Journal Article
Vertebrate fauna in caves of eastern tennessee within the Appalachians karst region, USA
Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Stephen, C.D.R., Carter, E.T., Paterson, A.T., Taylor, S.J. and Engel, A.S.
Record Number:
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
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Valvasor J.W. (1689)
Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain.
Laurenti J.L. (1768)Specimen Medicum, Exhibens Synopin Reptilium Emendatam cum Experimentis circa Venena et Antidota Reptilium Austriacorum.
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Configliachi, P. and Rusconi, M. (1821)Observations on the natural history and structure of the Proteus anguinus
Configliachi, P. and Rusconi, M. (1821)Observations on the natural history and structure of the Proteus anguinus. Section 6. On
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Rusconi, M. (1837)Observations anatomiques sur la Sirene mise en parallele avec le Protee et le tetard de la Salamandre aquatique. Pavia
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Thompson, W. (1844)Notice of the blind-fish, crayfish and insects from the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
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Chauvin, M. von (1882)Vorläufige Mittheilung über die Fortpflanzung des Proteus anguineus
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Packard, A. S. (1888)The cave fauna of North America, with remarks on the anatomy of the brain and origin of the blind species
Hess, C. (1889)Beschreibung des Auges von Talpa europea und von Proteus anguineus
Dubois, P. (1890)Perception des radiations lumineuses par la peau, chez les Protée aveugles des grottes de la Carniole
Kohl, C. (1892)Auge von Proteus anguineus
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Kammerer, P. (1907)Die Fortpflanzung des Grottenolmes (Proteus anguineus Lauenti)
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Hirsch-Tabor, O. (1908)Ueber das Gehirn von Proteus anguineus
Eigenmann, C.H. (1909)Cave vertebrates of America, a study in degenerative evolution
Kammerer, P. (1912)Experimente uber Fortpflanzung Farbe, Augen und Korperreduction bei Proteus anguinus Laur.
Gadeau de Kerville, H. (1914)Note sur la régénération des pattes et de la queue chez le protée Anguillard (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
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Gadeau de Kerville, H. (1926)Note sur un Protée anguillard (Proteus anguinus Laur.) ayant vécu huit ans sans aucune nourriture
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Bolkay, Dr. St. J. (1929)Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung des Proteus anguinus Carrarae Fitzinger
Verrier, M. L. (1929)Observations sur le comportement d'un poisson cavernicole: Typhlichthys osbornii Eigenmann
Kreht, H. (1931)Faserzüge im Zentralnervensystem von Proteus anguinus
Dudich, E. (1932)Biologie der Aggteleker Tropfsteinhohle Baradla in Ungarn
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Hecht, M.K. (1957)A case of parallel evolution in salamanders
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Vandel, A. and Bouillon, M. (1959)La reproduction du Protée (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
Hadži, J. (1959)Ali je problem ploditve človeške ribice končno rešen?
Aljančič, M. (1961)Biospeleološki laboratorij v jami Tular pri Kranju
Poulson, T.L. (1961)Cave adaptation in Amblyopsid fishes
Briegleb, W. (1961)Die Spermatophore des Grottenolms
Aljančič, M. (1961)Prehrana močerila
Clay, W.M. (1962)A field manual of Kentucky fishes
Briegleb, W. (1962)Zur Biologie und Oekologie des Grottenolms (Proteus anguinus Laur. 1768)
Rosen, D.E. (1962)Comments on the relationships of the North American cave fishes of the family Amblyopsidae
Aljančič, M. (1962)Geografska razširjenost močerila (Proteus anguinus Laur.) in vprašanje njegovih ras
Pretner, E. (1962)Človeška ribica (Proteus anguinus) na Hrvatskem
Pehani, H. (1962)Novi podatki o razmnoževanju človeške ribice
Poulson, T.L. (1963)Cave adaptation in Amblyopsid fishes
Hadži, J. (1963)Nova dostignuća o životu čovječje ribice
Aljančič, M. (1963)Nova spoznanja o življenju človeške ribice
Durand, J.P. (1963)Biologie - Structure de l'oeil et de ses annexes chez la larve de Proteus anguinus
Briegleb, W. (1963)Zur Kenntnis eines Ökotops von Proteus anguinus Laur.1768 (On the knowledge of the ecotope of the Proteus anguinus Laur. 1768)
Larsen J. Jr. (1963)The cranial osteology of neotenic and transformed salamanders and its bearing on interfamilial relationships
Aljančič, M. (1964)Močeril vasuje
Aljančič, M. and Sket, B. (1964)Primer akcidentalne superregeneracije pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
Aljančič, M. (1964)Domovina človeške ribice
Hadži, J. (1965)Bemerkungen zu einigen biospeläologischen Problemen des Dinarischen Karstes
Kezer, J., Seto, T. and Pomerat, M. (1965)Cytological evidence against parallel evolution of Necturus and Proteus
Aljančič, M. (1966)Henrik Freyer in človeška ribica
Cooper, J.E. (1966)Preliminary observations on the biology of Shelta Cave, Alabama
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Brandon, R.A. (1969)Taxonomic relationship of the salamander genera Proteus and Necturus
Matjašić, J. and Sket B. (1969)Biospeleološka raziskovanja Jugoslavije v obdobju 1962. do 1967
Poulson, T.L. (1969)Population size, density and regulation in cave fishes
Aljančič, M. (1969)Contribution a la connaissance de l' écotope du Protée
Frank, S. (1969)Blind geboren ? Entwicklung und Ruckbildung des Auges bei einem blinden Hohlensalmler
Gluščević, I. (1969)Čovječja ribica u Neretvi
Gogala, M., Michieli, B. and Žener, B. (1969)Electrophysiological investigations of the reduced eye of Proteus anguinus
Cooper, J. E. (1969)Biological studies in Shelta Cave, Alabama
Vandel, A., and Durand, J.P. (1970)Le cycle vital du protée, Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Batraciens, Urodèles)
Janičić, A. (1970)Nalazište čovječje ribice (Proteus anguinus Laur.) u vrelu radobolje kod Mostar
Čučković, S. (1970)Od Prvih Nalazišta do Novijih Saznanja o Čovječijoj Ribici - Proteus anguinus Laur.
Durand, J.P. (1971)Recherches sur l'appareil visuel du protee, Proteus anguinus Laurenti, urodele hypoge
Barr, T.C. and Kuehne, R.A. (1971)Ecological studies in the Mammoth Cave System of Kentucky. II. The Ecosystem
Cooper, J. E. and Iles, A. (1971)The Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus, at the southeastern periphery of its range
Cooper, J. E. (1971)Interesting new locality records for the southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard (Pisces, Amblyopsidae)
Istenič, L. (1971)Izhodišče za Reševanje Ekološke Problematike Človeške Ribice (Proteus anguinus Laur.1768.) (Approach to the solution of the problem of the ecology of Proteus)
Cooper, J. E. and Cooper, M. R. (1971)Studies on the aquatic ecology of Shelta Cave, Huntsville, Alabama
Vornatscher, J. (1972)Seit wann ist der Grottenolm bekannt?
Cooper, J. E. and Beiter, D. P. (1972)The Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus (Pisces, Amblyopsidae), in the eastern Mississippian Plateau of kentuck
Čučković, S. (1972)Nekoliko reči o novim nalazištima čovječije ribice (Proteus anguinus)
Istenič, L. and Sojar, A. (1972)Poraba kisika pri Močerilu - Proteus anguinus (Oxygen Consumption of Proteus anguinus)
Durand, J.P. (1973)Development et involution oculaire de Proteus anguinus Laurenti Urodele cavernicole
Zener, B. (1973)The light sensitivity of the cave salamander Proteus anguinus Laur.
Thines, G. and Durand, J. (1973)Connaissances actuelles sur l'appareil sensoriel da la ligne laterale chez les vertebres cavernicoles aquatique
Pocrnjić, Z. (1973)Ontogenetske i morfofiziološke uslovljenosti termičke adaptacije urodela i njeni endkorini mahanizmi: naučno istraživački projekat
Aljančič, M. (1974)Mikrotubuli kot citoskeletni in kontraktilni elementi v eritrocitih pri vrsti Proteus anguinus Laur.
Cooper, J.E. (1974)New distributional and ecological data for Typhlichthys subterraneus (Pisces, Amblyopsidae) and subterranean Gyrinophilus (Amphibia, Plethodontidae)
Istenič L. and Sojar A. (1974)Poraba kisika pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus)
Larsen, J.H. and Guthrie, D.J. (1974)Parallelism in the Proteidae Reconsidered
Istenič, L. and Ziegler, I. (1974)Riboflavin as pigment in the skin of Proteus anguinus L.
