
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae

Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M.

Record Number:
936 pages
John Hopkins University Press
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Related Records:
Steindachner, F. (1863)
Beitrage zur Kentniss der Sciaenoiden Brasiliens und der Cyprinodonten Mejicos
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)
Trogloglanis pattersoni, a new blind fish from San Antonio, Texas
Eigenmann, C.H. (1919)
Trogloglanis pattersoni, a new blind fish from San Antonio, Texas
Norman, J. R. (1926)
A new blind catfish from Trinidad, with a list of blind cave-fishes
Hubbs, C.L. and Innes, W.T. (1936)
The first known blind fish of the family Characidae: A new genus from Mexico
Jordan, C. B. (1937)
Bringing in the new cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs and Innes
Hykes, O. V. (1937)
Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs and Innes
Innes, W.T. (1937)
A cavern Characin, Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs and Innes
Anonymous (1940)
Expedicion para recoges peces ciegos en Mexico
Bridges, W. (1940)
The blind fish of La Cueva Chica
Gresser, E.B. and Breder, C.M. (1940)
The histology of the eye of the cave characin, Anoptichthys
Breder, C.M. and Gresser, E.B. (1941)
Behaviour of Mexican cave characins in reference to light and cave entry
Breder, C.M. and Gresser, E.B. (1941)
Correlations between structural eye defects and behaviour in the Mexican blind characin
Breder, C.M. and Gresser, E.B. (1941)
Further studies on the light sensitivity and behaviour of the Mexican blind characins
Breder, C.M. (1942)
Descriptive ecology of La Cueva Chica, with especial reference to the blind fish, Anoptichthys
Breder, C.M. (1943)
A note on erratic viciousness in Astyanax mexicanus (Phillipi)
Breder, C.M. (1943)
Apparent changes in phenotypic ratios of the characins at the type locality of Anptichthys jordani Hubbs and Innes
Breder, C.M. (1943)
Problems in the behaviour and evolution of a species of blind cave fish
Osorio Tafall, B.F. (1943)
Observaciones sobra la fauna aquatica de las Cuevas de la region de Valles, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
Breder, C.M. and Rasquin, P. (1943)
Chemical sensory reactions in the Mexican blind characins
Bridges, W. (1943)
What we have learned about blind cave fishes
Breder, C.M. (1944)
Ocular anatomy and light sensitivity studies on the blind fish Cueva de Los Sabinos, Mexico
Anonymous (1945)
Notes on the blind cave tetra
Breder, C.M. (1945)
Compensating reactions to the loss of the lower jaw in a cave fish
Benn, J.H. (1945)
Composite observations on cave life (with special reference to blind fishes)
Breder, C.M. and Halpern, F. (1946)
Innate and aquired behaviour affecting the aggregation of fishes
Jordan, C.B. (1946)
Anoptichthys x Astyanax hybrids
Rasquin, P. (1946)
Progressive pigmentary regression in fishes associated with cave environments
Alvarez, J. (1946)
Revision del genero Anoptichthys con descripcion de una especie nueva (Pisc., Characidae)
Breder, C.M. and Roemhild, J. (1947)
Comparative behaviours of various fishes under differing conditions of aggregation
Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
Blind catfishes from artesian waters of Texas
Nigrelli R.F. (1947)
Spontaneous neoplasms in fishes. III. Lymphosarcoma in Astyanax and Esox
Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
Blind catfishes from artesian waters of Texas
Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
Blind catfishes from artesian waters of Texas
Breder, C.M. and Rasquin, P. (1947)
Comparative studies on the light sensitivity of blind characins from a series of Mexican caves
Breder, C.M. and Rasquin, P. (1947)
Evidence for the lack of a growth principle in the optic cyst of the Mexican cave fish
Rasquin, P. (1947)
Progressive pigmentary regression in fishes associated with cave environments
Hubbs, C.L. and Bailey, R.M. (1947)
Blind catfishes from artesian waters of Texas
Schlagel, S.R. and Breder, C.M. (1947)
A study of the oxygen consumption of blind and eyed cave characins in light and in darkness
Alvarez, J. (1947)
Descripcion de Anoptichthys hubbsi caracindo ciego de la Cueva de Los Sabinos, S.L.P
Alvarez del Villar, J. (1948)
Descripcion de una nueva especie de Mollienisia capturada en Banos del Azufre, Tabasco (Pisces, Poeciliidae).
Rasquin, P. (1949)
The influence of light and darkness on thyroid and pituitary activity of the characin Astyanax mexicanus and its cave derivatives
Rasquin, P. (1949)
Regeneration of the optic nerve after section with the return of vision in the characin Astyanax mexicanus
Rasquin, P. (1949)
Spontaneous depigmentation in the catfish Ameiurus nebulosus
Atz, J.W. (1950)
Fishes from deserts and caves
Bolivar y Pieltain, C. (1950)
Estudio de una Cirolana cavernicola nueva de la region de Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Breder, C.M. and Rasquin, P. (1950)
A preliminary report on the role of the pineal organ in the control of pigment cells and light reactions in recent teleost fishes
Rasquin, P. and Hafter, E. (1951)
Age changes in the testis of the teleost, Astyanax mexicanus
Villalobos, A. (1951)
Un nuevo Misidaceo de las Grutas de Quintero en el estado de Tamaulipas
Breder, C.M. and Hafter Atz., E. (1952)
Conditioned restrictions of movement in fishes, fancied and real
Meder, E. (1952)
Uber den blinden Hohlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes. Aus der Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Naturzuchtung im VDA
Luling, K.H. (1953)
Uber die fortschreitende Augendegenerations des Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes (Characidae)
Atz, E.H. (1953)
Experimental differentiation of basophil cell types in the transitional lobe of the pituitary of a teleost fish, Astyanax mexicanus
Heuts, M. J. (1953)
Comments on "Cave fish evolution"
Bonet, F. (1953)
Datos sobre las cavernas y otros fenomenos erosivos de las calizas de La Sierra de El Abra
Luling, K.H. (1953)
Die Heimat und die Entdeckng unseres Blindfisches Anoptichthys jordani
Luling, K.H. (1953)
Uber das Sehen jugendlicher Anptichthys jordani (Hubbs und Innes)
Luling, K.H. (1954)
Untersuchungen am Blindfisch Anoptichtys jordani Hubbs und Innes (Characidae). I Einige Beobachtungen uber das Verhalten des Blindfisches Anoptichthys jordani beim Laichen
Luling, K.H. (1954)
Untersuchungen am Blindfisch Anoptichtys jordani Hubbs und Innes (Characidae). II Beobachtungen und Experimente an Anoptichthys jordani zur Prufung der Einstellung zum Futter, zumlicht und zur Wassertubulenze
Stefanelli, A. (1954)
It tetto ottico di Pesci ciechi cavernicoli nei riguardi del differenziamento specifico dei neuroni
Rasquin, P. and Rosenbloom, L. (1954)
Endocrine imbalance and tissue hyperplasia in teleosts maintained in darkness
Stefanelli, A. (1954)
The differentiation of optic lobe neurones in a blind cave teleost
Thines, G. (1954)
Etude comparative de la photosensibilite des poissons aveugles Caecobarbus geertsii Blgr et Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes
Breder, C.M. (1954)
A second case of survival by a teleost without a lower jaw
Kuhn, O. and Kahling, G. J. (1954)
Augen ruckbildung und Lichtsinn bei Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes
Carranza, J. (1954)
Descripcion del primer bagre anoftalmo y depigmentado encontrado en aguas Mexicanus (Pisc., Ameiur)
Luling, K.H. (1955)
Untersuchungen am Blindfische Anoptichthys jordani, Hubbs und Innes (Characidae). III Vergleichende anatomisch-histologische studien an den Augen des Anoptichthys jordani
Luling, K.H. (1955)
Zur Augenreduktion des aus Mexikanischen Hohlen stammenden blinden Salmlers Anoptichthys jordani (Hubbs und Innes)
Taylor, W. R. (1955)
A revision of the genus Noturus Rafinesque with a contribution to the classification of the North American catfishes
Taylor, W. R. (1955)
A revision of the genus Noturus Rafinesque with a contribution to the classification of the North American catfishes
Taylor, W. R. (1955)
A revision of the genus Noturus Rafinesque with a contribution to the classification of the North American catfishes
Taylor, W. R. (1955)
A revision of the genus Noturus Rafinesque with a contribution to the classification of the North American catfishes
Luling, K.H. (1955)
On the subject of eye reduction found it the blind fish Anoptichthys jordani (Hubbs und Innes) from the Mexican caves
Bridges, W. (1955)
No eyes in the darkness
Schutz, F. (1956)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die schreckreaktion bei Fischen und deren Verbreitung
Sadoglu, P. (1956)
A preliminary report on the genetics of the Mexican cave characin
Barr, T. C. (1956)
Notes on cave blindfish
Grunewald-Lowenstein, M. (1956)
Influence of light and darkness on the pineal body in Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi)
John, K. R. (1957)
Observations on the behaviour of blind and blinded fishes
Thines, G. and Kahling, J. (1957)
Untersuchungen uber die Farbempfindlichkeit des Hohlenfisches Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae)
Sadoglu, P. (1957)
A Mendelian gene for albinism in natural cave fish
Sadoglu, P. (1957)
Mendelian inheritance in the hybrids between the Mexican blind cave fishes and their overground ancestors
Hahn, G. (1957)
Ferntastsinn und Stromungsssinn beim augelosen Hohlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubb und Innes und das Problem der Rezeptionsorte von Lichtreizen
Kahling, J. (1957)
Progressive und regressive Augenentwicklung bei dem Hohlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes und das Problem der Rezeptionsorte von Lichtreizenen
Luling, K.H. (1957)
Caecobarbus geertsi Boulenger - seine Entdeckung, verbreitung und Lebensweise - und nochmals Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes
Cahn, P.H. (1958)
Comparative optic development in Astyanax mexicanus and in two of its blind cave derivatives
Bertin, L. (1958)
Poissons cavernicoles
Pelz, H. W. (1958)
Einiges uber den blinden Hohlensalmler Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes
Stolk, A. (1958)
Tumours of fishes. XXIV. Ocular melanoma in the Characid Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes
Grobbel, G. and Hahn, G. (1958)
Morphologie und Histologie der Seitenorgane des augenlosen Hohlenfisches Anoptichthys jordani im Vergleich zu anderen Teleosteern
Stolk, A. (1959)
Experimenten met grotbewonende vissen
Breder, C.M. (1959)
Studies on social groupings in fishes
Humbach, I. (1960)
Geruch und Geschmack bei den augemlosen Hohlenfischen Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes und Anoptichthys hubbsi Alvarez
Frank, S. (1960)
Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs a Innes 1936
Boeseman, M. (1960)
The freshwater fishes of the islands of Trinidad
Kuhn, O. (1960)
Ausseroptische Lichtwerkungen bei tierischen Organismen
Hahn, G. (1960)
Ferntastsinn und Stromungsinn beim augenlosen Hohlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes im Vergleich zu anderen Teleostiern
Humbach, I. (1960)
Geruch und Geschmack bei den augenlosen Hohlenfischen Anopichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes und Anoptichthys hubbsi Alvarez
Frank, S. (1961)
A morphological study about blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani
Baslow, M. H. and Nigrelli, R. F. (1961)
Muscle acetylcholinesterase levels as an index of general activity in fishes
Kahling, J. (1961)
Untersuchungen uber den Lichtsinn und dessen Lokalisation bei dem Hohlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes (Characidae)
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Snow, D.W. (1961)
The natural history of the Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Part 1. General behaviour and breeding habits.
Suttkus, R. D. (1961)
Additional information about blind catfishes from Texas
Bath, H. (1962)
Vergleichende biologische-anatomische Untersuchungen uber die Leistungsfuhigkeit der Sinnesorgane fur den Nahrungserwerbeihre gegenseitige Abhengigkeit und ihre Beziehungen zum Bau des Gehirns bei verschiedenen Knochenfischarten
Franck, A. (1962)
Mexicanische Hohlencharaciniden im Vergleich zu ihren oberirdischen Vorfahren
Friedman, L.R. (1962)
A study of normal and malignant thymus tissue of the teleost Astyanax mexicanus in tissue culture
Goettert, L. (1962)
Orientierungsmoglichkeiten beim augenlosen Hohlenfisch (Anoptichthys jordani)
Luling, K.H. (1962)
Untersuchungen am Blindfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs und Innes (Characidae). IV Bemerkungen zur Okologie und Tiergeographie
Goodrick, C.L. (1962)
Differential adaptation of activity in the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani
Snow, D.W. (1962)
The natural history of the Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Part 2. Population, breeding ecology and food
Gordon, M.S. and Rosen, D.E. (1962)
A cavernicolous form of the Poeciliid fish Poecilia sphenops from Tabasco, Mexico
Berra, T.M. (1963)
A study of Anoptichthys jordani
Pfeiffer, W. (1963)
Alarm substances
Pfeiffer, W. (1963)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber die Schreckreaktion und den Schreckstoff der Ostariophysen
Burgers, A.C.J., Bennink, P.J.H. and van Oordt, G.J. (1963)
Investigations into the regulation of the pigmentary system in the blind Mexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Berra, T.M. (1964)
Obstacle avoidance in the blind Mexican cave fish, characin
John, K.R. (1964)
Illumination, vision, and schooling of Astyanax mexicanus (Fillipi)
John, K.R. and Haut, M. (1964)
Retinomotor cycles and correlated behaviour in the teleost Astyanax mexicanus (Fillipi)
Franck, A. (1964)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen am Hohlebfisch Anoptichthys antrobius und seinem oberirdischen Vorfahren Astyanax mexicanus
Glaser, D. (1965)
Untersuchungen uber die absoluten Geschmacksschwellen von Fischen (Phoxinus phoxinus L., Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Hemigrammus caudovittatus Ahl, und Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes)
Kosswig, C. (1965)
Genetique et evolution regressive
Boucquey, C., Thines, G. and Van Der Borght, C. (1965)
Etude compartive de la capacite photopathique et de l'activite chex les poisson cavenicole Anoptichthys antrobius chez la forme epigee ancestrale Astyanax mexicanus,et chez les hybrides F1 (Astyanax x Anoptichthys) et F2
Thines, G., Wolff-Van Ermengem, F., Boucquey, C. and Soffie, M. (1965)
Etude comparative de l'activite du poisson cavernicole Anoptichthys antrobius Alvarez, et de son ancetre epige Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi)
Reed, M. (1966)
Raising and breeding the blind cave characin
Pfeiffer, W. (1966)
Uber die Verebung der Schreckreaktion bei Astyanax (Characidae, Pisces)
Pfeiffer, W. (1966)
Die verbreitung der schreckreaktion bei kaulquappen und die herkunft des schreckstoffes
Thines, G., Soffie, M. and Vandenbussche, E. (1966)
Analyse du comportement alimentaire du poisson cavernicole aveugle Anoptichthys Gen. et d'hybrides F1 (Astyanax x Anoptichthys) et F2
Carmignani, M. P. A. (1966)
Distributuzione dei follicoli tiroidei lungo la regione branchiale nel teleosteo cieco Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs e Innes
Peters, N. and Peters, G. (1966)
Das Auge zweier Hohlenformen von Astyanax mexicanus Filippi (Characidae, Pisces)
Cavicchioli, G. and Guarnieri, P. (1966)
Nota preliminari su gli organi di senso cutanei della testa e del corpo di un pesce cavernicolo Anoptichthys jordani (Cypriniformes, Characidae)
Popper, A.N. and Tavolga, W.N. (1967)
Hearing thresholds in the Mexican blind cavefish
Pfeiffer, W. (1967)
Schreckreaction und schreckstoff-zellen bei Ostariophysi und Gonorhynchiformes
Kosswig, C. (1967)
Uber das Tempo evolutorischer Prozesse
Mattheij, J.A. and Van Oordt, P.G.W.J. (1967)
The cell types in the adenohypophysis of the blind Mexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Reddell, J.R. (1967)
Cave biology of the Sierra de Guatemala
Kuhn, O. and Strotkoetter, E. (1967)
Untersuchungen von Drucken auf den tierischen Korper. 1. Druckreception bei Fischen und ihre Mitwirkung bei den Orientierung im Roum
Sadoglu, P. (1967)
The selective value of eye and pigment loss in Mexican cave fish
Reddell, J.R. (1967)
Cave biology of the Sierra de El Abra
Reddell, J. R. (1967)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. III Vertebrates
Johnson, K.W. (1967)
Temperature responses of the Mexican blind cave-fishes of the genus Anoptichthys
Schemmel, C. (1967)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen an den Hautsinnesorganen ober- und unterirdisch lebender Astyanax-Formen. Ein Beitrag zur evolution der Cavernicolen
Walters, V. and Liu, R. K. (1967)
Hydrodynamics of navigation by fishes in terms of the mucus-water "interface"
Pfeiffer, W. (1967)
Die Korrelation von Augengrosse und Mittelherngrosse bei Hybriden aus Astyanax x Anoptichthys (Characidae, Pisces)
Pfeiffer, W. (1967)
Die Korrelation von Korperlange, Augen-, Linsen, und Papillengrosse bei Hybriden aus Astyanax x Anoptichthys (Characidae, Pisces)
Wilkens, H. (1968)
Beitrag zur Degeneration des Auges bei Cavernicolen, Genzahl und Manifestationsart (Untersuchungen an mexikanischen Hohlenfischen)
Mattheij, J.A. (1968)
The cell types in the adenohypophysis of the blind Maexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani (Hubbs and Innes)
Mattheij, J.A. (1968)
The ACTH cells in the adenohypophysis of the Mexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani, as identified by metopirone (SU 4885) treatment
Glaser, D. (1968)
Zum Verhalten blinder fische
Frank, S. (1968)
Der Augenlose. Der blinde Hohlensalmler kommt nicht blind zur welt
Carmignani, M. P. A. (1968)
Morfologia ed attivita neurosecretoria del nucleo proottico e del nucleo paraipofisario nel teleosteo cieco Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs e Innes
Peters, N. and Peters, G. (1968)
Zur genetischen Interpretation morphologischer Gesetzmassigkeiten der degenerativen Evolution. Untersuchungen au Auge einer Hohlenform von Poecilia sphenops (Poeciliidae, Pisces)
John, K.R. and Kaminester, L.H. (1969)
Further studies on retinomotor rhythms in the teleost Astyanax mexicanus
Mattheij, J.A. (1969)
The thyrotropin secreting basophils in the adenohypophysis of Anoptichthys jordani
Taylor, W. R. (1969)
A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae
Mattheij, J.A. and Sprangers, J.A.P. (1969)
The site of prolactin secretion in the adenohypophysis of the stenohaline teleost Anoptichthys jordani and the effects of this hormone on mucous cells
Frank, S. (1969)
Blind geboren ? Entwicklung und Ruckbildung des Auges bei einem blinden Hohlensalmler
Taylor, W. R. (1969)
A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae
Campos, H. (1969)
Die Geschmacksknospen im Varderdarm von Susswasserfischen, Zahl, Verteilung und Entwicklug (Phoxinus phoxinus L., Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Hemigrammus caudovittatus Ahl, Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes und Salmo gairneri Rich.)
Taylor, W. R. (1969)
A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae
Mattheij, J.A., Sprangers, J.A.P. and Van Oordt, P.G.W.J. (1969)
The site of prolactin secretion in the pituitary gland of the stenohaline teleost Anoptichthys jordani and the effects of this hormone on mucous cells
Reddell, J.R. and Mitchell, R.W. (1969)
A checklist and annotated bibliography of the subterranean aquatic fauna of Texas
Morris, R.A. (1969)
Blind cave fishes
Popper, A.N. (1969)
A behavioral and morphological analysis of audition in the Mexican blind cave fish, Astyanax jordani, and its eyed ancestor Astyanax mexicanus
Reddell, J.R. and Mitchell, R.W. (1969)
A checklist and annotated bibliography of the subterranean aquatic fauna of Texas
Sadoglu, P. and McKee, A. (1969)
A second gene that affects eye and body colour in Mexican blind cave fish
Weiss, B.A. (1969)
Sonic sensitivity of blind cave fish (Anoptichthys jordani)
Popper, A.N. (1970)
Auditory capacities of the Mexican blind cave fish (Astyanax jordani) and its eyed ancestor (Astyanax mexicanus)
Wilkens, H. (1970)
Beitrag zur Degeneration des Auges bei Cavernicolen. Genzhal und Manifestationsart, Untersuchungen an Mexikanischen Hohlenfischen
Wilkens, H. (1970)
Beitrage zur Degenerations des Melaninpigments bei cavernicolen Sippen des Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi) (Characidae, Pisces)
Wilkens, H. (1970)
Der Bau des Auges cavernicolen Sippen von Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces). Beitrag zur Problematik degenerativer Evolutionsprozesse
Mattheij, J.A. (1970)
The function of the basophilic cells in the mesoadenohypophysis of the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani
Mattheij, J.A. (1970)
The gonadotrophic cells in the adenohypophysis of the blind Mexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Lundberg, J.G. (1970)
The evolutionary history of north American catfishes, family Ictaluridae
Lundberg, J.G. (1970)
The evolutionary history of north American catfishes, family Ictaluridae
Pfeiffer, W. (1970)
Uber die schreckstoffzellen der Siluriformes (Ostariophysi, Pisces)
Elliott, W.R. (1970)
El Sótano de Soyate
Gertychowa, R. (1970)
Studies on the ethology and space orientation of the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes 1936 (Characidae)
Lundberg, J.G. (1970)
The evolutionary history of north American catfishes, family Ictaluridae
Gertychowa, R. (1970)
The blind fish of Cueva Chica
Weiss, B. and Martini, J. (1970)
Lateral line sensitivity in the blind cave fish (Anoptichthys jordani)
Whitt, G.S. and Maeda, F.S. (1970)
Lactate dehydrogenase gene function in the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani, and other characins
Wiley, S. and Mitchell, R.W. (1971)
A bibliography of the Mexican eyeless characin fishes of the genus Astyanax. Preliminary compilation
Schultz, R.J. and Miller, R.R. (1971)
Species of the Poecilia sphenops complex (Pisces, Poeciliidae) in Mexico
Popper, A.N. (1971)
The morphology of the Weberian ossicles of two species of the genus Astyanax
Wiley, S. and Mitchell, R.W. (1971)
A bibliography of the Mexican eyeless characib fishes of the genus Astyanax
Zaccone, G. (1971)
Histomorphological and histochemical study of the ultimobranchial body of the blind teleost Anoptichthys jordani
Wilkens, H. (1971)
Genetic interpretation of regressive evolutionary processes: Studies on hybrid eyes of two Astyanax cave populations (Characidae, Pisces)
Hubbs, C. (1971)
Fishes of Texas caves
Hubbs, C. (1971)
Fishes of Texas caves
Lundelius, E. L. and Slaughter, B. H. (1971)
Natural history of Texas caves
Hubbs, C. (1971)
Fishes of Texas caves
Mollhagen, A. (1971)
Checklist of bats in caves in the regions of the Sierra de Guatemala and Sierra de El Abra, northeastern México
Hubbs, C. (1971)
Fishes of Texas caves
Lundelius, E. L. and Slaughter, B. H. (1971)
Natural history of Texas caves
Reddell, J.R. and Mitchell, R.W. (1971)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. I Sierra de El Abra,Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Reddell, J. R. (1971)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. 6 Additional records of vertebrates
Gertychowa, R. (1971)
Heliotaktyzm mlodych rybek jaskiniowych Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes
Villalobos, A. (1971)
Una nueva especie de Troglocubanus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae), de San Luis Potosí, México
Zeiske, E. (1971)
Ethologische Mechanismen als Voraussetzung fur einen Ubergang zum Hohlenleben. Untersuchungen an Kaspar-Huaser-Mannchen von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Avise, J.C. and Selander, R.K. (1972)
Evolutionary genetics of cave-dwelling fishes of the genus Astyanax
Zaccone, G. (1972)
Comparative histochemical investigations on the mucous cells of the branchial epithelium of Mugil cephalus and Anoptichthys jordani
Wilkens, H. (1972)
Uber das phylogenetische Alter von Hohlentieren. Untersuchungen über die cavernicole Süsswasserfauna Yucatans
Wilkens, H. (1972)
Uber Praadaptionen fur das Holhlenleben, untersucht am Laichverhalten ober- und unterirdischer Populationen des Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces)
Wilkens, H. (1972)
Zur phylogenetischen Ruckbildung des Auges Cavernicler. Untersuchungen an Anoptichthys jordani (= Astyanax mexicanus), Characidae, Pisces
Elliott, W.R. (1972)
Trip report: July - August 1969
Wilkens, H. and Burns, R. J. (1972)
A new Anoptichthys cave population (Characidae, Pisces)
Thines, G. and Wissocq, N. (1972)
Etude comparee du comportement alimentaire de deux poissons cavenicoles (Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes et Ceacobarbus geertsii Blgr)
Parzefall, J. and Wilkens, H. (1972)
Artbildung bei Hohlenfischen. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an zwei amerikanischen Synbranchiden
Parzefall, J. (1973)
Modifications du comportement de Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae) consecutives a son passage a la vie cavernicole
Peters, G. (1973)
Carateres degeneratifs et constructifs chez une forme cavernicole phylogenetiquement recente de Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Peters, N., Peters, G., Parzefall, J. and Wilkens, H. (1973)
Uber degenerative und konstructive Merkmale bei einer phylogenetisch jungen Hohlenform von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Zeitlin, S. M. (1973)
Hormonal induction of ovulation and spawning in the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani with the use of human chorionic gonadotropin
Zeitlin, S. M. and McDevitt, D. S. (1973)
Flourescent antibody study of the developing lens of the blind cave fish
Durand, J.P. (1973)
Aspects ultrastructuraux des mechanismes de la rudimentation retinienne chez l'Anoptichthys adulte forme cavernicole aveugle de l'Astyanax mexicanus (Caracidae, Pisces)
Schmatolla, E. and Erdmann, G. (1973)
Influence of retino-tectal innervation on cell proliferation and cell migration in the embryonic teleost tectum
Mitchell, R.W. (1973)
Introgression between the Mexican eyeless characin fishes and their epigean ancestors
Mitchell, R.W. and Elliott, W.R. (1973)
The cave habitats of the Mexican eyeless characin fishes
Zeitlin, S. M. and McDevitt, D. S. (1973)
Flourescent antibody study of the developing lens of the blind cave fish
Thines, G. and LeGrain, J. M. (1973)
Effets de la substance d'alarme sur le comportement des poissons cavernicoles Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae) et Caecobarbus geertsii (Cyprinidae)
Reddell, J.R. and Elliott, W.R. (1973)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. III Additional records from the Sierra de El Abra, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi
Reddell, J.R. and Elliott, W.R. (1973)
A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. V Additional records from the Sierra de Guatemala, Tamaulipas
Mitchell, R.W. and Elliott, W.R. (1973)
The habitats of the eyeless Characin fishes of the genus Astyanax
Voneida, T. J. (1973)
A comparative study of retino-tectal projections in the blind cave characin, Astyanax hubbsi, and its sighted ancestor Astyanax mexicanus
Wilkens, H. (1973)
Phylogenetic age and degree of reduction in cave animals
Schemmel, C. (1973)
Les organes sensoriels cutanes du genre Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae) chez les formes occupant des biotopes souterraines
Wilkens, H. (1973)
Anciennete phylogenetique et degres de reduction chez les animaux cavernicoles
Yasuda, K. (1973)
Comparative studies on the swimming behaviour of the blind cave fish and the goldfish
Sligar, C. (1974)
An investigation of tectal efferents in the blind cave fish, A. hubbsi
Parzefall, J. (1974)
Ruckbildung aggressiver verhaltensweisen bei einer Hohlenform von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Fish, J. (1974)
La Sistema de Los Sabinos. Mexico's longest cave
Pfeiffer, W. (1974)
Pheromones in fish and amphibia
Mees, G.F. (1974)
The Auchenipteridae and Pimelodidae of Surinam (Pisces, Nematognathi)
Egar, M.W. (1974)
An ultrastructural study of the optic nerve of the blind cave fish
Schemmel, C. (1974)
Ist die cavernicole Micos-population von Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces) hybriden ursprungs ?
Schemmel, C. (1974)
Genetische Untersuchungen zur Evolution des Geschmacksapparates bei cavernicolen Fischen
Chakraborty, R. and Nei, M. (1974)
Dynamics of gene differentiation between incompletely isolated populations of unequal size
Pfeiffer, W. (1975)
Uber fluoreszierende Pterine aus der Haut von Cypriniformes (Pisces) und ihre Beziehung zum schreckstoff
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1975)
T.O.E.S. watchlist of endangered, threatened and peripheral vertebrates of Texas
Omura, Y. (1975)
Influence of light and darkness on the ultrastructure of the pineal organ in the blind cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus
Sadoglu, P. (1975)
Genetic paths leading to blindness in Astyanax mexicanus
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1975)
T.O.E.S. watchlist of endangered, threatened and peripheral vertebrates of Texas
Peters, N., Scholl, A. and Wilkens, H. (1975)
Der Micos-Fisch, Hohlenfisch in statu nascendi oder Bastard ?Ein Beitrag zur Evolution der Hohlentiere
Herwig, H. J. (1976)
Comparative ultrastructural investigations on the pineal organ of the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani and its ancestor, the eyed rive fish, Astyanax mexicanus
Sligar, C. and Voneida, T.J. (1976)
Tectal efferents in the blind cave fish Asyanax hubbsi
Durand, J.P. (1976)
Sur la structure oculaire, l'ultrastructure des muscles extrinseques, des envelopes de l'oeil et de l'epithelium pigmentaire retinien de l'Anoptichthys (forme aveugle de l'Astyanax mexicanus, Characidae, Pisces)
Durand, J.P. (1976)
Rudimentation des yeux chez les poissons et urodeles souterraines
Wilkens, H. (1976)
Genetic and phenotypic variability in cave animals. Studies on phylogenetically young cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi) (Characidae, Pisces)
Greenfield, D. W. (1976)
Fish collecting in Belize
Erckens, W. and Weber, F. (1976)
Rudiments of an ability for time measurement in the cavernicolous fish Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs and Innes (Pisces, Characidae)
Winograd, I.J. and Pearson, F.J. (1976)
Major Carbon-14 anomaly in a regional carbonate aquifer: Possible evidence for megascale channeling, south-central Great Basin
Quesnel, V. (1976)
Report on the trip to the Oropouche Cave on 7th March
Voneida, T. J. and Sligar, C. (1976)
A comparative neuroanatomic study of retinal projections in two fishes: Astyanax hubbsi (the blind cave fish) and Astyanax mexicanus
Wilkens, H (1976)
Genotypic and phenotypic variability in cave animals. Studies on a phylogenetically young cave population of Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi) (Characidae, Pisces)
Herwig, H. J. (1976)
Ultrastructural investigations on the pineal organ of a cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani and its ancestor, Astyanax mexicanus
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Zaccone, G. (1977)
Histology, innervation, and histochemistry of the UB [Ultimobranchial] gland in the Mexican cave fish Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes (Teleostei, Characidae)
Mitchell, R.W. (1977)
Introgression between the Mexican eyeless characin fishes and their epigean ancestor, Astyanax mexicanus
Mitchell, R.W. and Cooke, J.W. (1977)
Preliminary morphometric comparisons of several populations of Mexican eyeless characin fishes of the genus Astyanax
Mitchell, R.W. and Russell, W.H. (1977)
Stream capture in the Huastecan Province of Mexico
Wilkens, H. (1977)
Die Rudimenation des Rumpfkanals bei kavernicolen Populationen des Astyanax (Characidae, Pisces)
Cooper, J.E. (1977)
[Review of] Mexican eyeless characin fishes of genus Astyanax: Environment, distribution and evolution (Mitchell,R.W., Russell, W.H. and Elliott, W.R.)
