en Tabasco, México
Tobler, M., Schlupp, I., Heubel, K.U., Riesch, R., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Giere, O. and Plath, M. (2006)
Life on the edge: hydrogen sulfide and the fish communities of a Mexican cave and surrounding waters
Tobler, M, Burmeister, H, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2006)
Reduction of a visually mediated association preference in the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidea, Teleostei)
Plath, M., Seggel, U., Burmeister, H., Heubel, F.J. and Schlupp, I. (2006)
Choosy males from underground: male mating preferences in surface- and cave-dwellind Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana)
Riesch, R, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2006)
Influence of male competition on male mating behaviour in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana
Riesch, R, Schlupp, I, Tobler, M, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Plath, M (2006)
Reduction of the association preference for conspecifics in cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana
Dieterich, M and Lavoie, K (2006)
Variability in troglomorphic adaptations of a mexican cavefish, Poecilia mexicana, from Tabasco, Mexico
Plath, M, Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Schlupp, I (2006)
Evolutionary biology and Cueva de Villa Luz: Ichthyological research in a sulfidic cave in Tabasco
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Boston, P.J., Hose, L.D., Northup, D.E. and Spilde, M.N. (2006)
The microbial communities of sulfur caves: A newly appreciated geologically driven system on Earth and potential model for Mars
Arendt, J. and Reznick, D. (2007)
Convergence and parallelism reconsidered: what have we learned about the genetics of adaptation?
Parzefall, J., Kraus, C., Tobler, M., and Plath, M. (2007)
Photophilic behaviour in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae).
Tobler, M, Schlupp, I, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Glaubrecht, M and Plath, M (2007)
Extreme habitats as refuge from parasite infections? Evidence from an extremophile fish
Plath, M., Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Giere, O. and Schlupp, I. (2007)
Survival in an extreme habitat: the role of behaviour and energy limitation
Plath, M. and Tobler, M. (2007)
Sex recognition in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei): influence of visual and non-visual cues
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Plath, M., Schlupp, I., Parzefall, J. and Riesch, R. (2007)
Female choice for large body size in the cave molly Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei): influence od species- and sex-specific cues
Tobler, M., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2007)
Predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae) by a giant water bug (Belostoma, Belostomatidae) in a Mexican sulphur cave
Plath, M., Hauswaldt, J.S., Moll, K., Tobler, M., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Schlupp, I. and Tiedemann, R. (2007)
Local adaptation and pronounced genetic differentiation in an extremophile fish, Poecilia mexicana, inhabiting a Mexican cave with toxic hydrogen sulfide
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Franssen, Courtney M.; Tobler, Michael; Riesch, Rudiger; et al. (2008)
Sperm production in an extremophile fish, the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2008)
Parallel evolution leads to reduced shoaling behaviour in two cave dwelling populations of Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Stransky, C., Schlickeisen, J. and Reichenbacher, B. (2008)
Differences in otolith morphologies between surface- and cave-dwelling populations of Poecilia mexicana Teleostei, Poeciliidae) reflect adaptations to life in an extreme habitat
Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2008)
A new and morphologically distinct population of cavernicolous Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae: Teleostei)
Tobler, M, DeWhitt, TJ, Schlupp, I, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Herrmann, R, Feulner, PGD, Tiedemann, R and Plath, M (2008)
Toxic hydrogen sulfide and dark caves: Phenotypic and genetic divergence across two abiotic environmental gradients in Poecilia mexicana
Contreras-Balderas, S and others, 13 (2008)
Freshwater fishes and water status in México: A country-wide appraisal
Plath, M., Tobler, M., Klawonn, O. and Parzefall, J. (2008)
Male mating behavior and sexual harassment in population hybrids of cave- and surface-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Parzefall, J and Plath, M (2008)
Evolutionary ecology of the Mexican cavefish Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae) compared to epigean relatives
Plath, M (2008)