Clay, W.M. (1975)The fishes of Kentucky
Cooper, J.E. (1975)Ecological and behavioural studies in Shelta Cave, Alabama, with emphasis on decapod crustaceans
Durand, J.P. (1976)Rudimentation des yeux chez les poissons et urodeles souterraines
Hecht, M.K. and Edwards, J.L (1976)The determination of parallel or monophyletic relationships: The Proteid salamanders a test case
Kalayil, P.K. and Clay, W.M. (1976)Immumological characteristics and relationships of tissue antigens in Amblyopsid fishes
Swofford, D.L. (1976)Genetic variability, population differentiation and biochemical relationships in the family Amblyopsidae
Durand, J.P. (1976)Recherches sur l'appareil visuel du Protee, Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodele hypoge
Durand, J.P. (1976)Ocular Development and Involution in the European Cave Salamander, Proteus anguinus Laurenti
Bechler, D.L. (1976)Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard (Pisces, Amblyopsidae) in the Jackson Plain of Tennessee
Istenič, L. (1976)Ishodišče za reševanje ekološke problematike človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus Laur. 1768)
Istenič, L. (1976)Endolimfatični organ pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laurentis, Urodela, Amphibia)
Parzefall, J. (1976)Die Rolle der chemischen Information im Verhalten des Grottenolms Proteus anguinus Laur. (Proteidae, Urodela)
Istenič L. and Bulog B. (1976)Anatomske raziskave membranskega labirinta pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodela, Amphibia)
Schatz. A., Briegleb, W., Sinapius, F. et al. (1977)Rhythmic locomotor activity of the grottenolm (Proteus anguinus Laur.) and the gold fish (Carassius spec.) measured in a mine
Sket, B. and Velkovrh, F. (1978)The discovery of Proteus-eggs (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Amphibia) in seminatural conditions
McNulty, J. A. (1978)Fine ultrastucture of the pineal organ of the troglodytic fish Typhlichyes subterraneous
Istenič, L. (1979)Pomanjkanje kisika v Putickovem jezeru Planinske jame (The oxygen deficit in Putick Lake of Planinska Jama)
Istenič, L. and Bulog, B. (1979)Strukturne diferenciacije ustno-žrelne sluznice pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
Garasic, M. (1980)Pronadjena covjecja ribica (Proteus anguinus) u podzemnoj rijeci Rokine bezdane kod Jezerana u Lici
Sojar, A. (1980)Udeležba zračnega dihanja pri preskrbi močerila (Proteus anguinus) s kisikom
Cooper, J.E. (1980)Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard Southern cavefish
Swofford, D.L., Branson, B.A. and Sievert, G.A. (1980)Genetic differentiation of cavefish populations (Amblyopsidae)
Smith, V. J. (1980)Some aspects of the life history of the southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard) in Missouri
Bechler, D.L. (1980)The evolution of agonistic behaviour in amblyopsid fishes
Parzefall, J., Durand, J. P. and Richard, B. (1980)Chemical Communication in Necturus maculosus and his cave-living relative Proteus anguinus (Proteidae, Urodela)
Rada, T. (1980)Čovječja ribica u Pincinovoj pećini kod Poreča
Duchon, K. and Lisowski, E.A. (1980)Draft environmental assessment of Lock and Dam Six, Green River Navigation Project, on Mammoth Cave National Park
Branson, B.A. (1981)Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky
Kranjec, N. (1981)Razsirjenost in variabilnost mocerila (Proteus anguinus Laurenti)
Durand, J.P. and Delay, B. (1981)Influence of temperature on the development of Proteus anguinus (Caudata: Proteidae) and relation with its habitat in the subterranean world
Paige, K. N., Tumlinson, C. R. and McDaniel, V. R. (1981)A second record of Typhlichthys subterraneus (Pisces, Amblyopsidae) from Arkansas, USA
Bechler, D.L. (1981)Behavioral studies on the Amblyopsidae; the cave, spring and swamp fish
Sojar, A., Istenič, L. and Musar, D. (1981)Udisanje vazduha i problematika uloge pluća kod Proteus (Air Inhaling and problems of the role of lungs with the Proteus)
Istenič, L. (1981)Uopštevanje hidrokemijskih parametrov pri proučavanju adaptacij pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laur.: Urodela. Amphibia)
Bechler, D.L. (1981)Agonistic behaviour in the Amblyopsidae; the cave, spring and swamp fishes
Vandike, J.E. (1981)The effects of the November 1981 liquid fertiliser pipeline break on groundwater in Phelps County, Missouri
Lisowski, E.A. and Poulson, T.L. (1981)Impacts of Lock and Dam Six on base level ecosystems in Mammoth Cave
Swofford, D.L. (1982)Genetic variability, population differentiation and biochemical relationships in the family Amblyopsidae
Durand, J.P. (1982)Donnees et hypotheses sur l'evolution des Proteidae
Lewis, J.J., Lewis, T.M. and Eckstein, J. (1982)A biological reconnaissance of a poluted cave stream: the Hidden River grounwater basin
Richard, J., Parzefal, V.J. and Durand, J.P. (1982)Communication chimique chez deux Proteidae Proteus anguinus et Necturus maculosus
Bechler, D.L. (1983)The evolution of agonistic behaviour in Amblyopsid fishes
Lisowski, E. A. (1983)Distribution, habitat and behaviour of the Kentucky cave shrimp Palaemonias ganteri Hay
Mayden, R. L. and Cross, F. B. (1983)Reevaluation of the Oklahoma records of the southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus (Amblyopsidae)
Meunier, M. (1984)Recherches morphologiques et comparatives sur le développement et l'évolution de l'appareil olfactif du Protée
Aljančič, M. (1984)Človeška ribica v dolenjskem krasu in njegovem obrobju
Dremelj, L., Istenič, L. and Kosta, L. (1984)Podatki o nekaterih težkih kovinah v tkivih proteja (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
Vandike, J.E. (1984)Hydrogeologic aspects of the November 1981 liquid fertiliser pipeline break on groundwater in the Meramec Spring recharge area, Phelps County, Missouri
Istenič, L. and Bulog, B. (1984)Some evidence for the ampullary organs in the European cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Poulson, T.L. (1985)Evolutionary reduction by neutral mutations: Plausibility arguments and data from Amblyopsid fishes and Linyphiid spiders
Pocrnjić, Z., Vuković, T., Šolaja, M. and Bahtijarević, A. (1985)Populacija čovječije ribice (Proteus anguinus, Laurenti 1768) u pećini Suvaja
Crunkilton, R. (1985)Subterranean contamination of Meramec Spring by ammonium nitrate and urea fertiliser and its implications for rare cave biota
Jones, S.R. and Taber, C.A. (1985)A range revision for western populations of the southern cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus (Amblyopsidae)
Burr, B.M. and Warren, M.L. (1986)A distributional atlas of Kentucky fishes
Aljančič, M., Habič, P. and Mihevc, A. (1986)Črni močeril iz Bele krajine [The Black olm from White Carniola]
Istenič, L. (1986)Evidence of hypoxic conditions in the habitat of the cave salamander Proteus anguinus in the Planinska Jama
Durand, J.P and Parzefall, J. (1987)Is the development of the rheotaxis in the blind cave Proteus?
Bulog, B. (1987)Ultrastructural studies of the inner ear sensory epithelia in the cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Mihevc, A. (1987)Kje in kako smo ujeli črno človeško ribico
Istenič, L. (1987)O najdbi črne človeške ribice
Durand, J.P., and Parzefall, J. (1987)Comparative study of the rheotaxis in the cave salamander Proteus anguinus and his
epigean relative Necturus maculosus (Proteidae, Urodela)
Novak, D. (1988)Gradivo za slovensko speleološko biografijo z bibliografijo
Lewis, J.J. (1988)The systematics, zoogeography and life history of the troglobitic Isopods of the Interior Plateaus of the eastern United States
Roth, A. and Schlegel, P. (1988)Behavioral evidence and supporting electrophysiological observations for electroreception in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Urodela)
Bulog, B. (1988)Surface ultrastructure of the lateral line sensory receptors in Proteus anguinus Laur. (Urodela, Amphibia)
Palunas, M.J. (1989)Life histories of the Amblyopsidae with an emphasis on reproductive cycles
Bulog, B. (1989)Differentiation of the inner ear sensory epithelia of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Bulog, B. (1989)Tectorial Structures of the lnner Ear Sensory Epithelia of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia,Caudata)
Hobbs, H.H. III and Bagley, F.M. (1989)Shelta Cave management plan
Bulog, B. (1990)Čutilni organi oktavolateralnega sistema pri proteju Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia). I Otični labirint.