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Kirby, R.F., Thompson, K.W. and Hubbs, C. (1977)
Karyotypic similarities between the Mexican and blind tetras
Mitchell, R.W., Russell, W.H. and Elliott, W.R. (1977)
Mexican eyeless characin fishes, genus Astyanax: Environment,distribution and evolution
Pfeiffer, W. (1977)
The distribution of fight reaction and alarn substance cells in fishes
Mitchell, R.W. and Elliott, W.R. (1977)
The habitats of the eyeless characin fishes of the genus Astyanax
Mitchell, R.W. and Russell, W.H. (1977)
The subsurface waters of the Sierra de El Abra of Mexico
Fish, J. (1977)
Karst hydrogeology and geomorphology of the Sierra de El Abra and the Valles-San Luis Potosi region, Mexico
Edwards, R.J. (1977)
Seasonal migrations of Astyanax mexicanus as an adaptation to novel environments
Longley, G. (1977)
Preliminary report of biological investigations: Valdina Farms sinkhole, Medina County, Texas
Yew, D. T. and Yoshihara, H. M. (1977)
An ultrastructural study of the retina of the blind cave fish Astyanax hubbusi (sic)
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Birkhead, W.S. (1978)
Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi) Mexican Tetra
Karnei, H. (1978)
Survey of the subterranean fauna, Bexar County, Texas
Durand, J.P. (1978)
Phenomenes de convergences tissulaires et cytologiques, lies aux processus degeneratifs qui affectent l'oeil chez deux teleoteens cavericoles Asytyanax (Anoptichthys) mexicanus (Characidae) et Lucifuga (Stygicola) dentatus (Ophidiidae)
Thines, G. and Weyers, M. (1978)
Responses locomotrices du poisson cavernicole Astyanax jordani (Pisces, Characidae) a des signaux periodiques et aperiodiques de lumiere et de temperature
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Parzefall, J. (1979)
Zur Genetik und biologischen Bedeutung des Aggressionsverhaltens von Poecilia sphenops (Pisces, Poeciliidae). Untersuchungen an Bastarden ober- und unterirdisch lebender Populationen
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Fish, S.E. and Voneida, T.J. (1979)
Extravisual neurons in the optic tectum of a sighted and unsighted fish. 5:784
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Durand, J.P. (1979)
Aspects ultrastructuraux des mechanismes de la rudimentation retinienne chez l'Anoptichthys adult, forme cavernicole aveugle de l'Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces)
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of the troglobitic blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus, in Bexar County, Texas
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Sadoglu, P. (1979)
A breeding method for blind Astyanax mexicanus based on annual spawning patterns
Wilkens, H., Peters, H. and Schemmel, C. (1979)
Gesetzmassigkeiten der regressiven Evolution
Pactl, J. (1979)
Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Apterygoten-Sammlung des Zoologischen Instituts und Zoologischen Museums der Universitat Hamburg. 6. Weitere Doppel - und Borstenschwanze (Diplura: Campodeidae; Thysanura: Lepismatidae und Nicoletiidae)
Woodhead, A. D. and Achey, P. M. (1979)
Photoreactivating enzyme in the blind cave fish, Anoptichthys jordani
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Weissert, R. (1979)
Dressurexperimente und Verhaltensbeobachtungen zum Formunterscheidingsvermogen der blinden Hohlenfisches Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs et Innes
Longley, G. (1979)
Subterranean aquatic fauna of the Edwards aquifer in Texas, as indicated by samples from wells and springs
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, the toothless blindcat
Longley, G. and Karnei, H. (1979)
Status of Satan eurystomus Hubbs and Bailey, the widemouth blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Quinn, T. P. (1980)
Locomotor responses of juvenile blind cavefish, Astyanax jordani, to the odors of conspecifics
Brett, B. L. H., Turner, B. J. and Miller, R. R. (1980)
Allozymic divergences among the shortfin mollies of the Poecilia sphenops species comples
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Wilkens, H. (1980)
Prinzipien der Manifestation polygener Systeme
Wilkens, H. (1980)
Zur Problematik der Rudimentation, untersucht an der Ontogenie des Auges von Hohlenfischen (Astyanax mexicanus)
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann Toothless blindcat
Cooper, J.E. and Longley, G. (1980)
Satan eurystmus Hubbs and Bailey Widemouth blindcat
Schemmel, C. (1980)
Studies on the genetics of feeding behaviour in the cave fish Astyanax mexicanus f. Anoptichthys. An example of apparent monofactorial inheritance by polygenes
Weissert, R. (1980)
Formunterscheidung durch einer blinden Hohlenfisch (Anoptichthys jordani, Hubbs et Innes)
Erckens, W. (1981)
Analyse von versuchen zur Erforschung der Grundlagen der tagesperiodishen Aktivistatsvertelung einer ober- und einer unterirdischen Populationen des Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces)
Herwig, H. J. (1981)
The pineal organ. An ultrastructural and biochemical study on the pineal organ of Hemigrammus caudovittatus and other closely related characid fish with special reference to the Mexican blind cave fish Astyanax mexicanus
Erckens, W. (1981)
The activity controlling time-system in epigean and hypogean populations of Astynax mexicanus (Charicidae, Pisces)
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Wilkens, H. (1981)
Regressive evolution and phylogenetic age
Reddell, J. R. (1981)
A review of the cavernicole fauna of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Longley, G. (1981)
The Edwards aquifer: Earths most diverse groundwater ecosystem ?
Reddell, J. R. (1981)
A review of the cavernicole fauna of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize
LeGrande, W. H. (1981)
Chromosomal evolution in North American catfishes (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) with particular emphasis on the Madtoms, Noturus
Dolle, A. (1981)
Uber Ablauf und Function des Aggressionsverhaltens von Astyanax mexicanus (Charicidae, Pisces) unter Berucksichtigung zweir Hohlenpopulationen
Reddell, J. R. (1981)
A review of the cavernicole fauna of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize
LeGrande, W. H. (1981)
Chromosomal evolution in North American catfishes (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) with particular emphasis on the Madtoms, Noturus
Campenhausen, C., Riess, I. and Weissert, R. (1981)
Detection of stationary objects by blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae)
Weissert, R. and Campenhausen, C. (1981)
Discrimination between stationary objects by the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae)
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Romero, A. (1982)
Troglophilic behaviour in a population of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae): A route to cave colonisation ?
Jankowska, M. and Thines, G. (1982)
Etude comparative de la densite de groupes de poissons cavernicoles et epigee (Characidae, Cyprinidae, Clariidae)
Tabata, M. (1982)
Persistence of pineal photosensory function in blind cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus
Erckens, W. and Martin, W. (1982)
Exogenous and endogenous control of swimming activity in Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces) by direct light response and by circadian oscillator. I Analyses of the time control system of an epigean river population
Greenfield, D. W., Greenfield, T. A. and Woods, R. L. (1982)
A new subspecies of cave-dwelling pimelodid catfish, Rhamdia laticauda typhla from Belize, Central America
Erckens, W. and Martin, W. (1982)
Exogenous and endogenous control of swimming activity in Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces) by direct light response and by a circadian oscillator. II Features of time controled behaviour of a cave population and their comparison to an ancestral epig
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Rose, FL. and Mitchell, R.W. (1982)
Comparative lipid values of epigean and cave adapted Astyanax
Lamprecht, G. and Weber, F. (1982)
A test for the biological significance of circadian clocks: Evolutionary regression of the time measuring ability in cavernicolous animals
Winograd, I. J. and Roberston, F. N. (1982)
Deep oxygenated groundwater: anomaly or common occurence ?
Lundberg, J.G. (1982)
The comparative anatomy of the toothless blindcat, Trogloglanis pattersoni Eigenmann, with a phylogenetic analysis of the ictalurid fishes
Winograd, I. J. and Roberston, F. N. (1982)
Deep oxygenated groundwater: anomaly or common occurence ?
Senkel, S. (1983)
Zum Schwarmverhalten von Bastarden zwischen Fluss- und Hohlenpopulationen bei Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces, Characidae)
Parzefall, J. (1983)
Zur verebung von Verhaltensweisen bei Hohlentieren und ihren oberirdischen Verwandten
Parzefall, J. (1983)
Field observations in epigean and cave populations of the Mexican characid Astyanax mexcanus (Pisces, Characidae)
Voneida, T.J., Fish, S.E. and Cauller, T.C. (1983)
Central projections of trigeminal and lateral line nerves in the blind cave fish, Astyanax hubbsi
Zilles, K., Tillmann, B. and Bennemann, R. (1983)
The development of the eye in Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae,Pisces), its blind cave derivative, Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae, Pisces, and their crossbreeds. A scanning and transmission electron microscopic study
Robertson, S. (1983)
Cueva del Tunel, Veracruz
Romero, A. (1983)
Introgressive hybridisation in the Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces, Characidae) population at La Cueva Chica
Romero, A. (1983)
Introgressive hybridisation in the Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces, Characidae) population at La Cueva Chica
Parzefall, J. (1983)
Field observations in epigean and cave populations of the Mexican characid Astyanax mexcanus (Pisces, Characidae)
Robertson, S. (1983)
Zongolica project
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Fruhbeis, B. (1984)
Verhaltensphysiologische Untersuchungen zur Frequenz- unterscheidung und Empfindlichkeit durch das Seitenlinienorgan des blinden Hohlenfisches Anoptichthys jordani (Hubbs et Innes)
Mothes, P. and Jameson, R. (1984)
Sotano de Vasquez
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Mosier, D. (1984)
Cave dwelling populations of Rhamdia (Pimelodidae)
Beauchamp, R.O., Bus, J.S., Popp, C.S., Boreiko, C.J. and Andjelkovich, D.A. (1984)
A critical review of the literature on hydrogen sulfide
Romero, A. (1984)
Responses to light in cave and surface populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces, Characidae): An evolutionary interpretation
Romero, A. (1984)
Behaviour in an 'intermediate' population of the subterranean dwelling characid Astyanax fasciatus
Romero, A. (1984)
Cave colonisation by fish: The role of bat predation
Wilkens, H. (1984)
Zur Evolution von Polygensystemen, untersucht an ober- unt unterirdischen Populationen des Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces)
Romero, A. (1984)
Charles Marcus Breder, Jr. 1897-1983
Mangold-Wernado, U. and Pfeiffer, W. (1984)
Zur morphologie des Geruchsorgans von Characoidea (Ostariophysi, Pisces)
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Miller, R. R. (1984)
Rhamdia reddelli, new species, the first blind pimelodid catfish from Middle America, with a key to Mexican species
Voneida, T. J. and Fish, S. E. (1984)
Central nervous system changes related to the reduction of visual inputs in a naturally blind fish (Astyanax hubbsi)
Mosier, D. (1984)
Cave dwelling populations of Rhamdia (Pimelodidae)
Schuppa, M. (1984)
Morphometrische und meristische Untersuchungen an verschiedenen Astyanax-populationen (Characidae) Mexicos
Edwards, R.J., Beaty, H.E., Longley, G., Riskind, D.H., Tupa, D.D. and Whiteside, B.G. (1984)
The San Marcos recovery plan
Hassan, E.S. (1985)
Mathematical analysis of the stimulus for the lateral-line argan
Hassan, E.S. (1985)
Mathematical analysis of the stimulus for the lateral line organ
Voneida, TJ and Fish, SE (1985)
An ultrastructural study of retinotectal connections and normal tectical synaptic organisation in the blind cave fish Astyanax hubbsi
Teyke, T. (1985)
Collision with and avoidance of obstacles by blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani (Characidae)
Romero, A. (1985)
Ontogenetic change in phototactic responses of surface and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces, Characidae)
Wilkens, H. (1985)
The evolution of polygenic systems, studies on epigean and cave poplations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Romero, A. (1985)
Cave colonisation by fish: role of bat predation
Lamprecht, G. and Weber, F. (1985)
Time-keeping mechanisms and their ecological significance in cavernicolous animals
Burchards, H., Dolle, A. and Parzefall, J. (1985)
The aggressive behaviour of an epigean population of Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces) and some observations of three subterranean populations
Huppop, K. (1985)
The role of metabolism in the evolution of cave animals
Fricke, D. (1985)
Die Alarmreaktion bei Hohlen- und Flussfisch- populationen von Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces, Characidae)
Romero, A. (1985)
Morphological variation accompanying cave evolution in Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae)
Wilkens, H. (1985)
Non-allopatric speciation in cave fishes: Studies in epigean and hypogean Astyanax populations (Characidae, Pisces)
Quesnel, V. (1985)
Field Trip to the Cumaca Cave. 1985-3: 2.
Burchards, H. and Parzefall, J. (1985)
Das Aggressionsverhaltens oberirdischer und unterirdischer hohlenledenden Populationen von Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces, Characidae) und ihrer Bastarde
Amemiya, C.T., Kelsch, S.W., Hendricks, F.S. and Gold, J.R. (1986)
The karyoptype of the Mexican blindcat, Prietalla phreatophila Carranza (Ictaluridae)
Fraipont, M. (1986)
La detection chimique chez Astyanax mexicanus (forme cavernicole) en fonction de la densite des groupes
Hassan, E.S. (1986)
On the discrimination of spatial intervals by the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Huppop, K. (1986)
Oxygen consumption of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces): a comparison of epigean and hypogean populations
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
De Fraipont, M. and Thines, G. (1986)
Responses of the cave fish Astyanax mexicanus (Anoptichthys antrobius) to the odor of know or unknown conspecifics
De Fraipont, M. and Thines, G. (1986)
La detection chimique de l'odeur des predaeurs chex Astyanax mexixanus (formes cavernicoles et epigees)
Parzefall, J. (1986)
On the heredity of behavior patterns in cave animals and their epigean relatives
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Parzefall, J. and Senkel, S. (1986)
Das schwarmverhalten bei oberirdisch und in hohlen lebenden populationen von Peocilia mexicana und Astyanax mexicanus (Peociliidae, Characidae, Pisces)
Parzefall, J. and Senkel, S. (1986)
Schooling behaviour in cavernicolous fish and their epigean conspecifics
Romero, A. (1986)
Charles Breder and the Mexican blind cave Characid
Wilkens, H. (1986)
The evolution of polygenic systems. Studies on epigean and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Woodruff, C. M. and Abbott, P. L. (1986)
Stream piracy and the evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones escarpment, central Texas
Parzefall, J. (1986)
Behavioural ecology of cave-dwelling fishes
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Wilkens, H. and Huppop, K. (1986)
Sympatric speciation in cave fishes ? Studies on a mixed population of epi- and hypogean Astyanax (Characidae, Pisces)
Longley, G. (1986)
The biota of the Edwards Aquifer and the implications for zoogeography
Huppop, K. (1986)
Comparative early life history in surface and cave fish
Amemiya, C.T., Kelsch, S.W., Hendricks, F.S. and Gold, J.R. (1986)
The karyoptype of the Mexican blindcat, Prietalla phreatophila Carranza (Ictaluridae)
Espinasa, L. (1986)
Exploraciones biospeleologicas en Guerrero
Hassan, E.S. (1986)
On the discrimination of spatial intervals by the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Woodruff, C. M. and Abbott, P. L. (1986)
Stream piracy and the evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones escarpment, central Texas
De Fraipont, M. (1986)
La detection chimique de l'odeur des congeneres chex Astyanax mexicanus (forme cavernicole). Responses observees pour des cencentrations egales etablies a partir de groupes de densites differentes
De Fraipont, M. (1987)
La detection chimique chez Astyanax mexicanus (forme cavernicole, Pisces, Characidae), en fonction du sexe
De Fraipont, M. (1987)
La detection chimique chez Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei, Characidae) (forme cavernicole) en fonction de la densite des groupes
Huppop, K. (1987)
Food finding ability in cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus)
Wilkens, H. (1987)
Genetic analysis of evolutionary processes
Fricke, D. (1987)
Reaction to alarm substance in cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Pisces)
De Fraipont, M. (1988)
The responses of Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces, Characidae, epigean form) to chemical traces of conspecific groups of varying densities
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Huppop, K. (1988)
Phanomene und Bedeutung der Energieersparnis bei dem Hohlenfisch Astynax fasciatus
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Coombs, S., Janssen, J. and Webb, J. (1988)
Diversity of lateral line systems: evolutionary and functional considerations
Teyke, T. (1988)
Flow field, swimming velocity and boundary layers: parameters which affect the stimulus for the lateral line organ in blind fish
Wilkens, H. (1988)
Evolution and genetics of epigean and cave Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces): support for the neutral mutation theory
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Moravec, F. and Huffman, D.G. (1988)
Rhabdochona longleyi sp. n. (Nematoda, Rhabdochonidae) from the blind catfishes, Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (Ictaluridae) from the subterranean waters of Texas
Fricke, D. (1988)
Alarmreaktion und Schwarmverhalten bei ober- und unterirdisch lebenden Populationen der Art Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) und ihrer Bastarde (Characidae, Pisces)
Species, Texas Organisation for Endangered (1988)
Endangeredthreatened and watchlist of vertebrates of Texas
Williams, J.E., Johnson, J.E., Hendrickson, D.A., Conteras-Balderas, S., Williams, J.D., Navarro-Mondoza, M., McAllister, D.E. and Deacon, J.E. (1989)
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened or of special concern 1989
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Huppop, K. (1989)
Genetic analysis of oxygen consumption in cave and surface fish of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidea, Pisces): Further support for the neutral mutation theory
Williams, J.E., Johnson, J.E., Hendrickson, D.A., Conteras-Balderas, S., Williams, J.D., Navarro-Mondoza, M., McAllister, D.E. and Deacon, J.E. (1989)
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened or of special concern 1989
Parzefall, J. (1989)
Sexual and Aggressive Behaviour in Species Hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Williams, J.E., Johnson, J.E., Hendrickson, D.A., Conteras-Balderas, S., Williams, J.D., Navarro-Mondoza, M., McAllister, D.E. and Deacon, J.E. (1989)
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened or of special concern 1989
Teyke, T. (1989)
Learning and remembering the environment in the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Parzefall, J. (1989)
Aggressive and sexual behaviour in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera
Fack, H. and Wilkens, H. (1989)
Eye reduction in hybrids and a naturally viable cave form Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Langecker, T. G. (1989)
Studies of the light reaction of epigean and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidea, Pisces)
Fricke, D. and Parzefall, J. (1989)
Alarm reaction, aggresion and scholing in cave and river populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces, Characidae) and their hybrids
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Morris, N (1989)
Sierra De El Abra cave map portfolio
Huppop, K. (1989)
Food-finding ability in cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus). (Abstract)
Edwards, R.J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, G., Matthews, R. and Stewart, B. (1989)
A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of enangered and threatened taxa
Wilkens, H. (1989)
Genetic analysis of evolutionary processes. (Abstract)
Hassan, E.S. (1989)
Hydrodynamic imaging of the surroundings by the lateral line of the blind cave fish Anoptichthys jordani
Yokoyama, R. and Yokoyama, S. (1990)
Convergent evolution of the red- and green-like visual pigment genes in fish Astyanax fasciatus and human
Yokoyama, R and Yokoyama, S (1990)
Isolation, DNA sequence and evolution of a color visual pigment gene of the blind cavefish Astyanax fasciatus
Teyke, T. (1990)
Morphological differences in neuromasts of the blind cave fish Asyanax hubbsi and the sighted river fish Astyanax mexicanus
Kroschewsky, J. R. (1990)
The Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Centre: Objectives and accomplishments
Klimpel, B. and Parzefall, J. (1990)
Comparative studies of predatory behaviour in cave and river populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Langecker, T. G. (1990)
Das Licht als Evolutionsfaktor bei Hohlentieren- untersucht an ober- und unterirdisch lebenden Populationen des Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Parzefall, J. and Fricke, D. (1990)
Alarm raection and schooling in population hybrids of Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae)
Langecker, T. G. (1990)
The significance of light reactions in blind fish
Langecker, T. G. (1990)
Der Einfluss der Lichtes bei der Evolution von Hohlenfischen
Peters, N., Schmidt, W. and Fricke, D. (1990)
Die Feinstruktur der Kolbenzellen (Schreckstoffzellen) in der Epidermis von Astyanax mexicanus Fillippi 1853 (Characidae, Pisces) und seinen Hohlen derivaten "Anoptichthys"
Abdel-Latif, H., Hassan, E.S. and von Campenhausen, C. (1990)
Sensory performance of blind Mexican cave fish after destruction of the canal neuromasts
Kroschewsky, J. R. (1990)
The Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Centre: Objectives and accomplishments
Wilkens, H. (1991)
Comparative study and phylogenetic age of epigean and cave forms of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Kuehn, K.A. and Koehn, R.D. (1991)
Fungal populations isolated from Ezells Cave in south Texas
Huppop, K. and Wilkens, H. (1991)
Bigger eggs in subterranean Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Pisces)
Huppop, K. (1991)
Muskulatur als Fettspeicher beim mexikanischen Hohlensalmler Astyanax fasciatus
Riedel, G. and Krug, L. (1991)
Olfaktorische Regionen im Vorderhirn des blinden Hohlenfisches Asyanax hubbsi
Kuehn, K.A. and Koehn, R.D. (1991)
Fungal populations isolated from Ezells Cave in south Texas
Wilkens, H. (1991)
Comparative study and phylogenetic age of epigean and cave forms of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Bensouilah, M. and Denizot, J.P. (1991)
Taste buds and neuromasts of Astyanax jordani: Distribution and immunochemical demonstration of co-localised Substance P and Enkephalins
Campenhausen, C. (1991)
Die Bedentung der "inneren Landkarte" fur die Orientierung - Untersuchungen an blinden Hohlenfischen
Wilkens, H., Junge, P. and Langecker, T. G. (1991)
Speciation of troglobites: Studies on the San Antonio Cave (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Parzefall, J. and Fricke, D. (1991)
Alarm and schooling in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus
Wilkens, H., Junge, P. and Langecker, T. G. (1991)
Speciation of troglobites: Studies on the San Antonio Cave (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Langecker, T. G., Wilkens, H. and Junge, P. (1991)
Introgresve hybridisation in the Pachon cave population of Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Wilkens, H. (1991)
Comparative study and phylogenetic age of epigean and cave forms of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Sociedad Venezolana de Espeleologia (1991)
Catastro Espeleologico de Venezuela: Surgencia del Tigre (Zu. 23)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Anderßon, O. (1992)
Vergleichende Untersuchung der Augenentwicklung der oberirdischen und der Höhlenformen der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Anderßon, O. (1992)
Vergleichende Untersuchung der Augenentwicklung der oberirdischen und der Höhlenformen der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Fish, S.E. and Ghosh, P. (1992)
Occulomotor system of a blind cave fish
De Fraipont, M. (1992)
Response d'Astyanax mexicanus aux stimulations chimiques provenant de groupes de congeneres a differents stades de developpement
Parzefall, J. (1992)
Schooloing behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae and Poeciliidae)
Kraus, C (1992)
Zur Biologie sowie zum Verhalten der phylogenetisch jungen Hohlenpopulation von Poecilia mexicana (Pisces: Poeciliidae) unter besonderer Berucksichtigung phototaktischen Verhaltens
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Kuehn, K.A., O'Neil, R.M. and Koehn, R.D. (1992)
Viable photosynthetic microalgal isolates from aphotic environments of the Edwards Aquifer (central Texas)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Coombs S., Janssen J. and Montgomery J. (1992)
Functional and Evolutionary Implications of Peripheral Diversity in Lateral Line Systems
Langecker, T.G. and Wilkens, H. (1992)
Comparative ultrastructural studies on the pineal organ of the Mexican catfish Rhamdia laticauda Heckel, 1858 and one of its cave-dwelling derivatives (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Lundberg, J.G. (1992)
The phylogeny of ictalurid catfishes: a synthesis of recent work
Langecker, T.G. and Wilkens, H. (1992)
Comparative ultrastructural studies on the pineal organ of the Mexican catfish Rhamdia laticauda Heckel, 1858 and one of its cave-dwelling derivatives (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Junge, P. (1992)
Egg size and larval development of epigean and cave forms of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Kuehn, K.A., O'Neil, R.M. and Koehn, R.D. (1992)
Viable photosynthetic microalgal isolates from aphotic environments of the Edwards Aquifer (central Texas)
Junge, P. (1992)
Egg size and larval development of epigean and cave forms of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Wilkens, H. (1992)
Neutral mutations and evolutionary progress
Lamprecht, G. and Weber, F. (1992)
Spontaneous locomotion behaviour in cavernicolous animals: The regression of the endogenous circadian system
Langecker, T.G. and Wilkens, H. (1992)
Comparative ultrastructural studies on the pineal organ of the Mexican catfish Rhamdia laticauda Heckel, 1858 and one of its cave-dwelling derivatives (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Parzefall, J. (1992)
Schooloing behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae and Poeciliidae)
Junge, P. (1992)
Egg size and larval development of epigean and cave forms of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Parzefall, J. (1992)
Behavioural aspects in animals living in caves
Langecker, T.G. and Wilkens, H. (1992)
Comparative ultrastructural studies on the pineal organ of the Mexican catfish Rhamdia laticauda Heckel, 1858 and one of its cave-dwelling derivatives (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters. A study on convergent adaptations to cave and deep sea biota
Wilkens, H. and Meyer, M. (1992)
Eye formation and regression during early ontogeny in cave fishes
Lundberg, J.G. (1992)
The phylogeny of ictalurid catfishes: a synthesis of recent work
Junge, P. (1992)
Egg size and larval development of epigean and cave forms of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1992)
Blind catfish (Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus) from deep artesian waters: A study on convergant adaptation to cave and deep sea biotas
Langecker, T.G. and Wilkens, H. (1992)
Comparative ultrastructural studies on the pineal organ of the Mexican catfish Rhamdia laticauda Heckel, 1858 and one of its cave-dwelling derivatives (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Junge, P. (1992)
Egg size and larval development of epigean and cave forms of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Pimelodidae, Pisces)
Langecker, T. G. (1992)
Light sensitivity of cave vertebrates. Behavioural and morphological aspects
Langecker, T. G. (1992)
Persistence of ultrastructurally well devoloped photoreceptor cells in the pineal organ of a phylogenetically old cave dwelling population of Astyanax fasciatus Cuvier, 1819 (Teleostei, Characidae)
Hassan, E. S., Abdel-Latif, H. and Biebricher, R. (1992)
Studies on the effects of ca++ and co++ on the swimmimg behaviour of the blind Mexican cavefish
Zafar, N.P. and Morgan, E. (1992)
Feeding entrains an endogenous rhythm of swimming activity in the blind Mexican cavefish
Yokoyama, R. and Yokoyama, S. (1993)
Molecular characterization of a blue visual pigment gene in the fish Astyanax-Fasciatus
Wilkens, H. (1993)
A new species of Rhamdia (Pisces, Pimelodidae) from a cave in the Sierra de Zongolica (Veracruz, Mexico)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Wilkens, H. (1993)
Adaptation and phylogenetic age of Mexican epigean and cave Rhamdia (Pimelodidae)
Hoffman, S. and Hausberg, C. (1993)
The aggressive behaviour of the Micos cave population (Astyanax fasciatus, Characidae, Teleostei) after selection for functional eyes in comaprison to an epigean one
Bowles, D.E. and Arsuffi, T.L. (1993)
Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Bowles, D.E. and Arsuffi, T.L. (1993)
Karst aquatic ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas, USA: A consideration of their importance, threats to their existence, and efforts for their conservation
Parzefall, J. (1993)
Schooling behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae)
Wilkens, H. (1993)
A new species of Rhamdia (Pisces, Pimelodidae) from a cave in the Sierra de Zongolica (Veracruz, Mexico)
Wilkens, H. (1993)
Adaptation and phylogenetic age of Mexican epigean and cave Rhamdia (Pimelodidae)
Parzefall, J. (1993)
Schooling behaviour in population hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus and Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Characidae)
Shaw, T.R. (1993)
The history of cave studies in Trinidad, Jamaica, The Bahamas, and some other Caribbean islands
Parzefall, J. (1993)
Behavioural ecology of cave-dwelling fishes
Langecker, T. G. (1993)
Genetic analysis of the dorsal light reaction in epigean and cave-dwelling Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Langecker, T.G. and Longley, G. (1993)
Morphological adaptations of the Texas blind catfishes Trogloglanis pattersoni and Satan eurystomus (iluriformes, Ictaluridae) to their underground environment
Langecker, T. G., Schmale, H. and Wilkens, H. (1993)
Transcription of the opsin gene in degenerate eyes of cave dwelling Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae) and of its conspecific epigean ancestor during early ontogeny
Langecker, T. G., Schmale, H. and Wilkens, H. (1993)
Strukturelle und molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zur Augenreduktion beim Hohlenfisch Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Wilkens, H., Langecker, T. G. and Olcese, J. (1993)
Circadian rhythms of melatonin synthesis in the pineal organ of cave-dwelling astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei: Characidae)
Peters, N., Schacht, V., Schmidt, W. and Wilkens, H. (1993)
Gehirnproportionen und Auspragungsgrad der Sinnesorgane von Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces: Characidae). Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Flussfisch ubd seinen Hohlen-derivaten 'Anoptichthus'
Wilkens, H. (1993)
Neutral mutationen und evolutionäre Fortentwicklung
Wilkens, H. (1993)
A new species of Rhamdia (Pisces, Pimelodidae) from a cave in the Sierra de Zongolica (Veracruz, Mexico)
Wilkens, H. (1993)
Adaptation and phylogenetic age of Mexican epigean and cave Rhamdia (Pimelodidae)
Elliott, W.R. (1994)
Sotano de Amezcua
Borowsky, R. (1994)
Blind cave tetras of the Sierra Madre Oriental
Teyke, T. and Schaerer, S. (1994)
Blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax hubbsi) respond to moving visual stimuli
Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (1994)
Hausberg, C. (1994)
The aggressive bahaviour of the blind cave-dwelling population of the characid Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Missall, J., Wilkens, H., Langecker, T. G. and Olcese, J. (1994)
Studies on melatonin rhythmicity in a species of cave fish and its surface ancestor Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) (Characidae)
Missal, J, Wilkens, H, Langecker, TG and Olcese, 1994 (1994)
Studies on melatonin rhythmicity in a species of cave fish and its surface ancestor Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) (Characidae).
Yokoyama, R, Knox, BE and Yokoyama, S (1995)
Rhodopsin from the fish Astyanax: Role of Tyrosine 261 in the red shift
Hendrickson, D.A. (1995)
Miscellaneous notes on biogeography and biology of Mexican blind catfish of the genus Prietella
Yokoyama, S., Meany, A., Wilkens, H. and Yokoyama, R. (1995)
Initial mutational steps towards loss of opsin gene function in cavefish
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Montgomery, J., Coombs, S. and Halstead, M. (1995)
Biology of the mechanosensory lateral line in fishes
Weber, A. (1995)
The lateral line system of epigean and cave dwelling catfishes of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. (1995)
Miscellaneous notes on biogeography and biology of Mexican blind catfish of the genus Prietella
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Walsh, S.J. and Gilbert, C.R. (1995)
New species of troglobitic catfish of the genus Prietella (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) from Northeastern Mexico
Campbell, L. (1995)
Endangered and threatened animals of Texas: Their life history and management.
Campbell, L. (1995)
Endangered and threatened animals of Texas: Their life history and management.
Hausberg, C (1995)
Das Aggressionsverhalten von Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) Characidae Teleostei: Ontogenie, Genetik und evolution bei der epigaischen und hypogaischen Form
Maclay, R.W. (1995)
Geology and hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area, Texas
Darlington, J.P.E.C. (1995)
A review of current knowledge about the Oropouche or Cumaca Cave, Trinidad, West Indies
Maclay, R.W. (1995)
Geology and hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area, Texas
Weber, A. (1995)
The lateral line system of epigean and cave dwelling catfishes of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexico
Langecker, T. G., Neumann, B., Hausberg, C. and Parzefall, J. (1995)
Evolution of the optical releasers for aggressive behaviour in cave-dwelling Astyanax fasciatus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Kenny, J.S. (1995)
Views from the bridge. A memoir of the freshwater fishes of Trinidad
Weber, A. (1995)
The lateral line system of epigean and cave dwelling catfishes of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexico
Langecker, T. G., Wilkens, H. and Schmale, H. (1995)
Developmental constraints in regressive evolution: Studies of the expression of the delta-s crystallin gene in the developing lens of cave-dwelling Astaynax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) (Teleostei, Characidae) by in situ hybridisation
Wilkens, H. and Langecker, T. G. (1996)
Vom Leben im ewigen Dunkel. Zur Evolution der Hohlenfische
Hendrickson, D.A. (1996)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexican blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaulridae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Borowsky, R. (1996)
The Sierra de El Abra of Northeastern Mexico: blind fish in the worlds largest cave system
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Weber, A. (1996)
Cave dwelling catfish populations of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Siluroidei, Teleostei) in Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. (1996)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexican blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaulridae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Jeffery, W.R., Hornaday, K. and Martasian, D.P. (1996)
Eye development in the cavefish Astyanax: Role of programmed cell death and the Pax-6 gene. (Abstract).
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Weber, A. (1996)
Cave dwelling catfish populations of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Siluroidei, Teleostei) in Mexico
Weber, A. (1996)
Cave dwelling catfish populations of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Siluroidei, Teleostei) in Mexico
Silfvergrip, A.M.C. (1996)
A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Behrens, M., Langecker, T.G., Wilkens, H. and Schmale, H. (1997)
Comparative analysis of Pax-6 sequence and expression in the eye development of the blind cavefish Astyanax fasciatus and its epigean conspecific
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (1997)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexcan blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaluridae)
Riedel, G. (1997)
The forebrain of the blind cave fish Astyanax hubbsi (Characidae). I. General anatomy of the telencephalon
Parzefall, J., Gagelmann, U. and Schartl, M. (1997)
Aggressive behaviour and optomotor response in different populations of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces:Poeciliidae)
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Riedel, G. and Krug, L. (1997)
The forebrain of the blind cave fish Astyanax hubbsi (Characidae). II. Projections of the olfactory bulb
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Borowsky, R. and Espinasa, L. (1997)
Antiquity and origins of troglobitic Mexican tetras, Astyanax fasciatus
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (1997)
Notes on biogeography, ecology and behaviour of Mexcan blind catfish, genus Prietella (Ictaluridae)
Jeffery, W.R. and Martasian, D P. (1997)
Evolution of eye development in the cavefish Astyanax
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Longley, G. and Jordan, W.R. (1997)
Management of the Edwards Aquifer region - How the Endangered Species Act influenced action
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Wilkens, H. (1998)
Genetics of cave fish evolution
Palmer, A.N. and Palmer, M.V. (1998)
Geochemistry of Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, an active H2S cave
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Palmer, A.N and Palmer, M.V. (1998)
Geochemistry of Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, an active H2S cave
Behrens, M., Wilkens, H. and Schmale, H. (1998)
Cloning of the alpha A-crystallin genes of a blind cave form and the epigean form of Astyanax mexicanus: a comparative analysis of structure, expression and evolutionary conservation
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krecja, J. (1998)
Blindcats of the genus Prietella (Ictualuridae) of northeastern Mexico: an overview of recent explorations and studies
Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (1998)
Molecular phylogeny of Ictaluridae with emphasis on the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Parzefall, J. (1998)
Female choice in cave living and epigean populations of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Koerner, K.E. (1998)
Maintenance of visual pigments in a cave living population of Poecilia mexicana (Pisces, Poeciliidae)
Ptacek, NM and Breden, F (1998)
Phylogenetic relationships among the mollies (Poeciliidae: Poecilia: Mollienesia group) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences
Jeffery, W.R. and Martasian, D.P. (1998)
Evolution of eye regression in the cavefish Astyanax: apoptosis and the Pax-6 gene
Weber, A. (1998)
Mexican cave catfish of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae): notes on adaptation and distribution
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krecja, J. (1998)
Blindcats of the genus Prietella (Ictualuridae) of northeastern Mexico: an overview of recent explorations and studies
Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (1998)
Molecular phylogeny of Ictaluridae with emphasis on the Mexican blindcats, genus Prietella
Contreras-Balderas, S. and Lozano-Vilano, M.D.L. (1998)
Problemas nomenclaturales de las formas mexicanas del genero Astyanax (Pisces: Characidae)
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (1998)
Blind catfish (Prietella: Ictaluridae) phylogenies and troglobitic invertebrates as indicators of international (Mexico-USA) subterranean aquatic interconnections, and as tools for environmental risk assessment
Wilkens, H. (1998)
Genetics of cave fishes
Jeffery, W.R. (1998)
Evolution of eye regression in the cavefish Astyanax: Apoptosis and the Pax-6 gene
Lavoie, K.H., Northup, D. and Boston, P. (1998)
Preliminary report on the biology of Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico
Riedel, G. (1998)
Long-term habituation to spatial novelty in blind cave fish (Astyanax hubbsi): role of the telencephalon and its subregions
Weber, A. (1998)
Mexican cave catfish of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae): notes on adaptation and distribution
Weber, A. and Wilkens, H. (1998)
Rhamdia macuspanensis: A new species of troglobitic pimelodid catfish (Siluriformes; Pimelodidae) from a cave in Tabasco, Mexcio
Weber, A. (1998)
Mexican cave catfish of the genus Rhamdia (Pimelodidae): notes on adaptation and distribution
Baker, C.F. and Montgomery, J. (1999)
The sensory basis of rheotaxis in the blind Mexican cave fish, Astyanax fasciatus
Villalobos, J.L., Alvarez, F. and Iliffe, T.M. (1999)
New species of troglobitic shrimps from Mexico, with the description of Troglomexicanus, new genus (Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Villalobos, J.L., Alvarez, F. and Iliffe, T.M. (1999)
New species of troglobitic shrimps from Mexico, with the description of Troglomexicanus, new genus (Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Natke, C. (1999)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen am optischen System von Fluss- und Hohlenform des Silbersalmlers Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Teleostei): Faserdarstellung mit Hilfe fluoreszierender Carbocyanine
Korner, KE (1999)
Zur sexuellen Selektion hohlenbender Atlantikkarpflinge (Poecilia mexicana Sreindachner, 1863)
Kullander, S. O. (1999)
Fish species - how and why
Hose, L.D. and Pisarowicz, J.A. (1999)
Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico: Reconnaissance study of an active sulfur spring cave and ecosystem
Estrada, M. (1999)
The ecology and life history of the mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus, (Teleostei: Characidae) in the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Hose, L.D. (1999)
Cave of the sulphur eaters
Parzefall, J. (19xx)
Zur struktur und Funktion der Schuppenfortsatze bei [males] von Poecilia sphenops
Carvalho Gomes, L. de, Golombieski, J.I., Chippari Gomes, A.R. and Baldisserotto, R. (2000)
Biology of Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei, Pimelodidae)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Krejca, J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Taylor, S.J. (2000)
Using stygobites to follow groundwater in Texas and Mexico
Jeffery, W.R., Strickler, A.G., Guiney, S., Heyser, D.G. and Tomarev, S.I. (2000)
Prox1 in eye degeneration and sensory organ compensation during development and evolution of the cavefish Astyanax
Espinasa, L. and Borowsky, R. (2000)
Eyed cave fish in a karst window
Ford, D.C. (2000)
5.3.1. Deep phreatic caves and groundwater systems of the Sierra de El Abra, Mexico
Romero, A. and Creswell, J. (2000)
In search of the elusive "eyeless" cave fish of Trinidad, W.I.