Male mating behaviour and costs of sexual harassment for females in cavernicolous and extremophile populations of Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana)
Tobler, M. (2008)
The evolutionary ecology of the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana) from the Cueva del Azufre system effects of abiotic and biotic environmental conditions
Hose, L.D. (2009)
Recent observations in a remarkably dynamic, sulfide-rich, hypogenic cave in southern Mexico
Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Tobler, C.M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Compensatory behaviour in response to sulphide-induced hypoxia affects time budgerts, feeding efficiency and predation risk
Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2009)
Los Estudios Bioespeleológicos de la Cueva de Villa Luz y sus perspectivas
Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Tobler, CM, Schulz-Mirbach, T and Plath, M (2009)
Natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation among micro-allopatric populations
Tobler, M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Threatened fishes of the world: Poecilia sulphuraria (Alvarez, 1948) (Poeciliidae)
Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Chippindale, P.T. (2009)
The biogeography and rapid radiation of central Texas neotenic salamanders
Tobler, M and Plath, M (2009)
Living in extreme environments
White, K., Davidson, G.R. and Paquin, P. (2009)
Hydrologic evolution of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone (Balcones fault zone) as recorded in the DNA of eyeless Cicurina cave spiders, south-central Texas
Chippindale, P.T., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Bendik, N.F. (2009)
Texas cave and spring salamanders (Eurycea): new discoveries and new surprises
Plath, M., Stange, D., Riesch, R. and Oetken, M. (2009)
Do cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) obtain information about the resource value of food patches from shoal mates?
Valdez-Moreno, M., Ivanova, N.V., Elias-Gutierrez, M., Contreras-Balderas, S. and Herbert, P.D.N. (2009)
Probing diversity in freshwater fishes from Mexico and Guatemala with DNA barcodes
Riesch, R., Duwe, V., Hermann, N., Padur, L., Ramm, A., Scharnweber, K., Schulte, M., Schulz-Mirbach, T., Ziege, M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Variation along the shy-bold continuum in extremophile fishes (Poecilia mexicana, P. sulphuraria)
Riesch, R, Tobler, M, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2009)
Offspring number in a livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana: Poeciliidae): reduced fecundity and reduced plasticity in a population of cave mollies
Timmermann, M and Plath, M (2009)
Phototactic response and light sensitivity in an epigean and a hypogean population of a barb (Garra barreimiae, Cyprinidae)
White, K., Davidson, G.R. and Paquin, P. (2009)
Hydrologic evolution of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone (Balcones fault zone) as recorded in the DNA of eyeless Cicurina cave spiders, south-central Texas
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Schlupp, I. and Marsh-Matthews, E. (2010)
Matrotrophy in the cave molly: An unexpected provisining strategy in an extreme environment
Horstkotte, J., Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Jager, P. (2010)
Predation by three species of spiders on a cave fish in a Mexican sulfur cave
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Garcia de Leon, F.J. and Schlupp, I. (2010)
Convergent life-history shifts: toxic environments result in big babies in two clades of poeciliids
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Plath, M., Hermann, B., Schröder, C., Riesch, R., Tobler, M., García de León, F.J., Schlupp I. and Tiedeman, R. (2010)
Locally adapted fish populations maintain small-scale genetic differentiation despite perturbation by a catastrophic flood event
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Tobler, M., Coleman, S.W., Perkins, B.D. and Rosenthal, G.G. (2010)
Reduced opsin gene expression in a cave-dwelling fish
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2010)
Toxic Hygrogen sulphide and dark caves: life history adaptations to extreme environments in a livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Plath, M, Richter, S, Schlupp, I and Tiedemann, R (2010)
Misleading mollies: Surface but not cave dwelling Poecilia mexicana males deceive competitors about mating preferences
Plath, M. and Tobler, M. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Mexico (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Schulz-Mirbach, T, Ladich, F and Riesch, R (2010)
Otolith morphology and hearing abilities in cave- and surface-dwelling ecotypes of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana (Teleostei: Poeciliidae).