Branson, B.A. (1991)The Mammoth Cave blindfish
Bulog, B. (1991)Preliminary study of the sensory organs of the Proteus sp. - black specimen (Urodela, Amphibia). The eye
Poulson, T.L. (1992)Case studies of groundwater biomonitoring in the Mammoth Cave region
Jalžić, B. (1992)Biospeleološka istraživanja na području nacionalnog parka Krka
Uiblein, F., Durand, J.P., Juberthie, C. and Parzefall, J. (1992)Predation in caves: the effects of prey immobility and darkness on the foraging behaviour of two salamanders, Euproctus asper and Proteus anguinus
Bulog, B. (1992)Ultrastructural analysis of the retina of Proteus sp. - Dark pigmented specimens (Urodela, Amphibia)
Rheams, K.F., Moser, P.H. and McGregor, S.W. (1992)Geologic, hydrologic and biologic investigations in Arrowwood, Bobcat, Matthews and Shelta caves and selected caves, Madison County, Alabama
Kovačević, T. (1992)Staništa čovječje ribice (Proteus anguinus, Laurenti, 1768) u području Male Kapele (Lika), istraživana speleoronilačkim metodama
Moser, P.H. and Rheams, K.F. (1992)Hydrogeologic investigations of Shelta and Bobcat Caves and adjoining areas, Madison County, Alabama
Poulson, T.L. (1992)The Mammoth Cave ecosystem
Schubert, A.L.S., Nielsen, C.D. and Noltie, D.B. (1993)Habitat use and gas bubble disease in southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus)
Uiblein, F. and Parzefall, J. (1993)Does the cave salamander Proteus anguinus detect mobile prey by mechanical cues?
Bulog, B. (1993)Ultrastructural analysis of the cristae ampullares of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Aljančič, M., Bulog, B., Kranjc, A., Josipovič, D., Sket, B. and Skoberne, P. (1993)Proteus – The Mysterious Ruler of Karst Darkness
Parzefall, J., Durand, J.P. and Sket, B. (1993)Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768.– Grottenolm
Wilson, M. and Robison, A. (1993)Contaminant concentrations in water and sediments from Shelta Cave
Sket, B. (1994)"Yugoslavia" (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia)
Mlinar-Cic, C. (1994)Proteus skozi objektiv. Ob šestdesetletnici PDS
Sket, B. and Arntzen, J.W. (1994)A black, non-troglomorphic amphibian from the karst of Slovenia: Proteus anguinus parkelj n. ssp. (Urodela: Proteidae)
Grillitsch, H. and Tiedemann, F. (1994)Die Grottenolm-Typen Leopold Fitzingers (Caudata: Proteidae: Proteus)
Bulog, B. (1994)Further studies of differentiation and degeneration of the inner ear sensory epithelia of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Bulog, B. (1994)Dve desetletji funkcionalno-morfoloških raziskav pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata)
McGregor, S.W., Rheams, K.F., O’Neil, P.E., Moser, P.H. and Blackwood, R. (1994)Biological, geological and hydrological investigations in Bobcat, Matthews, and Shelta caves and other selected caves in north Alabama
Bulog, B. (1994)Two decades of functional-morphological studies of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)
Schubert, A. L. S. and Noltie, D. B. (1995)Laboratory studies of substrate and microhabitat selection in southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard)
Bergstrom, D.E., Noltie, D.B. and Holtsford, T.P. (1995)Ozark cavefish genetics: The phylogeny of Missouri's Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae) and southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus)
Šolaja, M., Pocrnjić, Z. and Topalić, L.J. (1995)Problemi očuvanja populacije čovječije ribice (Proteus anguinus) u podzemnim vodama Grmeča. Bilten društva ekologa BiH
Bulog, B. (1995)Differentiation and degeneration of the inner ear sensory epithelia of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia).
Bailon, S. (1995)Presence de Mioproteus wezei Amphibia Proteidae dans le Pliocene superieur d'Europe de l'Ouest
Lewis, J.J. (1995)The devastation and recovery of caves and karst affected by industrialisation
Pearson, W.D. and Boston, C.H. (1995)Distribution and status of the Northern Cavefish, Amblyopsis spelaea: Final report to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife Program
Schlegel, P. (1995)Are electroreceptors involved in earth-magnetic field orientation?
Larson, A. (1996)The Tree of Life Web Project: Proteidae. Mudpuppies, waterdogs
Juberthie, C., Durand, D. and Dupuy, M. (1996)La reproduction des Protees (Proteus anguinus): Bilan de 35 ans D’elevage dans les grotteslaboratoires de Moulis et D’Aulignac
Schubert, A. L. S. and Noltie, D. B. (1996)Effects if feeding regime on prey consumption and weight change rate in captive southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard (Pisces: Percopsiformes: Amblyopsidae)
Arntzen, J.W. and Sket, B. (1996)Speak of the devil the taxonomic status of Proteus anguinus parkelj revisited
Aljančič, M. (1996)Ob stoletnici rojstva prof. dr. Albina Seliškarja
Kletecki, E., Jalzic, B. and Rada, T. (1996)Distribution of the Olm (Proteus anguinus, Laur.) in Croatia
Kos, M. and Bulog, B. (1996)Functional morphology of the pineal organ of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae)
Bulog, B. (1996)Ultrastructure of the endo-periotic double membrane in the inner ear of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Bulog, B. (1996)Analyses of some microelements on the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) and in its habitat
Kos, M. and Bulog, B. (1996)Pineal and retinal photoreceptors of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae)
Schlegel, P. (1996)Behavioral evidence and possible physical and physiological mechanisms for earth magnetic orientation in the europaean blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus
Schlegel, P. and Bulog, B. (1997)Population-specific behavioral electrosensitivity of the European blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata)
Schlegel, P.A. (1997)Behavioral sensitivity of the European blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus, and a Pyrenean newt, Euproctus asper, to electrical fields in water
Bergstrom, D.E., Noltie, D.B. and Holtsford, T.P. (1997)Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of the family Amblyopsidae
Green, S.M. and Romero, A. (1997)Responses to light in two blind cave fishes (Amblyopsis spelaea and Typhlichthys subterraneus) (Pisces: Amblyopsidae)
Campbell, C.W., Sullivan, S.M. and Livingston, L.R. (1997)Modeling of a cave ecosystem
Aljančič, M. (1997)Profesor Albin Seliškar in človeška ribica
Sket, B. (1997)Distribution of Proteus (Amphibia: Urodela: Proteidae) and its possible explanation
Aljančič, M. (1997)Pred dvesto leti so našli človeške ribice prvič v podzemlju
Arntzen, J.W. and Sket, B. (1997)Morphometric analysis of black and white European cave salamanders, Proteus anguinus
Jones, T.G. and Pearson, W.D. (1997)The recovery of the aquatic biological community in Hidden River Cave, Horse Cave, Kentucky
Bulog, B. (1997)Preliminary studies of microelement accumulations in the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)
Kos, M. and Bulog, B. (1997)Pineal and retinal photoreceptors of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae)
McGregor, S.W., Rheams, K.F., O’Neil, P.E., Moser, P.H. and Blackwood, R. (1997)Biological, geological and hydrological investigations in Bobcat, Matthews, and Shelta caves and other selected caves in north Alabama
Aljancic, G. and Aljancic. M (1998)Cloveska ribica (Proteus anguinus)
Bergstrom, D.E., Noltie, D.B. and Holtsford, T.P. (1998)The phylogeny, historical biogeography, and evolution of troglobitism in Amblyopsis rosae (Ozark cavefish) and Typhlichthys subterraneus (southern cavefish)
Dumas, P. and Chris, B. (1998)The olfaction in Proteus anguinus: a behavioural and cytological study
Romero, A. (1998)Threatened fishes of the world: Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1860 (Amblyopsidae)
Romero, A. (1998)Threatened fishes of the world: Amblyopsis rosae (Eigenmann, 1898) (Amblyopsidae)
Romero, A. (1998)Threatened fishes of the world: Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper and Kuehne, 1974
Romero, A. and Bennis, L. (1998)Threatened fishes of the world: Amblyopsis spelaea De Kay, 1842 (Amblyopsidae)
Elliott, W.R. (1998)Conservation of the North American cave and karst biota
Durand, J.P. (1998)Amphibia
Šolaja, M., Pocrnjić, Z. and Topalić, L. (1998)Uticaj termičke adaptacije na bazalni metabolizam Proteusa (Proteus anguinus). (Influence of thermal adaptation on the basal metabolism of Proteus)
Kos, M. and Bulog, B. (1998)The structural variability of photoreceptor cells in the pineal organ of blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela)
Pearson, W.D. and Jones, T.G. (1998)Final Report based on a faunal inventory of subterranean streams and development of a cave aquatic biological monitoring program using a modified index of biotic integrity
Shaw, T. R. (1999)Proteus for sale and for science in the 19th century
Guillaume, O., Durand, J. and Juberthie, C. (1999)Spermatophores of Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae) and Euproctus asper (Caudata, Salamandridae)
Bressi, N., Aljančič, M. and Lapini, L. (1999)Notes on presence and feeding of Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 outside caves
Culver, D.C. (1999)A history of management of biological resources of Shelta Cave, Alabama, USA
Parzefall, J., Durand, J.P. and Sket, B. (1999)Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 – Grottenolm
Aljancic, G. and Bulog, B. (1999)Earth magnetic field orientation in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Urodela) using computer analysis
Tvrtkovic, N. (1999)Cavernicole vertebrates of the Dinaric karst
Guillaume, O. (2000)Role of the chemical communication and the behavioural interactions among conspecifics in the choice of shelters by the cave dwelling Proteus anguinus L. (Caudata, Proteidae)
Weber, A. (2000)Fish and amphibia
Hervant, F., Mathieu, J. and Durand, J.P. (2000)Metabolism and circadian rhythms of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus and a facultative cave dweller, the Pyrenean newt (Euproctus asper)
Bulog, B., Bizjak Mali, L., Kos, M., Mihajl, K., Prelovšek, P. M. and Aljančič, G. (2000)Biology and functional morphology of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)
Kos, M. and Bulog, B. (2000)The ultrastructure of photoreceptor cells in the pineal organ of the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela)
Bulog, B., Schlegel, P. (2000)Functional morphology of the inner ear and underwater audiograms of Proteus anguinus
Noltie, D. B. and Wicks, C.M. (2001)How hydrogeology has shaped the ecology of Missouri's Ozark cavefish, Amblyopsis rosae, and southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus: Insights on the sightless from understanding the underground
Poulson, T. (2001)Morphological and physiological correlates of evolutionary reduction of metabolic rate among amblyopsid cave fishes
Hervant, F., Mathieu, J. and Durand, J. (2001)Behavioural, physiological and metabolic responses to long-term starvation and refeeding in a blind cave-dwelling (Proteus anguinus) and a surface-dwelling (Euproctus asper) salamander
Kos, M., Bulog, B., Szél, Á. and Röhlich, P. (2001)Immunocytochemical demonstration of visual pigments in the degenerate retinal and pineal photoreceptors of the blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus).