Huppop, K. (2000)
How do cave animals cope with the food scarcity in caves?
Pennisi, E. (2000)
Embryonic lens prompts eye development
Ghedotti, M.J. (2000)
Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of the poecilioid fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Krejca, J. (2000)
Subterranean freshwater diversity in northeastern Mexico and Texas
Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2000)
Central role for the lens in cave fish eye degeneration
Hose, L.D., Palmer, A.N., Palmer, M.V., Northup, D.E., Boston, P.J. and Duchene, H.R. (2000)
Microbiology and geochemistry in a hydrogen-sulphide-rich karst environment
Langecker, T.G. (2000)
The effects of continuous darkness on cave ecology and cavernicolous evolution
Romero, A. and Creswell, J. (2000)
Eyes wide open: the "eyeless cave fish of Trinidad, W.I. is not blind
Wilkens, H. (2001)
Convergent adaptations to cave life in the Rhamdia laticauda catfish group (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Yokoyama, S, and Radlwimmer, F.B. (2001)
The molecular genetics and evolution of red and green color vision in vertebrates
Northup, D.E. and Lavoie, K.H. (2001)
Geomicrobiology of caves: A review
Wilkens, H. (2001)
Convergent adaptations to cave life in the Rhamdia laticauda catfish group (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Parzefall, J and Hausberg, C (2001)
Ontogeny of the agressive behaviour in epigean and hypogean populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, teleostei) and their hybrids
Strickler, A.G., Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2001)
Early and late changes in Pax6 expression accompany eye degeneration during cavefish development
Mejia-Ortiz, L.M. and Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2001)
Estigofauna de la Cueva de las Sardinas, Tabasci, Mexico
Northup, D.E. and Lavoie, K.H. (2001)
Geomicrobiology of caves: A review
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Leclerc, P., Deharveng, L., Ng, P.K.L., Juberthie, C. and Decu, V. (2001)
Jeffery, W.R. (2001)
Cavefish as a model system in evolutionary developmental biology
Boudriot, F and Reutter, K (2001)
Ultrastructure of the taste buds in the blind cave fish Astyanax jordani ("Anoptichthys") and the sighted river fish Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Montgomery, J.C., Coombs, S. and Baker, C.F. (2001)
The mechanosensory lateral line system of the hypogean form of Astyanax fasciatus
Espinasa, L. and Borowsky, R. (2001)
Origins and relationships of cave populations of the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax fasciatus, in the Sierra de El Abra
Parzefall, J. (2001)
A review of morphological and behavoural changes in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana, from Tabasco, Mexcio
Jeffery, W.R. and Yamamoto, Y. (2001)
Midline signaling by sonic hedgehog controls eye degeneration in Astyanax cavefish
Plath, M., Korner, K.E. and Parzefall, J. (2001)
Sex recognition and female preferences of cave mollies Poecilia mexicana during the sexual cycle
Wilkens, H. (2001)
Convergent adaptations to cave life in the Rhamdia laticauda catfish group (Pimelodidae, Teleostei)
Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2001)
[Erratum for: Central role for the lens in cavefish eye degeneration. Science 289:831-833]
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Schlupp, I. and Parzefall, J. (2001)
Sex recognition and female preferences of cave mollies poecilia mexicana in light and darkness
Hendrickson, D.A., Krejca, J. and Rodriguez Martinez, J.M. (2001)
Mexican blindcats genus Prietella (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae): An overview of recent explorations
Romero, A., Singh, A., McKie, A., Manna, M., Baker, R. and Paulson, K.M. (2001)
Return to the Cumaca Cave, Trinidad, W.I.
Espinasa, L., Rivas-Manzano, P. and Perez, H.E. (2001)
A new blind cave fish population of genus Astyanax: Geography, morphology and behaviour
Espinasa, L., Rivas-Manzano, P. and Perez, H.E. (2001)
A new blind cave fish population of genus Astyanax: Geography, morphology and behaviour
Espinasa, L. (2001)
Agressive behaviour and blindness: The cave of troglobitic "Astyanax" populations
Eliot, J. (2001)
Deadly haven: Mexico’s poisonous cave
Hose, L.D. (2001)
"La Ceremonia de la Pesca" in Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico
Hose, L.D. (2001)
Hydrochemical characteristics of a unique sulfur-rich karst system in southern Mexico
Estrada, D. and Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2002)
Biodiversity of terrestrial microarthropods from Las Sardinas Cave, Tabasco, Mexico
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Wilkens, H (2002)
Convergence of Astyanax cave fish evolution: Genetic evidence from eye reduction
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Berg, A. and Watson, G.M. (2002)
Rapid recovery of sensory function in blind cave fish treated with anemone repair proteins
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Dowling, T.E., Martasian, D.P. and Jeffery, W.R. (2002)
Evidence for multiple genetic forms with similar eyeless phenotypes in the blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Strecker, U. and Wilkens, H. (2002)
Genetic divergence between cave and surface populations of Astyanax in Mexico
Parzefall, J and Hausberg, C (2002)
Ontogeny of the agressive behaviour in epigean and hypogean populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Teleostei) and their hybrids
Strickler, A.G., Famuditimi, K. and Jeffery, W.R. (2002)
Retinal homeobox genes and the role of cell proliferation in cavefish eye degeneration
Coombs, S, New, JG and Nelson, M (2002)
Information-processing demands in electrosensory amd mechanosensory lateral line systems
Borowsky, RL and Wilkens, H (2002)
Mapping a cave fish genome: Polygenic systems and regressive evolution
Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2002)
Probing teleost eye development by lens transplantation
Krejca, J. (2002)
Recent field investigations of blind Astyanax
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Plath, M., Schlupp, I. and Parzefall, J. (2002)
Sexual selection in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Dieterich, M and Lavoie, K (2002)
Troglomorphy in the cave fish Poecilia mexicana from Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Carvalho, M.L., Oliveira, C., Navarrete, M.C., Froehlich, O. and Foresti, F. (2002)
Nuclear DNA content determination in Characiformes fish (Teleostei, Ostariophysi) from the Neotropical region
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Romero, A., Jeffery, W.R. and Yamamoto, Y. (2002)
When cave fish see the light: Reaction norm to light exposure during development in epigean, troglomorphic, and hybrids of Astyanax fasciatus (Charicidae)
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Romero, A., Singh, A., McKie, A., Manna, M., Baker, R., Paulson, K.M. and Creswell, J.E. (2002)
Replacement of the troglomorphic population of Rhamdia quelen (Pisces: Pimelodidae) by an epigean population of the same species in the Cumaca Cave, Trinidad, West Indies
Perdices, A., Bermingham, E., Montilla, A. and Doadrio, I. (2002)
Evolutionary history of the genus Rhamdia (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in Central America
Krejca, J. (2003)
The Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila): Research and exploration in the groundwater
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Angel, T.B. (2003)
The neural connectivity of the Torus Semicircularis in the cave dwelling form of Astyanax fasciatus
Parry, J.W.L., Peirson, S. and Wilkens, H. (2003)
Multiple photopigments from the Mexican blind cavefish, Astyanax fasciatus: a microspectrophotometric study
Weber, A, Allegrucci, G and Sbordoni, V (2003)
Rhamdia laluchensis, a new species of troglobitic catfish (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) from Chiapas, Mexico
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Strecker, U. (2003)
Polymorphic microsatellites isolated from the cave fish Astyanax fasciatus
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Strecker, U., Bernatchez, L. and Wilkens, H. (2003)
Genetic divergence between cave and surface populations of Astyanax in Mexico (Characidae, Teleostei)
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Valdez-Moreno, M. and Contreras-Balderas, S. (2003)
Skull osteology of the characid fish Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae)
Porter, M.L. and Crandall, K.A. (2003)
Lost along the way: the significance of evolution in reverse
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Jeffery, W.R., Strickler, A.G. and Yamamoto, Y. (2003)
To see or not to see: Evolution of eye degeneration in Mexican blind cavefish
Krejca, J. (2003)
The Mexican blindcat (Prietella phreatophila): Research and exploration in the groundwater
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Espinasa, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2003)
A troglomorphic sculpin (Pisces: Cottidae) population: Geography, morphology and conservation status
Romero, A., Green, S.M., Lelonek, M.M. and Stropnicky, K.C. (2003)
One eye but no vision: cavefish with induced eyes do not respond to light
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Yamamoto, Y., Espinasa, L., Stock, D.W. and Jeffery, W.R. (2003)
Development and evolution of craniofacial patterning is mediated by eye-dependant and -independent processes in the cavefish Astyanax
Espinasa, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2003)
Scientists restore eyes in blind cave fish and find virgin passage
Lucinda, P.H.F. (2003)
Family Poeciliidae (Livebearers)
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
Persistence of a visually mediated mating preference in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
The role of sexual harassment in cave and surface dwelling populations of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M., Wiedemann, K., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2003)
Sex recognition in in surface and cave dwelling male Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Sarma, S.S.S., Lopez-Romulo, A. and Nandini, S. (2003)
Larval feeding behaviour of blind fish Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae), black tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Characidae) and angel fish Pterophyllum scalare (Cichlidae) fed zooplankton
Wilkens, H. and Strecker, U. (2003)
Convergent evolution of the cavefish Astyanax (Characidae, teleostei): Genetic evidence from reduced eye-size and pigmentation
Weber, A (2003)
Taxonomie und Artstatus hohlenbewohnender und oberirdischer Welse der Gattung Rhamdia (Pimelodidae, Teleostei) in Mexiko
Sneegas, G.W. and Hendrickson, D.A. (2003)
Extreme catfishes
Contreras-Balderas, S, Almada-Villela, P, Lozano-Vilano, M de L and Garcia-Ramirez, ME (2003)
Freshwater fish at risk or extinct in Mexico
Burt de Perera, T. (2004)
Fish can encode order in their spatial map
Burt de Perera, T. (2004)
Spatial parameters encoded in the spatial map of the blind mexican cavefish, Astyanax fasciatus
DoNascimiento, C., Provenzano, F. and Lundberg, J.G. (2004)
Rhamdia guasarensis (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), a new species of cave catfish from the Sierra de Perija, northwestern Venezuela
Fuiman, L.A., Higgs, D.M. and Poling, K.R. (2004)
Changing structure and function of the eye and lateral line system of fishes during development
Wilkens, H (2004)
The Astyanax model (Teleostei): neutral mutations and directional selection
Spilde, M.N., Fischer, P.R., Northup, D.E., Turin, H.J. and Boston, P.J. (2004)
Water, gases, and phylogenetic analyses from sulfur springs in Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, México
Strecker, U., Faundez, V.H. and Wilkens, H. (2004)
Phylogeography of surface and cave Astyanax (Teleostei) from Central and North America based on cytochrome b sequence data
McCauley, D.W., Hixon, E. and Jeffery, W.R. (2004)
Evolution of pigment cell regression in the cavefish Astyanax: a late step in melanogenesis
Hardman, M. (2004)
The phylogenetic relationships among Noturus catfishes (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae) as inferred from mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and nuclear recombination activating gene 2.
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Fish, J. (2004)
Karst hydrology of the Sierra de El Abra
Wilcox, T.P., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Hendrickson, D.A. and Hillis, D.M. (2004)
Convergence among cave catfishes: long-branch attraction and a Bayesian relative rates test
Yamamoto, Y (2004)
Jeffery, W.R. (2004)
The hypogean phenotype is controlled by pleiotropic midline-signalling genes in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Yamamoto, Y., Stock, D.W. and Jeffery, W.R. (2004)
Hedgehog signalling controls eye degeneration in blind cavefish
Hooven, T.A., Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2004)
Blind cavefish and heat shock protein chaperones: a novel role for hsp90alpha in lens apoptosis
Soares, D., Yamamoto, Y., Strickler, A.G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2004)
The lens has a specific influence on optic nerve and tectum development in the blind cavefish Astyanax
Arndt, M., Parzefall, J. and Plath, M. (2004)
Does sexual experience influence mate choice descisions in cave molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)?
Plath, M., Arndt, M., Parzefall, J. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Size-dependent male mating behaviour in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Timmermann, M., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2004)
Shoaling behaviour in a surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling population of a barb Garra barreimiae (Cyprinidae: Teleostei)
Plath, M., Brummer, A. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Sexual harassment in a live-bearing fish (Poecilia mexicana): influence of population-specific male mating behaviour
Plath, M., Parzefall, J., Korner, K.E. and Schlupp, I. (2004)
Sexual selection in darkness: female mating preferences in surface and cave dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Plath, M., Wiedemann, K. and Parzefall, J. (2004)
Cave molly males (Poecilia mexicana) do not recognise receptive females without body contact
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Boghici, R. (2004)
Hydrogeology of Edwards and Trinity Aquifer of Texas and Coahuila in the Border Region
Plath, M, Tobler, M and Schlupp, I (2004)
Cave fish looking for mates: A visual mating preference in surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, oeciliidae)
Moreira, C.R., Bichuette, M.E., Oyakawa, O.T., de Pinna, M.C.C. and Trajano, E. (2004)
Rediscovery of Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke, 1965, an enigmatic subterranean characiform fish from Jaiba karst area, eastern Brazil
Northup, D.E., Turner, A.L., Spilde, M.N., Boston, P.J., Alvarado, A. and Hose, L.D. (2005)
Sulfur-based microbial communities from Cueva de Villa Luz, an extreme sulfide-rich cave
Plath, M., Korner, K.E., Moller, A. and Schlupp, I. (2005)
Imperfect signal transmission and female mate choice in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Plath, M, Heubel, FJ, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Schlupp, I (2005)
Cave molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) like well-fed males
Plath, M, Heubel, KU and Schlupp, I (2005)
Field observations on male mating behaviour in surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Riesch, R., Arndt, M. and Plath, M. (2005)
Non-visual localisation of a conspecific male by surface and cave-dwelling Atlantic molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2005)
A new cave species of Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from Serra do Ramalho, northeatern Brazil, with notes on ecology and behaviour
Tobler, M, Wiedemann, K and Plath, M (2005)
Homosexual behaviour in a cavernicolous fish, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Burt de Perera, T and Braithwaite, VA (2005)
Laterality in a non-visual sensory modality - the lateral line of fish
Krejca, J. (2005)
Stygobite phylogenetics as a tool for determining aquifer evolution
Krejca, J. (2005)
Stygobite phylogenetics as a tool for determining aquifer evolution
Bichuette, M.E. and Trajano, E. (2005)
A new subterranean catfish, genus Rhamdia, from Brazil (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) with notes on ecology
Tian, N.M.M.L. and Price, D.J. (2005)
Why cavefish are blind
Jeffery, W.R. (2005)
Evolution of eye degeneration in cavefish: The return of pleiotropy
Jeffery, W.R. (2005)
Adaptive evolution of eye degeneration in the Mexican blind cavefish
Espinasa, L., Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2005)
Non-optical releasers for aggressive behaviour in blind and blinded Astyanax (Teleostei: Characidae)
Espinasa, L. and Espinasa, M. (2005)
Why do cave fishes lose their eyes? A Darwinian mystery unfolds in the dark
Estrada-Bárcenas, D. (2005)
Biodiversidad de microartrópodeos en una cueva multienergetica en Tabasco, México
Kocher, T.D., Jeffery, W.R., Parichy, D.M., Peichel, C.L., Streelman, J.T. and Thorgaard, G.H. (2005)
Special Feature—Roundtable discussion. Fish models for studying adaptive evolution and speciation
Panaram, K. and Borowsky, R.L. (2005)
Gene flow and genetic variability in cave and surface populations of the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae)
Hose, L.D. (2005)
A scientist looks at Cueva Luna Azufre
Trapani, J., Yamamoto, Y. amd Stock, D.W. (2005)
Ontogenetic transition from unicuspid to multicuspid oral dentition in a teleost fish: Astyanax mexicanus, the Mexican tetra (Ostariophysi: Characidae)
Plath, M., Rohde, M., Schroder, T., Taebel-Hellwig, A. and Schlupp, I. (2006)
Female mating preferences in blind cave tetras Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Teleostei)
Tobler, M., Schlupp, I., Heubel, K.U., Riesch, R., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Giere, O. and Plath, M. (2006)
Life on the edge: hydrogen sulfide and the fish communities of a Mexican cave and surrounding waters
Tobler, M, Burmeister, H, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2006)
Reduction of a visually mediated association preference in the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidea, Teleostei)
Franz-Odendaal, T.A. and Hall, B.K. (2006)
Modularity and sense organs in the blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Plath, M., Seggel, U., Burmeister, H., Heubel, F.J. and Schlupp, I. (2006)
Choosy males from underground: male mating preferences in surface- and cave-dwellind Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana)
Riesch, R, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2006)
Influence of male competition on male mating behaviour in the cave molly, Poecilia mexicana
Plath, M, Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Schlupp, I (2006)
Evolutionary biology and Cueva de Villa Luz: Ichthyological research in a sulfidic cave in Tabasco
Riesch, R, Schlupp, I, Tobler, M, Garcia de Leon, FJ and Plath, M (2006)
Reduction of the association preference for conspecifics in cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana
Dieterich, M and Lavoie, K (2006)
Variability in troglomorphic adaptations of a mexican cavefish, Poecilia mexicana, from Tabasco, Mexico
Jeffery, W.R. (2006)
Convergence of pigment regression in cave animals: developmental, biochemical and genetic progress towards understanding evolution of the colourless phenotype
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Protas, M.E., Hersey, C., Kochanek, D., Zhou, Y., Wilkens, H., Jeffery, W.R., Zon, L.I., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C.J. (2006)
Genetic analysis of cave fish reveals molecular convergence in the evolution of albinism
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Sullivan, J.P., Lundberg, J.G. and Hardman, M. (2006)
A phylogenetic analysis of the major groups of catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) using rag1 and rag2 nuclear gene sequences
Boston, P.J., Hose, L.D., Northup, D.E. and Spilde, M.N. (2006)
The microbial communities of sulfur caves: A newly appreciated geologically driven system on Earth and potential model for Mars
Espinasa, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2006)
Conservation of retinal circadian rhythms during cavefish eye degeneration
Jeffery, W.R. (2006)
Regressive Evolution of Pigmentation in the Cavefish Astyanax
Reeves, R.G. and Bermingham, E. (2006)
Colonization, population expansion, and lineage turnover: phylogeography of Mesoamerican characiform fish.
Moreira, C.R. (2007)
Relações filogenéticas na ordem Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi)
Plath, M., Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Giere, O. and Schlupp, I. (2007)
Survival in an extreme habitat: the role of behaviour and energy limitation
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Wilkens, H (2007)
Regressive evolution: Ontogeny and genetics of cavefish eye rudimentation
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Taylor, S.J., Weckstein, J.D., Takiya, D.M., Krejca, J.K., Murdoch, J.D., Veni, G., Johnson, K.P. and Reddell, J.R. (2007)
Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: A keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally listed endangered cave arthropods
Plath, M., Schlupp, I., Parzefall, J. and Riesch, R. (2007)
Female choice for large body size in the cave molly Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae, Teleostei): influence od species- and sex-specific cues
Plath, M. and Tobler, M. (2007)
Sex recognition in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic molly females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei): influence of visual and non-visual cues
Tobler, M., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2007)
Predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae) by a giant water bug (Belostoma, Belostomatidae) in a Mexican sulphur cave
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Engel, A.S. (2007)
Observations on the biodiversity of sulfidic karst habitats
Porter, M.L., Dittmar, K. and Perez-Losada, M. (2007)
How long does evolution of the troglomorphic form take? Estimating divergence times in Astyanax mexicanus
Holbrook, R., Bomphrey, R., Walker, S., Taylor, G., Thomas, A. and Burt de Perera, T. (2007)
Swimming performance of a subcarangiform, the blind mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus)
Plath, M., Hauswaldt, J.S., Moll, K., Tobler, M., Garcia de Leon, F.J., Schlupp, I. and Tiedemann, R. (2007)
Local adaptation and pronounced genetic differentiation in an extremophile fish, Poecilia mexicana, inhabiting a Mexican cave with toxic hydrogen sulfide
Porter, M.L., Dittmar, K. and Perez-Losada, M (2007)
How long does evolution of the troglomorphic form take? Estimating divergence times in Astyanax mexicanus
Di Palma, F., Kidd, C., Borowsky, R. and Kocher, T.D. (2007)
Construction of bacterial artificial chromosome libraries for the Lake Malawi cichlid (Metriaclima zebra), and the blind cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Kavalco, K.F. and Almeida-Toledo, L.F. (2007)
Molecular cytogenetics of blind Mexican tetra and comments on the karyotypic characteristics of genus Astyanax (Teleostei, Characidae)
Peleshanko, S, Julian, MD, Ornatska, M, McConney, ME, LeMieux, MC, Chen, NN, Tucker, C, Yang, YC, Liu, C, Humphrey, JAC and Tsukruk, VV (2007)
Hydrogel-encapsulated microfabricated haircells mimicking fish cupula neuromast
Menuet, A., Alunni, A., Joly, J.S., Jeffery, W.R. and Retaux, S. (2007)
Expanded expression of sonic hedgehog in Asyanax cavefish: multiple consequences on forebrain development and evolution
Alunni, A., Menuet, A., Candal, E., Penigault, J.B., Jeffery, W.R. and Retaux, S. (2007)
Developmental mechanisms for retinal degeneration in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Protas, M., Conrad, M., Gross, J.B., Tabin, C. and Borowsky, R.L. (2007)
Regressive evolution in the Mexican cave tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Parzefall, J., Kraus, C., Tobler, M., and Plath, M. (2007)
Photophilic behaviour in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae).
Arendt, J. and Reznick, D. (2007)
Convergence and parallelism reconsidered: what have we learned about the genetics of adaptation?
Strickler, A.G., Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2007)
The lens controls cell survival in the retina: Evidence from the blind cavefish Astyanax
Tobler, M, Schlupp, I, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Glaubrecht, M and Plath, M (2007)
Extreme habitats as refuge from parasite infections? Evidence from an extremophile fish
Gregson, J.N.S. and Burt de Perera, T. (2007)
Shoaling in eyed and blind morphs of the characin Astyanax fasciatus under light and dark conditions
Strickler, A.G., Byerly, M.S. and Jeffery, W.R. (2007)
Lens gene expression analysis reveals downregulation of the anti-apoptotic chaperone alphaA-crystallin during cavefish eye degeneration
Windsor, S., Tan, D. and Montgomery, J. (2008)
Swimming kinematics and hydrodynamic imaging in the blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus)
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Determining the sex of adult Astyanax mexicanus
Espinasa, M. and Espinasa, L. (2008)
Losing sight of regressive evolution
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Stransky, C., Schlickeisen, J. and Reichenbacher, B. (2008)
Differences in otolith morphologies between surface- and cave-dwelling populations of Poecilia mexicana Teleostei, Poeciliidae) reflect adaptations to life in an extreme habitat
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Breeding Astyanax mexicanus through natural spawning
Moreira, C.R. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Stygichthys typhlops Brittan and Bohlke, 1965
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
In vitro fertilisation of Astyanax mexicanus
Franssen, Courtney M.; Tobler, Michael; Riesch, Rudiger; et al. (2008)
Sperm production in an extremophile fish, the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Handling Astyanax mexicanus eggs and fry
Yoshizawa, M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2008)
Shadow response in the blind cavefish Astyanax reveals conservation of a functional pineal eye
Wilkens, H. (2008)
Genes, modules and the evolution of troglobites
Contreras-Balderas, S and others, 13 (2008)
Freshwater fishes and water status in México: A country-wide appraisal
Mattox, T., Mendes, G., Bichuette, M.E., Secutti, S. and Trajano, E. (2008)
Surface and subterranean ichthyofauna in the Serra do Ramalho karst area, northeastern Brazil, with updated lists of Brazilian troglobitic and troglophilic fishes
Contreras-Balderas, S and others, 13 (2008)
Freshwater fishes and water status in México: A country-wide appraisal
Strecker, U. (2008)
Introgression in Astyanax fasciatus cave populations
Borowsky, R. (2008)
Astyanax mexicanus, the blind Mexican cave fish: a model for studies in development and morphology
Plath, M., Tobler, M., Klawonn, O. and Parzefall, J. (2008)
Male mating behavior and sexual harassment in population hybrids of cave- and surface-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Salin, K., Voituron, Y., Colson, C. and Hervant, F. (2008)
To colonise subterranean environments without starvation tolerance capacity: the case of fish Astyanax mexicanus
Holbrook, R., Bomphrey, R., Walker, S., Taylor, G., Thomas, A. and Burt de Perera, T. (2008)
A comparative analysis of the normal swimming performance of two subcarangiforms, blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus) and goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2008)
Parallel evolution leads to reduced shoaling behaviour in two cave dwelling populations of Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei)
Holbrook, R.I. and Burt de Perera, T. (2008)
Three-dimensional orientation in fish
Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Schlupp, I and Plath, M (2008)
A new and morphologically distinct population of cavernicolous Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae: Teleostei)
Aw, J.M., Holbrook, R.I., Burt de Perera, T. and Kacelnik, A. (2008)
Apparent irrationality and state-dependant learning in fish
Yong, E. (2008)
Blind fish see shadows
Tobler, M, DeWhitt, TJ, Schlupp, I, Garcia de Leon, FJ, Herrmann, R, Feulner, PGD, Tiedemann, R and Plath, M (2008)
Toxic hydrogen sulfide and dark caves: Phenotypic and genetic divergence across two abiotic environmental gradients in Poecilia mexicana
Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Dominguez-Dominguez, O. and Doadrio, I. (2008)
Evolutionary history of the fish genus Astyanax Baird and Girard (1854) (Actinopterygii, Characidae) in Mesoamerica reveals multiple morphological homoplasies
Parzefall, J and Plath, M (2008)
Evolutionary ecology of the Mexican cavefish Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae) compared to epigean relatives
Plath, M (2008)
Male mating behaviour and costs of sexual harassment for females in cavernicolous and extremophile populations of Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana)
Tobler, M. (2008)
The evolutionary ecology of the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana) from the Cueva del Azufre system effects of abiotic and biotic environmental conditions
Windsor, S.P. (2008)
Hydrodynamic imaging by blind Mexican cavefish
Contreras-Balderas, S and others, 13 (2008)
Freshwater fishes and water status in México: A country-wide appraisal
Retaux, S, Pottin, K and Alunni, A (2008)
Shh and forebrain evolution in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Protas, M., Tabansky, I., Conrad, M., Gross, J.B., Vidal, O., Tabin, C. and Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Multi-trait evolution in a cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus
Jeffery, W.R. (2008)
Developmental relationships between eye regression and constructive traits in Astyanax cavefish
Gross, J.B., Protas, M., Conrad, M., Scheid, P.E., Vidal, O., Jeffery, W.R., Tabin, C. and others (2008)
Synteny and candidate gene prediction using an anchored linkage map of Astyanax mexicanus
Jeffery, W.R. (2008)
Emerging model systems in evo-devo: cavefish and microevolution of development
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Restoring sight in blind cavefish
Borowsky, R.L. (2008)
Are cave populations evolutionary dead ends?
Windsor, S., Mallinson, G. and Montgomery, J. (2008)
Hydrodynamic imaging by blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus)
Strickler, A.G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Differentially expressed genes identified by cross-species microarray in the blind cavefish Astyanax
Windsor, S. (2009)
Hydrodynamic imaging in blind Mexican cave fish
Palacios-Vargas, J.G. (2009)
Los Estudios Bioespeleológicos de la Cueva de Villa Luz y sus perspectivas
Tobler, M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Threatened fishes of the world: Poecilia sulphuraria (Alvarez, 1948) (Poeciliidae)
White, K., Davidson, G.R. and Paquin, P. (2009)
Hydrologic evolution of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone (Balcones fault zone) as recorded in the DNA of eyeless Cicurina cave spiders, south-central Texas
Patton, P., Coombs, S. and Windsor, S. (2009)
Active wall following in the Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax sp.)
Yoshizawa, M., Soares, D., Goricki, S., Ashida, G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Evolution of adaptive behaviours in the cavefish Astyanax
Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Tobler, C.M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Compensatory behaviour in response to sulphide-induced hypoxia affects time budgerts, feeding efficiency and predation risk
Tobler, M, Riesch, R, Tobler, CM, Schulz-Mirbach, T and Plath, M (2009)
Natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation among micro-allopatric populations
Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Dominguez-Dominguez, O. and Doadrio, I. (2009)
Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Astyanax in Mesoamerica
Dufton, M. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2009)
Sensory structures and developmental modules within Astyanax
Leclercq, E., Taylor, J.F. and Migaud, H. (2009)
Morphological skin colour changes in teleosts
Tobler, M and Plath, M (2009)
Living in extreme environments
Trajano, E., Secutti, S. and Bichuette, M.E. (2009)
Populatioin decline in a Brazilian cave catfish, Trichomycterus itacarambiensis Trajano and Pinna, 1996 (Siluriformes): reduced flash flood as a probable cause
Plath, M., Stange, D., Riesch, R. and Oetken, M. (2009)
Do cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) obtain information about the resource value of food patches from shoal mates?
Sharma, S., Coombs, S., Patton, P. and Burt de Perera, T. (2009)
The function of wall-following behaviours in the Mexican blind cavefish and a sighted relative, the Mexican tetra (Astyanax)
McConney, M.E., Chen, N.N., Lu, D., Hu, H., Coombs, S., Liu, C. and Tsukruk, V.V. (2009)
Biologically inspired design of hydrogel-capped hair sensors for enhanced underwater flow detection
Coombs, S. and Patton, P. (2009)
Short-range, sensorimotor adaptations for aquiring spatial knowledge
Gross, J.B., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C. (2009)
A novel role for Mc1r in the parallel evolution of depigmentation in independant populations of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
McHenry, M., Feitl, K. and Cardenas, G. (2009)
Do blind Astyanax have highly sensitive lateral line receptors?
Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Regresive evolution in Astyanax cavefish
Sutherland, L., Holbrook, R.I. and Burt de Perera, T. (2009)
Sensory system affects orientational strategy in a short-range spatial task in blind and eyed morphs of the fish, Astyanax fasciatus
Aw, J.M., Holbrook, R.I., Burt de Perera, T. and Kacelnik, A. (2009)
State-dependant valuation learning in fish: Banded tetras prefer stimuli associated with greater past deprivation
Holbrook, R. and Burt de Perera, T. (2009)
Spatial orientation of two morphs of Astyanax fasciatus
Holbrook, R. and Burt de Perera, T. (2009)
Separate encoding of vertical and horizontal components of space during orientation in fish
Streets, A and Soares, D (2009)
Changes in sensory strategies during development of cavefish
Riesch, R., Duwe, V., Hermann, N., Padur, L., Ramm, A., Scharnweber, K., Schulte, M., Schulz-Mirbach, T., Ziege, M. and Plath, M. (2009)
Variation along the shy-bold continuum in extremophile fishes (Poecilia mexicana, P. sulphuraria)
Riesch, R, Tobler, M, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2009)
Offspring number in a livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana: Poeciliidae): reduced fecundity and reduced plasticity in a population of cave mollies
Yamamoto, Y., Byerly, M.S., Jackman, W.R. and Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Pleiotropic functions of embryonic sonic hedgehog expression link jaw and tastebud amplification with eye loss during cavefish evolution
De Carvalho, P.A., Paschoalini, A.L., Santos, G.B., Rizzo, E. and Bazzoli, N. (2009)
Reproductive biology of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characiformes) in a reservoir in southeastern Brazil.