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Plath, M, Reis, R. E., A, Oranth, J, Dzienko, N, Karau, A, Schießl, S, Stadler, A, Wigh, C, Zimmer, Arias Rodriguez, Lenin, I, Schlupp and M, Tobler (2010)
Complementary effect of natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation between locally adapted fish
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Riesch, R.W., Oranth, A., Dzienko, J., Karau, N., Schiel, A., Stadler, S., Wigh, A., Zimmer, C., Arias-Rodriguez L., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2010)
Extreme habitats are not refuges: poeciliids suffer from increased aerial predation risk in sulphidic southern Mexican habitats
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Tobler, M., Culumber, Z.W., Plath, M., Winemiller, K.O. and Rosenthal, G.G. (2010)
An indigenous religious ritual selects for resistance to a toxicant in a livebearing fish
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
Drop inside the Edwards Aquifer
Tobler, M., Palacios, M., Chapman, L. J., Mitrofanov, I., Bierbach, D., Plath, M. and Mateos, M. (2011)
Evolution in extreme environments: replicated phenotypic differentiation in livebearing fish inhabiting sulfidic springs
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
How an aquifer works
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Tobler, M. and Hastings, L. (2011)
Convergent patterns of body shape differtiation in four different clades of poeciliid fishes inhabiting sulfide springs
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2011)
Speciation in caves: experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Castano-Meneses, G. and Estrada, D.A. (2011)
Diversity and dynamics of microarthropods from different biotopes of Las Sardinas cave (Mexico)
Riesch,R., Schlupp, I., Langerhans, R.B. and Plath, M. (2011)
Shared and unique patterns of embryo development in extremophile poeciliids
Köhler, A., Hildenbrand, P., Schleucher, E., Riesch, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Streit, B. and Plath, M. (2011)
Effects of male sexual harassment on female time budgets, feeding behavior, and metabolic rates in a tropical livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Riesch, R., García de León, F.J. and Plath, M. (2011)
Effects of extreme habitat conditions on otolith morphology – a case study on extremophile livebearing fishes (Poecilia mexicana, P. sulphuraria)
Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2011)
Speciation in caves: experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation. Additional background information (with 48 references)
Bierbach, D., Kronmarck, C., Hennige-Schulz, C., Stadler, S. and Plath, M. (2011)
Sperm competition risk affects male mate choice copying
Mejia, R (2011)
Cave-dwelling fish provide clues to the circadian cycle
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Heß, M. and Plath, M. (2011)
Inner Ear Morphology in the Atlantic Molly Poecilia mexicana—First Detailed Microanatomical Study of the Inner Ear of a Cyprinodontiform Species
Roach, K.A., Tobler, M. and Winemiller, K.O. (2011)
Hydrogen sulfide, bacteria and fish: a unique subterranean food chain
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2011)
Toxic hydrogen sulphide and dark caves: pronounced male life-history divergance among locally adapted Poecilia mexicana ((Poeciliidae)
Plath, M., Riesch, R., Culumber, Z., Streit, B. and Tobler, M. (2011)
Giant water bug (Belostoma sp.) predation on a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana): effects of female body size and gestational state
Tobler, M and Plath, M (2011)
Living in extreme environments
Riesch, R., Schlupp, I., Schleucher, E., Hildenbrand, P., Kohler, A., Arias Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2011)
Reduced starvation resistance and increased metabolic rates in an unusual cave organism: the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana: Poeciliidae)
Klaus, S and Plath, M (2011)
Predation on a cave fish by the freshwater crab Avotrichodactylus bidens (Bott, 1969) (Brachyura, Trichodactylidae) in a Mexican sulfur cave
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
Drop inside the Edwards Aquifer
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
How an aquifer works
Rosales Lagarde, L. (2012)
Investigation of karst brackish-sulfidic springs and their role in the hydrogeology, subsurface water-rock interactions, and speleogenesis at northern Sierra de Chiapas
Bierbach, D., Klein, M., Sassmannshausen, V., Schlupp, I., Riesch, R., Parzefall, J. and Plath, M. (2012)
Divergent evolution of male aggressive behaviour another reproductive isolation barrier in extremophile poeciliid fishes?
Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2012)
The offspring size/fecundity trade-off and female fitness in the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Kelley, J.L., Passow, C.N., Plath, M., Rodriguez, L.A., Yee, M.C. and Tobler,M. (2012)
Genomic resources for a model in adaptation and speciation research: characterization of the Poecilia mexicana transcriptome
Rosales Lagarde, L. (2013)
Sulfidic karst springs and speleogenesis in the Sierra de Chiapas
McDermid, K. (2013)
Biological sampling through wells as windows into the Edwards Aquifer
McDermid, K. (2013)
Biological sampling through wells as windows into the Edwards Aquifer
Bendik, N.F., Meik, J.M., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Roelke, C.E. and Chippindale, P.T. (2013)
Biogeography, phylogeny, and morphological evolution of central Texas cave and spring salamanders
Bierbach, D., Shulte, M., Hermann, N., Zimmer, C., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Indy, J.R., Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2013)
Predator avoidance in extremophile fish
Alda, F., Reina, R.G., Doadrio, I., and Bermingham, E. (2013)
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Poecilia sphenops species complex (Actinopterygii. Poeciliidae) in Central America
Schlupp, I., Lamatsch, D.K., Teege, K. and Parzefall, J. (2013)
Food finding ability in several molly species (Poecilia spp.), including the unisexual Amazon molly
Plath, M., Pfenninger, H., Lerp, R., Riesch, R., Eschenbrenner, C., Slettery, P.A., Bierbach, D.N., Herrmann, Schultze, M, Arias Rodriguez, Lenin, Indy, Passow, C., and Tobler, M. (2013)
Genetic differentiation and selection against migrants in evolutionarily replicated extreme environments
Langerhans, R.B. and Riesch, R. (2013)
Speciation by selection: A framework for understanding ecology's role in speciation
Bierbach, D., Penshorn, M., Hamfler, S., Herbert, D. B., Appel, J., Meyer, P., et al. (2013)
Gradient evolution of body colouration in surface- and cave-dwelling Poecilia mexicana and the role of phenotype-assortative female mate choice.
Tobler, M., Roach, K., Winemiller, K.O., Morehouse, R.L. and Plath M. (2013)
Population Structure, Habitat Use, and Diet of Giant Waterbugs in a Sulfidic Cave
Schlupp, I., Colston, T. J., Joachim, B. L. and Riesch, R. (2013)
Translocation of cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) within and between natural habitats along a toxicity gradient
Palacios, M., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Plath, M., Eifert, C., Lerp, H., Lamboj, A. and Tobler, M. (2013)
The rediscovery of a long described species reveals additional complexity in speciation patterns of poeciliid fishes in sulfide springs.
Ruschenbaum, S. and Schlupp, I. (2013)
Non-visual mate choice ability in a cavefish (Poecilia mexicana) is not mechanosensory
Joachim, B.L., Riesch R., and Jeffery, W.R., and Schlupp, I. (2013)
Pignent cell retention in cavernicolous populations of Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Jourdan, J., Bierbach, D., Riesch, R., Dzienko, J., Karau, N., Oranth, A., Stadler, S., Schießl, A., Wigh, A., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Indy, J.R., Klaus, S., Zimmer, C. and Plath, M. (2014)
Microhabitat use, population densities and size distributions of sulfur cave-dwelling Poecilia mexicana
Tobler, M., Plath, M., Riesch, R., Schlupp, I., Grasse, A., Munimanda, G.K., Setzer, C., Penn, D.J. and Moodley, Y. (2014)
Selection from parasites favours immunogenetic diversity but not divergence among locally adapted host populations
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Schlupp, I., Tobler, M. and Langerhans, R.B. (2014)
Colonization of toxic springs drives predictable life-history shift in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae).