Hervant, F., Mathieu, J. and Durand, J.P. (2001)Circadian rhythmicity, respiration and behavior In hypogean and epigean salamanders
Hervant, F., Mathieu, J. and Durand, J.P. (2001)Reducer metabolism, low activity rate and circadian rhytmicity in Proteus anguinus, comparison with Euproctus asper
Tercafs, R. (2001)The protection of the subterranean environment: Conservation principles and management tools
Gottstein-Matocec , S. and 18 other authors (2001)Croatia
Tvrtkovic, N. (2001)Threatened fauna of Croatia
Gottstein Matočec, S., Bakran-Petricioli, T., Bedek, J., Bukovec, D., Buzjak, S., Franičević, M., Jalžić, B., Kerovec, M., Kletečki, E., Kralj, J., Kružić, P., Kučinić, M., Kuhta, M., Matočec, N., Ozimec, R., Rađa, T., Ternjen, I. and Tvrtković, N (2002)An overview of the cave and interstitial biota of Croatia
Aley, T., Ashley, D.C., Elliott, W.R., McGlimsey, M., Weaver, D. and Beard, J. (2002)Conserving Missouri's caves and karst
Bulog, B., Mihajl, K., Jeran, Z. and Toman, M.J. (2002)Trace element concentrations in the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) and the surrounding environment
Ozimec, R. and Lučić, I. (2002)Čovječja ribica (Proteus anguinus)
Kletecki, E., Jalzic, B. and Rada, T. (2002)Amphibia
Lewis, J.J. (2002)Conservation assessment for Southern cavefish (Typhlichthys subterraneus)
Racca, L., Bressi N., Dolce, S. and Giacoma, C. (2002)Studio etologico del comportamento alimentare di Proteus anguinus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela) in cattività
Bizjak Mali, L. and Bulog, B. (2002)Morphological analysis of the liver of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela) the effect of starvation on the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes
Kotrošan, D. (2002)Rasprostranjenje čovječije ribice (Proteus anguinus Laurenti 1768) na području Bosne i Hercegovine
Guillaume, O. (2002)The importance of chemical communication in the social behaviour of cave Salamanders. Comparison between a strict (Proteus anguinus L., Proteidae) and a facultative (Euproctus asper D., Salamandridae) cave dweller
Bouquerel, H. and Valet J.P. (2003)Is the Blind Cave Salamander Proteus anguinus Equipped for Magnetic Orientation?
Poly, WJ and Wetzel, JE (2003)Transbrachioral spawning: novel reproductive strategy observed for the pirate perch Aphredodereus sayanus (Aphredoderidae)
Aumiller, S.R. and Noltie, D.B. (2003)Chemoreceptive responses of the southern cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1860 (Pisces, Amblyopsidae) to conspecifics and prey
Trontelj, P. and Gorički, Š. (2003)Monophyly of the family Proteidae (Amphibia: Caudata) tested by phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 12S rDNA sequences
Dobrovoljc, K., Falnoga, I., Bulog, B., Tušek-Žnidarič, M. and Ščančar, J. (2003)Hepatic metallothioneins in two neotenic salamanders, Proteus anguinus and Necturus masculosus (Amphibia, Caudata)
Elliott, W.R. (2003)A guide to Missouri's cave life
Prelovšek, P. M. and Bulog, B. (2003)Biogenesis of melanosomes in Kupffer Cells of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
Griffiths, H.I., Krystufek, B. and Reed, J.M. (2004)Balkan biodiversity. Pattern and process in the European hotspot
Banarescu, P.M. (2004)Distribution pattern of the aquatic fauna of the Balkan peninsula
Grosse, W.R. (2004)Grottenolm – Proteus anguinus (Laurenti, 1768)
Bressi, N. (2004)Underground and unknown: updated distribution, ecological notes and conservation guidelines on the Olm Proteus anguinus anguinus in Italy (Amphibia, Proteidae)
Bulog, B. (2004)Amphibia: Proteus
Menage, S. (2004)Le Protee (Proteus anguinus Laurenti 1768): historique, mythologie, biologie et utilisation en experimentation
Weber, A. (2004)Amphibia
Poly, W.J. and Proudlove, G.S. (2004)Family Amblyopsdae Bonaparte 1846
Compson, Z.G. (2004)An isotopic examination of cave, spring and epigean trophic structures in Mammoth Cave National Park
Gams, I, (2004)Kras v Sloveniji
Bizjak Mali, L. and Bulog, B. (2004)Histology and ultrastructure of the gut epithelium of the neotenic cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)
Sket, B., Paragamian, K. and Trontelj, P. (2004)A census of the obligate subterranean fauna of the Balkan peninsula
Sket, B. (2004)Dinaric Karst: Biospeleology
Knez, M. and Slabe, T. (2005)Lithostratigraphic characteristics of the intermittent Pivka Lakes Region and Matijeva Jama Cave estavelle
Shaw, T.R. (2005)Proteus for scientists and tourists. A history of its 19th century collection and captivity
Durand, J.P. (2005)Salamanders
Romero, A. and Woodward, J.S. (2005)On white fish and black men: Did Stephen Bishop really discover the blind cave fish of Mammoth Cave
Ruhl, M (2005)Flow reversal events increase the abundance of nontroglomorphic fish in the subterranean rivers of Mammoth Cave National Park
Sket, B. (2005)Dinaric Karst, Diversity in
Gorički, Š. and Trontelj, P. (2006)Structure and evolution of the mitochondrial control region and flanking sequences in the European cave salamander Proteus anguinus
Gorički, Š. (2006)Phylogeographic and morphological analysis of European cave salamander (Proteus anguinus) populations
Sket, B. (2007)Kaj vemo in kaj si mislimo o človeški ribici. Utrinki iz zgodovine in nekaj novosti
Aljančič, M. (2007)Žiga Zois in človeška ribica
Trontelj, P., Gorički, Š., Polak, S., Verovnik, R., Zakšek, V. and Sket, B. (2007)Age estimates for some subteranean taxa and lineages in the Dinaric karst
Elliott, W.R. (2007)Zoogeography and biodiversity of Missouri cave and karst
Bulog, B. (2007)Okoljske in funkcionalno-morfološke raziskave močerila Proteus anguinus
Romero, A. and Conner, M. (2007)Status report for the southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus in Arkansas
Lanza, B., Bruschi, S. and Bressi, N. (2007)Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768
Trontelj, P., Gorički, Š., Polak, S., Verovnik, R., Zakšek, V. and Sket, B. (2007)Age estimates for some subterranean taxa and lineages in the Dinaric Karst
Mateš, A. (2008)Čovječja ribica u želucu pastrve u Dretulji
Schlegel, P.A. (2008)Magnetic and other non-visual orientation mechanisms in some cave and surface Urodeles
Niemiller, ML and Fitzpatrick, BM (2008)Phylogenetics of the Southern cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus: Implications for conservation and management
Aley, T., Aley, C., Moss, P. and Hertzler, T. (2008)Hydrogeological characteristics of delineated recharge areas for 40 biologically significant cave and spring systems in Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Illinois
Prelovšek, P. M., Bizjak Mali, L. and Bulog, B. (2008)Hepatic pigment cells of Proteidae (Amphibia, Urodela): a comparative histochemical and ultrastructural study
Aljancic, G. (2008)Jamski laboratorij Tular in cloveska ribica
Trontelj, P., Douady, C.J., Fišer, C., Gibert, J., Gorički, Š., Lefébure, T., Sket, B. and Zakšek, V. (2009)A molecular test for cryptic diversity in ground water: How large are the ranges of macro-stygobionts?