Varatharasan, N., Croll, R. and Franz-Odendaal, T. (2009)
Taste bud development and patterning in sighted and blind morphs of Astyanax mexicanus.
Valdez-Moreno, M., Ivanova, N.V., Elias-Gutierrez, M., Contreras-Balderas, S. and Herbert, P.D.N. (2009)
Probing diversity in freshwater fishes from Mexico and Guatemala with DNA barcodes
Albertson, R.C., Cresko, W., Detrich, H.W. and Postlethwait, J.H. (2009)
Evolutionary mutant models for human disease
Pottin, K and Retaux, S (2009)
Interactions between signalling centres for anterior neural plate patterning in Astyanax
Maher, B. (2009)
Evolution: biology's next top model
Shaw, P. (2009)
A Register of the Caves of Trinidad and Tobago
Reynoso, V.H., Paredes-Leon, R. and Arroyo Lambaer, D. (2009)
Conservation isues in the blind cave fishes of the genus Astyanax in northeastern Mexico
Retaux, S., Alunni, A., Menuet, A. and Pottin, K. (2009)
Why do cavefish first develop eyes? A forebrain deveopment hypothesis
Kowalko, J., Gross, J.B., Protas, M., Borowsky, R.L. and Tabin, C. (2009)
Genetic approaches to studying morphological and behavioural traits in Astyanax mexicanus
Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
AIM 2009: The first international Astyanax meeting
Espinasa, L. and Giribet, G. (2009)
Living in the dark—species delimitation based on combined molecular and morphological evidence in the nicoletiid genus Texoreddellia Wygodzinsky, 1973 (Hexapoda: Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) in Texas and México
Porter, M.L., Jeffery, W.R. and Dittmar, K. (2009)
Estimating divergence times in Astyanax mexicanus
Ren, W.Y. and Yamamoto, Y. (2009)
How cavefish lost their eyes. Midline signalling and eye development
Timmermann, M and Plath, M (2009)
Phototactic response and light sensitivity in an epigean and a hypogean population of a barb (Garra barreimiae, Cyprinidae)
Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Chippindale, P.T. (2009)
The biogeography and rapid radiation of central Texas neotenic salamanders
Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Evolution of eye degeneration in cavefish
Guibal, C., Yamamoto, Y., Reynoso, V.H. and Whitmore, D. (2009)
Biological clocks in Astyanax mexicanus
Franz-Odendaal, T., Varatharasan, N. and Croll, R.P. (2009)
The development of taste buds in two morphs of Astyanax mexicanus
Chippindale, P.T., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Bendik, N.F. (2009)
Texas cave and spring salamanders (Eurycea): new discoveries and new surprises
Jeffery, W.R. (2009)
Evolution and development in the cavefish Astyanax
Whitmore, D., Guibal, C., Tamai, K. and Yamamoto, Y. (2009)
Circadian clocks and light sensitivity in Astyanax cell lines
Holland, R.A., Wikelski, M., Kummeth, F., and Bosque, C. (2009)
The secret life of Oilbirds: New insights into the movement ecology of a unique avian frugivore.
Esquivel Bobadilla, S., Borowsky, R.L., Espinosa Perez, H. and Garcia de Leon, F.J. (2009)
Microsatellite polymorphisms of Astyanax mexicanus at Mexican Atlantic slope
White, K., Davidson, G.R. and Paquin, P. (2009)
Hydrologic evolution of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone (Balcones fault zone) as recorded in the DNA of eyeless Cicurina cave spiders, south-central Texas
Culver, D.C. and Pipan, T. (2009)
The biology of caves and other subterranean habitats
Hose, L.D. (2009)
Recent observations in a remarkably dynamic, sulfide-rich, hypogenic cave in southern Mexico
Borowsky, R.L. (2009)
Emerging model organisms Astyanax mexicanus, the blind Mexican cave fish: A model for studies in development and morphology
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Jeffery, W.R. and Strickler, A.G. (2010)
Development as an evolutionary process in Astyanax cavefish
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Moreira, C.R., Bichuette, M.E., Oyakawa, O.T., de Pinna, M.C.C. and Trajano, E. (2010)
Rediscovery and redescription of the unusual subterranean characiform Stygichthys typhlops, with notes on its life history
Mirande, J.M. (2010)
Phylogeny of the family Characidae (Teleostei: Characiformes): from characters to taxonomy
Patton, P., Windsor, S. and Coombs, S. (2010)
Active wall following by Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Windsor, S.P., Norris, S.E., Cameron, S.M., Mallinson, G.D. and Montgomery, J.C. (2010)
The flow fields involved in hydrodynamic imaging by blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus). Part II: gliding parallel to a wall.
Pottin, K., Hyacinthe, C., and Retaux, S. (2010)
Conservation, development, and function of a cement gland-like structure in the fish Astyanax mexicanus
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Windsor, S.P., Norris, S.E., Cameron, S.M., Mallinson, G.D. and Montgomery, J.C. (2010)
The flow fields involved in hydrodynamic imaging by blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus). Part I: open water and heading towards a wall.
Dahdul, W.M., Lundberg, J.G., Midford, P.E., Balhoff, J.P., Lapp, H., Vision, T.J., Haendel, M.A., Westerfield, M. and Mabee, P.M. (2010)
The Teleost anatomy ontology: Anatomocal representation for the genomics age
Coombs. S. (2010)
Active flow-sensing for spatial exploration and navigation
Yoshizawa, M., Goricki, S., Soares, D. and Jeffery, W.R. (2010)
Evolution of a behavioural shift mediated by superficial neuromasts helps cavefish find food in darkness
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Schlupp, I. and Marsh-Matthews, E. (2010)
Matrotrophy in the cave molly: An unexpected provisining strategy in an extreme environment
Horstkotte, J., Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Jager, P. (2010)
Predation by three species of spiders on a cave fish in a Mexican sulfur cave
Mirande, J.M. (2010)
Phylogeny of the family Characidae (Teleostei: Characiformes): from characters to taxonomy
Wilkens, H (2010)
Genes, modules and the evolution of cave fish
Plath, M, Reis, R. E., A, Oranth, J, Dzienko, N, Karau, A, Schießl, S, Stadler, A, Wigh, C, Zimmer, Arias Rodriguez, Lenin, I, Schlupp and M, Tobler (2010)
Complementary effect of natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation between locally adapted fish
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Garcia de Leon, F.J. and Schlupp, I. (2010)
Convergent life-history shifts: toxic environments result in big babies in two clades of poeciliids
Plath, M., Hermann, B., Schröder, C., Riesch, R., Tobler, M., García de León, F.J., Schlupp I. and Tiedeman, R. (2010)
Locally adapted fish populations maintain small-scale genetic differentiation despite perturbation by a catastrophic flood event
Riesch, R.W., Oranth, A., Dzienko, J., Karau, N., Schiel, A., Stadler, S., Wigh, A., Zimmer, C., Arias-Rodriguez L., Schlupp, I. and Plath, M. (2010)
Extreme habitats are not refuges: poeciliids suffer from increased aerial predation risk in sulphidic southern Mexican habitats
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Tobler, M., Culumber, Z.W., Plath, M., Winemiller, K.O. and Rosenthal, G.G. (2010)
An indigenous religious ritual selects for resistance to a toxicant in a livebearing fish
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Van Trump, W.J., Coombs, S., Duncan, K. and McHenry, M. (2010)
Gentamicin disrupts both receptor classes in the lateral line system
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Salin, K., Voituron, Y., Mourin, J. and Hervant, F. (2010)
Cave colonization without fasting capacities: an example with the fish Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus
Van Trump, W.J., Coombs, S., Duncan, K. and McHenry, M.J. (2010)
Gentamicin is ototoxic to all hair cells in the fish lateral line system
Taylor, G.K., Holbrook, R. and Burt de Perera, T. (2010)
Fractional rate of change of swim-bladder volume is reliably related to absolute depth during vertical displacements in teleost fish
Gross, J.B. and Tabin, C.J. (2010)
Evolutionary genetics of pigmentation loss
Jeffery, W.R. (2010)
Pleiotropic tradeoffs between constructive and regressive traits during troglomorphic evolution
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2010)
Toxic Hygrogen sulphide and dark caves: life history adaptations to extreme environments in a livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Plath, M, Richter, S, Schlupp, I and Tiedemann, R (2010)
Misleading mollies: Surface but not cave dwelling Poecilia mexicana males deceive competitors about mating preferences
Plath, M. and Tobler, M. (2010)
Subterranean fishes of Mexico (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Juan, C., Guzik, M.T., Jaume, D. and Cooper, S.J.B. (2010)
Evolution in caves: Darwin’s ‘wrecks of ancient life’ in the molecular era
Schulz-Mirbach, T, Ladich, F and Riesch, R (2010)
Otolith morphology and hearing abilities in cave- and surface-dwelling ecotypes of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana (Teleostei: Poeciliidae).
Egge, J.J.D. (2010)
Systematics if ictalurid catfishes: a review of the evidence
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Zara Environmental LLC (2010)
Final Report for deep aquifer biota study of the Edwards Aquifer
Jeffery, W.R. (2010)
Pleiotropy and eye degeneration in cavefish
Tobler, M., Coleman, S.W., Perkins, B.D. and Rosenthal, G.G. (2010)
Reduced opsin gene expression in a cave-dwelling fish
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Wilkens, H. (2011)
Variability and loss of functionless traits in cave animals. Reply to Jeffery (2010)
Bradic, M., Beerli, P. and Borowsky, R.L. (2011)
Population genetic evidence for convergance and parallelism in the Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Strickler, A.G. and Soares, D. (2011)
Comparative genetics of the central nervous system in epidean and hypogean Astyanax mexicanus
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Bierbach, D., Kronmarck, C., Hennige-Schulz, C., Stadler, S. and Plath, M. (2011)
Sperm competition risk affects male mate choice copying
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Heß, M. and Plath, M. (2011)
Inner Ear Morphology in the Atlantic Molly Poecilia mexicana—First Detailed Microanatomical Study of the Inner Ear of a Cyprinodontiform Species
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Duboue, E.R. and Borowsky, R.L. (2011)
Evolutionary convergence on sleep loss in cavefish populations
Duboue, E.R., Keene, A. and Borowsky, R. (2011)
Evolutionary convergence on sleep loss in cavefish populations
Kish, P.E., Bohnsack, B.L., Gallina, D., Kasprick, D.S. and Kahana, A. (2011)
The eye as an organizer of craniofacial development
Windsor, S., Paris, J. and Burt de Perera, T. (2011)
No role for direct touch using the pectoral fins, as an information gathering strategy in blind fish
Hulsey, C.D. and Lopez-Fernandez, H. (2011)
Nuclear Central America
Yoshizawa M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2011)
Evolutionary tuning of an adaptive behavior requires enhancement of the neuromast sensory system
Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Pedraza-Lara, C.P., Bastir, M. and Doadrio, I. (2011)
Parallel adaptive divergence in a characid fish genus Asyanax Baird and Girard (1854) from Catemaco Lake (Mexico)
Elipot, Y., Callebert, J., Hinaux, H. and Retaux, S. (2011)
Linking evolution of the aggressive behaviour and the serotogenic system in Astyanax mexicanus surface fish and blind cavefish populations
Hulsey, C.D. and Lopez-Fernandez, H. (2011)
Nuclear Central America
Yoshizawa, M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2011)
Evolution of a behaviour mediated by the lateral line system adapts Astyanax to life in darkness
Schobert, C.S., Stiassny, M.L.J., Jeffery, W.D. and Dubielzig, R.R. (2011)
Comparative ocular anatomy In troglomorphic fish: Sensory compensation for reduced vision
Pottin, K., Hinaux, H., Elipot, Y., Chaloub, H., Pere, S. and Retaux, S. (2011)
A developmental staging table for Astyanax mexicanus
Hinaux, H., Pottin, K., Chalhoub, H., Pere, S., Elipot, Y., Legendre, L. and Retaux, S. (2011)
A developmental staging table for Astyanax mexicanus surface fish and Pachon cavefish
Mejia, R (2011)
Cave-dwelling fish provide clues to the circadian cycle
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2011)
Speciation in caves: experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation
Legendre, L., Elipot, Y., Hinaux, H., Pere, S., Sohm, F. and Retaux, S. (2011)
I-Scel mediated transgenesis in Astyanax model
Hausdorf, B., Wilkens, H. and Strecker, U. (2011)
Population genetic patterns revealed by microsatellite data challemge the mitochondrial DNA based taxonomy of Astyanax in Mexico (Characidae, Teleostei)
Lechner, W. and Ladich, F. (2011)
How do albino fish hear?
Riesch,R., Schlupp, I., Langerhans, R.B. and Plath, M. (2011)
Shared and unique patterns of embryo development in extremophile poeciliids
Roach, K.A., Tobler, M. and Winemiller, K.O. (2011)
Hydrogen sulfide, bacteria and fish: a unique subterranean food chain
Köhler, A., Hildenbrand, P., Schleucher, E., Riesch, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Streit, B. and Plath, M. (2011)
Effects of male sexual harassment on female time budgets, feeding behavior, and metabolic rates in a tropical livebearing fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Hinaux, H., Fartman, B., DaSilva, C., Noirot, C. and Jeffery, W.R. (2011)
Astyanax mexicanus cavefish and surface fish cDNA libraries
Klaus, S and Plath, M (2011)
Predation on a cave fish by the freshwater crab Avotrichodactylus bidens (Bott, 1969) (Brachyura, Trichodactylidae) in a Mexican sulfur cave
Schulz-Mirbach, T., Riesch, R., García de León, F.J. and Plath, M. (2011)
Effects of extreme habitat conditions on otolith morphology – a case study on extremophile livebearing fishes (Poecilia mexicana, P. sulphuraria)
Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2011)
Speciation in caves: experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation. Additional background information (with 48 references)
Salin, K., Voituron, Y., Mourin, J. and Hervant, F. (2011)
Cave colonisation without fasting capacities: An example with the fish Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus
Kasumyan, A.O. (2011)
Tactile reception and behavior of fish
Tan, D., Patton, P. and Coombs, S. (2011)
Do blind cavefish have behavioural specializations for active flow-sensing?
Gallo, N.D. and Jeffery, W.R. (2011)
Variance of space dependant growth in Astyanax mexicanus
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
Drop inside the Edwards Aquifer
Esquivel-Bobadilla, S (2011)
Análisis genético de Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Teleostei, Pisces) de la vertiente atlántica de México usando microsatélites.
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
How an aquifer works
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
Drop inside the Edwards Aquifer
Holbrook, R. and Burt de Perera, T. (2011)
Three-dimensional spatial cognition: information in the vertical dimension overrides information from the horizontal
Hulsey, C.D. and Lopez-Fernandez, H. (2011)
Nuclear Central America
Cavallari, N., Frigato, E., Vallone, D., Froehlich, N., Lopez-Olmeda, J.F., Foa, A., Berti, R., Sanchez-Vazquez, F.J., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2011)
A blind circadian clock in cavefish reveals that opsins mediate peripheral clock photoreception
Edwards Aquifer Authority (2011)
How an aquifer works
Holbrook, R. and Burt de Perera, T. (2011)
Fish navigation in the vertical dimesion: can fish use hydrostatic pressure to determine depth?
Tobler, M and Plath, M (2011)
Living in extreme environments
Vazquez-Echeverria, C., Guibal, C., Reynoso, V.H., Carrillo-Rosas, S., Ramos-Balderas, J.L. and Maldonado, E. (2011)
Cloning ear development related genes in Astyanax mexicanus
Gatenby, R.A., Gillies, R.J. and Brown, J.S. (2011)
Of cancer and cave fish
Hulsey, C.D. and Lopez-Fernandez, H. (2011)
Nuclear Central America
Kowalko, J., Rohner, N., Borowsky, R.L. and Tabin, C. (2011)
Cave fish as a model to elucidate the genetic basis of the evolution of behaviour
Espinasa, L. (2011)
Promoting undergraduate research in large classrooms: Guerrero cave Astyanax - Old or young colonisation?
Tobler, M., Palacios, M., Chapman, L. J., Mitrofanov, I., Bierbach, D., Plath, M. and Mateos, M. (2011)
Evolution in extreme environments: replicated phenotypic differentiation in livebearing fish inhabiting sulfidic springs
Riesch, R, Plath, M and Schlupp, I (2011)
Toxic hydrogen sulphide and dark caves: pronounced male life-history divergance among locally adapted Poecilia mexicana ((Poeciliidae)
Jeffery, W.R. and Bilandzija, H. (2011)
Convergent evolution of albinism in cave animals: A defect in the first step of melanin biosynthesis in troglomorphic fishes and insects
Hinaux, H and Retaux, S (2011)
Placode development in Astyanax mexicanus blind cavefish and sighted surface fish
Esquivel-Bobadilla, S (2011)
Análisis genético de Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae, Teleostei, Pisces) de la vertiente atlántica de México usando microsatélites.
Plath, M., Riesch, R., Culumber, Z., Streit, B. and Tobler, M. (2011)
Giant water bug (Belostoma sp.) predation on a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana): effects of female body size and gestational state
Retaux, S, Pottin, K and Hyacinthe, C (2011)
The nature and function of the Astyanax casquette
Riesch, R., Schlupp, I., Schleucher, E., Hildenbrand, P., Kohler, A., Arias Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2011)
Reduced starvation resistance and increased metabolic rates in an unusual cave organism: the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana: Poeciliidae)
Espinasa, L. (2011)
Promoting undergraduate research in large classrooms: Guerrero cave Astyanax - Old or young colonisation?
Retaux, S (2011)
Projection of a movie promoting Astyanax as a model system
Pottin, K., Hinaux, H. and Retaux, S. (2011)
Restoring eye size in Astyanax mexicanus blind cavefish embryos through modulation of the Shh and Fgf8 forebrain organising centres
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Castano-Meneses, G. and Estrada, D.A. (2011)
Diversity and dynamics of microarthropods from different biotopes of Las Sardinas cave (Mexico)
Yamamoto, Y. and Jeffery, W.R. (2011)
Blind cavefish
Gary, M.O., Gary, R.H. and Hunt, B.B. (2011)
Interconnection of the Trinity (Glen Rose) and Edwards Aquifers along the Balcones Fault Zone and related topics
Tobler, M. and Hastings, L. (2011)
Convergent patterns of body shape differtiation in four different clades of poeciliid fishes inhabiting sulfide springs
Ma, L and Jeffery, WR (2011)
The function of alphaA-Crystallin in lens degeneration in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Gross, J.B. (2012)
The complex origin of Astyanax cavefish
Bradic, M., Beerli, P., Garcia-de Leon, F.J., Esquivel-Bobadilla, S. and Borowsky, R.L. (2012)
Gene flow and population structure in the Mexican blind cavefish complex (Astyanax mexicanus)
Yoshizawa, M., Ashida, G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2012)
Parental genetic effects in a cavefish adaptive behavior explain disparity between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
Dufton, M., Hall, B.K. and Franz-Odendaal, T. (2012)
Early lens ablation causes dramatic long-term effects on the shape of bones in the craniofacial skeleton of Astyanax mexicanus
Duboue, E.R., Borowsky, R.L. and Keene, A.C. (2012)
Beta-adrenergic signaling regulates evolutionarily derived sleep loss in the Mexican cavefish
Duboue, E.R. and Borowsky, R. (2012)
Altered rest-activity patterns evolve via circadian independent mechanisms in cave adapted balitorid loaches
Gross, J. B. and Wilkens, H. (2012)
Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish
Strecker, U., Hausdorf, B. and Wilkens, H. (2012)
Parallel speciation in Astyanax cave fish (Teleostei) in Northern Mexico
Jeffery, W.R. (2012)
Astyanax mexicanus: A model organism for evolution and adaptation
Bierbach, D., Klein, M., Sassmannshausen, V., Schlupp, I., Riesch, R., Parzefall, J. and Plath, M. (2012)
Divergent evolution of male aggressive behaviour another reproductive isolation barrier in extremophile poeciliid fishes?
Hervant, F. (2012)
Starvation in subterranean species versus surface-dwelling species: Crustaceans, Fish, and Salamanders
Riesch, R., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2012)
The offspring size/fecundity trade-off and female fitness in the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Gallo, N.D. and Jeffery, W.R. (2012)
Evolution of space dependent growth in the teleost Astyanax mexicanus
Porter, M.L., Blasic, J.R., Bok, M.J., Cameron, E.G., Pringle, T., Cronin, T.W. and Robinson, P.R. (2012)
Shedding new light on opsin evolution
Kelley, J.L., Passow, C.N., Plath, M., Rodriguez, L.A., Yee, M.C. and Tobler,M. (2012)
Genomic resources for a model in adaptation and speciation research: characterization of the Poecilia mexicana transcriptome
Wilkens, H. (2012)
Neutral mutations
Trontelj, P. (2012)
Natural selection
Hoke, K., Schwartz, A. and Soares, D. (2012)
Evolution of the fast start response in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Huppop, K. (2012)
Adaptation to low food
Rosales Lagarde, L. (2012)
Investigation of karst brackish-sulfidic springs and their role in the hydrogeology, subsurface water-rock interactions, and speleogenesis at northern Sierra de Chiapas
White, S. (2012)
Cumaca Cave Field Trip Report.2012-1
Protas, M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2012)
Evolution and development in cave animals: from fish to crustaceans
Idda, M.L., Bertolucci, C., Vallone, D., Gothilf, Y., Sánchez-Vázquez, F.J. and Foulkes N.S. (2012)
Circadian clocks: lessons from fish
Mogdans, J. and Bleckmann, H. (2012)
Coping with flow: behavior, neurophysiology and modeling of the fish lateral line system
Franck, D (2012)
Curt Kosswig. Ein Forscherleben zwischen Bosporus und Elbe
Hattori, N. (2012)
Fauna Subterranea da Gruna do Enfurnado
Yoshizawa, M., Yamamoto, Y., O'Quin, K.E. and Jeffery, W.R. (2012)
Evolution of an adaptive behavior and its sensory receptors promotes eye regression in blind cavefish
Pipan, T. and Culver, D.C. (2012)
Convergence and divergence in the subterranean realm: a reassessment.
Gunter, H. and Meyer, A. (2013)
Trade-offs in cavefish sensory capacity
Bobadilla, S.E., García de León, F.J. and Borowsky, R. (2013)
Genetic structure of Astyanax mexicanus at Mexican Atlantic slope
Retaux, S. and Elipot, Y. (2013)
Feed or fight: A behavioral shift in blind cavefish
Borowsky, R. (2013)
Eye regression in blind Astyanax cavefish may facilitate the evolution of an adaptive behavior and its sensory receptors
Ma, L. and Jeffery, W. (2013)
Role of aA-crystallin in Asyanax cavefish eye degeneration
Vazquez, A.O.S., Bárcenas-Luna, R. and Arellano-Carbajal, F. (2013)
Comparative phylogenies of monogenean parasites and their host Astyanax mexicanus
OʼQuin, K.E., Yoshizawa, M., Doshi, P. and Jeffery, W.R. (2013)
Quantitative genetic analysis of retinal degeneration in the blind cavefish A. mexicanus
Jeffery, W., Doshi, P., Yoshizawa, M. and O’Quin, K.E. (2013)
Development and genetics of the Astyanax sclera: An optic tissue organised by the lens
Garcia-Gonzalez, O.M. and Arellano-Carbajal, F. (2013)
Isolation and characterization of V1r pheromone receptor gene in cave and surface variants of Astyanax mexicanus
Joachim, B.L., Riesch R., and Jeffery, W.R., and Schlupp, I. (2013)
Pignent cell retention in cavernicolous populations of Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Bradic, M., Teotonio, H. and Borowsky, R.L. (2013)
The population genomics of repeated evolution in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Gross, J. B., Krutzler, A.J. and Espinasa, L. (2013)
An analysis of structural mutations in the gene Mc1r in surface and Granadas cave-dwelling Astanax aeneus
Gross, J.B., Krutzler, A.J. and Bruns, L.E. (2013)
Genetic analysis of dermal bone fragmentation in a natural model system
Pazza, R., Bertollo, L.A.C., de Almeida-Toledo, L.F. and Kavalco, K.F. (2013)
Molecular systematics of the genus Astyanax - Starter edition
Atukorala, A.D.S., Hammer, C., Dufton, M. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2013)
Adaptive evolution of the lower jaw dentition in Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
Gross, J. B. and Matthews, M (2013)
An analysis of gene expression level changes across development in surface and cave dwelling fish
Friedrich, M. (2013)
Biological Clocks and Visual Systems in Cave-Adapted Animals at the Dawn of Speleogenomics
Borowsky, R. and Cohen, D. (2013)
Genomic consequences of ecological speciation in Astyanax cavefish
Pazza, R., Bertollo, L.A.C., de Almeida-Toledo, L.F. and Kavalco, K.F. (2013)
Molecular systematics of the genus Astyanax - Starter edition
Beale, A., Guibal, C., Tamai, T.K., Klotz, L., Cowen, S., Peyric, E., Reynoso, V.H., Yamamoto, Y. and Whitmore, D. (2013)
Circadian rhythms in Mexican blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus in the lab and in the field
Hinaux, H., Poulain, J., Da Silva, C., Noirot, C., Jeffery, W.R., Casane, D. and Rétaux, S. (2013)
Transcriptome analysis in Astyanax mexicanus blind cavefish and sighted surface fish
Alda, F., Reina, R.G., Doadrio, I., and Bermingham, E. (2013)
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Poecilia sphenops species complex (Actinopterygii. Poeciliidae) in Central America
O'Quin, K.E., Yoshizawa, M., Doshi, P. and Jeffery, W R. (2013)
Quantitative genetic analysis of retinal degeneration in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Beale, A. (2013)
The circadian clock of the Mexican blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Bibliowicz, J., Alie, A., Espinasa, L., Yoshizawa, M., Blin, M., Hinaux, H., Legendre, L., Pere, S. and Retaux, S. (2013)
Differences in chemosensory response between eyed and eyeless Astyanax mexicanus of the Rio Subterraneo cave
Keene, A. (2013)
Metabolic regulation of sleep in A. mexicanus
Gross, J.B. and Wilkens, H. (2013)
Albinism in phylogenetically and geographically distinct populations of Astyanax cavefish arises through the same loss-of-function Oca2 allele
Yoshizawa, M., O'Quin, K.E. and Jeffery, W.R. (2013)
Evolution of an adaptive behavior and its sensory receptors promotes eye regression in blind cavefish: response to Borowsky (2013)
Elipot, Y., Hinaux, H., Callebert, J. and Retaux, S. (2013)
Evolutionary shift from fighting to foraging in blind cavefish through changes in the serotonin network
Rodrigues, F.R. (2013)
Comparison of brain and cranial nerve morphology between eyed surface fish and blind cave fish of the species Astyanax mexicanus.
Yoshizawa, M., O'Quin, K.E., Ashida, G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2013)
Adaptive changes in vibration attraction behaviour and its sensory receptors promote eye degeneration and disparity between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in Pachon cavefish
Yoshizawa, M., O’Quin, K.E., and Jeffery, W.R. (2013)
QTL clustering as a mechanism for rapid multi-trait evolution
Bierbach, D., Penshorn, M., Hamfler, S., Herbert, D. B., Appel, J., Meyer, P., et al. (2013)
Gradient evolution of body colouration in surface- and cave-dwelling Poecilia mexicana and the role of phenotype-assortative female mate choice.
Wall, A. and Volkoff, H. (2013)
Effects of fasting and feeding on the brain mRNA expressions of orexin, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), PYY and CCK in the Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus)
Tobler, M., Roach, K., Winemiller, K.O., Morehouse, R.L. and Plath M. (2013)
Population Structure, Habitat Use, and Diet of Giant Waterbugs in a Sulfidic Cave
Schlupp, I., Lamatsch, D.K., Teege, K. and Parzefall, J. (2013)
Food finding ability in several molly species (Poecilia spp.), including the unisexual Amazon molly
Hinaux, H., Poulain, J., Da Silva, C., Noirot, C., Jeffery, W. R., Casane, D. and Retaux, S. (2013)
De novo sequencing of Astyanax mexicanus surface fish and Pachon cavefish transcriptomes reveals enrichment of mutations in cavefish putative eye genes
Kowalko, J.E., Rohner, N., Rompani, S.B., Peterson, B.K., Linden, T.A., Yoshizawa, M., Kay, E.H., Weber, J., Hoekstra, H.E., Jeffery, W.R., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C.J.. (2013)
Genetic analysis of the loss of schooling behavior in cavefish reveals both sight-dependent and independent mechanisms.
Van Trump, W.J. and McHenry, M.J. (2013)
The lateral line system is not necessary for rheotaxis in the Mexican blind avefish (Astyanax fasciatus)
Rétaux, S., Bourrat, F., Joly, J.-S. and Hinaux, H., (2013)
Perspectives in evo-devo of the vertebrate brain
Krutzler, A.J., Bruns, L.E. and Gross, J.B. (2013)
Fragmentation, fussion and asymmetry in the craniofacial skeleton of Astyanax mexicanus
Bierbach, D., Shulte, M., Hermann, N., Zimmer, C., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Indy, J.R., Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2013)
Predator avoidance in extremophile fish
Legendre, L., Elipot, Y., Hinaux, H., Pere, S., Sohm, F. and Retaux, S. (2013)
Transgenesis methods in Astyanax
McDermid, K. (2013)
Biological sampling through wells as windows into the Edwards Aquifer
Langerhans, R.B. and Riesch, R. (2013)
Speciation by selection: A framework for understanding ecology's role in speciation
McDermid, K. (2013)
Biological sampling through wells as windows into the Edwards Aquifer
Borowsky, R.L. (2013)
Evolution of an adaptive behaviour and its sensory receptors facilitates eye regression in blind cavefish
Plath, M., Pfenninger, H., Lerp, R., Riesch, R., Eschenbrenner, C., Slettery, P.A., Bierbach, D.N., Herrmann, Schultze, M, Arias Rodriguez, Lenin, Indy, Passow, C., and Tobler, M. (2013)
Genetic differentiation and selection against migrants in evolutionarily replicated extreme environments
Palacios, M., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Plath, M., Eifert, C., Lerp, H., Lamboj, A. and Tobler, M. (2013)
The rediscovery of a long described species reveals additional complexity in speciation patterns of poeciliid fishes in sulfide springs.
Furterer, A., Carlson, B.M., Stahl, B.A. and Gross, J.B. (2013)
An intergrated transcriptone-wide analysisn of cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus
Pennisi, E. (2013)
Cavefish study supports controversial evolutionary mechanism
Kowalko, J.E., Rohner, N., Rompani, S.B., Peterson, B.K., Linden, T.A., Yoshizawa, M., Kay, E.H., Weber, J., Hoekstra, H.E., Jeffery, W.R., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C.J. (2013)
Loss of schooling behavior in cavefish through sight-dependent and sight-independent mechanisms
Borowsky, R. (2013)
Divergence and speciation in Astyanax of the Sierra de El Abra
Rohner, N., Jarosz, D.F., Kowalko, J.E., Yoshizawa, M., Jeffery, W.R., Borowsky, R.L., Lindquist, S. and Tabin, C.J. (2013)
Cryptic variation in morphological evolution: HSP90 as a capacitor for loss of eyes in cavefish
Elliott, W.R. (2013)
Astyanax: Looking back 45 years
Gross, J.B., Furterer, A., Carlson, B.M. and Stahl, B.A. (2013)
An integrated transcriptome-wide analysis of cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus
Bilandzija, H., Ma, L., Parkhurst, A. and Jeffery, W.R. (2013)
A potential benefit of albinism in Astyanax cavefish: Downregulation of the oca2 gene increases Tyrosine and catecholamine levels as an alternative to melanin synthesis
Rohner, N., Jarosz, D.F., Taipale, M., Kowalko, J., Yoshizawa, M., Jeffery, W.R., Borowsky, R.L., Lindquist, S. and Tabin, C.J. (2013)
HSP90 as a capacitor for the evolution of eye loss in fish
Stahl, B.A. and Gross, J.B. (2013)
Pigmentation loss in cave animals: A high-resolution study of destructive genetic mutations
Blin, M., Bibliowicz, Y. and Rétaux, S. (2013)
Development of the olfactory system in Astyanax cavefish and surface fish
Rosales Lagarde, L. (2013)
Sulfidic karst springs and speleogenesis in the Sierra de Chiapas
Kowalko, J., Rohner, N., Linden, T.A., Rompani S.B., Warren, W.C., Borowsky, R., Tabin, C.J., Jeffery, W.R. and Yoshizawa M. (2013)
Convergence in feeding posture occurs through different loci in independently evolved cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus.
Schlupp, I., Colston, T. J., Joachim, B. L. and Riesch, R. (2013)
Translocation of cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) within and between natural habitats along a toxicity gradient
Stahl, A.L., Stahl, B.A., Buschbeck, E. and Gross, J.B. (2013)
An evaluation of eyelessness in cave dwelling Astyanax mexicanus using RNA-seq technology
Bibliowicz, J., Elipot, Y., Blin, M. and Rétaux, S. (2013)
Olfactory evolution in cave-dwelling Astyanax mexicanus
Espinasa, L. (2013)
Pardigm shifts and pendulum swings regarding the origin of Astyanax cavefish: What about geology?
Ruschenbaum, S. and Schlupp, I. (2013)
Non-visual mate choice ability in a cavefish (Poecilia mexicana) is not mechanosensory
Joachim, B.L., Riesch R., and Jeffery, W.R., and Schlupp, I. (2013)
Pignent cell retention in cavernicolous populations of Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Espinasa, L. and Jeffery, W. (2013)
Caballo Moro breaks Dollo's law: Recuperation of vision in a blind cavefish population
Bendik, N.F., Meik, J.M., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Roelke, C.E. and Chippindale, P.T. (2013)
Biogeography, phylogeny, and morphological evolution of central Texas cave and spring salamanders
Retaux, S. and Casane, D. (2013)
Evolution of eye development in the darkness of caves: adaptation, drift, or both?