Rosales-Lagarde, L., Boston, P., Campbell, A., Hose, L., Axen, G. and Stafford, K.W. (2014)
Hydrogeology of northern Sierra de Chiapas, Mexico: a conceptual model based on a geochemical characterization of sulfide-rich karst brackish springs
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Pfenninger, M., Lerp, H., Tobler, M., Passow, C., Kelley, J.L., Funke, E., Greshake, B., Erkoc, U.K., Berberich, T. and Plath, M. (2014)
Parallel evolution of cox-genes in H2S-tolerant fish as key adaptation to a toxic environment
Eifert, C., Farnworth, M., Schulz-Mirbach, T., Riesch, R., Bierbach, D., Klaus, S., Wurster, A., Tobler, M., Streit, B., Indy, J.R., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2014)
Brain size variation in extremophile fish: local adaptation versus phenotypic plasticity
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Greenway, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Diaz, P. and Tobler, M. (2014)
Patterns of macroinvertebrate and fish diversity in freshwater sulphide springs
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Pfenninger, M., Patel, S., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Feldmeyer, B., Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2015)
Unique evolutionary trajectories in repeated adaptation to hydrogen sulphide-toxic habitats of a neotropical fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Chavez-Solis, E.M. (2015)
Aspectos ecológicos y etológicos de decápodos estigobios (Creaseria morleyi y Typhlatya spp.) En cenotes de Yucatán: utilización espacio- temporal, cambios anuales y relaciones interespecíficas
Riesch, R, Tobler, CM and Plath, M (2015)
Hydrogen sulphide-toxic habitats
Tobler, M., Scharnweber, K., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Garcıa-De-Leon, F.J.. (2015)
Convergent changes in the trophic ecology of extremophile fish along replicated environmental gradients
Plath, M., Tobler, M. and Riesch, R. (2015)
Extremophile fishes: An introduction
Tobler, M. and Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2015)
Extremophile fishes: An integrative synthesis
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Riesch, R., Tobler, M. and Plath, M. (2015)
Extremophile Fishes: Ecology, Evolution, and Physiology of Teleosts in Extreme Environments
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Passow, C.N., Greenway, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Jeyasingh, P.D. and Tobler, M. (2015)
Reduction of energetic demands through modification of body size and routine metabolic rates in extremophile fish
Sanchez, R., Lopez, V. and Eckstein, G. (2016)
Identifying and characterizing transboundary aquifers along the Mexico–US border: An initial assessment
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Palacios, M., Voelker, G. and Rodriguez, L.A. (2016)
Phylogenetic analyses of the subgenus Mollienesia (Poecilis, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) reveal taxonomic inconsistencies, cryptic biodiversity and spatio-temporal aspects of diversification in Middle America
Sommer-Trembo, C., Bierbach, D., Arias Rodriguez, L., Verel, Y., Jourdan, J., Zimmer, C. and Plath, M. (2016)
Does personality affect premating isolation between locally-adapted populations?
Yuhas, A. (2016)
Eyeless catfish discovered in Texas cave may have come from Mexico
Tobler, M., Passow, C.N., Greenway, R., Kelley, J.L. and Shaw, J.H. (2016)
The evolutionary ecology of animals inhabiting hydrogen sulfide-rich environments
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Coleman, W.T. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Sinatra, C.S. (2016)
Rare, blind catfish never before found in U.S. discovered in Texas
Sinatra, C.S. (2016)
Rare, blind catfish never before found in U.S. discovered in Texas
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Schulz-Mirbach, T.. Eifert, C., Riesch, R. et al. (2016)
Toxic hydrogen sulphide shapes brain anatomy: a comparative study of sulphide-adapted ecotypes in the Poecilia mexicana complex
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Riesch, R., Reznick, D.N., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2016)
Sex-specific local life-history adaptation in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana).
Riesch, R., Tobler, C.M., Lerp, H., Jourdan, J., Doumas, T., Nosil, P., Langerhans, R.B. and Plath, M. (2016)
Extremophile Poeciliidae: Multivariate insights into the complexity of speciation along replicated ecological gradients
Jourdan, J., Jordan, M., Zimmer, C., Eifert, C., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2016)
Response to conspecific chemical cues in surface- and cave-dwelling populations of Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Culumber, Z.W., Hopper, G.W., Barts, N., Passow, C.N., Morgan, S., Brown, A. andTobler, M. (2016)
Habitat use of two extremophile, highly endemic, and critically endangered fish species (Gambusia eurystoma and Poecilia sulphurophila; Poeciliidae).
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Coleman, W.T. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Greenway, R., Drexler, S., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Tobler, M. (2016)
Adaptive, but not condition-dependent, body shape differences contribute to assortative mating preferences during ecological speciation.