Issartel, J., Hervant, F., de Fraipont, M., Clobert, J.and Voituron, Y. (2009)High anoxia tolerance in the subterranean salamander Proteus anguinus without oxidative stress nor activation of antioxidant defenses during reoxygenation
Zhang, P. and Wake, D.B. (2009)Higher-level salamander relationships and divergence dates inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes
Schlegel, P.A., Steinfartz, S. and Bulog, B. (2009)Non-visual sensory physiology and magnetic orientation in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (and other cave-dwelling urodele species): review and new results on light-sensitivity and non-visual orientation in subterranean urodeles (Amphibia)
Arntzen, J.W., Denoël, M., Miaud, C., Andreone, F., Vogrin, M., Edgar, P. and Corti, C. (2009)Proteus anguinus
Ozimec, R., Bedek, J., Gottstein, S., Jalžić, B., Slapnik, R., Štamol, V., Bilandžija, H., Dražina, T., Kletečki, E., Komerički, A., Lukić, M. and Pavlek, M. (2009)Crvena knjiga špiljske faune Hrvatske. Ministarstvo kulture, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Republika Hrvatska, Zagreb
Bendik, N.F., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Chippindale, P.T. (2009)The biogeography and rapid radiation of central Texas neotenic salamanders
Yoshizawa, M., Soares, D., Goricki, S., Ashida, G. and Jeffery, W.R. (2009)Evolution of adaptive behaviours in the cavefish Astyanax
Jalzic, B., Lackovic, D., Rada, T. and Gottstein, S. (200x)Biospeleoloska i speleoloska istrazivanja donjeg toka rijeke Neretve
Aljancic, G. (2010)Fifty years of Tular Cave laboratory
Božič, D. (2010)Neznani sliki človeške ribice v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije v Ljubljani
Shaw, T.R. (2010)Aspects of the History of Slovene Karst (1545–2008)
Issartel, J., Voituron, Y., Guillaume, O., Clobert, J. and Hervant, F. (2010)Selection of physiological and metabolic adaptations to food deprivation in the Pyrenean
newt Calotriton asper during cave colonisation
Bizjak Mali, L., Talaber, I, Žibert, U. and Bulog, B. (2010)Oogenesis in Proteus: stages of oocyte development
Mlinar-Cic, C. (2010)The aquatic life of Postojna-Planina Cave System. Short documentary
Avguštin, G., Gramc, S., Bizjak Mali, L., Bulog, B. and Avguštin, J.A. (2010)The structure and diversity of the microbial community inhabiting the gut of the olm (Proteus anguinus)
Romero, A., Connor, M.S. and Vaughan, G.L. (2010)Population Status of the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus in Arkansas
Bizjak Mali, L. and Bulog, B. (2010)Ultrastructure of previtellogene oocytes in the neotenic cave salamander Proteus anguinus anguinus (Amphibia, Urodela, Proteidae)
Cooper, J.E. and Cooper, M.R. (2011)Observations on the biology of the endangered stygobitic shrimp Palaemonias alabamae, with notes on P. ganteri (Decapoda: Atyidae)
Niemiller, M.L. (2011)Evolution, speciation, and conservation of amblyopsid cavefishes
Dvorščak, K. (2011)Zgodovina predstavljanja človeške ribice v Postojnski jami
Trožić, E., Trožić, E. and Trožić, N. (2011)Čovječja Ribica (Proteus anguinus) u Vodama Karstnih Špilja Jelašinovačkog Polja
Voituron, Y., de Fraipont, M., Issartel, J., Guillaume, O. and Clobert, J. (2011)Extreme lifespan of the human fish (Proteus anguinus): a challenge for ageing mechanisms
Niemiller, M. L., Near, T. J. and Fitzpatrick, B. M. (2011)Delimiting species using multilocus data: Diagnosing cryptic diversity in the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys Subterraneus (Teleostei: Amblyopsidae)
Pezdirc, M., Heath, E., Mali, L.B. and Bulog, B. (2011)PCB accumulation and tissue distribution in cave salamander (Proteus anguinus
anguinus, Amphibia, Urodela) in the polluted karstic hinterland of the Krupa River,
Hudoklin, A. (2011)Are we guaranteeing the favourable status of the Proteus anguinus in the Natura 2000 network in Slovenia?
Bizjak Mali, L., Bulog, B. (2011)Follicular ovarian atresia in the olm (Proteus anguinus anguinus)
Niemiller, M.L., McCandless, J.R., Reynolds, R.G., Caddle, J., Near, T.J., Tillquist, C.R., Pearson, W.D. and Fitzpatrick, B.M. (2012)Effects of climatic and geological processes during the Pleistocene on the evolutionary history of the Northern Cavefish, Amblyopsis Spelaea (Teleostei: Amblyopsidae)
Aljancic, G. (2012)The 250th anniversary of the first scientific description of Proteus anguinus
Goricki, S., Niemiller, M.L. and Fenolio, D.B. (2012)Salamanders
Hervant, F. (2012)Starvation in subterranean species versus surface-dwelling species: Crustaceans, Fish, and Salamanders
Mulaomerović, J. and Hodžić, M. (2012)Proteus anguinus in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Middle Ages to today
Niemiller, M.L. and Fitzpatrick, B.M. (2012)Status and life history of the amblyopsid cavefishes in Kentucky
Hajna, N.Z. (2012)Dinaric Karst: Geography and geology
Sket, B. (2012)Diversity patterns in the Dinaric karst
Niemiller, M.L., Graening, G.O., Fenolio, D.B., Godwin, J.C., Cooley, J.R., Pearson, W.D., Fitzpatrick, B.M. and Near, T.J. (2013)Doomed before they are described? The need for conservation assessments of cryptic species complexes using an amblyopsid cavefish (Amblyopsidae: Typhlichthys) as a case study
Bonett, R.M., Trujano-Alvarez, A.L., Williams, M.J. and Timpe, E.K. (2013)Biogeography and body size shuffling of aquatic salamander communities on a shifting refuge
Niemiller, M.L. and Zigler, K.S. (2013)Patterns of cave biodiversity and endemism in the Appalachians and interior plateau of Tennessee
Niemiller, M.L., Higgs, D.M. and Soares, D. (2013)Evidence for hearing loss in amblyopsid cavefishes
Bizjak Mali, L., Talaber, I, Žibert, U., Ceket, D., Habič, L. and Bulog, B. (2013)Oogenesis of the olm
Mulaomerović, J. (2013)Proteus(i) na stećcima
Niemiller, M.L., Fitzpatrick, B.M., Shah, P., Schmitz, L. and Near, T.J. (2013)Evidence for repeated loss of selective constraint in rhodopsin of amblyopsid cavefishes (Teleostei: Amblyopsidae)
Ivanović, A., Aljančič, G. and Arntzen, J.W. (2013)Skull shape differentiation of black and white olms (Proteus anguinus anguinus and Proteus a. parkelj): An exploratory analysis with micro-CT scanning
Niemiller, M.L. and Fitzpatrick, B.M. (2013)Status, life history, and phylogenetics of amblyopsid cavefishes in Kentucky
Bilandžija, H., Morton, B., Podnar, M. and Cetkovic, H. (2013)Evolutionary history of relict Congeria (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): unearthing the subterranean biodiversity of the Dinaric Karst.
Koller, K. (2013)Rasprostranjenost i zaštita vrste Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 u Hrvatskoj
Morton, B. and Puljas, S. (2013)Life-history strategy, with ctenidial and pallial larval brooding, of the troglodytic ‘living fossil’ Congeria kusceri (Bivalvia:Dreissenidae) from the subterranean Dinaric Alpine karst of Croatia
Friedrich, M. (2013)Biological clocks and visual systems in cave-adapted animals at the dawn of speleogenomics
Manenti, R. and Ficetola, G.F. (2013)Salamanders breeding in subterranean habitats: local adaptations or behavioural plasticity?
Miller, C. (2013)Ecosystem disturbance and recovery in Shelta Cave
Bizjak Mali, L., Sepčić, K. and Bulog, B. (2013)Long-term starvation in cave salamander effects on liver ultrastructure and energy reserve mobilization
Aljancic, G., Goricki, S., Kuntner, M., Merslyakov, L., Naparus-Aljancic, M., Pavicevic, M. and Stankovic, D. (2014)Endagered Proteus: combining DNA and GIS analyses fot its conservation
Aljančič, G., Gorički, Š., Kuntner, M., Merzlyakov, L., Năpăruş-Aljančič, M., Pavićević, M. and Stanković, D. (2014)A survey of the distribution of Proteus anguinus by environmental DNA sampling
Soares, D. Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D. (2014)Review article. Hearing and acoustic communication in cavefishes
Venarsky, M.P., Huntsman, B.M., Huryn, A.D., Benstead, J.P. and Kuhajda, B.R. (2014)Quantitative food web analysis supports the energy‑limitation hypothesis in cave stream ecosystems
Kovac, L, Elhottova, D, Mock, A, Novakova, A, Kristufek, V, Chronakova, A, Lukesova, A, Mulec, J, Kosel, V, Papac, V, Luptacik, P, Uhrin, M, Visnovska, Z, Hudec, I, Gaal, L and Bella, P (2014)The cave biota of Slovakia
Jelić, D. et al. (2014)A survival blueprint for Olm, Proteus anguinus
Jelić, D., Kuljerić, M., Koren, T., Treer, D., Šalamon, D., Lončar, M., Podnar Lešić, M., Janev Hutinec, B., Bogdanović, T., Mekinić, S. and Jelić, K. (2015)Crvena knjiga vodozemaca i gmazova Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode
Sessions, S., Bulog, B. and Mali, L.B. (2015)The phoenix rises: Reversal of cave adaptations in the blind cave salamander, Proteus anguinus?