Retaux, S., Elipot, Y., Prunier, L. Hinaux, H. and Blin, M. (2013)
Feed or fight: Delelopmental origin of a behavioural shift in blind cavefish
Stemmer, M., Schuhmacher, L.-N., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. and Wittbrodt, J. (2013)
Unravelling continuous eye growth in teleosts by studying blind cavefish
Phillip, D.A.T., Taphorn, D.C., Holm, E., Gilliam, J.F., Lamphere, B.A. and López-Fernández, H. (2013)
Annotated list and key to the stream fishes of Trinidad and Tobago
Espinasa, L., Centone, D.M. and Gross, J.B. (2014)
A contemporary analysis of a loss-of-function oculocutaneous albinism type II (Oca2) allele within the Rio Subterraneo Astyanax cavefish population
Contreras-Macbeath, T., Rodriguez, M.B., Sorani, V., Goldspink, C., and McGregor Reid, G. (2014)
Richness and endemism of the freshwater fishes of Mexico
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Gross, J.B., Krutzler, A.J. and Carlson, B.M. (2014)
Complex craniofacial changes in blind cave-dwelling fish are mediated by genetically symmetric and asymmeric loci
Contreras-Macbeath, T., Rodriguez, M.B., Sorani, V., Goldspink, C., and McGregor Reid, G. (2014)
Richness and endemism of the freshwater fishes of Mexico
Trajano, E. and Moreira, C.R. (2014)
Stygichthys typhlops Brittan & Bohlke, 1965 (Teleostei: Characiformes), a phreatobic fish from eastern Brazil: Comments on Sampaio et al. (2012)
Rosales-Lagarde, L., Boston, P., Campbell, A., Hose, L., Axen, G. and Stafford, K.W. (2014)
Hydrogeology of northern Sierra de Chiapas, Mexico: a conceptual model based on a geochemical characterization of sulfide-rich karst brackish springs
Ma, L., Parkhurst, A. and Jeffery, W.R. (2014)
The role of a lens survival pathway including sox2 and [alpha]A-crystallin in the evolution of cavefish eye degeneration
Holzman, R., Perkol-Finkel, S. and Zilman, G. (2014)
Mexican blind cavefish use mouth suction to detect obstacles
Coghill, L.M., Hulsey, C.D., Chaves-Campos, J., de Leon, F.J.G. and Johnson, S.G. (2014)
Next generation phylogeography of cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus
Soares, D. Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D. (2014)
Review article. Hearing and acoustic communication in cavefishes
Atukorallaya, D. and Franz-Odendaal, T. (2014)
Astyanax mexicanus-A novel model of tooth shape formation and regeneration
Windsor, S.P. (2014)
Hydrodynamic imaging by blind Mexican cavefish
Atukorala, A.D.S. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2014)
Spatial and temporal events in tooth development of Astyanax mexicanus
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Elipot, Y., Legendre, L., Pere, S., Sohm, F. and Retaux, S. (2014)
Astyanax transgenesis and husbandry: How cavefish enters the laboratory
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Elipot, Y., Hinaux, H., Callebert, J., Launay, J.-M., Blin, M. and Retaux, S. (2014)
A mutation in the enzyme monoamine oxidase explains part of the Astyanax cavefish behavioural syndrome
Yoshizawa, M., Jeffery, W.R., van Netten, S.M. and McHenry, M.J. (2014)
The sensitivity of lateral line receptors and their role in the behavior of Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Montgomery, J., Bleckmann, H. and Coombs, S. (2014)
Sensory ecology and neuroethology of the lateral line
Moran, D., Softley, R. and Warrant, E.J. (2014)
Eyeless Mexican cavefish save energy by eliminating the circadian rhythm in metabolism
Coombs, S., Bleckmann, H., Fay, R.R. and Popper, A.N. (2014)
The Lateral Line System
Greenway, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Diaz, P. and Tobler, M. (2014)
Patterns of macroinvertebrate and fish diversity in freshwater sulphide springs
Penney, C.C. and Volkoff, H. (2014)
Peripheral injections of cholecystokinin, apelin, ghrelin and orexin in cavefish (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus): Effects on feeding and on the brain expression levels of tyrosine hydroxylase, mechanistic target of rapamycin and appetite-related hormones
Bleckmann, H., Mogdans, J. and Coombs, S.L. (2014)
Flow sensing in air and water. Behavioral, neural and engineering principles of operation
Espinasa, L., Bartolo, N.D. and Newkirk, C.E. (2014)
DNA sequences of troglobitic nicoletiid insects supports Sierra de El Abra and the Sierra de Guatemala as a single biogeographic area: Implications for Astyanax
Eifert, C., Farnworth, M., Schulz-Mirbach, T., Riesch, R., Bierbach, D., Klaus, S., Wurster, A., Tobler, M., Streit, B., Indy, J.R., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2014)
Brain size variation in extremophile fish: local adaptation versus phenotypic plasticity
Pfenninger, M., Lerp, H., Tobler, M., Passow, C., Kelley, J.L., Funke, E., Greshake, B., Erkoc, U.K., Berberich, T. and Plath, M. (2014)
Parallel evolution of cox-genes in H2S-tolerant fish as key adaptation to a toxic environment
McGaugh, S.E., Gross, J.B., Aken, B., Blin, M., Borowsky, R., Chalopin, D., Hinaux, H., Jeffery, W.R., Keene, A., Ma, L., Minx, P., Murphy, D., O'Quin, K.E., Retaux, S., Rohner, N., Searl, S.M., Stahl, B.A., Tabin, C., Volff, J.N., Yoshizawa M, Warren WC. (2014)
The cavefish genome reveals candidate genes for eye loss
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Riesch, R., Plath, M., Schlupp, I., Tobler, M. and Langerhans, R.B. (2014)
Colonization of toxic springs drives predictable life-history shift in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae).
Tobler, M., Plath, M., Riesch, R., Schlupp, I., Grasse, A., Munimanda, G.K., Setzer, C., Penn, D.J. and Moodley, Y. (2014)
Selection from parasites favours immunogenetic diversity but not divergence among locally adapted host populations
Bishop, R., Humphreys, W.F. and Longley, G. (2014)
Epigean and hypogean palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Edwards Aquifer: an examination of trophic structure and metabolism.
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Schartl, M. (2014)
Beyond the zebrafish: Diverse fish species for modeling human disease.
Elliott, W.R. (2014)
Sotano de Yerbaniz
Jourdan, J., Bierbach, D., Riesch, R., Dzienko, J., Karau, N., Oranth, A., Stadler, S., Schießl, A., Wigh, A., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Indy, J.R., Klaus, S., Zimmer, C. and Plath, M. (2014)
Microhabitat use, population densities and size distributions of sulfur cave-dwelling Poecilia mexicana
Espinasa, L., Bibliowicz, J., Jeffery, W. R. and Retaux, S. (2014)
Enhanced prey capture skills in Astyanax cavefish larvae are independent from eye loss
Zara Environmental LLC (2014)
Fauna of wells near the saline waterline of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Palacios-Vargas, J.G., Juberthie, C. and Reddell, J. (2014-2015)
Encyclopaedia Biospeologica Mexico
Sumi, K., Asaoka, R., Nakae, M. and Sasaki, K. (2015)
Innervation of the lateral line system in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae) and comparisons with the eyed surface-dwelling form
Carlson, B.M., Onusko, S.W. and Gross, J.B. (2015)
A high-density linkage map for Astyanax mexicanus Using genotyping-by-sequencing technology
O’Quin, K.E., Doshi, P., Lyon, A., Hoenemeyer, E., Yoshizawa, M. and Jeffery, W,R. (2015)
Complex evolutionary and genetic patterns characterize the loss of scleral ossification in the Blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Caballero-Hernandez, O., Hernandez-Patricio, M., Sigala-Regalado, I., Morales-Malacara, J.B. and Miranda-Anaya, M. (2015)
Circadian rhythms and photic entrainment of swimming activity in cave-dwelling fish Astyanax mexicanus (Actinopterygii: Characidae), from El Sotano La Tinaja, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Yoshizawa, M., Robinson, B.G., Duboue, E.R., Masek, P., Jaggard, J.B., O'Quin, K.E., Borowsky, R.L., Jeffery, W.R. and Keene, A.C. (2015)
Distinct genetic architecture underlies the emergence of sleep loss and prey-seeking behavior in the Mexican cavefish
Ma, L., Jeffery, W.R., Essner, J.J. and Kowalko, J.E. (2015)
Genome editing using TALENs in blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Jaggard, J.B., Robinson, B., Oh, I., Masek, P., Yoshizawa, M. and Keene, A. (2015)
Distinct neural mechanisms underlie the convergent evolution of sleep loss in Astyanax
Hammer, C., Atukorala, A.D.S. and Franz‐Odendaal, T. (2015)
Dentition influences shape of oral jaws in fish
Ma, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2015)
Molecular analysis of an A. mexicanus eye QTL reveals a potential role of Cystathionine B-synthase A in cavefish eye degeration
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Ma, L., Carlson, B., Stahl, B., Powers, M. and Gross, J.B. (2015)
Candidate genes analysis for pigment development in Astyanax cavefish
Gross, J.B., Meyer, B. and Perkins, M. (2015)
The rise of Astyanax cavefish
Dufton, M. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2015)
Morphological diversity in the orbital bones of two teleosts with experimental and natural variation in eye size
Keene, A. (2015)
Convergent evolution of sleep loss
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Robinson, B.G., Jaggard, J.B., Yoshizawa, M. and Keene, A.C. (2015)
The evolution of sleep loss in relation to metabolic processes in Mexican cavefish
Pfenninger, M., Patel, S., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Feldmeyer, B., Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2015)
Unique evolutionary trajectories in repeated adaptation to hydrogen sulphide-toxic habitats of a neotropical fish (Poecilia mexicana)
Devos, L, Alie, A. and Retaux, S. (2015)
Developmental evolution of the basal forebrain in cavefish
Hernandez Mena, D., Santacruz Vázquez, A.O., Ornelas García, P., Mendoza Garfias, B., Ponce de León, G.P. (2015)
Endohelminth parasites of the genus Astyanax through its geographical distribution in Mexico
Engel, A.S. (ed.) (2015)
Microbial Life of Cave Systems: Unique focus on the microbial life of caves, the ecological processes and geological consequences attributed to microbes in cave environments
Tobler, M., Scharnweber, K., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Garcıa-De-Leon, F.J.. (2015)
Convergent changes in the trophic ecology of extremophile fish along replicated environmental gradients
Powers, A.K., Sung, J.Y.T. and Gross, J.B. (2015)
Investigating a potential relationship between constructive trait evolution and aberant cranial phenotypes in Asyanax cavefish
Kasumyan, A. O. and Marusov, E. A. (2015)
Chemoorientation in the feeding behavior of the blind Mexican cavefish Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Teleostei)
Aspiras, A.C., Rohner, N., Martineau, B., Borowsky, R.L. and Tabin, C.J. (2015)
Melanocortin 4 receptor mutations contribute to the adaptation of cavefish to nutrient-poor conditions
Yoshizawa, M. and Macaspac, C. (2015)
How to build DIY water-flow system that successfully makes a cavefish spawn
Silva, D. M. Z. A., Utsunomia, R., Pansonato-Alves, J.C., Oliveira, C. and Foresti, F. (2015)
Chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNA sequences in five species of Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) reveals independent location of U1 and U2 snRNA sites and association of U1 snRNA and 5S rDNA
Aspiras A.C., Rohner N., Martineau B., Borowsky R.L. and Tabin C.J. (2015)
Melanocortin 4 receptor mutations contribute to the adaptation of cavefish to nutrient-poor conditions
Yoshizawa, M. (2015)
Behaviors of cavefish offer insight into developmental evolution.
Silva, D. M. Z. A., Utsunomia, R., Pansonato-Alves, J.C., Oliveira, C. and Foresti, F. (2015)
Chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNA sequences in five species of Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) reveals independent location of U1 and U2 snRNA sites and association of U1 snRNA and 5S rDNA
Moran, D., Softley, R. and Warrant, E.J. (2015)
The energetic cost of vision and the evolution of eyeless Mexican cavefish
Passow, C.N., Greenway, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Jeyasingh, P.D. and Tobler, M. (2015)
Reduction of energetic demands through modification of body size and routine metabolic rates in extremophile fish
Soares, D. (2015)
Functional imaging of circuits commonly associated with vision processing in the Astyanax blind cavefish
Kulpa, M., Bak-Coleman, J. and Coombs, S. (2015)
The lateral line is necessary for blind cavefish rheotaxis in non-uniform flow
Hinaux, H., Blin, M., Fumey, J., Legendre, L., Heuze, A., Casane, D. and Retaux, S. (2015)
Lens defects in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish: Evolution of crystallins and a role for alphaA-crystallin
Garcia, O.M., Santacruz, A., Reynoso, V.H. and Maldonado, E. (2015)
Spatial memory experiments in Astyanax mexicabus
Tabin, J., Rohner, N., Haro, A., Kowalko, J., Martineau, B., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C. (2015)
The evolution of temperature in Astyanax
Fumey, J., Hinaux, H., Noirot, C., Rétaux S. and Casane, D. (2015)
Evidence of late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Riddle, M. and Tobin, C.J. (2015)
Astyanax mexicanus as a model to study metabolism and the evolution of the digestive system
McGaugh, S. E., Weagley, J., Jeffery, W.R., Yoshizawa, M., O'Quin, K., Espinasa, L., Rohner, N., Borowsky, R. and Warren, W. (2015)
Population genomics of cavefish
Riesch, R., Tobler, M. and Plath, M. (2015)
Extremophile Fishes: Ecology, Evolution, and Physiology of Teleosts in Extreme Environments
Riesch, R, Tobler, CM and Plath, M (2015)
Hydrogen sulphide-toxic habitats
Plath, M., Tobler, M. and Riesch, R. (2015)
Extremophile fishes: An introduction
Tobler, M. and Riesch, R. and Plath, M. (2015)
Extremophile fishes: An integrative synthesis
Bilandzija, H. (2015)
The loss of body pigmentation has evolved independantly in multiple animal taxa that have successfully colonised subterranean habitats
Stemmer, M., Schuhmacher, L.-N., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. and Wittbrodt, J. (2015)
Cavefish eye loss in response to an early block in retinal differentiation progression
Deacon, A. (2015)
The catfish of Cumaca Cave
Reyes, W.D. (2015)
Effects of temperature and water flow on morphology of Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae):
Stahl, B.A. and Gross, J.B. (2015)
Alterations in Mc1r gene expression are associated with regressive pigmentation in Astyanax cavefish
Bradic, M, Rohner, N, Tabin, C and Borowsky, R. (2015)
Caves with eyed and eyeless populations of Astyanax
Stahl, B.A., Ma, L. and Gross, J.B. (2015)
High resolution genomic mapping reveals genes contributing to complex melaophore variation in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Rohner, N., Aspiras, A., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C. (2015)
Hungry, fat and healthy - Studying the physiological basis of cave adaptation
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Gross, J.B., Stahl, B.A., Powers, A.K. and Carlson, B.M. (2016)
Natural bone fragmentation in the blind cave-dwelling fish, Astyanax mexicanus: candidate gene identification through integrative comparative genomics
Schmitter-Soto, J.J. (2016)
A phylogeny of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) in Central and North America
Bilandžija, H. (2016)
Adaptive differences between dopamine-related locomotor activity in cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus
Tobler, M., Passow, C.N., Greenway, R., Kelley, J.L. and Shaw, J.H. (2016)
The evolutionary ecology of animals inhabiting hydrogen sulfide-rich environments
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Rohner, N. (2016)
Selection through standing genetic variation
Coleman, W.T. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Shoen, E., Jeffery, W. and Bilandžija, H. (2016)
Adaptive differences between dopamine-related locomotor activity in cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus
Espinasa, L. and Espinasa, M. (2016)
Hydrogeology of Caves in the Sierra de El Abra Region
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Aspiras, A., Tabin, C. and Rohner, N. (2016)
Astyanax mexicanus as a natural model for metabolic adaptation
Lyon, A., Krutzler, A.J., Gross, J.B. and O'Quin, K.E. (2016)
Two to three genes control scleral ossification in blind Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Palacios, M., Voelker, G. and Rodriguez, L.A. (2016)
Phylogenetic analyses of the subgenus Mollienesia (Poecilis, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) reveal taxonomic inconsistencies, cryptic biodiversity and spatio-temporal aspects of diversification in Middle America
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Hollifield, B., Bilandžija, H. and Jeffery, W. (2016)
Understanding the colonization of caves: Effects of constant darkness on the surface form of Astyanax mexicanus
Gross, J.B. (2016)
Convergence and parallelism in Astyanax cave-dwelling fish
Jourdan, J., Jordan, M., Zimmer, C., Eifert, C., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2016)
Response to conspecific chemical cues in surface- and cave-dwelling populations of Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana
Carlson, B.M. and Gross, J.B. (2016)
The unusual suspects: Genetic analysis reveals candidate genes potentially underlying altered activity profiles in the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
O'Quin, K.E., Doshi, P., Lyon, A., Hoenemeyer, E., Yoshizawa, M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2016)
The evolution of scleral ossification in the Mexican Cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Martin, L., Bilandžija, H., Soueidan, S. and Jeffery, W. (2016)
The relationship between differential anesthesia tolerance and melanin pigment development in cave-adapted and surface Astyanax mexicanus
Soares, D., Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D.M. (2016)
Hearing in Cavefishes
Jeffery, W.R. (2016)
Concluding remarks: The Astyanax community
Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2016)
Investigating the evolution of sleep in the Mexican cavefish
Jeffery, W.R. (2016)
The comparative organismal approach in evolutionary developmental biology: Insights from ascidians and cavefish
Jeffery, W.R. (2016)
Homocystinuria in Cavefish: Molecular analysis of an Astyanax eye QTL reveals the role of cystathionine ß-synthase in eye degeneration
Sinatra, C.S. (2016)
Rare, blind catfish never before found in U.S. discovered in Texas
Keene, A.C., Yoshizawa, M. and McGaugh, S.E. (2016)
Biology and Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish
Atukorala, A.D.S. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2016)
Evolution and Development of the Cavefish Oral Jaws: Adaptations for Feeding
Beale, A.D. and Whitmore, D. (2016)
Daily rhythms in a timeless environment: Circadian clocks in Astyanax mexicanus
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Sinatra, C.S. (2016)
Rare, blind catfish never before found in U.S. discovered in Texas
Wilkens, H (2016)
Genetics and hybridization in surface and cave Astyanax (Teleostei): a comparison of regressive and constructive traits
Retaux, S., Alie, A., Blin, M., Devos, L., Elipot, Y. and Hinaux, H. (2016)
Neural development and evolution in Astyanax mexicanus: Comparing cavefish and surface fish brains
Hinaux, H., Retaux, S. and Elipot, Y. (2016)
Social behavior and aggressiveness in Astyanax
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Hinaux, H., Devos, L., Blin, M., Elipot, Y., Bibliowicz, J., Alei, A. and Retaux, S. (2016)
Sensory evolution in blind cavefish is driven by early embryonic events during gastrulation and neurulation.
Volkoff, H. (2016)
Feeding behavior, starvation response, and endocrine regulation of feeding in Mexican blind cavefish (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus)
Trajano, E., Gallao, J.E. and Bichuette, M.E. (2016)
Spots of high biodiversity of troglobites in Brazil: the challenge of measuring subterranean diversity
Gross, J.B. and Powers, A.K. (2016)
The evolution of the cavefish craniofacial complex
Yuhas, A. (2016)
Eyeless catfish discovered in Texas cave may have come from Mexico
Culumber, Z.W., Hopper, G.W., Barts, N., Passow, C.N., Morgan, S., Brown, A. andTobler, M. (2016)
Habitat use of two extremophile, highly endemic, and critically endangered fish species (Gambusia eurystoma and Poecilia sulphurophila; Poeciliidae).
Borowsky, R. (2016)
Regressive evolution: Testing hypotheses of selection and drift
Gross, J.B., Gangidine, A and Powers, A.K. (2016)
Asymmetric facial bone fragmentation mirrors asymmetric distribution of cranial neuromasts in blind Mexican cavefish
Casane, D. and Retaux, S. (2016)
Evolutionary genetics of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Gross, J.B., Powers, A.K., Davis, E.M. and Kaplan, S.A. (2016)
A pleiotropic interaction between vision loss and hypermelanism in Astyanax mexicanus cave x surface hybrids
Yoshizawa, M. (2016)
The evolution of sensory adaptation in Astyanax mexicanus
Powers, A. Davis, E., Kaplan, S. and Gross, J. (2016)
The evolution of craniofacial shape change in the blind Mexican Cavefish.
Greenway, R., Drexler, S., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Tobler, M. (2016)
Adaptive, but not condition-dependent, body shape differences contribute to assortative mating preferences during ecological speciation.
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Beale, A., Whitmore, D. and Moran, D. (2016)
Life in a dark biosphere: A review of circadian physiology in "arrhythmic" environments
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Schulz-Mirbach, T.. Eifert, C., Riesch, R. et al. (2016)
Toxic hydrogen sulphide shapes brain anatomy: a comparative study of sulphide-adapted ecotypes in the Poecilia mexicana complex
Ma, L., Stahl, B., Adams, H. and Gross, J. (2016)
Molecular analysis of melanophore lineage genes in cavefish depigmentation
Hutchins, B., Engel, A., Nowlin, W., and Schwartz, B. (2016)
Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and affects diversity and stability in groundwater communities
Riesch, R., Reznick, D.N., Plath, M. and Schlupp, I. (2016)
Sex-specific local life-history adaptation in surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana).
Sanchez, R., Lopez, V. and Eckstein, G. (2016)
Identifying and characterizing transboundary aquifers along the Mexico–US border: An initial assessment
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Elliott, W.R. (2016)
Cave biodiversity and ecology of the Sierra de El Abra region
Burt de Perera, T., Holbrook, R. and Davis, V. (2016)
The representation of three-dimensional space in fish
Yoshizawa, M., Settle, A., Macaspac, C., Fernandes, V. Yoshida, M. and Keene, A. (2016)
Adaptation through changes of behavioral and morphological traits in Mexican Cavefish
Tabin, C.J. (2016)
Introduction: The Emergence of the Mexican Cavefish as an Important Model System for Understanding Phenotypic Evolution
Santacruz, A., Garcia, O.M.., Tinoco-Cuellar, M., Rangel-Huerta, E. and Maldonado, E. (2016)
Spatial mapping in perpetual darkness: EvoDevo of behavior in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Elliott, W.R. (2016)
Cave exploration and mapping in the Sierra de El Abra Region
Cartwright, R.A., Schwartz, R.S., Merry, A.L. and Howell, M.M. (2016)
Strong selection is necessary for evolution of blindness in cave dwellers
Riesch, R., Tobler, C.M., Lerp, H., Jourdan, J., Doumas, T., Nosil, P., Langerhans, R.B. and Plath, M. (2016)
Extremophile Poeciliidae: Multivariate insights into the complexity of speciation along replicated ecological gradients
O'Quin, K. and McGaugh, S.E. (2016)
Mapping the genetic basis of troglomorphy in Astyanax: How far we have come and where do we go from here?
Kowalko, J.E., Ma, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2016)
Genome editing in Astyanax mexicanus using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)
Kelley, J.L., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Patacsil Martin, D., Yee, M.C., Bustamante, C.D. and Tobler, M. (2016)
Mechanisms underlying adaptation to life in Hydrogen sulfide–rich environments
Pennisi, E. (2016)
Antisocial cave fish may hold clues to schizophrenia, autism
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Rossini, B.C., Oliveira, C.A.M., Melo, F.A.G., Bertaco, V.A., Astarloa, J.M.D., Rosso, J.J., Fauto, F. and Oliveira, C. (2016)
Highlighting Astyanax Species Diversity through DNA Barcoding.
Pennisi, E (2016)
Blind cave fish may provide insights into human health
Hendrickson, D.A., Johnson, J., Sprouse, P.S., Howard, S., Garrett, G.P. Krejca, J.K., Gluesenkamp, W., Paulín, J.A.D., Dugan, L., Cohen, A.E., Espriú, A.H., Sullivan, J.P., Fenol, D.B., Karges, J., Smith, R., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B. and Reddell (2016)
Discovery of the Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila in the U.S and an update on its rangewide conservation status
Schmitter-Soto, J.J. (2016)
A phylogeny of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) in Central and North America
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Sommer-Trembo, C., Bierbach, D., Arias Rodriguez, L., Verel, Y., Jourdan, J., Zimmer, C. and Plath, M. (2016)
Does personality affect premating isolation between locally-adapted populations?
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Jeffery, W.R., Ma, L., Parkhurst, A. and Bilandzija, H. (2016)
Pigment regression and albinism in Astyanax cavefish
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Foulkes, N.S., Whitmore, D., Vallone, D and Bertolucci, C. (2016)
Studying the evolution of the vertebrate circadian clock: The power of fish as compataive models
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Piscor, D. and Parise-Maltempi, P. P. (2016)
Chromosomal mapping of H3 histone and 5S rRNA genes in eight species of Astyanax (Pisces, Characiformes) with different diploid numbers: syntenic conservation of repetitive genes
Bilandžija, H. (2016)
Evolution of melanin pigment regression in cave animals
Hutchins, B.T., Engel, A.S., Nowlin, W.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Biodiversity, stability, and trophic complexity in the Edwards Aquifer, United States: The influence of chemolithoautotrophy on stygobiont community structure
Coleman, W.T., Hutchins, B.T. and Schwartz, B.F. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Piscor, D., Centofante, L and Parise-Maltempi, P. P. (2016)
Highly similar morphologies between chromosomes bearing U2 snRNA gene clusters in the group Astyanax Baird and Girard 1854 (Characiformes: Characidae): An evolutionary approach in species with 2n=36, 46, 48 and 50
Coleman, W.T. (2016)
Dynamics of detectability: Insights from high-frequency sampling at a stygobiont hot-spot, Edwards Aquifer, Texas
Hutchins, B.T. (2016)
Conservation status of stygobionts in Texas, United States.
Yamamoto, Y. (2016)
Molecular Mechanisms of Eye Degeneration in Cavefish
Jaggard, J.B., Robinson, B.G., Stahl, B, Oh, I., Masek, P., Yoshizawa, M. and Keene, A. (2017)
The lateral line confers evolutionarily derived sleep loss in the Mexican cavefish.
Schmitter-Soto, J.J. (2017)
A revision of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) in Central and North America, with the description of nine new species
Di Tizio, L., Di Francesco, N., Pennelli, M. and Placentile, G. (2017)
Osservazioni in acquario sulla fenologia del caracide cieco delle grotte Astyanax jordani
Stahl, B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2017)
The evolution of neural circuitry regulating sleep and arousal in the blind mexican cavefish
Espinasa, L., Bonaroti, N., Wong, J., Pottin, K., Queinnec, E. and Retaux, S. (2017)
Contrasting feeding habits of post-larval and adult Astyanax cavefish
Krishnan, J. and Rohner, N. (2017)
Cavefish and the basis for eye loss
Bonaroti, N., Rutkowski, J., Rétaux, S., Collins, E., Ornelas García, P., Heintz, C. and Espinasa, L. (2017)
A year in the life of two populations of Astyanax mexicanus.
Stahl, B.A. and Gross, J.B. (2017)
A comparative transcriptomic analysis of development in two Astyanax cave populations
Espinasa, L., Gibbon, D., Rutkowski, J., Collins, E. and Rohner, N. (2017)
Recuperation of vision in a blind cavefish population.
Poulson, T.L (2017)
Book review: Wilkens and Strecker 2017 Evolution in the dark
Herman, A., Weagley, J., Jeffery, W.R., Borowsky, R., Brandvain, Y., Bilandžija, H., Espinasa, L., O'Quin, K., Ornelas-García, C., Gilbertson, E., Passow, C., Yoshizawa, M., Warren, W. and McGaugh, S.E. (2017)
Population genomics in Astyanax
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Collins, E., Rutkowski, J., Ornelas García, P., Rétaux, S., Rohner, N. and Espinasa, L. (2017)
Divergent evolutionary pathways for aggression and territoriality in Astyanax cave fish
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Jaggard, J.B., Robinson, B.G., Stahl, B.A., Oh, I., Masek, P., Yoshizawa, M. and Keene, A.C. (2017)
The lateral line confers evolutionarily derived sleep loss in the mexican cavefish
Box, A.C., Peuß, R., Haug, J. and Rohner, N. (2017)
Immunology without antibodies: Studying fish hematopoietic tissue using intrinsic cell signals, image cytometry and advanced analysis methods
Jeffery, W.R., Ma, L., Tomins, K., Castranova, D., Weinstein, B.M. and Gore, A. (2017)
Analysis of the eye QTL gene CBSA reveals the role of cranial vasculature in regression of the cavefish visual system
Barts, N., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Arias Rodriguez, L., Kelley, J.L., and Tobler, M. (2017)
Expression and molecular evolution of oxygen transport genes in livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae) from hydrogen sulfide rich springs
Gorički, S., Stanković, D., Snoj, A., Kuntner, M., Jeffery, W.R., Trontelj, P., Pavićević, M., Grizelj, Z., Năpăruş-Aljančič, M. and Aljančič, G. (2017)
Environmental DNA in subterranean biology: range extension and taxonomic implications for Proteus
Wilkens, H. and Strecker, U. (2017)
Evolution in the dark: Darwin's loss without selection
Airhart, M.G. (2017)
Scientists on the trail of central Texas' elusive Satan fish
Hinaux, H., Recher, G., Alie, A., Legendre, L., Blin, M. and Retaux, S. (2017)
Lens apoptosis in the Astyanax blind cavefish is not triggered by its small size or defects in morphogenesis
Peña-Herrejón, Guillermo A. Sanchez-Velazquez, Julieta Cruz-Hernández, Andrez Aguirre-Becerra, Humberto García-Trejo, Fernando (2017)
Breeding system for Astyanax mexicanus
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Passow C.N., Arias-Rodriguez L. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Convergent evolution of reduced energy demands in extremophile fish
Alvarado, C.G., Gálvez Hernández, O., Garduño Sánchez, M. and Ornelas García, C.P. (2017)
Parallel evolution of body shape in Astyanax (Characidae) morphotypes
Lyon, A., Powers, A.K., Gross, J.B. and O'Quin, K.E. (2017)
Two – three loci control scleral ossicle formation via epistasis in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Retaux, S., Bibliowicz, J., Blin, M., Elipot, Y., Espinasa, L., Hinaux, H. and Tine, E. (2017)
Mechanisms underlying the evolution of olfactory capacities in blind cavefish
Gore, A.V., Tomins, K., Iben, J., Castranova, D., Davis, A., Parkhurst, A., Soueidan, S., Jeffery, W.R. and Weinstein, B.M. (2017)
Role of DNA methylation in cavefish eye specific gene repression
Krishnan, J., Seidel, C. and Rohner, N. (2017)
Regulatory evolution in cavefish metabolism
Riddle, M., Finley, M., Marancik, D., Martineau, B. and Tabin, C. (2017)
What’s in your water? Pathogen landscape analysis of lab-raised Astyanax mexicanus; practical guidelines to increase biosecurity
Gross, J.B. (2017)
Evolution and development of cranial asymmetry in Astyanax cavefish
Aspiras, A.C., Riddle, M., Zueckert-Gaudenz, K., Peuß, R., Martineau, B., Box, A., Levy, M., Tabin, J.A., McGaugh, S., Borowsky, R., Tabin, C.J. and Rohner, N. (2017)
Insulin resistance in cavefish as an adaptation to a nutrient-poor environment
Gore, A.V., Tomins, K.A., Iben, J., Ma, L., Castranova, D., Davis, A.E., Parkhurst, A., Jeffery, W.R. and Weinstein, B.M. (2017)
An epigenetic mechanism for cavefish eye degeneration
Kaplan, S.A., Powers, A.K. and Gross, J.B. (2017)
Understanding the Origin of Cranial Bone Fragmentation: Live-fluorescent Imaging Across Astyanax mexicanus Development
Cartwright, R.A., Schwartz, R.C., Merry, A.L. and Howell, M.M. (2017)
The importance of selection in the evolution of blindness in cavefish
Culumber, Z.W. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Sex-specific evolution during the diversification of live-bearing fishes.
Riddle, M., Aspiras, A., Tabin, J., Damen, F., Martineu, B., Peavey, M. and Tabin, C. (2017)
It takes guts to live in a cave: Investigating the genetic basis of cave-specific gastrointestinal (gi) and metabolic adaptations
Powers, A.K., Davis, E.M., Kaplan, S.A. and Gross, J.B. (2017)
Cranial asymmetry arises later in the life history of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Powers, A., Berning, D., Rodiles, R., Barluenga, M. and Gross, J.B. (2017)
Transcriptome analyses and 3d geometric morphometrics characterization of lacustrine species pairs in Astyanax genus
Powers, A.K., Davis, E.M., Kaplan, S.A. and Gross, J.B. (2017)
The evolution of cranial asymmetry across the life history of the blind mexican cavefish
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Hose, L.D. and Rosales-Lagarde, L. (2017)
Sulfur-rich caves of southern Tabasco, Mexico
Passow, C.N., Henpita, C., Shaw, J.H., Quakenbush, C., Warren, W.C., Schartl, M. and Tobler, M. (2017)
The roles of plasticity and evolutionary change in shaping gene expression variation in natural populations of extremophile fish
Fernandes, V., Macaspac, C. and Yoshizawa, M. (2017)
How enhancement of sensory system is integrated to generate adaptive behavior
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Passow, C.N., Brown, A.P., Kelley, J.L. and Tobler, M. (2017)
Organ-specific patterns of gene expression among extremophile fish populations exposed to toxic hydrogen sulfide and permanent darkness
Passow, Courtney N.; Brown, Anthony P.; Arias-Rodriguez, Lenin; et al. (2017)
Complexities of gene expression patterns in natural populations of an extremophile fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Fumey, J., Hinaux, H., Noirot, C., Thermes, C., Retaux, S. and Casane, D. (2017)
Evidence for Late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish.