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Kelley, J.L., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Patacsil Martin, D., Yee, M.C., Bustamante, C.D. and Tobler, M. (2016)
Mechanisms underlying adaptation to life in Hydrogen sulfide–rich environments
Reznick, D.N., Furness, A.I., Meredith, R.W. and Springer, M.S. (2017)
The origin and biogeographic diversification of fishes in the family Poeciliidae
Oke, K. B., Rolshausen, G., LeBlond, C. and Hendry, A. P. (2017)
How parallel is parallel evolution? A comparative analysis in fishes
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Airhart, M.G. (2017)
Scientists on the trail of central Texas' elusive Satan fish
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Airhart, M.G. (2017)
Scientists on the trail of central Texas' elusive Satan fish
Brown, A.P., Greenway, R., Morgan, S., Quackenbush, C.R., Giordani, L., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2017)
Genome-scale data reveal that endemic Poecilia populations from small sulphidic springs display no evidence of inbreeding
Gluesenkamp, A., Hendrickson, D., and Sprouse, P. (2017)
The Mexican Blindcat project: New discoveries and future efforts
Passow C.N., Arias-Rodriguez L. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Convergent evolution of reduced energy demands in extremophile fish
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Barts, N., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Arias Rodriguez, L., Kelley, J.L., and Tobler, M. (2017)
Expression and molecular evolution of oxygen transport genes in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae) from hydrogen sulfide rich springs
Passow, C.N., Brown, A.P., Kelley, J.L. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Organ-specific patterns of gene expression among extremophile fish populations exposed to toxic hydrogen sulfide and permanent darkness
Passow, Courtney N.; Brown, Anthony P.; Arias-Rodriguez, Lenin; et al. (2017)
Complexities of gene expression patterns in natural populations of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Culumber, Z.W. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Sex-specific evolution during the diversification of live-bearing fishes.
Hose, L.D. and Rosales-Lagarde, L. (2017)
Sulfur-rich caves of southern Tabasco, Mexico
Passow, C.N., Henpita, C., Shaw, J.H., Quakenbush, C., Warren, W.C., Schartl, M. and Tobler, M. (2017)
The roles of plasticity and evolutionary change in shaping gene expression variation in natural populations of extremophile fish
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Chávez-Solís, E.M., Mejía-Ortíz, L.M. and Simões, N. (2018)
Predatory behavior of the cave shrimp Creaseria morleyi (Creaser, 1936) (Caridea: Palaemonidae), the blind hunter of the Yucatán cenotes, Mexico
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Bierbach, D., Lukas. J.A., Bergmann, A., Elsner, K., Höhne, L., Weber, C., Weimar, N., Redriguez, L.A., Mönck, H.J., Nguyen, H., Romanczuk, P., Landgraf, T. and Krause, J. (2018)
Insights into the social behavior of surface and cave-dwelling fish (Poecilia mexicana) in light and darkness through the use of a biomimetic robot
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Bierbach, D., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2018)
Intrasexual competition enhances reproductive isolation between locally adapted populations
Tobler, M., Kelley, J.L., Plath, M., and Riesch, R. (2018)
Extreme environments and the origins of biodiversity: Adaptation and speciation in sulphide spring fishes
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Torres-Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Plath, M. and Riesch, R. (2018)
Evolution in caves: selection from darkness causes spinal deformities in teleost fishes
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Devitt, T.J., Wright, A.M., Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. (2019)
Species delimitation in endangered groundwater salamanders: Implications for aquifer management and biodiversity conservation
Devitt, T.J., Wright, A.M., Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. (2019)
Species delimitation in endangered groundwater salamanders: Implications for aquifer management and biodiversity conservation
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Espinasa, L., Chávez Solís, E.M., Mascaró, M., Rosas, D., Simoes, N. and Violette, G. (2019)
A new locality and phylogeny of the stygobitic Typhlatya shrimps for the Yucatan Peninsula
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Lau, G.Y., Barts, N., Hartley, R.C., Tobler, M., Richards, J.G., Murphy, M.P. and Arndt, S. (2019)
Detection of changes in mitochondrial hydrogen sulfide in vivo in the fish model Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Johnson, S., Schindel, G.M., and Van Brahana, J. (2019)
Tracer testing in the Edwards Aquifer
Nair, P. (2019)
Ecophysiology and food web dynamics of spring ecotone communities in the Edwards Aquifer, USA
Nair, P. (2019)
Ecophysiology and food web dynamics of spring ecotone communities in the Edwards Aquifer, USA
Torres-Martínez, A., Ruiz de Dios, L., Hernández-Franyutti, A., Uribe, M.C., and Sánchez, W.C. (2019)
Structure of the testis and spermatogenesis of the viviparous teleost Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae) from an active sulfur spring cave in Southern Mexico
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
McGowan, K.L., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2019)
Expression analyses of cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) reveal key genes involved in the early evolution of eye regression.