Balázs, G., Lewarne, B. and Herczeg, G. (2015)In situ Underwater Tagging of Aquatic Organisms: A Test Using the Cave-Dwelling Olm, Proteus anguinus
Lewis, J.J., Lewis, S. and Nims, P. (2015)Observations on the ecosystem of Hidden River Cave bioinventory: Community cencus and water quality analysis
Jurkovsek, B., Biolchi, S., Furlani, S., Kolar-Jurkovsek, T., Zini, L., Jez, J., Tunis, G., Bavec, M. and Cucchi, F. (2016)Geology of the Classical Karst Region (SW Slovenia–NE Italy)
Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Stephen, C.D.R., Carter, E.T., Paterson, A.T., Taylor, S.J. and Engel, A.S. (2016)Vertebrate fauna in caves of eastern tennessee within the Appalachians karst region, USA
Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Stephen, C.D.R., Carter, E.T., Paterson, A.T., Taylor, S.J. and Engel, A.S. (2016)Vertebrate fauna in caves of eastern tennessee within the Appalachians karst region, USA
Soares, D., Niemiller, M.L. and Higgs, D.M. (2016)Hearing in Cavefishes
Mlinar-Cic, C. (2016)Vodni krog – kratek film o soodvisnosti človeške ribice in človeka od čiste podzemne vode
Sessions, S.K., Bizjak Mali, L., Green, D.M., Trifonov, V. and Ferguson-Smith, M. (2016)Evidence for sex chromosome turnover in proteid salamanders
Trontelj, P. and Zakšek, V. (2016)Genetic monitoring of Proteus populations
Prelovšek, M. (2016)Proteus survival close to an industrial, agricultural and urbanized basin - the case of Kočevsko polje
Knolle, F., Puffe, B. and Ipsen, A. (2016)85 Jahre Grottenolme in der Hermannshöhle in Rübeland – Geschichte und Ausblick
Pennisi, E. (2016)Tracking the Slovenian dragon
Bizjak Mali. L. and Bulog, B. (2016)Functional morphology and environmental studies on Proteus
Hart, PB (2016)Diversity and conservation of the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus
Armbruster, J., Niemiller, M.L. and Hart, P.B. (2016)Morphological evolution of the cave-, spring-, and swampfishes of the Amblyopsidae
Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Hart, P.B., Kuhajda, B.R., Armbruster, J., Ayala, B.N. and Engel, A.S. (2016)First definitive record of a stygobiotic fish (Percopsiformes, Amblyopsidae, Typhlichthys) from the Appalachians karst region in the eastern United States
Aljancic, G. and Aljancic. M (2016)International workshop. SOS Proteus: Implementation of mnitoring and practical actions for the conservation of Proteus in Slovenia
Aljancic, G., Aljancic. M. and Golob, Z. (2016)Salvaging the washed-out Proteus
Bizjak Mali, L., Dolenc-Batagelj, K., Gnezda, P., Weldt, S. and Sessions, S. (2017)Moving away from the ''cave lab paradigm'': successful captive breeding and raising of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus using ''optimal artificial'' conditions
Gredar, T. and Bizjak Mali, L. (2017)A non-destructive approach for monitoring the health status in the European Blind Cave Salamander, Proteus anguinus: Differential counts of white blood cells from blood smears
Kostanjšek, R., Gunde Cimerman, N. and Bizjak Mali, L. (2017)Microbial and parasitic threats to Proteus
Aljancic, G. (2017)Trideset let od odkritja crne cloveske ribice
Sket, B. (2017)Discovering the black proteus Proteus anguinus parkelj (Amphibia Caudata)
Zakšek, V. and Trontelj, P. (2017)Conservation genetics of Proteus in the Postojna-Planina Cave System
Malmstrøm, M., Matschiner, M., Tørresen, O.K., Jakobsen K.S. and Jentoft, S. (2017)Whole genome sequencing data and de novo draft assemblies for 66 teleost species
Toomey, R.., Hobbs, H.H. and Olson, R.A. (2017)An orientation to Mammoth Cave and this volume
White, W.B. and White, E.L. (2017)Hydrology and hydrogeology of Mammoth Cave
Poulson, T.L. (2017)Terrestrial cave ecology of the Mammoth Cave region
Trontelj, P. and Zakšek, V. (2017)A leap forward in the conservation genetics of Proteus populations
Soares, D., Adams, R., Hammond, S., Slay, M.E., Fenolio, D.B. and Niemiller, M.L. (2017)Evolution of coprophagy and nutrient absorption in a cave salamander
Helf, K. and Olson, R.A. (2017)Subsurface aquatic ecology of Mammoth Cave
Culver, D.C. and Hobbs, H.H. (2017)Biodiversity of Mammoth Cave
Hobbs, H.H., Olson, R., Winkler, E.G. and Culver, D.C. (2017)Mammoth Cave: A Human and Natural History
Fišer, Ž., Naparus-Aljancic, M., Zakšek, V. and Aljancic, G. (2017)The utility of non-genetic data collected during genetic monitoring of Proteus populations
Gredar, T. and Bizjak Mali, L. (2017)Cultivation and morphology of blood cells of the olm Proteus anguinus
Gorički, S., Stanković, D., Snoj, A., Kuntner, M., Jeffery, W.R., Trontelj, P., Pavićević, M., Grizelj, Z., Năpăruş-Aljančič, M. and Aljančič, G. (2017)Environmental DNA in subterranean biology: range extension and taxonomic implications for Proteus
Vörös, J., Márton, O., Schmidt, B.R., Gál, J.T., & Jelić, D. (2017)Surveying Europe's only cave-dwelling chordate species (Proteus anguinus) using environmental DNA.
Hudoklin, A. and Aljancic, G. (2017)Pregled razširjenosti človeške ribice ter njenega odkrivanja na nizkem dolenjskem krasu
Bizjak-Mali, L. (2017)Variability of testes morphology and the presence of testis-ova in the European blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus)
Năpăruș-Aljančič, M., Gorički, Š., Stanković, D., Kuntner, M. and Aljančič, G. (2017)GIS analysis to assess the groundwater habitat pollution of black proteus
Ipsen, A. and Knolle, F. (2017)The olm of Hermann’s Cave, Harz Mountains, Germany – eggs laid after more than 80 years
Burress, P.B.H., Burress, E.D. and Armbruster, J. (2017)Body shape variation within the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus (Percopsiformes: Amblyopsidae)
Holtze, S., Lukac, M., Cizelj, I., Mutschmann, F., Szentiks, C.A., Jelic, D., Hermes, R., Göritz, F., Braude, S. and Hildebrandt, T.B. (2017)Monitoring health and reproductive status of olms (Proteus anguinus) by ultrasound
Balázs, G. and Lewarne, B. (2017)Observations on the olm Proteus anguinus population of the Vrelo Vruljak System (Eastern Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Barzaghi, B., Ficetola, G.F., Pennati, R. and Manenti, R. (2017)Biphasic predators provide biomass subsidies in small freshwater habitats: A case study of spring and cave pools
Kostanjšek, R., Prodan, Y. and Trontelj, P. (2017)Comparative analysis of skin bacteriome from four natural populations of Proteus anguinus in Slovenia
Aljancic, G., Aljancic. M. and Trontelj, P. (2017)Second International meeting SOS Proteus. Conservation of the black Proteus and its habitat - 30 years after its discovery
Kovač Konrad, P. and Šarić, K.K. (2017)The deepest finding of an olm (Proteus anguinus): Zagorska peć, Ogulin, Croatia
Bonacci, O. (2017)Karst Hydrology : With Special Reference to the Dinaric Karst
Lewarne, B. (2018)Estavela "Hadžiahmetovića Bunar“ (Mostaći): An example of urgent unilateral protection and conservation of an endangered Proteus habitat location in the Trebišnjica River basin
Grosse, W. R., Ipsen, A., Guillaume, O. and Aljančič, G. (2018)Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 – Cave salamander
Gladstone, N.S., Carter, E.T., Niemiller, K.D.K., Hayter, L.E. and Niemiller, M.L. (2018)A new maximum body size record for the Berry Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus) and genus Gyrinophilus (Caudata, Plethodontidae) with a comment on body size in plethodontid salamanders
O’Dell, G.A. and George, A.I. (2018)The celebrated black explorer Stephen Bishop and Mammoth Cave: Observations by an English journalist in 1853
Bizjak Mali, L., Zalar, P., Turk, M., Novak Babic, M., Kostanjšek, R. and Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2018)Opportunistic fungal pathogens isolated from a captive individual of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus
Kirn, T. (2018)Finds of washed-out Proteus from the Pivka intermittent lakes and the Pivka river.