Tabin, J., Rohner, N., Haro, A., Kowalko, J., Martineau, B., Borowsky, R. and Tabin, C. (2017)
The evolution of temperature preference in the mexican cave fish Astyanax mexicanus
Maldonado, E., García O.M. and Santacruz, A. (2017)
Evodevo and adaptations to perpetually dark environments: The left-right swimming preference in cave and surface morphs from Astyanax mexicanus
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Reznick, D.N., Furness, A.I., Meredith, R.W. and Springer, M.S. (2017)
The origin and biogeographic diversification of fishes in the family Poeciliidae
Yoshizawa, M., Valdez, C., Yew, J., Coyle, K. and Roberts, R. (2017)
Rapid evolution of the gut symbionts and asd-like behavior in the extreme cave environment
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Mifsud. N. and Baker, N. (2017)
Poissons mexicains: une fenêtre sur l’évolution.
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Simon, N., Fujita, S., Porter, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2017)
Extra-ocular opsin expression of Astyanax mexicanus cave and surface morphs
Kopp, J., Coppola, J. and Espinasa, L. (2017)
Phylogeographical convergence between two troglobitic organisms in the Sierra de El Abra
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Simon, V., Elleboode, R., Mahé,K. Legendre, L., Ornelas‑Garcia, P., Espinasa, L. and Rétaux, S. (2017)
Comparing growth in surface and cave morphs of the species Astyanax mexicanus: insights from scales
Brown, A.P., Greenway, R., Morgan, S., Quackenbush, C.R., Giordani, L., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2017)
Genome-scale data reveal that endemic Poecilia populations from small sulphidic springs display no evidence of inbreeding
Hyacinthe, C., Aattia, J., Froc, C. and Retaux, S. (2017)
Evolution of acoustic communication in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Riddle, M.R.; Tabin, C.J (2017)
The eyeless Mexican cavefish Astyanax mexicanus as a model to investigate development and evolution of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Hendrickson, D.A., Hernández‐ Espriú, A., Dugan, L., Sprouse, P., Dávila Paulín, J.A., Krejca, J., Gluesenkamp, A., Reddell, J., Smith, R., Howard, S., Johnson, J., Garrett, G.P., Cohen, A.E., García De León, F.J., Wolaver, B.P. and Fenolio, D.B. (2017)
Discovery of endangered Mexican Blindcat, Prietella phreatophila , in Texas: Implications for international groundwater management and evolution of the regional karst aquifer biota
Delić, T., Trontelj, P., Rendoš, M. and Fišer, C. (2017)
The importance of naming cryptic species and the conservation of endemic subterranean amphipods
Arce, M., Lundberg, J.G. and O'Leary, M.A. (2017)
Phylogeny of the North American catfish Family Ictaluridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) combining morphology, genes and fossils
Schmitter-Soto, J.J. (2017)
A revision of Astyanax (Characiformes: Characidae) in Central and North America, with the description of nine new species
Airhart, M.G. (2017)
Scientists on the trail of central Texas' elusive Satan fish
Lundberg, J.G., Hendrickson, D.A., Luckenbill, K.R. and Arce, M. (2017)
Satan's skeleton revealed: a tomographic and comparative osteology of Satan eurystomus, the subterranean Widemouth Blindcat (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae)
Pierre, C., Froc, C., Callebert, J. and Rétaux, S. (2017)
Functional and behavioral consequences of the mutation in MAO in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Oke, K. B., Rolshausen, G., LeBlond, C. and Hendry, A. P. (2017)
How parallel is parallel evolution? A comparative analysis in fishes
Gluesenkamp, A., Hendrickson, D., and Sprouse, P. (2017)
The Mexican Blindcat project: New discoveries and future efforts
Torres-Paz, J., Alié, A., Devos, L., Prunier, L., Boulet, F., Blin, M., Elipot, Y. and Rétaux, S. (2017)
Developmental evolution of the prosencephalon in blind cavefish: Origins of natural variations in neuropeptidergic patterning and their behavioral consequences
Lloyd, E., Olive, C., Stahl, B.A., Jaggarda, J.B., Amaral, P., Dubouéa, E.R and Keene, A.C. (2018)
Evolutionary shift towards lateral line dependent prey capture behavior in the blind Mexican cavefish
Pagano, C., Siauciunaite, R., Idda, M.L., Ruggiero, G., Ceinos, R.M., Pagano, M., Frigato, E., Bertolucci, C., Foulkes, N.S. and Vallone, D. (2018)
Evolution shapes the responsiveness of the D-box enhancer element to light and reactive oxygen species in vertebrates
Torres-Paz,J., Hyacinthe, C., Pierre, C., Retaux, S. (2018)
Towards an integrated approach to understand Mexican cavefish evolution
Tang, J.L.Y., Guo, Y., Stockdale, W.T., Rana, K., Killen, A.C., Mommersteeg, M.T.M. and Yamamoto, Y. (2018)
The developmental origin of heart size and shape differences in Astyanax mexicanus populations
Ornelas-García, P., Pajares, S., Sosa-Jiménez, V.M., Rétaux, S. and Miranda-Gamboa, R.A. (2018)
Microbiome differences between river-dwelling and caveadapted populations of the fish Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Gore, A., Jeffery, W., Retaux, S. and Rohner, N. (2018)
Cavefish development
Stockdale, W.T., Lemieux, M.E., Killen, A.C., Zhao, J., Hu, J., Riepsaame, J. Hamilton, N., Kudoh, T., Riley, P.R., van Aerle, R., Yamamoto, Y. and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2018)
Heart regeneration in the Mexican cavefish
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Gore, A.V., Rohner, N., Rétaux, S. and Jeffery, W.R. (2018)
Seeing a bright future for a blind fish
Atukorallaya, D.S.A. and Ratnayake, R.K. (2018)
Shaping the craniofacial skeleton of Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus); Role of Osteoblast and Osteoclast.
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Riddle, M.R., Aspiras, A.C., Gaudenz, K., Peuß, R., Sung, J.Y., Martineau, B., Peavey, M., Box, A.C., Tabin, J.A., McGaugh, S., Borowsky, R., Tabin, C.J. and Rohner, N. (2018)
Insulin resistance in cavefish as an adaptation to a nutrient-limited environment
Ma, L., Strickler, A.G., Parkhurst, A., Yoshizawa, M., Shi, J. and Jeffery, W.R. (2018)
Maternal genetic effects in Astyanax cavefish development
Ren, X.Y., Hamilton, N., Müller, F. and Yamamoto, Y. (2018)
Cellular rearrangement of the prechordal plate contributes to eye degeneration in the cavefish
Carlson, B.M., Klingler, I.B., Meyer, B.J. and Gross, J.B. (2018)
Genetic analysis reveals candidate genes for activity QTL in the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Bilandzija, H., Abraham, L., Ma, L., Renner, K.J., & Jeffery, W.R. (2018)
Behavioural changes controlled by catecholaminergic systems explain recurrent loss of pigmentation in cavefish
Espinasa, L., Hoese, G., Toulkeridis, T. and Toomey, R. (2018)
Corroboration that the Mc1rGly/Ser mutation correlates with the phenotypic expression of pigmentation in Astroblepus
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Rohner, N. (2018)
Cavefish as an evolutionary mutant model system for human disease
Herman, A., Brandvain, Y., Weagley, J., Jeffery, W.R., Keene, A.C., Kono, T.J., Bilandžija, H., Borowsky, R., Espinasa, L., O'Quin, K., Ornelas-García, C.P., Yoshizawa, M., Carlson, B, Maldonado E, Gross JB, Cartwright RA, Rohner N, Warren WC, McGaugh SE. (2018)
The role of gene flow in rapid and repeated evolution of cave‐related traits in Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Helena, B., Lindsey, A., Li, M., Kenneth, J.R. and William, R.J. (2018)
Behavioural changes controlled by catecholaminergic systems explain recurrent loss of pigmentation in cavefish
Espinasa, L. (2018)
The Guerrero fish population: Astyanax aeneus as a comparative cavefish model
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Klaassen, H., Wang, Y., Adamski, K., Rohner, N. and Kowalko, J.E. (2018)
CRISPR mutagenesis confirms the role of oca2 in melanin pigmentation in Astyanax mexicanus
Pazza, R., Dergam, J.A. and Kavalco, K.F. (2018)
Trends in karyotype evolution in Astyanax (Teleostei, Characiformes, Characidae): Insights from molecular data.
Espinasa, L., Legendre, L., Fumey, J., Blin, M., Rétaux, S. and Espinasa, M. (2018)
A new cave locality for Astyanax cavefish in Sierra de El Abra, Mexico
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Rohner, N. (2018)
“Out of the dark” Cavefish are entering biomedical research
Mirande, J.M. (2018)
Morphology, molecules and the phylogeny of Characidae (Teleostei, Characiformes)
Jaggard, J.B., Stahl, B.A., Lloyd, E., Prober, D.A., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2018)
Hypocretin underlies the evolution of sleep loss in the Mexican cavefish
Pazza, R., Dergam, J.A. and Kavalco, K.F. (2018)
Trends in karyotype evolution in Astyanax (Teleostei, Characiformes, Characidae): Insights from molecular data.
Mirande, J.M. (2018)
Morphology, molecules and the phylogeny of Characidae (Teleostei, Characiformes)
Keene, A.C.and Duboue, E.R. (2018)
The origins and evolution of sleep
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Borowsky, R. (2018)
Primer. Cavefishes
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Kling, J. (2018)
Insulin resistance grows in the dark
Tabin, J.A., Aspiras, A., Martineau, B., Riddle, M., Kowalko, J., Borowsky, R., Rohner, N. and Tabin, C.J. (2018)
Temperature preference of cave and surface populations of Astyanax mexicanus
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Atukorala, A.D.S. and Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2018)
Genetic linkage between altered tooth and eye development in lens-ablated Astyanax mexicanus
Frøland Steindal, I.V., Beale, A.D., Yamamoto, Y. and Whitmore, D. (2018)
Development of the Astyanax mexicanus circadian clock and non-visual light responses
Jeffery, W.R. (2018)
Maternal genetic effects in Astyanax cavefish development
Chin, J.S.R., Gassant, C.E., Amaral, P.M., Lloyd, E., Stahl, B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Keene, A.C. and Duboue, E.R. (2018)
Convergence on reduced stress behavior in the Mexican blind cavefish
Borowsky, R., Luk, A., He, X.J. and Kim, R.S. (2018)
Unique sperm haplotypes are associated with phenotypically different sperm subpopulations in Astyanax fish
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Retaux, S. (2018)
The healthy diabetic cavefish conundrum
Kasumyana, A.O. and Marusova, E.A. (2018)
Odor stimulation and relation to taste stimuli in the blind cave fish Astyanax fasciatus
Borowsky, R., Luk, A., He, X.J. and Kim, R.S. (2018)
Unique sperm haplotypes are associated with phenotypically different sperm subpopulations in Astyanax fish
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Blin, M., Tine, E., Meister, L., Elipot, Y., Bibliowicz, J., Espinasa, L. and Rétaux, S. (2018)
Developmental evolution and developmental plasticity of the olfactory epithelium and olfactory skills in Mexican cavefish
Alie, A., Devos, L., Torres-Paz, J., Prunier, L., Boulet, F., Blin, M., Elipot, Y. and Retaux, S. (2018)
Developmental evolution of the forebrain in cavefish, from natural variations in neuropeptides to behavior
Bierbach, D., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2018)
Intrasexual competition enhances reproductive isolation between locally adapted populations
Koch, L. (2018)
All eyes on rapid adaptive evolution
Kasumyan, A.O. and Marusov, E.A. (2018)
[Odor stimulation and relation to taste stimuli in the blind cave fish Astyanax fasciatus]
Stern, D.B and Crandall, K.A. (2018)
The evolution of gene expression underlying vision loss in cave animals
Ricci, J.M.B.,Martinez, E.R.M., Butzge, A.J., Doretto, L.B., Oliveira, M.A., Bombardelli, R.A., Bogerd, J. and Nóbrega, R.H. (2018)
Characterization of vasa homolog in a neotropical catfish, Jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): Molecular cloning and expression analysis during embryonic and larval development
Alvarez, F. and Villalobos, J.L. (2018)
A new species of stygobitic freshwater crab of the genus Rodriguezia Bott, 1969 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Trichodactylidae) from Tabasco, Mexico
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Gallão, J.E. and Bichuette M.E. (2018)
Brazilian obligatory subterranean fauna and threats to the hypogean environment
Xiong, S., Krishnan, J., Peuß, F. and Rohner, N. (2018)
Early adipogenesis contributes to excess fat accumulation in cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus
Garita-Alvarado, C.A., Barluenga, M. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2018)
Parallel evolution of morphs of Astyanax species (Teleostei: Characidae) in México and Central America
Stahl, B.A., Sears, C.R., Ma, L., Perkins, M., & Gross, J.B. (2018)
Pmela and Tyrp1b contribute to melanophore variation in Mexican cavefish
Bierbach, D., Lukas. J.A., Bergmann, A., Elsner, K., Höhne, L., Weber, C., Weimar, N., Redriguez, L.A., Mönck, H.J., Nguyen, H., Romanczuk, P., Landgraf, T. and Krause, J. (2018)
Insights into the social behavior of surface and cave-dwelling fish (Poecilia mexicana) in light and darkness through the use of a biomimetic robot
Devitsina, G.V. and Golovkina, T.V. (2018)
Structural Organization of the Taste Apparatus in Characins (Characidae, Teleostei
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Elliott, W.R. (2018)
The Astyanax Caves of Mexico: Cavefishes of San Luís Potosí, Tamaulipas, and Guerrero
Gore, A.V., Tomins K.A., Iben, J., Ma, L., Castranova, D., Davis, A.E., Parkhurst, A., Jeffery, W.R. and Weinstein, B.M. (2018)
An epigenetic mechanism for cavefish eye degeneration
Hutchins, B.T. (2018)
The conservation status of Texas groundwater invertebrates
Espinasa, L. (2018)
The Guerrero fish population: Astyanax aeneus as a comparative cavefish model
Powers, A.K., Kaplan, S.A., Boggs, T.E. and Gross, J. (2018)
Facial bone fragmentation in blind cavefish arises through two unusual ossification processes
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Elliott, W.R. (2018)
The Astyanax Caves of Mexico: Cavefishes of San Luís Potosí, Tamaulipas, and Guerrero
Carlson, B.M. and Gross, J.B. (2018)
Characterization and comparison of activity profiles exhibited by the cave and surface morphotypes of the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Porter, M.L. and Sumner‐Rooney, L. (2018)
Evolution in the dark: Unifying our understanding of eye loss
Sears, C.R. and Gross, J.B. (2018)
The RNA Architecture of Life in the Dark: A Transcriptomic Assessment of Varying Photic Conditions in the Blind Mexican Cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Ornelas-García, P,. Pajares, S., Sosa-Jiménez, V.M., Rétaux, S. and Miranda-Gamboa, R.A. (2018)
Microbiome differences between riverdwelling and cave-adapted populations of the fish Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Devitsina, G.V. and Golovkina, T.V. (2018)
Structural Organization of the Taste Apparatus in Characins (Characidae, Teleostei
Fumey, J., Hinaux, H., Noirot, C., Thermes, C., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2018)
Evidence for late Pleistocene origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Torres-Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Plath, M. and Riesch, R. (2018)
Evolution in caves: selection from darkness causes spinal deformities in teleost fishes
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Sovrano, V.A., Potrich, D., Foà, A. and Bertolucci, C. (2018)
Extra-visual systems in the spatial reorientation of cavefish
Torres-Dowdall, J., Karagic, N., Plath, M. and Riesch, R. (2018)
Evolution in caves: selection from darkness causes spinal deformities in teleost fishes
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Zhao, H., Di Mauro, G., Lungu-Mitea, S., Negrini, P., Guarino, A.M., Frigato, E., Braunbeck, T., Ma, H., Lamparter, T., Vallone, D., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2018)
Modulation of DNA repair systems in blind cavefish during evolution in constant darkness
Powers, A.K., Boggs, T.E. and Gross, J.B. (2018)
Canal neuromast position prefigures developmental patterning of the suborbital bone series in Astyanax cave- and surface-dwelling fish
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Ceinos, R., Frigato, E., Pagano, C., Fröhlich, N., Negrini, P., Cavallari, N., Vallone, D., Fuselli, S., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N. (2018)
Mutations in blind cavefish target the light-regulated circadian clock gene, period 2
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Gluesenkamp, A. Hendrickson, D.A. and Sprouse, P.S. (2018)
The Mexican Blindcat Project: new discoveries and future efforts
Shiriagin, V. and Korsching, S.I. (2018)
Massive expansion of bitter taste receptors in blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Davis, V.A., Holbrook, R.I. and Burt de Perera, T. (2018)
The influence of locomotory style on three-dimensional spatial learning
Gross, J.B., Weagley, J., Stahl, B.A., Ma, L., Espinasa, L. and McGaugh, S.E. (2018)
A local duplication of the Melanocortin receptor 1 locus in Astyanax
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Yoshizawa, M., Settle, A., Hermosura, M.C., Tuttle, L.J., Cetraro, N., Passow, C.N. and McGaugh, S.E. (2018)
The evolution of a series of behavioral traits is associated with autism-risk genes in cavefish
Tobler, M., Kelley, J.L., Plath, M., and Riesch, R. (2018)
Extreme environments and the origins of biodiversity: Adaptation and speciation in sulphide spring fishes
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Fernandes, V.F.L., Macaspac, C., Lu, L. and Yoshizawa, M. (2018)
Evolution of the developmental plasticity and a coupling between left mechanosensory neuromasts and an adaptive foraging behavior
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Scaglione, M.C., Cerutti, R.D., Arfuso, F. and Piccione, G. (2018)
Light and dark rations and the photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity patterns in the South American Silver Catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)
Riddle, M.R., Boesmans, W., Caballero, O, Kazwiny, Y. and Tabin,C.J. (2018)
Morphogenesis and motility of the Astyanax mexicanus gastrointestinal tract
Angrizani, R.C. and Malabarba, L.R. (2018)
Morphology and molecular data reveal the presence of two new species under Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) species complex
Espinasa, L., Robinson, J. and Espinasa, M. (2018)
Mc1r gene in Astroblepus pholeter and Astyanax mexicanus: Convergent regressive evolution of pigmentation across cavefish species
Kopp, J., Avasthi, S. and Espinasa, L. (2018)
Phylogeographical convergence between Astyanax cavefish and mysid shrimps in the Sierra de El Abra, Mexico
Nissen, B.D., Devitt, T.J., Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G., Gibson, R. (2018)
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA
Riddle, M., Martineau, B., Peavey, M. and Tabin, C. (2018)
Raising the Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus for analysis of post-larval phenotypes and whole-mount immunohistochemistry.
Ojha, A. and Watve, M. (2018)
Blind fish: An eye opener
Bussotti, S., Di Franco, A., Bianchi, C.N., Chevaldonné, P., Egea, L., Fanelli, E., Lejeusne, C., Musco, L., Navarro-Barranco, C., Pey, A. and Planes, S. (2018)
Fish mitigate trophic depletion in marine cave ecosystems
Piscor, D., Pozzobon, A.P.B., Fernandes, C.A., Centofante, L, and Parise-Maltempi, P.P. (2019)
Molecular clock as insight to estimate the evolutionary history and times of divergence for 10 nominal Astyanax species (Characiformes, Characidae): An evolutionary approach in species with 2n = 36, 46, 48, and 50 chromosomes
Pierre, C., Torres-Paz, J., Froc, C., Callebert, J. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Functional and behavioral consequences of the mutation in monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Xiong, S., Krishnan, J., Peuss, R. and Rohner, N. (2019)
How cavefish adapt to food limited environment?
Phelps, A. and Gross, J. (2019)
Examination of pigmentation differences in cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus using in situ hybridization
Culver, D.C. and Pipan, T. (2019)
The biology of caves and other subterranean habitats. Second edition.
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Stahl, B.A., Peuß, R., McDole, B., Kenzior, A., Jaggard, J.B., Gaudenz, K., Krishnan, J., McGaugh, S.E., Duboue, E.R., Keene, A.C and Rohner, N. (2019)
Stable transgenesis in Astyanax mexicanus using the Tol2 transposase system
Potts, H.G., Stockdale, W.T., Choudhury, R.P. and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2019)
Investigating the role of CD11b/ITGAM, a leukocyte adhesion protein, in cardiac regeneration
Palluzzi, T., Rowland, R. and Gross, J. (2019)
The effect of neuromast position on bone fragmentation in the third suborbital bone of Astyanax mexicanus
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Gil-Galvez, A., de la Calle Mustienes, E., Neto, A.., Bilandžija, H., Jeffery, W.R., Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L. (2019)
The role of Cis-Regulatory elements in morphological adaptation to cave environment in Astyanax mexicanus
Hyacinthe, C., Attia, J. and Retaux, S. (2019)
Evolution of acoustic communication in blind cavefish
Stahl, B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Chin, J.S., Kowalko, J.E., Keene, A.C. and Duboué, E.R. (2019)
Manipulation of gene function in Mexican cavefish
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Barash, D.P. (2019)
Review of: Wilkens and Strecker (2017) Evolution in the Dark: Darwin’s Loss Without Selection
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Riddle, M.R. and Tabin, C.J. (2019)
Little fish, big questions: A collection of modern techniques for Mexican tetra research
Stockdale, W.T., Tang, J.L.Y., Hu, Z., Potts, H.G., Lemieux, M.E., Yamamoto, Y. and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2019)
Heart development and regeneration in Astyanax mexicanus
Powers, A.K., Boggs, T.E., Kaplan, S.A., Davis, E.M. and Gross, J.B. (2019)
Sensory-skeletal integration and cranial asymmetry in cavefish
Simon, V., Hyacinthe, C. and Retaux, S. (2019)
Breeding behavior in the blind Mexican cavefish and its river‐dwelling conspecific
Worsham, M., Fernandes, V.F.L., Settle, A., Balaan, C., Lactaoen, K., Tuttle, L.J., Iwashita, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2019)
Behavioral tracking and neuromast imaging of Mexican cavefish.
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Kindl, G.H. and O’Quin, K.E. (2019)
On intra- and inter-specific variation in teleost scleral ossification
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Legendre, L., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Møller, P.R., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2019)
Molecular decay of light-processing genes in cavefishes: assessing the effects of time, genome architecture and gene flow
Hyacinthe, C., Attia, J. and Retaux, S. (2019)
Evolution of acoustic communication in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Peuß, R., Zakibe, Z., Krishnan, J., Merryman, M.S., Baumann, D.P. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Gamete collection and In vitro fertilization of Astyanax mexicanus
Blin, M. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Voir ou sentir, l’histoire d’Astyanax mexicanus
Bilandžija, H., Hollifield, B., Steck, M., Meng, G., Ng, M., Koch, A.D., Gračan, R., Ćetković, H., Porter, M.L., Renner, K.J. and Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Phenotypic plasticity as a mechanism of cave colonization and adaptation
Agnès, F., Devos, L. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
The embryonic eyefield of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Rétaux, S., Bibliowicz, Y., Blin, M., Elipot, Y., Espinasa, L., Hinaux, H. and Tine, E. (2019)
Olfactory capacities in blind cavefish
Gallman, K., Rivera, D. and Soares, D. (2019)
Evolutionary increases in catecholamine signaling may underlie the emergence of adaptive traits and behaviors in the blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Lau, G.Y., Barts, N., Hartley, R.C., Tobler, M., Richards, J.G., Murphy, M.P. and Arndt, S. (2019)
Detection of changes in mitochondrial hydrogen sulfide in vivo in the fish model Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae)
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
McGowan, K.L., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M and Kelley, J.L. (2019)
Supplementary material for "Expression analyses of cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) reveal key genes involved in the early evolution of eye regression"
Fernández, A.A., Evans, E.I. and Baumann, D.P. (2019)
The importance of health monitoring in Astyanax mexicanus
Worsham, M., Fang, J. and Yoshizawa, M. (2019)
Epigenetic regulation of phenotype of Mexican tetras
Borowsky, R., Luk, A. and Kim, R.S. (2019)
Sperm swimming behaviors are correlated with sperm haploid genetic variability in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Johnson, S., Schindel, G.M., and Van Brahana, J. (2019)
Tracer testing in the Edwards Aquifer
Johnson, S., Schindel, G.M., and Van Brahana, J. (2019)
Tracer testing in the Edwards Aquifer
Ma, L. and Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Global analysis of maternal transcripts in Astyanax cavefish eggs
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Blin, M., Fumey, J., Père, S., Pierre, C., Torres-Paz, J., Simon, V., Espinasa, L. Legendre, L., Casane, D. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Olfactory behavior of different wild Astyanax mexicanus populations
Duboue, E. (2019)
Evolution of stress responses in Mexican cavefish
Torres-Paz, J., Leclercq, J. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Maternally regulated gastrulation as a source of variation contributing to cavefish forebrain evolution
Boggs, T.E. and Gross, J.B. (2019)
Exploring the role of blood physiology in cave adaptation
Garduño-Sánchez, M.A.A. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2019)
Molecular evolution of rhodopsin gene in Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Peuß, R., Box, A.C., Wang, Y., Chen, S., Krishnan, J., Tsuchiya, D., Peak, A., Perera, A., Slaughter, B. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Cave adaptation shifts immune cell composition compensating increased inflammatory responses in Astyanax mexicanus
Devos, L., Klee, F., Edouard, J., Simon, V., Legendre, L., Khallouki, N.E., Barbachou, S., Sohm, F. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Morphogenetic and patterning defects explain the coloboma phenotype of the eye in the Mexican cavefish
Kling, J. (2019)
To wild depths for new models
Kibele, C.S., Montgomery, J.C. and Radford, C.A. (2019)
The use of evoked potentials to determine sensory sub‑modality contributions to acoustic and hydrodynamic sensing
Emam, A., Yoffe, M., Cardona, H. and Soares, D. (2019)
Retinal morphology in Astyanax mexicanus during degeneration
Yoshizawa, M., Valdez, C., Balaan, C., Lactaoen, K., Kato, J., Ito, M., Yew, J. and Iwashita, M. (2019)
Reciprocal social Interaction was recovered under the treatment of ketogenic diet
Nair, P. (2019)
Ecophysiology and food web dynamics of spring ecotone communities in the Edwards Aquifer, USA
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Hernández, J., Garita-Alvarado, C.A. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2019)
Parallel trophic morphology in cave and surface fish Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi 1853)
Espinasa, L., Retaux, S., Yoshisawa, M., Heintz, C. and Balogh-Robinson, R. (2019)
Vibration Attraction Behavior expression is prevalent among caves, but variable within caves
Nair, P. (2019)
Ecophysiology and food web dynamics of spring ecotone communities in the Edwards Aquifer, USA
Kasumyan, A.O. and Vinogradskaya, M.I. (2019)
Palatability of bile substances for fish
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Yoffe, M., Patel, K., Palia, E., Kolawole, S., Streets, A., Haspel, G. and Soares, D. (2019)
Hunting strategies and the lateral line of Astyanax mexicanus larva
Stahl, B.A., Peuß, R., McDole, B., Kenzior, A., Jaggard, J.B., Gaudenz, K., Krishnan, J., McGaugh, S.E., Duboue, E.R., Keene, A.C. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Stable transgenesis in Astyanax mexicanus using the Tol2 transposase system
Sears, C.R. (2019)
Transcriptomic analysis of the effect of dark-rearing on Astyanax mexicanus
Reyes Corral, W.D. and Aguirre, W.E. (2019)
Effects of temperature and water turbulence on vertebral number and body shape in Astyanax mexicanus (Teleostei: Characidae)
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Krishnan, J. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Sweet fish: Fish models for the study of hyperglycemia and diabetes
Gluesenkamp, A. and McGaugh, S. (2019)
The Texas Tetra Project
Berning, D., Adams, H., Luc, H. and Gross, J.B. (2019)
In-frame indel mutations in the genome of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Loomis, C., Peuß, R., Jaggard, J., Wang, Y., McKinney, S., Raftopoulos, S., Raftopoulos, A., Whu, D., Green, M., McGaugh, S.E., Rohner, N., Keene, A.C., Duboue, E.R. (2019)
An adult brain atlas reveals broad neuroanatomical changes in independently evolved populations of Mexican cavefish
Stockdale, W.T., Deal, O., Heintz, C., Rohner, N., and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2019)
Glucose metabolism during heart regeneration in the Astyanax mexicanus
van der Laan, R. (2019)
Freshwater fish list. An alphabetic scientific name list of the world's freshwater fishes and an overview of the scientific names used in the aquarium literature
Stahl, B.A., Peuß, R., McDole, B., Kenzior, A., Jaggard, J.B., Gaudenz, K., Krishnan, J., McGaugh, S.E., Duboue, E.R., Keene, A.C. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Stable transgenesis in Astyanax mexicanus using the Tol2 transposase system
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Keene, A.C. and Appelbaum, L. (2019)
Sleep in fish models
Gore, A., Swearer, A., Iben, J. and Weinstein, B. (2019)
Cavefish: a model to study subcutaneous fat deposition
Loomis, C., Peuss, R., Jaggard, J.B., Wang, Y., McKinney, S.A., Raftopoulos, S.C., … Duboue, E.R. (2019)
An adult brain atlas reveals broad neuroanatomical changes in independently evolved populations of Mexican cavefish
Chin, J.S.R., Loomis, C.L., Phan, T.A.N., Albert, L.T., Chang, L.P., Keene, A.C. and Duboué, E.R. (2019)
Diminished stress responses in the Mexican blind cavefish
Keene, A.C. (2019)
Genetic and evolutionary regulation of sleep-feeding interactions
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Astyanax mexicanus: A vertebrate model for evolution, adaptation, and development in caves
Riddle, M.R., Aspiras, A., Damen, F., Hutchinson, J.N., Chinnapen, D. and Tabin, C.J. (2019)
Genetic architecture underlying changes in carotenoid accumulation during the evolution of the Blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Jones, I.C. and Anaya, R. (2019)
The Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Trinity (Hill Country) aquifer system, Texas
Borowsky, R. (2019)
Gene flow from surface to cave populations of Astyanax mexicanus is ongoing
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
Torres-Martínez, A., Ruiz de Dios, L., Hernández-Franyutti, A., Uribe, M.C., and Sánchez, W.C. (2019)
Structure of the testis and spermatogenesis of the viviparous teleost Poecilia mexicana (Poeciliidae) from an active sulfur spring cave in Southern Mexico
Jazwinska, A. and Blanchoud, S. (2019)
Towards deciphering variations of heart regeneration in fish
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Rutherford, M.G. (2019)
An update on the population of the Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I.
Green, R.T., Bertetti, F.P., Fratesi, B. and Schinfel, G.M. (2019)
San Antonio Pool of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer
Mogdans, J. (2019)
Sensory ecology of the fish lateral-line system: Morphological and physiological adaptations for the perception of hydrodynamic stimuli
Hu, Z., Lemieux, M. and Mommersteeg, M. (2019)
Differences in extracellular matrix deposition during heart regeneration and scarring in Astyanax mexicanus
Warren, W.C., Koren, S., Meyer, A. and Rohner, N. (2019)
The next generation of Asytanax mexicanus genome references
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Shimobayashi, M., Shetty, S., Frei, I.C., Wölnerhanssen, B.K., Weissenberger, D., Dietz, N., Thomas, A., Ritz, D., Meyer-Gerspach, A.C., Maier, T., Hay, N., Peterli, R., Rohner, N. (2019)
Diet-induced loss of adipose Hexokinase 2 triggers hyperglycemia
Maximino, C., do Carmo Silva, R.X., dos Santos Campos, K., de Oliveira, J.S., Rocha, S.P., Pyterson, M.P., dos Santos Souza, D.P., Feitosa, L.M., Ikeda, S.R., Pimentel, A.F.N., Pâmila N. F. (2019)
Sensory ecology of ostariophysan alarm substances
Leclercq, J., Torres-Paz, J. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Impact of maternal factors during evolution of gastrulation and forebrain morphogenesis in Astyanax mexicanus
McGaugh, S.E., Passow, C., Jaggard, J.B., Stahl, B. and Keene, A. (2019)
Sleep deprivation evokes unique expression responses across independently evolved cavefish
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2019)
The current situation of Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858 (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) – Gather available information, define a zero point, and start all over again
Fernandes, C.S., Batalha, M.A., Bichuette, M.E. (2019)
Dark diversity in the dark: a new approach to subterranean conservation
Luc, H., Sears, C., Raczka, A. and Gross, J.B. (2019)
Wholemount in situ hybridization for Astyanax embryos
Legendre, L., Pere, S. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Water quality of rivers and caves inhabited by Astyanax mexicanus surface fish and cavefish
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
Pastana, M.N.L., Bockmann, F.A. and Datovo, A. (2019)
The cephalic lateral-line system of Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): anatomy and phylogenetic implications
Mcgaugh, S.E., Weaver, S., Gilbertson, E.N., Garrett, B., Rudeen, M.I., Grieb, S., Roberts, J., Donny, A., Marchetto, P. and Gluesenkamp, A,G. (2019)
Evidence for rapid phenotypic and behavioural shifts in a recently established cavefish population
Krejca, J. and Reddell, J. (2019)
Biology and ecology of the Edwards aquifer
Jaggard, J.B., Lloyd, E., Lopatto, A., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
Automated measurements of sleep and locomotor activity in Mexican cavefish.
Wilkens, H (2019)
The primacy of the genotype
Legendre, L., Guillet, B., Leguay, E., Meunier, E., Keck, N. and Sohm, F. (2019)
RESAMA : French network for aquatic model animal health Monitoring. Focus on Astyanax mexicanus
Fernandes, V.F.L., Hernandez, H., Doeden, N. and Yoshizawa, M. (2019)
Evolution of sensory-behavior laterality in Astyanax mexicanus
Pastana, M.N.L., Bockmann, F.A. and Datovo, A. (2019)
The cephalic lateral-line system of Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): anatomy and phylogenetic implications
Devos, L., Edouard, J., Simon, V., Agnès, F., Sohm, F. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Eye morphogenesis in the blind Mexican cavefish
Jaggard, J., Lloyd, E., Loomis, C., Cook, C., Vega, P., McGaugh, S., Rohner, N., Bohrner, J., Duboue, E. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
A cavefish brain atlas reveals functional and anatomical evolution of morphology and neural activity with convergence of sleep and feeding circuits
O’Gorman, M., Lewis, P., Keene, A., Kowalko, J. and Duboué, E. (2019)
Adapting zebrafish rearing techniques for Astyanax mexicanus
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Atukorallaya, D., Bhatia, V. and Ratnayake, R. (2019)
Tooth and jaw development in health and disease; Insight form Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
McGowan, K.L., Passow, C.N., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2019)
Expression analyses of cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) reveal key genes involved in the early evolution of eye regression.