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
McGowan, K.L., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M and Kelley, J.L. (2019)
Supplementary material for "Expression analyses of cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) reveal key genes involved in the early evolution of eye regression"
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Johnson, S., Schindel, G.M., and Van Brahana, J. (2019)
Tracer testing in the Edwards Aquifer
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Jones, I.C. and Anaya, R. (2019)
The Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Trinity (Hill Country) aquifer system, Texas
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Camarillo, H., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Tobler, M. (2020)
Functional consequences of phenotypic variation between locally adapted populations: swimming performance and ventilation in extremophile fish
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Angyal, D., Chávez-Solís, E.M., Liévano-Beltrán, L.A., Magaña, B., Simoes, N. and Mascaró, M. (2020)
New distribution records of subterranean crustaceans from cenotes in Yucatan (Mexico)
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Chávez‑Solís, E.M., Solís, C., Simões, N., and Mascaró, M. (2020)
Distribution patterns, carbon sources and niche partitioning in cave shrimps (Atyidae: Typhlatya)
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Ghedotti, M.J., Davis, M.P. and Echelle, A.A. (2020)
Poeciliidae: Livebearers
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Riesch, R., Morley, N.J., Jourdan, J., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2020)
Sulphide-toxic habitats are not refuges from parasite infections in an extremophile fish
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Owens, G.L., Veen, T., Moxley, D.R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Rennison, D.J. (2021)
Parallel shifts of visual sensitivity and body coloration in replicate populations of extremophile fish
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Kelley J.L., Desvignes T., McGowan K.L., Perez M., Rodriguez L. A., Brown A.P., . . . and Tobler M. (2021)
microRNA expression variation as a potential molecular mechanism contributing to adaptation to hydrogen sulphide
Mejía-Ortíz, L.M., Collantes-Chávez-Costa, A.L., López-Contreras, C. and Frausto-Martínez, O. (2022)
Subterranean waters in Riviera Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula: Vulnerability and the Importance of monitoring
Corrington, C.A. (2022)
Spatial gradients and food web structure of groundwater communities
Mejıa-Ortız, L.M., Chavez-Solıs, E.M. and Brankovits, D. (2022)
Editorial: The effects of environmental change on anchialine ecosystems
Corrington, C.A. (2022)
Spatial gradients and food web structure of groundwater communities
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Riesch, R., Curtis, A., Jourdan, J., Schlupp, I. Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2022)
Two ecological gradients drive phenotypic differentiation of a cave fish over a few hundred metres
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Solís, C., Chávez-Solís, E.M., Rodríguez-Ceja, M., Méndez-García, C.G., Ortíz, E., Canto, C., Martínez-Carrillo, M.A., Mascar, M. (2023)
Linking radiocarbon and trophic webs in karstic groundwater ecosystems in the Yucatan Peninsula, México
Riesch, R. Arriaga, L.R. and Schlupp, I. (2023)
Sex-specific life-history trait expression in hybrids of a cave- and surface-dwelling fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Pedraza-Lara, C., Rosas-Valdez, R., Pérez-Ponce de León, G., García-Andrade, A.B. and Doadrio, I. (2023)
Multi-locus phylogeny of the catfish genus Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Siluriformes) and its systematic and evolutionary implications
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Pedraza-Lara, C., Rosas-Valdez, R., Pérez-Ponce de León, G., García-Andrade, A.B. and Doadrio, I. (2023)