Ponta, G.M.L., McGregor, S.W. and Jones, S.W. (2018)Hydrogeological assessment of Key Cave, Lauderdale County, Alabama
Gredar, T., Prša, P. and Bizjak Mali, L. (2018)Comparative analysis of hematological parameters in wild and captive Proteus anguinus.
Vörös, J., Ursenbacher, S. and Jelić, D. (2018)Population genetic analyses using 10 new polymorphic microsatellite loci confirms genetic subdivision within the olm, Proteus anguinus
Jelic, D. (2018)Croatia.Cave Fauna. IX 1. Cave aquatic fauna
Zakšek, V., Konec, M. and Trontelj, P. (2018)First microsatellite data on Proteus anguinus reveal weak genetic structure between the caves of Postojna and Planina
Aljančič, G., Năpăruş-Aljančič, M. and Debevec, V. (2018)Third International meeting SOS Proteus: »Conservation of proteus and its habitat – 250 years after its scientific description
Aljancic, G. (2019)Slovenia - A brief historical review of research
Saric, K.K., Jalzic, B. and Jelic, D. (2019)Croatia - a brief historical review of research
Saric, K.K. (2019)Montenegro - a brief historical review of research
Saric, K.K. and Jelic, D. (2019)Structure and anatomy
Saric, K.K. and Jelic, D. (2019)Physiology
Saric, K.K. and Aljancic, G. (2019)Reproductive biology
Konrad, P.K. and Saric, K.K. (2019)Appendix 1. Introduction to Proteus research in Croatia as a part of a project "Karst - the Dinaric Arc karst biodiversity conservation programme"
Budic, M. (2019)The Dinaric Karst phenomenon
Bozic, V. (2019)Speleological research in Croatia
Konrad, P.K., Jelic, D., Jalzik, B. and Jalzic, V. (2019)Appendix 1. Cave system Rupecia-Smitovo Lake
Hajna, N.Z. (2019)Dinaric karst - Geography and geology
Konrad, P.K. and Cukusic, I. (2019)Cave diving in Croatia
Brancelj, A., Mori, N., Treu, F. and Stoch, F. (2019)The groundwater fauna of the Classical Karst: hydrogeological indicators and descriptors
Bedek, J. and Lukic, M. (2019)Speleobiological research on invertebrates in Croatia
Basara, D., Cvitanovic, H. and Saric, K.K. (2019)Speleological publications
Jelic, D. and Saric, K.K. (2019)Introduction
Sremac, J. and Karaica, B. (2019)Evolution and phylogenetic relationships
Amin, O.M., Heckmann, R.A., Fišer, Ž., Zakšek, V., Herlyn, H. and Kostanjšek, R. (2019)Description of Acanthocephalus anguillae balkanicus subsp. n. (Acanthocephala:
Echinorhynchidae) from Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Amphibia: Proteidae) and the cave ecomorph of Asellus aquaticus (Crustaca: Asellidae) in Slovenia
Gorički, Š., Niemiller, M.L., Fenolio, D.B. and Gluesenkamp, AG. (2019)Salamanders
Kolar, B. (2019)The threshold concentration for nitrate in groundwater as a habitat of Proteus anguinus
Niemiller, M.L., Taylor, S.J., Slay, M.E. and Hobbs, H.H. III (2019)Biodiversity in the United States and Canada
Trimboli, S.R. and Toomey, R.S. (2019)Temperature and reverse-flow patterns of the River Styx, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
Gredar, T., Leonardi, A., Novak, M., Sepcic, K., Bizjak- Mali, L., Križaj, I. and Kostanjšek, R. (2019)Vitellogenin in the European cave salamander, Proteus anguinus: Its characterization and dynamics in a captive female as a basis for non-destructive sex identification
Holtze, S., Lukac, M., Cizelj, I., Mutschmann, F., Szentiks, C.A., Jelic, D., hermes, R., Goritz, F., Braude, S. and Hilderbtandt, T.B. (2019)Appendix 5. Ultrasonography as a method for monitoring health and reproductive conditions of Proteus
Lewarne, B. and Balázs, G. (2019)Bosnia and Herzegovina - a brief historical review of research
Balazs, G., Lewarne, B. and Herczeg, G. (2019)Appendix 2. CMR (Capture-Mark-Recapture) study of Proteus anguinus in Vruljak I Cave (Bosnia and Herzegovina - RS)
Aljančič, G. (2019)History of research on Proteus anguinus Laurenti 1768 in Slovenia
Šarić, K.K., Jelić, D., Konrad, P.K. and Jalžić, B. (2019)Proteus
Kostanjšek, R., Prodan, Y., Stres, B. and Trontelj, P. (2019)Composition of the cutaneous bacterial community of a cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus
Saric, K.K. and Jelic, D. (2019)Proteus anguinus species
Saric, K.K. (2019)Habitat
Sket, B. (2019)Proteus' co-residents
Ficetola, G.F., Manenti, R. and Taberlet, P. (2019)Environmental DNA and metabarcoding for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles: Species distribution, the microbiome, and much more
Saric, K.K., Jelic, D. and Aljancic, G. (2019)A brief historical review of Proteus research in the Dinaric Karst
Saric, K.K. (2019)Species distribution - Introduction
Bressi, N. (2019)Italy - A brief historical review of research
Aljancic, G., Golob, Z., Naparus-Aljancic, M., Turk, T. Kibib, N., Vek, M., Kostanjsek, R. and Grunde-Cimerman, N. (2019)Mitigating the potential risk of chytridiomtcete fungi and ranavirus infection at the sanctuary for injured Proteus (Proteus anguinus) of the Tular cave laboratory
Mouser, J. (2019)Examining occurrence, life history, and ecology of cavefishes and cave crayfishes using both traditional and novel approaches
Anonymous (2020)Books received - Proteus edited by Šarić, Jelić, Konrad, and Jalžić (2019)
Zigler, K.S., Niemiller, M.L., Stephen, C.D.R., Ayala, B.N. Milne, M.A., Gladstone, N.S., Engel, A.S., Jensen, J.B., Camp, C.D., Ozier, J.C. and Cressler, A. (2020)Biodiversity from caves and other subterranean habitats of Georgia, USA
Lewarne, B. and Balázs, G. (2020)Observed air-breathing behaviour of Proteus anguinus individuals under an intermittent hypoxic scenario in their natural habitat, with details of the prevailing environmental conditions
Lewarne, B. and Allain, S.J.R. (2020)The unnatural history of cave olms Proteus anguinus in England
Groves, C., White, W. ,White, B., Palmer, A. and Palmer, P. (2020)Karst hydrogeology of Mammoth Cave National Park: Why is the world’s longest known cave here?
Helf, K., Olson, R. and Toomey, R. (2020)Mammoth Cave Ecology
White, W.B. (2020)A blueprint for the assessment of inorganic carbon flow paths in the Great Onyx groundwater basin, Mammoth Cave National Park
Ponta, G.M.L., McGregor, S.W. and Blackwood, R. (2020)Time series hydrologic monitoring within karst aquifers of Key Cave and Cathedral Caverns, Alabama
Ponta, G. (2020)Monitoring karst aquifers in north Alabama for the protection of sensitive aquatic biota
Manenti, R., Melotto, A., Guillaume, O., Ficetola, G. F. and Lunghi, E. (2020)Switching from mesopredator to apex predator: how do responses vary in amphibians adapted to cave living?
Williams, J., Groves, C. and Bledsoe, L.A. (2020)In-cave tracing to measure discharge in the Great Onyx flow system, Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky
Adams, G.L., Burr, B.M. and Warren, M.L. (2020)Amblyopsidae: Cavefishes
Hart, P.B., Niemiller, M.L., Burress, E.D., Armbruster, J.W., Ludt, W.B. and Chakrabarty, P. (2020)Cave-adapted evolution in the North American Amblyopsid fishes Inferred using phylogenomics and geometric morphometrics
Holler Jr., C., Mays, J.D., and Niemiller, M.L (2020)The fauna of caves and other subterranean habitats of North Carolina, USA
Soares, D., and Niemiller, M.L. (2020)Variation in cephalic neuromasts surface and cave-dwelling fishes of the family Amblyopsidae
(Teleostei: Percopsiformes)
Balázs, G., Lewarne, B. and Herczeg, G. (2020)Extreme site fidelity of the olm (Proteus anguinus) revealed by a long-term capture–mark–recapture study
Li. Z., Verbrugghe, E., Konstanjšek, R., Lukač, M., Pasmans, .F, Cizelj., I. and Martel, A. (2020)Dampened virulence and limited proliferation of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans during subclinical infection of the troglobiont olm (Proteus anguinus)
Gredar, T. (2020)Development of non-destructive approaches for sex identification in the Proteus (Proteus anguinus, Urodela, Amphibia)
Mulec, J. (2020)Interview with Rok Kotanjšek and Nina Gunde-Cimerman. Welcome to the -omics era of the 21st century: will Proteus anguinus finally reveal all its mysteries?