Coppola, J. and Espinasa, L. (2019)
Cave Astyanax: Hunters or scavengers? Evidence from gut contents
Atukorala, A.D.S., Bhatia, V. and Ratnayake, R. (2019)
Craniofacial skeleton of Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus): As a bone disease model
Riddle, M., Damen, F., Aspiras, A., Tabin, J., McGaugh, S. and Tabin, C. (2019)
Investigating the genetic and developmental basis of gut length plasticity in A. mexicanus
Lloyd, E., Olive, C., Stahl, B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Amaral, P., Duboué, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
Evolutionary shift towards lateral line dependent prey-capture in the Mexican Cavefish
Loomis, C., Peuss, R., Green, M., McGaugh, S.E., Rohner, N., Keene, A.C. and Duboue, E.R. (2019)
Generation of a brain atlas for adult Astyanax reveal differences in distinct neuroanatomical sub-nuclei associated with cave-specific behaviors
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Sharp, J.M., Green, R.T. and Schindel, G.M. (2019)
The Edwards Aquifer : the past, present, and future of a vital water resource
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Kowalko, J.E. (2019)
Elucidating the genetic basis of trait evolution in the cavefish
McDole, B., Jaggard, J., Duboue, E. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
Multiphoton ablation of HCRT neurons increases sleep in the Molino cavefish population
Arroyave, J., Schmitter-Soto, J. and Lyons, T.J. (2019)
Typhlias pearsei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 e.T39296A2896759
Torres-Paz, J., Leclercq. J. and Rétaux, S. (2019)
Evolution of gastrulation and forebrain morphogenesis in Astyanax mexicanus
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Pennisi, E. (2019)
A lopsided face helps this eyeless cave fish navigate
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)
Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Bilandžija, H., Hollifield, B., Steck, M., Meng, G., Ng, M., Bedek, J., Ćetković, H., Porter, M., Renner, K.J. ands Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation in the evolution of cave-adapted traits in Astyanax mexicanus
Paz, A., McDole, B., Duboue, E. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
Analysis of startle responses in A. mexicanus reveals possible effects of diminished predation
Lyons, K.M. (2019)
Exploring the distribution of groundwater salamanders and catfish with environmental DNA
Krishnan, J. and Rohner, N. (2019)
Regulatory evolution of metabolic adaptations in cavefish
McGaugh, S.E., Passow, C.N., Jaggard, J.B., Stahl, B.A. and Keene, A.C. (2019)
Unique transcriptional signatures of sleep loss across independently evolved cavefish populations
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Imarazene, B., Herpin, A., Feron, R., Postlethwait, J.H., Schartl, M., Retaux, S. and Guiguen, Y. (2019)
Micro-evolution of sex determination mechanisms and sex determining genes in the cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
van der Weele, C.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Cavefish embryos develop more red blood cells as an adaptation to hypoxia
Van der Weele, C.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2019)
Cavefish increase red blood cell development and reprogram metabolism as adaptations to environmental hypoxia.
Simon, N., Fujita, S., Porter, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2019)
Expression of extraocular opsin genes and light-dependent basal activity of blind cavefish
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Ornelas-García, C.P., Pajares, S., Sosa-Jiménez, V.M., Rétaux, S. and Gamboa-Miranda, R. (2019)
Microbiome characterization of cave-adapted and surface populations of the fish Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Sifuentes-Romero I. and Kowalko, J.E. (2019)
Morphological variations in eye size: does rx3 play a role?
McGaugh, S.E., Weaver, S., Gilbertson, E.N., Garrett, B., Rudeen, M.L., Grieb, S., Roberts, J., Donny, A., Marchetto, P. and Gluesenkamp, A.G. (2019)
Evidence for rapid phenotypic and behavioral change in a recently established cavefish population
Devitt, T.J., Wright, A.M., Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. (2019)
Species delimitation in endangered groundwater salamanders: Implications for aquifer management and biodiversity conservation
Mogdans, J. (2019)
Sensory ecology of the fish lateral line system: morphological and physiological adaptations for the perception of hydrodynamic stimuli
Jeffery, W.R., Ma, L., Shi, J., Ng, M. and Gore,A. (2019)
Evolution of left-right axis asymmetry in Astyanax cavefish
Devitt, T. (2019)
Creatures of the deep karst
Devitt, T.J., Wright, A.M., Cannatella, D.C. and Hillis, D.M. (2019)
Species delimitation in endangered groundwater salamanders: Implications for aquifer management and biodiversity conservation
Powers, A.K., Garita-Alvarado, C., Rodiles, R., Berning, D.J., Gross, J.B. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2019)
Cranial plasticity in lake-dwelling Astyanax morphotypes corresponds to feeding preference
Devitt, T.J. (2019)
Evolution of Edwards-Trinity aquifer biodiversity: Insights from phylogeography
Pierre, C., Pradère, N., Froc, C., Ornelas-García, P., Callebert, J. and Rétaux. S. (2020)
A mutation in monoamine oxidase (MAO) affects the evolution of stress behavior in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Ma, L., Gore, A.V., Castranova, D., Shi, J., Ng, M., Tomins, K.A., van der Weele, C.M., Weinstein, B.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2020)
A hypomorphic cystathionine ß-synthase gene contributes to cavefish eye loss by disrupting optic vasculature
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Cutlip, C. (2020)
Gene found that causes eyes to wither in cavefish
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Powers, A.K., Boggs, T.E.and Gross, J.B. (2020)
An asymmetric genetic signal associated with mechanosensory expansion in cave-adapted fish
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Camarillo, H., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Tobler, M. (2020)
Functional consequences of phenotypic variation between locally adapted populations: swimming performance and ventilation in extremophile fish
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Terán, G.E., Benitez, M.F. and Mirande, J.M. (2020)
Opening the Trojan horse: phylogeny of Astyanax, two new genera and resurrection of Psalidodon (Teleostei: Characidae)
Warren, W.C., Boggs, T.E., Borowsky, R., Carlson, B.M., Ferrufino, E., Gross, J.B., Hillier, L., Hu, Z., Keene, A.C., Kenzior, A., et al. (2020)
A chromosome level genome of Astyanax mexicanus surface fish for comparing population-specific genetic differences contributing to trait evolution
Riesch, R., Morley, N.J., Jourdan, J., Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2020)
Sulphide-toxic habitats are not refuges from parasite infections in an extremophile fish
Jaggard, J.B., Lloyd, E., Yuiska, A., Patch, A., Fily, Y., Kowalko, J.E., Appelbaum, L., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2020)
Cavefish brain atlases reveal functional and anatomical convergence across independently evolved populations
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Terán, G.E., Benitez, M.F. and Mirande, J.M. (2020)
Opening the Trojan horse: phylogeny of Astyanax, two new genera and resurrection of Psalidodon (Teleostei: Characidae)
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Naville, M., Dechaud, C., Volff, J.-M., Cabau, C., Klopp, C., Rask Møller, P., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2020)
Contrasted gene decay in subterranean vertebrates: insights from cavefishes and fossorial mammals
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Gimhani, N. and Atukorallaya, D. (2020)
Influence of the eye on neurocranium development; Insights from Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Ornelas, P., Gonzalez, E.G., Tautz, D. and Doadrio, I. (2020)
Lack of genetic differentiation between two sympatric species of Astyanax (Characidae:Teleostei) in Lake Catemaco, Mexico
McGaugh, S.E., Kowalko, J., Duboue, E.R., Lewis, P., Franz-Odendaal, T.A., Rohner, N., Gross, J.B. and Keene, A.C. (2020)
Dark world rises: The emergence of cavefish as a model for the study of evolution, development, behavior, and disease
Powers, A.K., Berning, D.J. and Gross, J.B. (2020)
Parallel evolution of regressive and constructive craniofacial traits across distinct populations of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish.
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Gallman, K., Fortune, E., Rivera, D. and Soares, D. (2020)
Differences in behavior between surface and cave Astyanax mexicanus may be mediated by changes in catecholamine signaling
Ghedotti, M.J., Davis, M.P. and Echelle, A.A. (2020)
Poeciliidae: Livebearers
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Rohner, N. (2020)
In the spotlight—Early career researcher
Sears, C.R., Boggs, T.E. and Gross, J.B. (2020)
Dark‐rearing uncovers novel gene expression patterns in an obligate cave‐dwelling fish
Torres-Paz, J. and Rétaux, S. (2020)
Embryological manipulation to probe early evo-devo in the fish Astyanax mexicanus
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Kowalko, J.E., Franz‐Odendaal, T.A. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Introduction to the special issue—cavefish—adaptation to the dark
Kowalko, J.E., Franz-Odendaal, T.A. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Cavefish special issue
Ma, L., Ng, M., Shi, J., Gore, A.V., Castranova, D., Weinstein, B.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2020)
Evolutionary changes in left-right visceral asymmetry in Astyanax cavefish
Bilandžija H., Hollifield B., Steck M., Meng G., Ng M., Koch A. D, Gračan, R., Ćetković, H., Porter, M.L., Renner, K.J. and Jeffery, W. (2020)
Phenotypic plasticity as a mechanism of cave colonization and adaptation
Jeffery, W.R. (2020)
Astyanax surface and cave fish morphs
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Riddle, M.R., Aspiras, A.C., Damen, F., Hutchinson, J.N., Chinnapen, D.J.F., Tabin, J. and Tabin, C.J. (2020)
Genetic architecture underlying changes in carotenoid accumulation during the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Espinasa, L., Ornelas-García, C.P., Legendre, L., Rétaux, S., Best, A., Gamboa-Miranda, R., Espinosa-Pérez, H. and Sprouse, P. (2020)
Discovery of two new Astyanax cavefish localities leads to further understanding of the species biogeography
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Chin, J.S.R., Loomis, C.L., Albert, L.T., Medina‐Trenche, S., Kowalko, J., Keene, A.C. and Duboué, E.R. (2020)
Analysis of stress responses in Astyanax larvae reveals heterogeneity among different populations
Chin, J.S.R., Loomis, C.L., Albert, L.T., Medina-Trenche, S., Kowalko, J., Keene, A.C. and Duboué, E.R. (2020)
Analysis of stress responses in Astyanax larvae reveals heterogeneity among different populations
Mercado-Silva, N., Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Schmitter-Soto, J.J., Gidmark, N.J. and Simons, A.M. (2020)
Characidae: Characins
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Emam, A., Yoffe, M., Cardona, H. and Soares, D. (2020)
Retinal morphology in Astyanax mexicanus during eye degeneration
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Franz-Odendaal, T.A. (2020)
In the spotlight—Established researcher
Riddle, M.R., Damen, F., Aspiras, A., Tabin, J.A., McGaugh, S. and Tabin, C.J. (2020)
Evolution of gastrointestinal tract morphology and plasticity in cave-adapted Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Mercado-Silva, N., Ornelas-Garcia, C.P., Schmitter-Soto, J.J., Gidmark, N.J. and Simons, A.M. (2020)
Characidae: Characins
Burr, B.M., Warren, M.L. and Bennett, M.G. (2020)
Ictaluridae: North American catfishes
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Kowalko, J.E. (2020)
In the spotlight—Early career researcher
Pierre, C., Pradère, N., Froc, C., Ornelas-García, P., Callebert, J. and Rétaux, S. (2020)
A mutation in monoamine oxidase (MAO) affects the evolution of stress behavior in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Yoffe, M., Patel, K., Palia, E., Kolawole, S., Streets, A. Haspel, G. and Soares, D. (2020)
Morphological malleability of the lateral line allows for surface fish (Astyanax mexicanus) adaptation to cave environments
Krishnan, J., Persons, J.L., Peuß, R., Hassan, H., Kenzior, A., Xiong, S., Olsen, L., Maldonado, E., Kowalko, J.E. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Comparative transcriptome analysis of wild and lab populations of Astyanax mexicanus uncovers differential effects of environment and morphotype on gene expression
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Sifuentes‐Romero, I., Ferrufino, E., Thakur, S., Laboissonniere, L.A., Solomon, M., Smith, C.L., Keene, A.C., Trimarchi, J.M. and Kowalko, J.E. (2020)
Repeated evolution of eye loss in Mexican cavefish: Evidence of similar developmental mechanisms in independently evolved populations
Krishnan, J., Seidel, C.W., Zhang, N., Van Campen, J., Peuß, R., Xiong, S., Kenzior, A., Li, H., Conaway, J.W. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory changes in the metabolic 1 adaptation of cavefish
Ma, L., Ng, M., van der Weele, C.M., Yoshizawa, M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2020)
Dual roles of the retinal pigment epithelium and lens in cavefish eye degeneration
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Koerber, S. and Reis, R.E. (2020)
Evidence for the true type-locality of Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), and the geographical origin and invalid neotype designation of four of its synonyms
Kowalko, J. (2020)
Utilizing the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus to understand the genetic basis of behavioral evolution
Paz, A., McDole, B., Kowalko, J.E., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2020)
Evolution of the acoustic startle response of Mexican cavefish
Mack, K.L., Jaggard, J.B., Persons, J.L., Passow, C.N., Stanhope, B.A., Ferrufino, E., Tsuchiya, D., Smith, S.E., Slaughter, B.D., Kowalko, J., Rohner, N., Keene, A.C. and McGaugh, S.E. (2020)
Repeated evolution of circadian clock dysregulation in cavefish populations
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Peuß, R., Box, A.C., Chen, S., Wang, Y., Tsuchiya, D., Persons, J.L., Kenzior, A., Maldonado, E., Krishnan, J., Scharsack, J.P., Slaughter, B.D. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Adaptation to low parasite abundance affects immune investment and immunopathological responses of cavefish.
Wilkens, H. (2020)
The role of selection in the evolution of blindness in cave fish
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Policarpo, M., Fumey, J., Lafargeas, P., Naquin, D., Thermes, C., Naville, M., Dechaud, C., Volff, J.-M., Cabau, C., Klopp, C., Rask Møller, P., Bernatchez, L., García-Machado, E., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2020)
Contrasted gene decay in subterranean vertebrates: insights from cavefishes and fossorial mammals
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Gross, J.B. and Powers, A.K. (2020)
A natural animal model system of craniofacial anomalies: The blind Mexican cavefish
Minchin, J.E.N. (2020)
Adaptation of blind cavefish to nutrient poor environments: uncovering diverse new mechanisms that regulate body fat levels
Marandel, L., Plagnes-Juan, E., Marchand, M., Callet, T., Dias, K., Terrier, F., Père, S., Vernier, L., Panserat, S. and Rétaux, S. (2020)
Nutritional regulation of glucose metabolism-related genes in the emerging teleost model mexican tetra surface fish: a first exploration
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Blin, M., Fumey, J., Lejeune, C., Policarpo, M., JLeclercq, J., Père, S., Torres-Paz, J., Pierre, C., Imarazene, B. and Rétaux, S. (2020)
Diversity of olfactory responses and skills in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish populations inhabiting different caves
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Ingalls, A., Merryman, S., Baumann, D.P. (2020)
Length-mass relationship and aggression of Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican cavefish) reared in a laboratory environment
Maldonado, E., Rangel‐Huerta, E., Rodriguez‐Salazar, E., Pereida‐Jaramillo, E. and Martínez‐Torres, A. (2020)
Subterranean life: Behavior, metabolic, and some other adaptations of Astyanax cavefish
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Ingalls, A., Merryman, S., Baumann, D.P. (2020)
Non-invasive measurement of cortisol in Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra) as it relates to environmental stressors
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
Medley, J.K., Persons, J., Peuß, R., Olsen, L., Xiong, S. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Untargeted metabolomics of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus reveals the basis of metabolic strategies in adaptation to extreme conditions
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Jandzik, D. and Stock, D.W. (2020)
Differences in developmental potential predict the contrasting patterns of dental diversification in characiform and cypriniform fishes
Phelps, A.N., Luc, H.M. and Gross, J.B. (2020)
Comparative developmental expression of neural crest genes in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Lyons, T.J., Máiz-Tomé, L., Tognelli, M., Daniels, A., Meredith, C., Bullock, R. and Harrison, I., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Hendrickson, D.A., Arroyave, J., Mercado Silva, N., Köck, M., Domínguez Domínguez, O., Valdés González, A., Espinosa Pérez et al. (2020)
The status and distribution of freshwater fishes in Mexico
McGaugh, S.E., Passow, C.N., Jaggard, J.B., Stahl, B.A. and Keene, A.C. (2020)
Unique transcriptional signatures of sleep loss across independently evolved cavefish populations.
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Peuss, R., Box, A.C., Chen S., Wang Y., Tsuchiya D., Persons J. L., . . . and Rohner N. (2020)
Adaptation to low parasite abundance affects immune investment and immunopathological responses of cavefish
Pierre, C. (2020)
Conséquences fonctionnelles, comportementales et adaptatives d’une mutation de la MAO (MonoAmine Oxydase) chez le poisson cavernicole aveugle Astyanax mexicanus
Cao, J. and Cheng, X. (2020)
Molecular evolution and characterization of fish stathmin genes
Thomas, M.R. and Sabaj, M.H. (2020)
Heptapteridae: Seven-finned catfishes
Elliott, W.R. (2020)
The catfish caves of Acatlan, Oaxaca
Leclercq, J., Pierre, C., Simon, V. and Blin, M. (2020)
La génétique évolutive du tétra mexicain Astyanax mexicanus
Espinasa, L., Ornelas-García, C.P., Legendre, L., Rétaux, S., Best, A., Gamboa-Miranda, R., Espinosa-Pérez, H. and Sprouse, P. (2020)
Two new localities of Astyanax cavefish plus revision of its biogeography
Patch, A., Paz, A., Holt, K., Duboue, E., Kowalko, J., Keene, A. and Fily, Y. (2020)
Analysis of social swimming dynamics in the Mexican cavefish
Warren, M.L. and Burr, B.M. (2020)
Freshwater fishes of North America. Volume 2 Characidae to Poeciliidae
Riddle, M.R., Aspiras, A.C., Gaudenz, K., Peuß, R., Sung, J.Y., Martineau, B., Peavey, M., Box, A.C., Tabin, J.A., McGaugh, S., Borowsky, R., Tabin, C.J. and Rohner, N. (2020)
Author Correction: Insulin resistance in cavefish as an adaptation to a nutrient-limited environment
Krishnan, J., Seidel, C.W., Zhang, N., VanCampen, J., Peuss, R., Xiong, S., Kenzior, A., Li, H., Conaway, J.W. and Rohner, N. (2021)
RNA-Seq Analysis of liver cells of Astyanax mexicanus
Álvarez, F., Torres, E. and Villalobos, J.L. (2021)
New species of crayfish of the genus Procambarus, and notes on Procambarus pilosimanus (Decapoda:Cambaridae) from Chiapas, Mexico
Wilkens, H. (2021)
Variability and the primacy of the genotype
Zhao, H., Li, H., Du, J., Di Mauro, G., Lungu-Mitea, S., Geyer, N., Vallone, D., Bertolucci, C. and Foulkes, N.S. (2021)
Regulation of ddb2 expression in blind cavefish and zebrafish reveals plasticity in the control of sunlight-induced DNA damage repair
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Arroyave, J. and De La Cruz Fernández, D.A. (2021)
Genetic and morphological evidence cast doubt on the validity of Mexican troglobitic species of the Neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae).
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Arroyave, J. and De La Cruz Fernández, D.A. (2021)
Genetic and morphological evidence cast doubt on the validity of Mexican troglobitic species of the Neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae).
Arroyave, J. and De La Cruz Fernández, D.A. (2021)
Genetic and morphological evidence cast doubt on the validity of Mexican troglobitic species of the Neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae).
Tanvir, Z., Rivera, D., Severi, K.E., Haspel, G. and Soares, D. (2021)
Evolutionary and homeostatic changes in morphology of visual dendrites of Mauthner cells in Astyanax blind cavefish.
Jandzik, D. and Stock, D.W. (2021)
Differences in developmental potential predict the contrasting patterns of dental diversification in characiform and cypriniform fishes
Kelley J.L., Desvignes T., McGowan K.L., Perez M., Rodriguez L. A., Brown A.P., . . . and Tobler M. (2021)
microRNA expression variation as a potential molecular mechanism contributing to adaptation to hydrogen sulphide
Potts, H.G., Stockdale,W.T. and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2021)
Unlocking the secrets of the regenerating fish heart: Comparing regenerative models to shed light on successful regeneration.
Imarazene, B., Du, K., Beille, S., Jouanno, E., Feron, R., Pan, Q., Torres-Paz J., Lopez-Roques, C., Castinel,A., Gil, L., Kuchly, C., Donnadieu, C., Parrinello,H., Journot, L., Cabau, C., Zahm, M., Klopp, C., Pavlica, T., Al-Rikabi, A., Liehr, T., Sima (2021)
A supernumerary ‘‘B-sex’’ chromosome drives male sex determination in the Pachon cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Torres-Paz, J. and Retaux, S. (2021)
Pescoids and chimeras to probe early evo-devo in the fish Astyanax mexicanus
Garita-Alvarado, C.A., Garduño-Sánchez, M., Barluenga, M. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2021)
Genetic and ecomorphological divergence between sympatric Astyanax morphs from Central America
O'Gorman, M., Thakur, S., Imrie, G., Moran, R.L., Choy, S., Sifuentes-Romero, I., Bilandžija, H., Renner, K.J., Duboué, E., Rohner, N., McGaugh, S.E., Keene, A.C. and Kowalko, J.E. (2021)
Pleiotropic function of the oca2 gene underlies the evolution of sleep loss and albinism in cavefish
Oliva, C., Hinz, N.K., Robinson, W., Barrett Thompson, A.M., Booth, J., Crisostomo, L.M., Zanineli, S., Tanner, M., Lloyd, E., O’Gorman, M., McDole, B., Paz, A., Kozol, R. et al. (2021)
Characterizing the genetic basis of trait evolution in the Mexican cavefish
Devos, L., Agnès, F., Edouard, J., Simon, V., Legendre, L., El Khallouki, N., Barbachou S., Sohm, F. and Rétaux, S. (2021)
Eye morphogenesis in the blind Mexican cavefish
Kistner, A.R., Enriquez, M.S., Michels, N.O. and Mensinger, A.F. (2021)
Behavioral differences in sound detection in recently diverged cave and surface forms of Astyanax mexicanus
Iwashita, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2021)
Social-like responses are inducible in asocial Mexican cavefish despite the exhibition of strong repetitive behavior
Arroyave, J. and De La Cruz Fernández, D.A. (2021)
Cave-dwelling populations of Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) from the Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico: an evidence-based checklist with comments on their evolutionary history and taxonomy
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Schmitter-Soto, J.J. (2021)
New lectotype designation for Astyanax aeneus (Teleostei, Characidae)
Arroyave, J. and De La Cruz Fernández, D.A. (2021)
Genetic and morphological evidence cast doubt on the validity of Mexican troglobitic species of the Neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae).
Wilson, E.J., Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Martínez‑García, L. and García‑De León, F.J. (2021)
Natural history and trophic ecology of three populations of the Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Esquivel-Bobadilla, S., Orozco-Ruíz, A.M., Olivas-Hernández, Jé.L. and García-De León, F.J. (2021)
Genetic structure and historical and contemporary gene flow of Astyanax mexicanus in the Gulf of Mexico slope: a microsatellite-based analysis
Olsen, L., Thum, E. and Rohner, N. (2021)
Lipid metabolism in adaptation to extreme nutritional challenges
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Eschmeyer, W.N. and Van der Laan, R. and Fricke, R. (2021)
Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Warren, W.C., Boggs, T.E., Borowsky, R., Carlson, B.M., Ferrufino, E., Gross, J.B., Hillier, L., Hu, Z., Keene, A.C., Kenzior, A. and Kenzior, A. and Kowalko, J.E. (2021)
A chromosome-level genome of Astyanax mexicanus surface fish for comparing population-specific genetic differences contributing to trait evolution
Moran, R.L., Jaggard, J.B., Roback, E.Y., Rohner, N., Kowalko, J.E., Ornelas-García, C.P., McGaugh, S.E. and Keene, A.C. (2021)
Hybridization underlies localized trait evolution in cavefish
Hutchins, B.T., Gibson, J.R., Diaz, P.H. and Schwartz, B.F. (2021)
Stygobiont diversity in the San Marcos Artesian Well and Edwards Aquifer groundwater ecosystem, Texas, USA.
Broadfoot, M.V. (2021)
Stowers Institute amasses menagerie of unconventional organisms to study health and disease
Devos, L., Agnès, F., Edouard, J., Simon, V., Legendre, L., El Khallouki, N., Barbachou, S., Sohm, F. and Rétaux, S. (2021)
Eye morphogenesis in the blind Mexican cavefish
Mack, K.L., Jaggard, J.B., Persons, J.L., Roback, E.Y., Passow, C.N., Stanhope, B.A., Ferrufino, E., Tsuchiya, D. Smith, S.E., Slaughter, B.D. et al. (2021)
Repeated evolution of circadian clock dysregulation in cavefish populations
Xiong, S., Wang, W., Kenzior, A., Olsen, L., Krishnan, J., Persons, J., Medley, K., Peuß, R., Wang, Y., Chen, S., Zhang, N., Thomas, N., Miles, J.M., Sánchez Alvarado, A. and Rohner, N. (2021)
Enhanced lipogenesis through Pparγ helps cavefish adapt to food scarcity
Imarazene, B., Beille, S., Jouanno, E., Branthonne, A., Thermes, V., Thomas, M., Herpin, A., Rétaux, S. and Guiguen, Y. (2021)
Primordial germ cell migration and histological and molecular characterization of gonadal differentiation in Pachón cavefish Astyanax mexicanus.
Gimhani, N. and Atukorallaya, D. (2021)
Comparative analysis of the parasphenoid bone development in Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
Agnès, F., Torres-Paz, J., Michel, P. and Rétaux, S. (2021)
A 3D molecular map of the cavefish neural plate illuminates eyefield organization and its borders in vertebrates
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Iwashita, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2021)
Social-like responses are inducible in asocial Mexican cavefish despite the exhibition of strong repetitive behaviour
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Torres-Paz, J. and Rétaux, S. (2021)
Pescoids and chimeras to probe early evo-devo in the fish Astyanax mexicanus
Policarpo, M., Laurenti, P., García-Machado, E., Metcalfe, C., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2021)
Genomic evidence that blind cavefishes are not wrecks of ancient life
Boggs, T. and Gross, J. (2021)
Reduced oxygen as an environmental pressure in the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish
Ma, L., Ng, M., Shi, J., Gore, A.V., Castranova, D., Weinstein, B.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2021)
Maternal control of visceral asymmetry evolution in Astyanax cavefish
Owens, G.L., Veen, T., Moxley, D.R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M. and Rennison, D.J. (2021)
Parallel shifts of visual sensitivity and body coloration in replicate populations of extremophile fish
Ma, L., Dessiatoun, R., Shi, J. and Jeffery, W.R. (2021)
Incremental temperature changes for maximal breeding and spawning in Astyanax mexicanus.