Multi-locus phylogeny of the catfish genus Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Siluriformes) and its systematic and evolutionary implications
Wilkens, H. (2023)
The general significance of variability in cave regressive traits for evolution
Federal Register (2023)
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered species status for Toothless Blindcat and Widemouth Blindcat. A Proposed Rule by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 08/22/2023
Federal Register (2023)
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered species status for Toothless Blindcat and Widemouth Blindcat. A Proposed Rule by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 08/22/2023
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2023)
Two rare Texas cavefish proposed for Listing under Endangered Species Act. Groundwater well uptake is primary threat increasing risk of extinction
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2023)
Two rare Texas cavefish proposed for Listing under Endangered Species Act. Groundwater well uptake is primary threat increasing risk of extinction
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Nobrega, M.D. (2023)
Adaptation in sulfide spring fishes: experimental approaches
Perez, K.E., Guerrero, Y., Castañeda, R., Diaz, P.H., Gibson, R., Schwartz, B. and Hutchins, B.T. (2023)
Two new phreatic snails (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cochliopidae) from the Edwards and Edwards-Trinity aquifers, Texas
Perez, K.E., Guerrero, Y., Castañeda, R., Diaz, P.H., Gibson, R., Schwartz, B. and Hutchins, B.T. (2023)
Two new phreatic snails (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cochliopidae) from the Edwards and Edwards-Trinity aquifers, Texas
De-Kayne, R., Perry, B.W., McGowan, K.L., Landers, J., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Greenway, R., Rodríguez Peña, C.M., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2024)
Evolutionary rate shifts in coding and regulatory regions underpin repeated adaptation to sulfidic streams in Poeciliid fishes
Nobrega, M., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Rodriguez, L.A. and Tobler, M. (2024)
Effects of plasticity and genetic divergence in phenotypic trait expression of sulfide spring fishes
Perez, K.E., Cantu, V., Saenz, V., Gibson, R., Duncan. P. and Hutchins, B. (2024)
Invertebrate diversity from deep wells of the Southern boundary of the Edwards Aquifer of southcentral Texas
Perez, K.E., Cantu, V., Saenz, V., Gibson, R., Duncan. P. and Hutchins, B. (2024)
Invertebrate diversity from deep wells of the Southern boundary of the Edwards Aquifer of southcentral Texas
Chavez Solıs, E.M., Mascaro, M., Rosas, C., Rodrıguez-Fuentes. G, Caamal Monsreal, C., Paschke, K., Dıaz, F. and Re Araujo, D. (2024)
Are haloclines distributional barriers in anchialine ecosystems? Physiological response of cave shrimps to salinity
Gonzalez, L.R.F. (2024)
Groundwater flow and water clarity at cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula
Gonzalez, L.R.F. (2024)
Groundwater flow and water clarity at cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula
Cardenas, M.B., Chiarino, I., Sananda, J.M., Nguyen, W.D. and Rempe, D.M. (2024)
Water sample collection methods for 222Rn analysis by scuba diving: Insights on groundwater flushing of anchialine cave systems of the Yucatan Peninsula
Cardenas, M.B., Chiarino, I., Sananda, J.M., Nguyen, W.D. and Rempe, D.M. (2024)
Water sample collection methods for 222Rn analysis by scuba diving: Insights on groundwater flushing of anchialine cave systems of the Yucatan Peninsula
Greenway, R., De-Kayne., R., .Brown, A.P., Camarillo, H., Delich, C., McGowan, K.L., Nelson, J., Lenin Arias-Rodriguez, Kelley, J.L. and Tobler, M. (2024)
Integrative analyses of convergent adaptation in sympatric extremophile fishes
Johnson, E.S., Johnson, S.D., McNemee, R., Greenway, R., Rodriguez, L.A. and Tobler, M. (2024)
Genital evolution in the dark: characterization of male and female genitalia in cave mollies and their surface ancestors (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)