Garasic, M. (2021)The Dinaric Karst System of Croatia. Speleology and Cave Exploration
Kostanjšek, R., Turk, M., Vek, M., Gutierrez-Aguirre, I. and Gunde Cimerman, N. (2021)First screening for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, B. salamandrivorans and Ranavirus infections in wild and captive amphibians in Slovenia
Bledsoe, L.A., Groves, C. and Toomey, R. (2021)The Mammoth Cave National Park world heritage site
Lučić, I. (2021)Interview with Boris Sket: Nothing has a sense in speleobiology, without a comparison of cave animals with the 'normal' epigean ones
Mouser, J.B., Brewer, S.K., Niemiller, M.L., Mollenhauer, R. and Van Den Bussche, R.A. (2021)Refining sampling protocols for cavefishes and cave crayfishes to account for environmental variation
Niemiller, M.L., Helf, K. and Toomey, R.S. (2021)Mammoth Cave: A hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in the United States
Whittaker, K. and Koo, M.S. (2021)Proteus anguinus: Olm
Zalar, P., Gubenšek, A., Gostinˇcar, C., Kostanjšek, R., Bizjak-Mali, L. and Gunde-Cimerman, N. (2022)Cultivable skin mycobiota of healthy and diseased blind cave salamander (Proteus anguinus)
Kostanjšek, R. et al. (2022)Towards the massive genome of Proteus anguinus, illuminating longevity, regeneration, convergent evolution and metabolic disorders
Mouser, J.B., Brewer, S.K., Niemiller, M.L., Mollenhauer, R. and Van Den Bussche, R.A. (2022)Lithology and disturbance drive cavefish and cave crayfish occurrence in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion
Guillaume, O. (2022)The cave salamander Proteus anguinus in captivity in Moulis, France for the scientific research
Barzaghi, B., Ficetola, F.G., Mauri, E., Restaino, M., Lombardi, B. and Manenti, R. (2022)Preliminary study on differences characterizes the populations of olm (Proteus anguinus) in cave and those found in epigean environment
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Fenolio, D.B., Gluesenkamp, A.G. and Phillips, J.G. (2022)Subterranean colonisation and diversification of cave-dwelling salamanders
Niemiller, M.L., Carter, E.T., Gladstone, N.S., Niemiller, K.D.K., Hayter, L.E., Engel, A.S., Miller, B.T., and Fitzpatrick, B.M. (2022)The distribution, ecology, life history, and conservation status of the Berry Cave salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus)
Premate, E., Fišer, Ž., Kuralt, Ž., Pekolj, A., Trajbarič, T., Milavc, E., Hanc. Ž. and Kostanjšek ,R. (2022)Behavioral observations of the olm (Proteus anguinus) in a karst spring via direct observations and camera trapping
Guillaume O. (2022)Surface newt Calotriton asper acclimation to cave conditions improved their foraging
ability in darkness
Mouser, J. (2022)Lithology and disturbance drive cavefish and cave crayfish occurrence in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion
Dooley, K.E., Niemiller, K.D.K., Sturm, N. and Niemiller, M.L. (2022)Rediscovery and phylogenetic analysis of the Shelta Cave Crayfish (Orconectes sheltae Cooper and Cooper, 1997), a decapod (Decapoda, Cambaridae) endemic to Shelta Cave in northern Alabama, USA
Flack, A. (2022)Dark degenerations: Life, light, and transformation beneath the Earth, 1840–circa 1900
Tesarová, M., Mancini, L., Mauri, E., Aljancic, G., Naparus-Aljancic, M., Kostanjšek, R., Mali, L.B., Zikmund, T., Kaucká, M., Papi, F., Goyens, J., Bouchnita, A., Hellander, A. (2022)Living in darkness: Exploring adaptation of Proteus anguinus in 3 dimensions by X-ray imaging
Perrin, C. and Guillaume, O. (2022)The Moulis Cave (Ariège, S. France): from the CNRS Subterranean Laboratory to a Karst-and-Cave scientific platform
Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Hinkle, A., Stephen, C.D.R., Cramphorn, B., Higgs, J. Mann, N., Miller, B.T., Niemiller, K.D.K., Smallwood, K. and Hardy, J. (2023)The Crystal-Wonder cave system: A new hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in the southern Cumberland Plateau of south-central Tennessee, USA
Recknagel, H., Zakšek, V., Delić, T., Gorički, S. and Trontelj, P. (2023)Multiple transitions between realms shape relict lineages of Proteus cave salamanders
McAllister, C.T., Fenolio, D.B., Slay, M.E., and Cloutman, D.G. (2023)First parasites (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae; Trematoda:Digenea: Clinostomidae) reported from the threatened Ozark Cavefish, Troglichthys rosae (Percopsiformes:Amblyopsidae), from Arkansas, U.S.A., with a summary of the parasites of North American cavefishes
Kostanjsek, R., Zaksek, V., Bizjak-Mali, L. and Trontelj, P. (2023)Chapter 13. The olm (Proteus anguinus), a flagship groundwater species
Cecil, M. (2023)Hydrological dynamics of surface-groundwater interactions between major springs of Mammoth Cave and the Green River, Kentucky, USA
Di Lorenzo, T., Avramov, M., Galassi, D.M.P., Iepure, S., Mammola, S., Reboleira, A.S.P.S and Hervant, F. (2023)Chapter 20. Physiological tolerance and ecotoxicological constraints of groundwater fauna
Niemiller, M.L., Slay, M.E., Inebnit, T., Miller, B., Tobin, B., Cramphorn, B., Hinkle, A., Jones, B.D., Mann, N., Niemiller, K.D.K. and Pitts, S. (2023)Fern Cave: A hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in the Interior Low Plateau karst region of Alabama in the southeastern United States
Peter Kozel, P., Novak, T., Janžekovič, F. and Lipovšek, S. (2023)Starvation hardiness as preadaptation for life in subterranean habitats
Barzaghi, B. (2023)Between light and darkness: The round-trip of surface and subterranean animals
Aljančič, G., Machidon, Octavian-Mihai, Năpăruş-Aljančič, M., Machidon, A.L. and Pipan, T., (2023)Challenges and preliminary results in building virtual laboratories to monitor Proteus anguinus and its karst groundwater habitat
Hart, P.B., Niemiller, M.L., Armbruster, J.W. and Chakrabarty, P. (2023)Conservation implications for the world’s most widely distributed cavefish species complex based on population genomics (Typhlichthys, Percopsiformes)
Lewarne, B. and Allain, S.J.R. (2023)Attempted predation of a cave olm Proteus anguinus by a dice water snake Natrix tessellata, in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ravbar, N., Viršek, D. and Năpăruş-Aljančič, M. (2023)New locality of Proteus anguinus in the area of the Tabor Ridge near Grosuplje, central Slovenia
Petrescu-Mag, V. (2023)The olm (Proteus anguinus) and cave life
Voituron, Y., Guillaume, O., Dumet, A., Zahn. S and Criscuolo, F. (2023)Temperature-independent telomere lengthening with age in the long-lived human fish (Proteus anguinus)
Scapolatiello, A., Grgić, M., Greco, S., Puljas, S., Bilandžija, H. and Gerdol,M. (2024)Congeria in the Dinaric Karst: Conservation and scientific study of a unique cavedwelling bivalve genus
IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2024)Amphibian conservation action plan: A status review and roadmap for global amphibian conservation
Hoover, H., Manenti, R. and Melotto, A. (2024)The role of experience in the visual and non-visual prey recognition of Fire Salamander populations from caves and streams
Di Lorenzo, T., Mori, M. and Simčič, T. (2024)Metabolic rates of groundwater species as a function of body mass and temperature
Di Lorenzo, T., Mori, N. and Simčič, T. (2024)Dataset for “Metabolic rates of groundwater species as a function of body mass and temperature”
Gredar, T., Šarac, A., Prša, P., Fišer, Z., Kostanjšek, R. and Bizjak Mali, L. (2024)Morphology and differential counts of blood cells as important health indicators in the olm, Proteus anguinus
Manenti, R., Di Nicola, M.R., Zampieri, V., Grassi, G., Creanza, T., Mauri, E., Ficetola G.F. and Barzaghi, B. (2024)Wandering outside of the Styx: Surface activity of an iconic subterranean vertebrate, the olm (Proteus anguinus)
Manenti, R., Vinci, L., Barzaghi, B., Lombardi, B., Teodoro, C., Baglioni, L., Melotto, A. and Francesco Ficetola, G. (2024)Sit-and-wait foraging is not enough in food-deprived environments: evidence from groundwater and salamanders
Anonymous (2024)Wikipedia: Olm
Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., Mrgić, J., Petrić, H., Zorn, M. and Zwitter, Z. (2024)Environmental histories of the Dinaric Karst
Manenti, R., Zampieri, V., Pacinotti, G., Cassarino, F., Galbiati, M., Lapadula, S., Gajdošová, M., Messina, V., Balestra, V., Falaschi, M., Ficetola, G.F., Barzaghi, B. (2025)Back from the underworld: the exploitation of spring habitats by stygobiont species