Espinasa, L., Heintz, C., Rétaux, S., Yoshisawa, M., Agnès, F., Ornelas-Garcia, P. and Balogh-Robinson, R. (2021)
Vibration Attraction Response (VAB) is a plastic trait in Blind Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus), variable within subpopulations inhabiting the same cave
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Borowsky, R. (2021)
Evolution: The genetics of trait evolution in cavefish
Gibson, R., Hutchins, B.T., Krejca, J.K., Diaz, P.H. and Sprouse. P.S. (2021)
Corrigenda: Stygobromus bakeri, a new species of groundwater amphipod (Amphipoda, Crangonyctidae) associated with the Trinity and Edwards aquifers of central Texas, USA
Garita-Alvarado, C.A., Garduño-Sánchez, M., Barluenga, M. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2021)
Genetic and ecomorphological divergence between sympatric Astyanax morphs from Central America
Riddle, M.R., Aspiras, A., Damen, F., McGaugh, S., Tabin, J.A. and Tabin, C.J. (2021)
Genetic mapping of metabolic traits in the blind Mexican cavefish reveals sex‑dependent quantitative trait loci associated with cave adaptation
Fily, Y., Patch, A., Paz, A., Holt, K.J., Duboué, E.R., Keene, A.C. and Kowalko, J.E. (2022)
Evolution of schooling and exploration strategies in the Mexican tetra fish
Tobler, M. (2022)
Extreme environments, natural complexity, and the predictability of evolution
Medley, J.K., Persons, J., Biswas, T., Olsen, L., Peuß, R., Krishnan, J., Xiong, S. and Rohner, N. (2022)
The metabolome of Mexican cavefish shows a convergent signature highlighting sugar, antioxidant, and ageing-related metabolites
Rétaux, S. (2022)
La boîte à outils de l’évolution développementale ou comment les poissons cavernicoles mexicains ont perdu leurs yeux
Borowsky, R. and Chen, H. (2022)
Mutagenesis alters sperm swimming velocity in Astyanax
Lunsford, E.T., Paz, A., Keene, A.C. and Liao, J.C. (2022)
Evolutionary convergence of a neural mechanism in the cavefish lateral line system
Sumbre, G. (2022)
Principles of functional circuit connectivity: Insights from the zebrafish optic tectum
Krishnan, J., Wang, Y., Kenzior, O., Hassan, H., Olsen, L., Tsuchiya, D., Kenzior, A., Peuß, R., Xiong, S., Wang, Y., Zhao, C. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Liver-derived cell lines from cavefish Astyanax mexicanus as an in vitro model for studying metabolic adaptation
Lloyd, E., McDole, B., Privat, M., Jaggard, J.B., Duboue, E.R., Sumbre, G. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Blind cavefish retain functional connectivity in the tectum despite loss of retinal input
Leclercq, J. (2022)
Evolution of the eye in Astyanax mexicanus : contribution of maternal and early developmental regulations
Thakur, S., Tuyet Tra, N. and Cummings, M. (2022)
Understanding coping styles in a fish species with alternative reproductive tactics
Rodríguez-Ballesteros, V., Mendoza-Garfias, B., Ulloa-Arvizu, R., Balcazar, A. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2022)
Morphological description of gametes in cave and surface populations of Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Bhatia, V., de Jesus, V.C., Shaik, F.A., Jaggupilli, A., Singh, N., Chelikani, P. and Atukorallaya, D. (2022)
Extraoral expression and characterization of bitter taste receptors in Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra fish)
Hendrickson, D. (2022)
Not yet known
Goes, C.A.G., dos Santos, R.Z., Aguiar, W.R.C., Alves, D.C.V., Silva, D.M.Z.dA., Foresti, F., Oliveira, C., Utsunomia, R. and Porto-Foresti, F. (2022)
Revealing the satellite DNA history in Psalidodon and Astyanax Characid fish by comparative satellitomics
Rodriguez-Morales, R., Gonzalez-Lerma, P., Yuiska, A., Heon Han, J., Guerra, Y., Crisostomo, L., Keene, A.C., Duboue, E.R. and Kowalko, J. (2022)
Convergence on reduced aggression through shared behavioral traits in multiple populations of Astyanax mexicanus
Fernandes, V.F.L., Espinasa, L., Glaser, Y., Iwashita, M., Sadowski, P. and Yoshizawa, M. (2022)
Diversity of the left-right asymmetry evolution in the sensory system and the behavior output of Astyanax mexicanus
Espinasa, L., Collins, E., Ornelas García, C.P., Rétaux, S., Rohner, N. and Rutkowski, J. (2022)
Divergent evolutionary pathways for aggression and territoriality in Astyanax cavefish
Xiong, S., Wang, W., Kenzior, A., Olsen, L., Krishnan, J., Persons, J., Medley, K., Peuß, R., Wang, Y., Chen S., Zhang, N., Thomas, N., Miles, J.M., Sanchez Alvarado A. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Enhanced lipogenesis through Ppary helps cavefish adapt to food scarcity
Garduno-Sanchez, M., Hernandez-Lozano, J., Moran, R., Miranda-Gamboa, R., Gross, J., Rohner, N., Elliott, W.R., Miller, J., Lozano-Vilano, L., McGaugh, S. and Ornelas-Garcia, C. (2022)
Phylogeographic relationships and morphological evolution between cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus populations (De Fillipi 1853) (Actinopterygii, Characidae)
Martik, M. (2022)
Reactivation of the embryonic neural crest gene program during zebrafish cardiac regeneration
Powers, A.K., Hyacinthe, C., Riddle, M., Kim, Y.K., Amaismeier, A., Thiel, K., Martineau, B., Ferrante, E., Moran, R., McGaugh, S., Boggs, T., Gross, J.B. and Tabin, C.J. (2022)
Genetic mapping of craniofacial traits in the Mexican tetra reveals loci associated with bite differences between cave and surface fish
Potts, H.G., Lemieux, M.E., Rice, E.S., Warren,W., Choudhury, R.P. and Mommersteeg, M.T.M. (2022)
Discordant genome assemblies drastically alter the interpretation of single-cell RNA sequencing data which can be mitigated by a novel integration method
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Riddle, M., Guerra, D.P., Aspiras, A., Chinnapen, D., Damen, F., Hutchinson, J.N., McGaugh, S., Tabin, J. and Tabin, C. (2022)
Evolution of provitamin A assimilation in Astyanax mexicanus
Kozol, R.A., Conith, A.J., Yuiska, A., Cree-Newman, A., Tolentino, B., Banesh, K., Paz, A., Lloyd, E., Kowalko, J.E., Keene, A.C., Albertson, R.C. and Duboue, E.R. (2022)
Global and discrete mechanisms of evolution have transformed the shape and volume of cavefish brain regions
Maderspacher, F. (2022)
White, fat and blind — Economy and evolution in caves
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Krishnan, J., Seidel, C.W., Zhang, N., Singh, N.P., Van Campen, J., Peuß, R., Xiong, S., Kenzior, A., Li, H., Conaway, J.W. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory changes underlying metabolic adaptation of cavefish
Lloyd, E., McDole, B., Privat, M., Jaggard, J.B., Duboué, E., Sumbre, G. and Keene, A. (2022)
Blind cavefish retain functional connectivity in the tectum despite loss of retinal input
Perry, A., McGaugh, S.E., Keene, A.C. and Blackmon, H. (2022)
CaveCrawler: an interactive analysis suite for cavefish bioinformatics
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Leclercq, J., Torres-Paz, J. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
Evolution of gene expression regulation in blind cavefish embryos
Powers, A., Berning, D., Boggs, T., Hamm, A. and Gross, J. (2022)
Towards an understanding of the developmental and genetic attributes of cranial variation in Astyanax cavefish
Rodriguez-Santiago, M., Jordan, A. and Hofmann, H.A. (2022)
Neural activity patterns differ between learning contexts in a social fish
Shafer, M.E.R., Sawh, A.N. and Schier, A.F. (2022)
Gene family evolution underlies cell-type diversification in the hypothalamus of teleosts
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Powers, A.K and Tabin, C. (2022)
The genetic basis underlying jaw size differences in cavefish
Agnès, F., Torres-Paz, J., Michel, P. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
A 3D molecular map of the cavefish neural plate illuminates eye-field organization and its borders in vertebrates
Patch, A., Paz, A., Holt, K.J., Duboué, E.R., Keene, A.C., Kowalko, J.E. and Fily, Y. (2022)
Kinematic analysis of social interactions deconstructs the evolved loss of schooling behavior in cavefish
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Berning, D. and Gross, J.B. (2022)
Developmental timing and genetic architecture of external taste expansion in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Agnes, F., Torres-Paz, J., Michel, P. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
A 3D molecular map of the cavefish neural plate illuminates eyefield organization and its borders in vertebrates
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Leclercq, J., Torres-Paz, J., Policarpo, M., Agnès, F. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
Evolution of the regulation of developmental gene expression in blind Mexican cavefish
Lunghi, E. and Bilandžija, H. (2022)
Average telomere length in cave vs surface Astyanax mexicanus
Hendrickson, D.A., Lundberg, J., Luckenbill, K. and Arce-H, M. (2022)
Update on taxonomic and conservation status of North American blindcats (Ictaluridae)
Jeffery, W.R. Ma, L., Ng, M., Shi, J. and Gore, A.V. (2022)
Control of visceral asymmetry in Astyanax development: Sonic Hedgehog and the left-right organizer
Espinasa, L. and Diamant, R. (2022)
Laterality in foraging behavior, reproductive seasonality, and other results from several multi-year, longitudinal studies in the field
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Baratti, G., Potrich, D., Lee, S.A., Morandi-Raikova, A. and Sovrano, V.A. (2022)
The geometric world of fishes: A synthesis on spatial reorientation in Teleosts
Jeffery, W. (2022)
Environmental hypoxia is a driver of Sonic Hedgehog-dependent troglomorphic evolution in Astyanax cavefish
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
‎Fish of the Week!: North American Blindcats feat
Choy, S., Polyakov, E., Thakur, S., Lloyd, E., Keene, A. and Kowalko, J. (2022)
Uncovering the role of oca2 in the evolution of prey capture in cavefish
Moran, R.L., Jaggard, J.B., Roback, E.Y., Kenzior, A., Rohner, N., Kowalko, J.E., Ornelas-García, C.P., McGaugh, S.E. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Hybridization underlies localized trait evolution in cavefish
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Páscoa, I., Fonseca, E., Ferraz, R., Machado, A.M., Conrado, F., Ruivo, R., Cunha, I. and Castro, L.F.C. (2022)
The preservation of PPARg genome duplicates in some Teleost tineages: Insights into lipid metabolism and xenobiotic exploitation
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Hutton, P., Rodríguez-Morales, R., Ferrufino, E., Lloyd, E., Dubuoé, E.R., Kowalko, J.E. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Preliminary data from a functional screen reveals multiple sleep-regulating genes in A. mexicanus
Wilson, E.J., Tobler, M., Riesch, R., Martínez-García, L. and García-De León, F.J. (2022)
Natural diet of three populations of the Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)
Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Perry, A., McGaugh, S.E., Keene, A.C. and Blackmon, H. (2022)
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Hyacinthe, C. and Tabin, C. (2022)
Evolution of temperature preference in Astyanax mexicanus
Santacruz, A., Hernández-Mena, D., Miranda-Gamboa, R.A., Pérez-Ponce de León, G. and Ornelas-Garcíai, P. (2022)
Host-parasite interactions after niche change: the macroparasite diversity in the Mexican cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Nwosu, U. (2022)
Regulation of activity patterns in Astyanax mexicanus cavefifish
Iwashita, M., Tran, A., Wong, M., Lee, R. and Yoshizawa, M. (2022)
Metabolic shift toward ketosis in asocial cavefish increases social-like collective behavior
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Schartl, M. (2022)
Sex determination in the Pachón cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus, by B-chromosomes
Pennington, A. (2022)
Bioinformatics analyses of new genes of focus in the research of autism with dogs, fats, and a variety of other model organisms
Agnès, F., Torres-Paz, J., Michel, O. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
A 3D molecular map of the cavefish neural plate illuminates eye-field organization and its borders in vertebrates
Hendrickson, D.A. (2022)
Blind cave catfishes
Tanvir, Z., Rivera, D., Severi, K.E., Haspel, G. and Soares, D. (2022)
Evolutionary and homeostatic changes in morphology of visual dendrites of Mauthner cells in Astyanax blind cavefish
Enriquez, M.S. (2022)
Investigating rapid divergence of sensory systems between satellite populations of the Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
Espinasa, L., Rohner, N. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
Reproductive seasonality of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Oliva, C., Hinz, N.K., Robinson, W., Barrett Thompson, A.M., Booth, J., Crisostomo, L.M., Zanineli, S., Tanner, M., Lloyd, E., O’Gorman, M., McDole, B., Paz, A., Kozol, R. et al. (2022)
Characterizing the genetic basis of trait evolution in the Mexican cavefish
Rodriguez-Morales, R., Gonzalez-Lerma, P., Yuiska, A., Heon Han, J., Guerra, Y., Crisostomo, L., Keene, A.C., Duboue, E.R. and Kowalko, J.E. (2022)
Convergence on reduced aggression through shared behavioral traits in multiple populations of Astyanax mexicanus
Rice, E. Warren, W.C., Carroll, R., Keene, A. and Rohner, N. (2022)
The evolution of structural change along a surface to cavefish genome trajectory
Duboue, E.R., Kowalko, J.E. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Course‐based undergraduate research experiences (CURES) as a pathway to diversify science
Perry, A. McGaugh, S.E., Keene, A.C. and Blackmon, H. (2022)
CaveCrawler: An interactive analysis suite for cavefish bioinformatics
Krishnan, J., Wang, Y., Kenzior, O., Huzaifa, H., Olsen, L., Tsuchiya, D., Wang, Y., Zhao, C. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Liver-derived cell lines from cavefish Astyanax mexicanus as an in vitro model for studying metabolic adaptation
Hyacinthe, C., Attia, J., Schutz, E., Casane, D. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
Acoustic signatures in cavefish populations inhabiting different caves
Callier, V. (2022)
Blind Cave Fish May Trade Color for Energy. Pasty cave fish seem to repurpose a melanin-making molecule to better survive famine
Biswas, T., Paulson, A., Hall, K, and Rohner, N. (2022)
Fish(ing) in the Hi(gh)-C(sea)
Baumann, D.P. and Ingalls, A. (2022)
Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus): biology, husbandry, and experimental protocols
Boggs, T.E., Friedman, J.S. and Gross, J.B. (2022)
Alterations to cavefish red blood cells provide evidence of adaptation to reduced subterranean oxygen
Kozol, R.V., Conith, A.J., Yuiska, A., Cree-Newman, A., Tolentino, B., Banesh, K., Paz, A., Lloyd, E., Kowalko, J.E., Keene, A.C., R. Albertson, C. and Duboue, E.R. (2022)
A brain-wide anatomical analysis suggests structural coevolution of distinct neuroanatomical modules
Kuhn, J., Azari, S. and Volkoff, H. (2022)
Effects of temperature on food intake and the expression of appetite regulators in three Characidae fish: The black-skirted tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) and Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Bronner, M. (2022)
Not yet known
van der Weele C.M. and Jeffery, W.R. (2022)
Cavefish cope with environmental hypoxia by developing more erythrocytes and overexpression of hypoxia-inducible genes
Olsen, L., Levy, M., Medley, J.K., Hassan, H., Alexander, R., Wilcock, E., Yi, K., Florens, L., McKinney, S., Peuß, R., Persons, J., Kenzior, A., Maldonado, E., Gluesenkamp, A. et al. (2022)
Metabolic reprogramming underlies cavefish muscular endurance despite loss of muscle mass and contractility
Berning, D. (2022)
Developmental timing and genetic architecture of external taste expansion in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Vogt, G. (2022)
Epigenetics and phenotypic plasticity in animals
Moran, R.L., Jaggard, J.B., Roback, E.Y., Kenzior, A., Rohner, N., Kowalko, J.E., Ornelas-García, C.P., McGaugh, S.E. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Hybridization underlies localized trait evolution in cavefish
Porfiri, M., Zhang, P. and Peterson, S.D. (2022)
Hydrodynamic model of fish orientation in a channel flow
Lesku, J.A. and Rattenborg, N.C. (2022)
The missing cost of ecological sleep loss
Fernandes, V.F.L., Glaser, Y., Iwashita, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2022)
Evolution of left–right asymmetry in the sensory system and foraging behavior during adaptation to food‑sparse cave environments
Retaux, S., Attia, J., Blin, M., Casane, D., Espinasa, L., Hyacinthe, C., Imarazene, B., Leclercq, J., Legendre, L., Père, S., Pierre, C., Policarpo, M., Torres-Paz, J., and Simon, V. (2022)
Ten years of cavefish field studies: what have we learned?
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Legendre, L., Rode, J., Germon, I., Pavie, M., Quiviger, C., Policarpo, M., Leclercq, J., Père, S., Fumey, J., Hyacinthe, C., Ornelas-García, P., Espinasa, L., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2022)
Genetic identification and reiterated captures suggests that the Astyanax mexicanus El Pachón cavefish population is closed and declining
Boggs, T. and Gross, J.B. (2022)
Evidence of adaptation to hypoxic subterranean waters in Astyanax mexicanus.
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Corrington, C.A. (2022)
Spatial gradients and food web structure of groundwater communities
Roberts, R.J.B., Pop, S. and Prieto-Godino, L.L. (2022)
Evolution of central neural circuits: state of the art and perspectives
van der Weele, C. and Jeffery, W.R. (2022)
Cavefish develop more erythrocytes and overexpress hypoxia Inducible genes as a response to hypoxic environments
Hendrickson, D.A. and Cohen, A.E. (2022)
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)
Corrington, C.A. (2022)
Spatial gradients and food web structure of groundwater communities
Espinasa, L., Diamant, R., Mesquita, M., Lindquist, J.M., Powers, A.M. and Helmreich, J. (2022)
Laterality in cavefish: Left or right foraging behavior in Astyanax mexicanus
Soares, D. (2022)
Evolutionary insights and constraints from the nervous systems and behavior of cavefish
Kemeny, R. (2022)
Blind Mexican cave fish are developing cave-specific accents. The Mexican tetra has evolved to live in a number of dark caves – and now we know that the fish in each cave use clicks to communicate in distinct ways
Mogdans, J. (2022)
The processing of hydrodynamic stimuli with the fish lateral line system
Gross, J.B., and Powers, A.K. (2022)
Reinterpreting the work of Charles Breder: Sensory neuromasts and orbital skeleton variation in eyeless Astyanax cavefish
Olsen, L., Gluesenkamp, A., Mager, E., Coughlin, D. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Metabolic reprogramming underlies cavefish muscular endurance despite selective loss of muscle mass and contractility
Reyes Pérez, R.I. (2022)
Evolutionary development of skull morphology in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Lunsford, E.T. (2022)
Mechanisms and evolution of sensory feedback and signal transduction in lateral line hair cells
Yoshizawa, M., Balmilero-Unciano, R., Valdez, C., Lactaoen, K., Kato, J., Ito, M., Clarke, K. and Iwashita, M. (2022)
Plasticity in the expression of social affinity under the environmental interventions: spatial and dietary
Riesch, R., Curtis, A., Jourdan, J., Schlupp, I. Arias-Rodriguez, L. and Plath, M. (2022)
Two ecological gradients drive phenotypic differentiation of a cave fish over a few hundred metres
Smith, D.G. and Bowman, I.A. (2022)
The long journey of Curt Kosswig
Stanton, D., Justin, H.S. and Reitzel, A.M. (2022)
Step in time: Conservation of circadian clock genes in animal evolution
Paz, A., Holt, K., Duboué, E., Fily, Y. and Kowalko, J. (2022)
The developmental trajectory of social behavior in the Mexican cavefish
Rodríguez-Morales, R., Gonzalez, P., Guerra, Y., Crisostomo, L., Pileggi, B., Kimmel, A. and Kowalko, J. (2022)
Evolution of aggressive behaviors in the blind Mexican cavefish
Silva. P., Zavareh, P.A. and Atukorala, D. (2022)
Teleost fish as model animals to understand alcohol teratology
Leal, F. and Tabin, C.J. (2022)
Genetic basis of metabolic specializations in the Mexican cavefish
Krishnan, J., Seidel, C.W., Zhang, N., Singh, N.P., VanCampen, J., Peuß, R., Xiong, S., Kenzior, A., Li, H., Conaway. J.W. and Rohner, N. (2022)
Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory changes underlying metabolic adaptation of cavefish
Lunsford, E.T., Paz, A., Keene, A.C. and Liao, J.C. (2022)
Evolutionary convergence of a neural mechanism in the cavefish lateral line system
Campos-Filho, I.S., Gallo, J.S., Gallão, J.E., Torres, D.F., Horta, L., Carpio-Díaz, Y.M., López-Orozco, C.M., Borja-Arrieta, R., Aguiar, J.O. and Bichuette, M.E. (2022)
Unique and fragile diversity emerges from Brazilian caves – two new amphibious species of Xangoniscus Campos-Filho, Araujo and Taiti, 2014 (Oniscidea, Styloniscidae) from Serra do Ramalho karst area, state of Bahia, Brazil
Lloyd, E., Chouuk, B., Conith, A., Albertson, R.C. and Keene, A.C. (2022)
Investigating the evolution and developmental plasticity of sleep and activity patterns in Lake Malawi cichlids
Lesser, E. (2022)
Cavefish focus on which way the water flows
Pierre, C., Callebert, J., Launay, J.M. and Rétaux, S. (2022)
The enzymatic and neurochemical outcomes of a mutation in Mexican cavefish MAO reveal teleost-specific aspects of brain monoamine homeostasis
Wilkens, H. (2023)
The general significance of variability in cave regressive traits for evolution
Rajendran, N., Deng, F., Wang, Y., Kenzior, O., Krishnan, J., Biswas, T., Parmely, T., Rohner, N., Zhao, C. (2023)
Establishment, long-term maintenance, and characterization of primary liver cells from Astyanax mexicanus
Strand, S.H. (2023)
The impact of temperature on developmental morphology and LR Asymmetry in Astyanax mexicanus
Federal Register (2023)
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered species status for Toothless Blindcat and Widemouth Blindcat. A Proposed Rule by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 08/22/2023
Federal Register (2023)
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered species status for Toothless Blindcat and Widemouth Blindcat. A Proposed Rule by the Fish and Wildlife Service on 08/22/2023
Moran, R.L., Richards, E.J., Ornelas-García, C.P., Gross, J.B., Donny, A., Wiese, J., Keene, A.C., Kowalko, J.E., Rohner, N. and McGaugh, S.E. (2023)
Selection-driven trait loss in independently evolved cavefish populations
Miranda-Gamboa, R., Espinasa, L., Verde-Ramírez, M.A., Hernández-Lozano, J., Lacaille, J.L., Espinasa, M., Ornelas-García, C.P. (2023)
A new cave population of Astyanax mexicanus from Northern Sierra de El Abra, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Riesch, R. Arriaga, L.R. and Schlupp, I. (2023)
Sex-specific life-history trait expression in hybrids of a cave- and surface-dwelling fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2023)
Two rare Texas cavefish proposed for Listing under Endangered Species Act. Groundwater well uptake is primary threat increasing risk of extinction
Zhang, J.H., Long, R., Jing, Y.Y., Zhang, P., Xu, Y., Xiong, W., Zhu, Y.Q. and Luo, Y.P. (2023)
Loss of behavioral stress response in blind cavefish reduces energy expenditure
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2023)
Two rare Texas cavefish proposed for Listing under Endangered Species Act. Groundwater well uptake is primary threat increasing risk of extinction
Stowers Institute (2023)
Stowers scientists use cavefish to learn about metabolism and the evolutionary basis of being a couch potato
Lomheim, H.J., Rodas, L.R., Mulla, L., Freeborn, L., Sun, D.A., Sanders, S.A. and Protas, M.E. (2023)
Transcriptomic analysis of cave, surface, and hybrid samples of the isopod Asellus aquaticus and identification of chromosomal location of candidate genes for cave phenotype evolution
Powers, A.K., Hyacinthe, C., Riddle, M.R., Kim, Y.K., Amaismeier, A., Thiel, K., Martineau, B., Ferrante, E., Moran, R.L., McGaugh, S.E., Boggs, T.E., Gross, J.B. and Tabin, C.J. (2023)
Genetic mapping of craniofacial traits in the Mexican tetra reveals loci associated with bite differences between cave and surface fish
Aparecida de Oliveira, L., Hoyos-Benjumea, D., Zepon, T. , Bichuette, M.E. and Vieira, L. (2023)
New records of ground beetles genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritinae: Clivinini) from Brazilian caves
Yang, Y., Xu, T., Conant, G., Kishino, H., Thorne, J.L and Ji, X. (2023)
Interlocus gene conversion, Natural Selection, and Paralog Homogenization
Garduño-Sánchez, M.A.A., de Jesus-Bonilla, V., Perea, S., Miranda-Gamboa, R., Herrera- García, A., de la Maza Benignos, M. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2023)
Mitochondrial phylogeography and molecular evolution of the rhodopsin visual pigment in troglobitic populations of Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1853)
Jiménez, A.G., Nash-Braun, E. and Meyers, J.R. (2023)
Chronic thermal acclimation effects on critical thermal maxima (CTmax) and oxidative stress differences in white epaxial muscle between surface and cave morphotypes of the Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Riddle, M., Nguyen, N., Nave, M., Peuß, R., Maldonado, E., Rohner, N. and Tabin, C. (2023)
Genetic adaptation shapes gut microbiome composition in Astyanax mexicanus
Olsen, L., Krishnan, J., Banks, C., Hassan, H. and Rohner, N. (2023)
Circadian rhythm disruption is associated with skeletal muscle dysfunction within the blind Mexican cavefish
Berning, D. and Gross, J.B. (2023)
The constructive evolution of taste in Astyanax cavefish: A review.
Espinasa, L. and Lewis, K.A. (2023)
Eye convergence is evoked during larval prey capture (LPC) without visual stimulus and in blind cavefish
Espinasa, L. and Pech, A. (2023)
Biogeographical affinities of the aquatic community of Refugio Cave, a newly discovered Astyanax cave
Gil Galvez, A. (2023)
The role of Cis-Regulatory elements during evolution at different evolutionary time points
Cardozo, M.J., Sánchez-Bustamante, E. and Bovolenta, P. (2023)
Optic cup morphogenesis across species and related inborn human eye defects
Gross, J.B. and Powers, A.K. (2023)
Reinterpreting the work of Charles Breder: Sensory neuromasts and orbital skeleton variation in eyeless Astyanax cavefish
Garduño-Sánchez, M., Hernández-Lozano, J., Moran, R.L., Miranda-Gamboa, R., Gross, J.B., Rohner, N., Elliott, W.R., Miller, J., Lozano-Vilano, L., McGaugh, S.E. and Ornelas-García, C.P. (2023)
Phylogeographic relationships and morphological evolution between cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus populations (De Filippi 1853) (Actinopterygii, Characidae)
Olsen, L. plus 17 others (2023)
Metabolic reprogramming underlies cavefish muscular endurance despite loss of muscle mass and contractility
Kuball, K., Fernandes, V.F.L, Takagi, D. and Yoshizawa, M. (2023)
Blind cavefish evolved food-searching behavior without changing sensory modality compared with sighted conspecies in the dark
Lloyd, E., Privat, M., Sumbre, G., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2023)
A protocol for whole-brain Ca2+ imaging in Astyanax mexicanus, a model of comparative evolution
Espinasa, L., Pavie, M. and Rétaux, S. (2023)
Protocol for lens removal in embryonic fish and its application on the developmental effects of eye regression
Arcila, D., Rincon-Sandoval, M., Hanson, W., Hart, P.B., González, V.L., Betancur-R, R. and Bichuette, M.E. (2023)
Transcriptomic analysis of the Brazilian blind characid, Stygichthys typhlops, reveals convergent selection with Astyanax mexicanus and other cavefishes
Bucher, L. and Gross, J. (2023)
Mexican cavefish living in hypoxic environments exhibit changes in expression of oxygen-transporters
Biswas, T., Rajendran, N., Hassan, H., Zhao, C. and Rohner, N. (2023)
3D spheroid culturing of Astyanax mexicanus liver-derived cell lines recapitulates distinct transcriptomic and metabolic states of in vivo tissue environment
Staeger, S. (2023)
Investigating neuroanatomical evolution through proliferative cells in the Astyanax mexicanus
Culver, D.C., Kowalko, J.E. and Pipan, T. (2023)
Natural selection versus neutral mutation in the evolution of subterranean life: A false dichotomy?
Borowsky, R.L. (2023)
Selection maintains the phenotypic divergence of cave and surface fish
Legendre, L., Espinasa, L., Lacaille-Múzquiz, J.-L., Alaniz-Garfia, G., Ornelas-García, P. and Rétaux, S. (2023)
First record of a freshwater cave sponge (Porifera, unknown gen. and sp.) in a cave inhabited by Astyanax cavefish in the Sierra de El Abra, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Pedraza-Lara, C., Rosas-Valdez, R., Pérez-Ponce de León, G., García-Andrade, A.B. and Doadrio, I. (2023)
Multi-locus phylogeny of the catfish genus Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Siluriformes) and its systematic and evolutionary implications
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Gross, J.B., Berning, D., Phelps, A. and Luc, H. (2023)
An analysis of lateralized neural crest marker expression across development in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Pedraza-Lara, C., Rosas-Valdez, R., Pérez-Ponce de León, G., García-Andrade, A.B. and Doadrio, I. (2023)
Multi-locus phylogeny of the catfish genus Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820 (Actinopterygii, Siluriformes) and its systematic and evolutionary implications
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Atukorallaya, D., Bhatia, V. and Gonzales, J. (2023)
Divergent tooth development mechanisms of Mexican tetra fish (Astyanax mexicanus) of Pachon cave origin
Frøland Steindal, A., Yamamoto, Y. and Whitmore, D. (2023)
Blind fish have cells that see light
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Olsen, L., Hassan, H., Keaton, S. and Rohner, N. (2023)
The Mexican cavefish mount a rapid and sustained regenerative response following skeletal muscle injury
Espinasa, L., Diamant, R., Vinepinsky, E. and Espinasa, M. (2023)
Evolutionary modifications of Astyanax larval prey capture (LPC) in a dark environment
Janzen, F. (2023)
Evolutionary biogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes, Actinopterygii): The influence of habitat and landscape on gene flow and genetic diversification
Pavlova, V.V. and Krylov, V.V. (2023)
Cavefishes in chronobiological research: A narrative review.
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Perera, P.P., Guerra, D.P. and Riddle, M.R. (2023)
The Mexican Tetra, Astyanax mexicanus, as a model system in cell and developmental biology
Yang, X., Song, Y., Zhang, R., Yu, M., Guo, X., Guo, H., Du, X., Sun, S., Li, C., Mao, X., Fan, G. and Liu, X. (2023)
Unraveling the genomic features, phylogeny and genetic basis of tooth ontogenesis in Characiformes through analysis of four genomes
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Santacruz, A., Hernández-Mena, D., Miranda-Gamboa, R., Pérez-Ponce De León, G. and Ornelas-García, P. (2023)
Host-parasite interactions in perpetual darkness: Macroparasite diversity in the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus
Janzen, F.H., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., Hendrickson, D.A., Sabaj, M.H. and Blouin-Demers, G. (2023)
Phylogenetic relationships of the North American catfishes (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes): investigating the origins and parallel evolution of the troglodytic species
Casane, D., Saclier, N., Policarpo, M., François, C. and Lefébure, T. (2023)
Chapter 17. Evolutionary genomics and transcriptomics in groundwater animals
Blin, M., Valay, L., Kuratko, M., Pavie, M. and Rétaux, S. (2023)
Evolution of olfactory sensitivity, preferences and behavioral responses in Mexican cavefish: fish personality matters
Policarpo, M., Legendre, L., Germon, I., Lafargeas, P., Espinasa, L., Rétaux, S. and Casane, D. (2023)
The nature and distribution of non-functional alleles suggest only two independent events at the origins of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish populations.
Iwashita, M., Tran, A., Garcia, M., Cashon, J., Burbano, D., Salgado, V., Hasegawa, M., Balmilero‑Unciano, R., Politan, K., Wong, M., Lee, R.W.Y. and Yoshizawa, M. (2023)
Metabolic shift toward ketosis in asocial cavefish increases social‑like affinity
Baumann, D.P. and Ingalls, A. (2023)
Cryopreservation of the Mexican Tetra Astyanax mexicanus
Jiménez, A.G., Nash-Braun, E. and Meyers, J.R. (2023)
White epaxial muscle aerobic and anaerobic potential and muscle fiber structure in surface and cave morphotypes of the Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus)
Alunni, A., Pierre, C., Torres-Paz, J., Clairet, N., Langlumé, A., Pavie, M., Escoffier-Pirouelle, T., Leblanc, M., Blin, M. and Rétaux, S. (2023)
An Astyanax mexicanus mao knockout line uncovers the developmental roles of monoamine homeostasis in fish brain
Blin, M., Rétaux, S. and Torres-Paz, J. (2023)
Whole-mount multicolor fluorescent labeling by In situ hybridization in Astyanax mexicanus embryos and larvae
Batista da Silva, I., Barbosa, D.A., Kavalco, K.F., Nunes, L.R., Pasa, R. and Menegidio, F.B. (2023)
Discovery of putative long non‑coding RNAs expressed in the eyes of Astyanax mexicanus (Actinopterygii: Characidae)
Swaminathan, A., Xia, F. and Rohner, N. (2023)
From darkness to discovery: evolutionary, adaptive, and translational genetic insights from cavefish
Sifuentes-Romero, I., Ferrufino, E. and Kowalko, J.E. (2023)
Application of CRISPR-Cas9 for functional analysis in A. mexicanus
Lakhiani, R., Shanavas, S. and Melnattur, K. (2023)
Comparative biology of sleep in diverse animals
Nobrega, M.D. (2023)
Adaptation in sulfide spring fishes: experimental approaches
Lloyd, E., Kozol, R.A., Duboue, E.R. and Keene, A.C. (2023)
Immunohistochemistry and in vivo neural imaging in A. mexicanus
Castillo-Casas, J.M., Caño-Carrillo, S., Sánchez-Fernández, C., Franco, D. and Lozano-Velasco, E. (2023)
Comparative analysis of heart regeneration: Searching for the key to heal the heart—Part I: Experimental injury models to study cardiac regeneration
Perez, K.E., Guerrero, Y., Castañeda, R., Diaz, P.H., Gibson, R., Schwartz, B. and Hutchins, B.T. (2023)
Two new phreatic snails (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cochliopidae) from the Edwards and Edwards-Trinity aquifers, Texas
Hutton, P., Lloyd, E., Dotson, M. and Keene, A.C. (2023)
Sleep behavior analysis in Astyanax mexicanus
Olsen, L., Krishnan, J., Banks, C., Hassan, H. and Rohner, N. (2023)
Circadian rhythm disruption linked to skeletal muscle dysfunction in the Mexican Cavefish
Hyacinthe, C., Attia, J., Schutz, E., Lego, L., Casane, D. and Retaux, S. (2023)
Acoustic signatures in Mexican cavefish populations inhabiting different caves
Perez, K.E., Guerrero, Y., Castañeda, R., Diaz, P.H., Gibson, R., Schwartz, B. and Hutchins, B.T. (2023)
Two new phreatic snails (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cochliopidae) from the Edwards and Edwards-Trinity aquifers, Texas
Iwashita, M. and Yoshizawa, M. (2023)
A new method to analyze nonvisual-based social-like interactions in asocial cave fish
Gross, J.B., Boggs, T.E., Rétaux, S. and Torres-Paz, J. (2023)
Chapter 15. Developmental and genetic basis of troglomorphic traits in the teleost fish Astyanax mexicanus
Weinberger, M. and Riley, P.R. (2023)
Animal models to study cardiac regeneration
Boyle, M.J., Arledge, S., Thomas, B., Tomkins, J.P. and Guliuzza, R.J. (2023)
Testing the cavefish model: An organism-focused theory of biological design
Olsen, L., Alexander, R., Krishnan, J. and Rohner, N. (2023)
A generalist’s guide to quantifying swimming behavior within traditional and nontraditional teleost models
Enriquez ,M.S., Swanson, N., Putland, R.L., Tait, T., Gluesenkamp, A.G., McGaugh, S.E. and Mensinger, A.F. (2023)
Evidence for rapid divergence of sensory systems between Texas populations of the Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)
Wilkens, H. (2023)
The general significance of variability in cave regressive traits for evolution
Hyacinthe, C. (2023)
Recording acoustic behavior in Astyanax mexicanus fish: Acquisition, decryption, and interpretation
Pozo-Morales, M., Cobham, A.E., Centola, C., McKinney, M.C., Liu, P., Perazzolo, C., Lefort, A., Libert, F., Bai, H. Rohner, N. and Singh, S.P. (2024)
Starvation resistant cavefish reveal conserved mechanisms of starvation induced hepatic lipotoxicity
Cobham, A.E. and Rohner, N. (2024)
Unraveling stress resilience: Insights from adaptations to extreme environments by Astyanax mexicanus cavefish
Folgueira, M. and Clarke, J.D.W. (2024)
Telencephalic eversion in embryos and early larvae of four teleost species
Keene, A.C., Duboue, E.R., Foulkes, N.S. and Bertolucci, C. (2024)
Evolved loss of sleep and circadian rhythms in cavefish
Biswas, T., Hassan, H. and Rohner, N. (2024)
Potential role of microRNAs in regulating transcriptional profile, and sculpting development and metabolism in cavefish
Biswas T., Rajendran N., Hassan H., Li H., Zhao C. and Rohner N. (2024)
3D spheroid culturing of Astyanax mexicanus liver-derived cell lines recapitulates distinct transcriptomic and metabolic states of in vivo tissue environment.
Manning, A.E., Grunwald, H., Moran, R., Rodriguez-Morales, R., Powers, A.K., McGaugh, S. and Kowalko, J.E. (2024)
Defining the unseen: Population-specific markers for Astyanax mexicanus blind cavefish
Lunghi E. and Bilandžija H. (2024)
Telomere length and dynamics in Astyanax mexicanus cave and surface morphs
Juan, T. and Ebnicher, G. (2024)
In preprints: Shh signaling activity predicts cardiac laterality in Astyanax mexicanus populations
Rodríguez-Morales, R. (2024)
Sensing in the dark: Constructive evolution of the lateral line system in blind populations of Astyanax mexicanus
Johnson, E.S., Johnson, S.D., McNemee, R., Greenway, R., Rodriguez, L.A. and Tobler, M. (2024)
Genital evolution in the dark: characterization of male and female genitalia in cave mollies and their surface ancestors (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Kuball, K., Fernandes, V.F.L., Takagi, D. and Yoshizawa, M. (2024)
Blind cavefish evolved higher foraging responses to chemo- and mechanostimuli
Espinasa, J. and Espinasa, L. (2024)
Cavefish dorsoventral axis angle during wall swimming: laterality asymmetry
De-Kayne, R., Perry, B.W., McGowan, K.L., Landers, J., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Greenway, R., Rodríguez Peña, C.M., Tobler, M. and Kelley, J.L. (2024)
Evolutionary rate shifts in coding and regulatory regions underpin repeated adaptation to sulfidic streams in Poeciliid fishes
Nobrega, M., Greenway, R., Passow, C.N., Rodriguez, L.A. and Tobler, M. (2024)
Effects of plasticity and genetic divergence in phenotypic trait expression of sulfide spring fishes
Di Rosa, V., Frigato, E., Negrini, P., Cristiano, W., López-Olmeda, J.F., Rétaux, S., Sánchez-Vázquez, F.J., Foulkes, N.S., Bertolucci, C. (2024)
Sporadic feeding regulates robust food entrainable circadian clocks in blind cavefish
Boggs, T. (2024)
Adaptation to hypoxia in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus
Perez, K.E., Cantu, V., Saenz, V., Gibson, R., Duncan. P. and Hutchins, B. (2024)
Invertebrate diversity from deep wells of the Southern boundary of the Edwards Aquifer of southcentral Texas
Perez, K.E., Cantu, V., Saenz, V., Gibson, R., Duncan. P. and Hutchins, B. (2024)
Invertebrate diversity from deep wells of the Southern boundary of the Edwards Aquifer of southcentral Texas
Boggs, T.E. and Gross, J.B. (2024)
Gill morphology adapted to oxygen‐limited caves in Astyanax mexicanus
Alkafaween, E., Hassanat, A., Essa, E. and Elmougy, S. (2024)
CSGA: A dual population Genetic Algorithm based on Mexican Cavefish genetic diversity
Hernandez Lozano, J., Garita Alvarado, C.A., Munguia Stayer, R., Garduno Sanchez, M.A. and Ornelas Garcia, C.P. (2024)
Parallel phenotypic evolution of two independent cavefish lineages of Astyanax mexicanus (De Filippi, 1854) (Characiformes: Characidae)
Accorsi, A., Guo, L., Marshall, W.F., Mommersteeg, M.T.M. and Nakajima, Y.-I. (2024)
Extraordinary model systems for regeneration
Espinasa, L. and Espinasa, M. (20??)
Why do cavefish lose their eyes?